Balanus tintinnabulum, var. communis.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. communis.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. validus.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. coccopoma.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. concinnus.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. validus.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. zebra.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. crispatus.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. spinosus.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. occator.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. d'Orbignii.

George Sowerby.


Plate II.

Balanus tintinnabulum, var. communis, scutum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. occator, scutum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. communis, scutum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. communis, scutum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. communis, scutum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. coccopoma, scutum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. concinnus, scutum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. vesiculosus, scutum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. communis, tergum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. communis, tergum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. coccopoma, tergum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. d'Orbignii, tergum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. d'Orbignii, tergum.
Balanus tintinnabulum, var. coccopoma, tergum.
Balanus tulipiformis, scutum.
Balanus tulipformis, tergum.
Balanus tulipformis, scutum.
Balanus tulipformis, tergum.
Balanus psittacus, scutum.
Balanus psittacus, tergum.
Balanus psittacus, scutum.
Balanus psittacus, tergum.
Balanus Capensis, scutum.
Balanus Capensis, tergum.
Balanus nigrescens, scutum.
Balanus nigrescens, tergum.
Balanus decorus, scutum.
Balanus decorus, tergum.
Balanus vinaceus, scutum.
Balanus vinaceus, scutum.
Balanus vinaceus, tergum.
Balanus vinaceus.

George Sowerby.


Plate III.

Balanus Ajax.
Balanus Ajax, scutum.
Balanus Ajax, tergum.
Balanus Ajax, scutum.
Balanus stultus, scutum.
Balanus stultus, tergum.
Balanus stultus, scutum.
Balanus stultus, tergum. (See transcriber's notes.)
Balanus calceolus.
Balanus calceolus, variety.
Balanus calceolus, scutum.
Balanus calceolus, tergum.
Balanus calceolus, spur of tergum.
Balanus galeatus.
Balanus galeatus, scutum.
Balanus galeatus, tergum.
Balanus cymbiformis, scutum.
Balanus cymbiformis, tergum.
Balanus navicula.
Balanus navicula, scutum.
Balanus navicula, tergum.
Balanus navicula, scutum.
Balanus trigonus.
Balanus trigonus, scutum.
Balanus trigonus, scutum.
Balanus trigonus, scutum.
Balanus trigonus, tergum.
Balanus trigonus, tergum.

George Sowerby.


Plate IV.

Balanus spongicola, scutum.
Balanus spongicola, tergum.
Balanus spongicola, var., tergum.
Balanus spongicola, var., tergum.
Balanus lÆvis.
Balanus lÆvis.
Balanus lÆvis, scutum.
Balanus lÆvis, scutum.
Balanus lÆvis, var., scutum.
Balanus lÆvis, var., scutum.
Balanus lÆvis, var., scutum.
Balanus lÆvis, var., tergum.
Balanus perforatus, scutum.
Balanus perforatus, tergum.
Balanus perforatus, var., tergum.
Balanus concavus, scutum.
Balanus concavus, scutum.
Balanus concavus, tergum.
Balanus concavus, tergum.
Balanus concavus, tergum.

George Sowerby.


Plate V.

Balanus perfortaus, var. angustus.
Balanus perforatus, var. Cranchii.
Balanus perforatus, var. mirabilis.
Balanus perforatus, var. fistulosis.
Balanus amphitrite, var. venustus.
Balanus amphitrite, var. cirratus.
Balanus amphitrite, var. pallidus.
Balanus amphitrite, var. Stutchburii.
Balanus amphitrite, var. communis.
Balanus amphitrite, var. niveus.
Balanus amphitrite, var. obscurus.
Balanus amphitrite, var. communis, scutum.
Balanus amphitrite, var. Stutchburii, scutum.
Balanus amphitrite, var. pallidus, tergum
Balanus amphitrite, var. communis, tergum.
Balanus amphitrite, var. Stutchburii, tergum.
Balanus amphitrite, var. Stutchburii, tergum.
Balanus amphitrite, var. Stutchburii, tergum.
Balanus poecilus, scutum.
Balanus poecilus, tergum.
Balanus eburneus, scutum.
Balanus eburneus, tergum.
Balanus eburneus, scutum.
Balanus eburneus, tergum.

George Sowerby.


Plate VI.

Balanus improvisus.
Balanus improvisus, scutum.
Balanus improvisus, tergum.
Balanus nubilus, scutum.
Balanus nubilus, tergum.
Balanus nubilus, tergum.
Balanus corrugatus, scutum.
Balanus corrugatus, tergum.
Balanus porcatus.
Balanus porcatus, scutum.
Balanus porcatus, tergum.
Balanus porcatus, tergum.
Balanus porcatus.
Balanus patellaris.
Balanus patellaris, scutum.
Balanus patellaris, tergum.
Balanus crenatus.
Balanus crenatus, var.
Balanus crenatus, var.
Balanus crenatus, scutum.
Balanus crenatus, tergum.
Balanus crenatus, scutum.
Balanus crenatus, tergum.

George Sowerby.


Plate VII.

Balanus glandula, scutum.
Balanus glandula, tergum.
Balanus balanoides.
Balanus balanoides.
Balanus balanoides, tergum.
Balanus balanoides, tergum.
Balanus cariosus.
Balanus cariosus.
Balanus cariosus, scutum.
Balanus cariosus, tergum.
Balanus cariosus, tergum.
Balanus declivis.
Balanus declivis, compartments.
Balanus declivis, scutum.
Balanus declivis, tergum.
Balanus Hameri.
Balanus Hameri, scutum.
Balanus Hameri; tergum.
Balanus amaryllis.
Balanus amaryllis, scutum.
Balanus amaryllis, tergum.
Balanus allium.
Balanus allium, scutum.
Balanus allium;, scutum.
Balanus allium, tergum.
Balanus cepa, scutum.
Balanus cepa, scutum.
Balanus cepa, tergum

George Sowerby.


Plate VIII.

Balanus quadrivittatus.
Balanus terebratus.
Balanus terebratus.
Balanus vestitus, scutum.
Balanus vestitus, tergum.
Balanus imperator, scutum.
Balanus imperator, tergum.
Balanus imperator.
Balanus flosculus.
Balanus flosculus, var sordidus.
Balanus flosculus, scutum.
Balanus flosculus, scutum.
Balanus flosculus, tergum.
Balanus flosculus, tergum.
Balanus bisulcatus, scutum.
Balanus bisulcatus, tergum.
Balanus bisulcatus, scutum.
Balanus dolosus, tergum.
Balanus unguiformis, scutum.
Balanus unguiformis, tergum.
Balanus varians, tergum.
Balanus inclusus.
Balanus inclusus, var.
Balanus inclusus.

George Sowerby.


Plate IX.

Acasta spongites.
Acasta spongites, scutum.
Acasta spongites, scutum.
Acasta spongites, tergum.
Acasta sulcata.
Acasta sulcata, var.
Acasta sulcata, tergum.
Acasta sulcata, tergum.
Acasta cyathus.
Acasta cyathus, scutum.
Acasta cyathus, tergum.
Acasta undulata, scutum.
Acasta glans, basis.
Acasta glans, compartments.
Acasta glans, tergum.
Acasta lÆvigata, tergum.
Acasta lÆvigata, var., tergum.
Acasta fenestrata.
Acasta fenestrata, scutum.
Acasta fenestrata, tergum.
Acasta purpurata.
Acasta purpurata, scutum.
Acasta purpurata, tergum.
Acasta sporillus.
Acasta sporillus, compartments.
Acasta sporillus, scutum.
Acasta sporillus, tergum.

George Sowerby.


Plate X.

Tetraclita porosa, var. communis.
Tetraclita porosa, var. rubescens.
Tetraclita porosa, var. nigrescens.
Tetraclita porosa, var. elegans.
Tetraclita porosa, var. communis.
Tetraclita porosa, var. patellaris.
Tetraclita porosa.
Tetraclita porosa, var. elegans.
Tetraclita porosa, scutum.
Tetraclita porosa, tergum.
Tetraclita porosa, var., scutum.
Tetraclita porosa, var., tergum.
Tetraclita serrata.
Tetraclita serrata.
Tetraclita serrata, scutum.
Tetraclita serrata, tergum.
Tetraclita rosea, scutum.
Tetraclita rosea, tergum.
Tetraclita rosea.
Tetraclita rosea.

George Sowerby.


Plate XI.

Tetraclita purpurascens, var.
Tetraclita purpurascens, var.
Tetraclita purpurascens, var., scutum.
Tetraclita purpurascens, var., tergum.
Tetraclita costata.
Tetraclita costata, scutum.
Tetraclita costata, tergum.
Tetraclita vitiata.
Tetraclita vitiata.
Tetraclita vitiata, scutum.
Tetraclita vitiata, tergum.
Tetraclita vitiata, var., tergum.
Tetraclita coerulescens.
Tetraclita coerulescens, scutum and tergum.
Tetraclita coerulescens, scutum.
Tetraclita coerulescens, tergum.
Tetraclita radiata.
Tetraclita radiata, scutum and tergum.
Tetraclita radiata, scutum.
Tetraclita radiata, tergum.
Elminius Kingii.
Elminius Kingii, scutum.
Elminius Kingii, tergum.
Elminius Kingii, var., tergum.
Elminius Kingii, var., tergum.

George Sowerby.


Plate XII.

Elminius modestus.
Elminius modestus, scutum.
Elminius modestus, tergum.
Elminius modestus, var., tergum.
Elminius modestus, var., tergum.
Elminius plicatus.
Elminius plicatus.
Elminius plicatus, scutum.
Elminius plicatus, tergum.
Elminius plicatus, var., scutum.
Elminius plicatus, var., tergum.
Elminius simplex.
Pyrgoma Anglicum.
Pyrgoma Anglicum, scutum.
Pyrgoma Anglicum, tergum.
Pyrgoma cancellatum.
Pyrgoma cancellatum.
Pyrgoma cancellatum, scutum.
Pyrgoma cancellatum, tergum.
Pyrgoma cancellatum, scutum.
Pyrgoma cancellatum, tergum.
Pyrgoma Stokesii.
Pyrgoma conjugatum.
Pyrgoma conjugatum, scutum and tergum.
Pyrgoma conjugatum, scutum and tergum.

George Sowerby.


Plate XIII.

Pyrgoma grande.
Pyrgoma grande, scutum and tergum.
Pyrgoma grande, scutum and tergum.
Pyrgoma grande, scuta and terga.
Pyrgoma milleporÆ.
Pyrgoma milleporÆ.
Pyrgoma milleporÆ, scutum and tergum.
Pyrgoma milleporÆ, var., scutum.
Pyrgoma milleporÆ, scutum.
Pyrgoma milleporÆ, tergum.
Pyrgoma dentatum.
Pyrgoma dentatum, var. 1, scutum.
Pyrgoma dentatum, var. 1, tergum.
Pyrgoma dentatum, var. 2, tergum.
Pyrgoma dentatum, var. 3, scutum.
Pyrgoma dentatum, var. 3, tergum.
Pyrgoma dentatum, var. 1, scutum and tergum.
Pyrgoma crenatum, scutum.
Pyrgoma crenatum, scutum.
Pyrgoma monticulariÆ.
Pyrgoma monticulariÆ.
Pyrgoma monticulariÆ.
Pyrgoma monticulariÆ.
Pyrgoma monticulariÆ.
Pyrgoma monticulariÆ, scutum and tergum.
Creusia spinulosa.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 1, scutum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 1, tergum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 1, scutum and tergum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 2, scutum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 2, tergum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 2, tergum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 3, scutum and tergum.

George Sowerby.


Plate XIV.

Creusia spinulosa, var. 4, tergum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 4, tergum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 4, tergum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 5, tergum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 6, scutum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 6, tergum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 6, scutum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 6, tergum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 7, scutum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 9, scutum and tergum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 10, scutum and tergum.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 11.
Creusia spinulosa, var. 11, scutum and tergum.

Chelonobia testudinaria.
Chelonobia testudinaria, scutum.
Chelonobia testudinaria, tergum.
Chelonobia testudinaria, scutum and tergum.
Chelonobia caretta.
Chelonobia patula.
Chelonobia patula, tergum.
Chelonobia patula.
Chelonobia testudinaria.

George Sowerby.


Plate XV.

Chelonobia testudinaria.
Coronula balÆnaris.
Coronula balÆnaris.
Coronula balÆnaris, scutum and tergum.
Coronula diadema.
Coronula diadema, scutum and tergum.
Coronula diadema, scutum.
Coronula diadema.
Coronula reginÆ.
Coronula barbara.
Diagram of transverse loops.
Diagram of transverse loops.
Diagram of transverse loops.
Young Coronula.

George Sowerby.


Plate XVI.

Coronula diadema.
Coronula diadema.
Coronula balÆnaris.
Coronula reginÆ.
Coronula balÆnaris.
Coronula diadema.
Coronula diadema.

George Sowerby.


Plate XVII.

Platylepas bissexlobata.
Platylepas bissexlobata.
Platylepas bissexlobata, scutum and tergum.
Platylepas bissexlobata.
Platylepas decorata.
Platylepas decorata.
Tubicinella trachealis.
Tubicinella trachealis.
Tubicinella trachealis.
Tubicinella trachealis, scutum and tergum.
Xenobalanus globicipitis.
Xenobalanus globicipitis.
Xenobalanus globicipitis.

George Sowerby.


Plate XVIII.

Chthamalus stellatus, var. a (communis).
Chthamalus stellatus, var. e (depressus).
Chthamalus stellatus, var. c (communis).
Chthamalus stellatus, var. d (fragilis).
Chthamalus stellatus, var. c, scutum and tergum.
Chthamalus stellatus, var. a, scutum and tergum.
Chthamalus stellatus, var. e, scutum and tergum.
Chthamalus stellatus, var. c and e, scutum and tergum.
Chthamalus antennatus.
Chthamalus dentatus.
Chthamalus dentatus.
Chthamalus dentatus, tergum.
Chthamalus cirratus, scutum.
Chthamalus cirratus, tergum.
Chthamalus Hembeli.
Chthamalus Hembeli.
Chthamalus Hembeli, scutum.
Chthamalus Hembeli, tergum.
Chthamalus fissus.
Chthamalus fissus, scutum and tergum.

George Sowerby.


Plate XIX.

Chthamalus intertextus.
Chthamalus intertextus, scutum and tergum.
Chthamalus scabrosus.
Chthamalus scabrosus, scutum.
Chthamalus scabrosus, tergum.
Chthamalus scabrosus, tergum.
ChamÆsipho columna.
ChamÆsipho columna, scutum.
ChamÆsipho columna, tergum.
ChamÆsipho scutelliformis.
ChamÆsipho scutelliformis.
ChamÆsipho scutelliformis, rostrum.
ChamÆsipho scutelliformis, scutum and tergum.
Pachylasma giganteum.
Pachylasma giganteum, rostrum.
Pachylasma giganteum, scutum and tergum.
Pachylasma giganteum, scutum and tergum.

George Sowerby.


Plate XX.

Pachylasma aurantiacum.
Pachylasma aurantiacum.
Pachylasma aurantiacum, scutum.
Pachylasma aurantiacum, tergum.
Octomeris angulosa.
Octomeris angulosa, scutum and tergum.
Octomeris brunnea.
Octomeris brunnea, scutum and tergum.
Catophragmus polymerus.
Catophragmus polymerus.
Catophragmus polymerus.
Catophragmus polymerus.
Catophragmus polymerus, scutum and tergum.

George Sowerby.


Plate XXI.

Verruca StrÖmia.
Verruca StrÖmia.
Verruca StrÖmia, scutum and tergum.
Verruca StrÖmia, var.
Verruca StrÖmia.
Verruca StrÖmia, scutum and tergum.
Verruca Spengleri, scutum.
Verruca lÆvigata, scutum and tergum.
Verruca lÆvigata, scutum and tergum.
Verruca prisca, scutum and tergum.
Verruca nexa.
Point of attachment of Verruca Spengleri.

George Sowerby.


Plate XXII.

Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.
Point of attachment of Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.
Alcippe lampas.

George Sowerby.


Plate XXIII.


Male of Alcippe lampas.
Male of Alcippe lampas.
Male of Alcippe lampas.
Male of Alcippe lampas.

Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.

George Sowerby.


Plate XXIV.


Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.
Cryptophialus minutus.

Proteolepas bivincta.
Proteolepas bivincta.
Proteolepas bivincta.
Mouth of an ordinary cirripede.
Proteolepas bivincta.

George Sowerby.


Plate XXV.


Proteolepas bivincta.
Proteolepas bivincta.

Balanus tintinnabulum, section.
Balanus perforatus, testes.
Balanus tintinnabulum, branchia.

George Sowerby.


Plate XXVI.

Balanus perforatus, mouth.
Balanus improvisus, mouth.
Coronula balÆnaris, mouth.
Coronula balÆnaris, mouth.
Balanus amaryllis, mandible.
Balanus amaryllis, palpus.
Balanus amaryllis, maxilla.
Coronula diadema, thorax.

George Sowerby.


Plate XXVII.

Coronula diadema, nervous system.
Balanus tintinnabulum, nervous system.
Balanus tintinnabulum, acoustic sac.
Coronula diadema, acoustic sac.
Balanus tintinnabulum, eye.

George Sowerby.



Coronula balÆnaris, cementing apparatus.
Coronula balÆnaris, cementing apparatus.
Coronula balÆnaris, cementing apparatus.
Chelonobia patula, cementing apparatus.
Tubicinella trachealis, cementing apparatus.
Balanus tintinnabulum, cementing apparatus.
Balanus tintinnabulum, cementing apparatus.

George Sowerby.


Plate XXIX.


Balanus amphitrite, var. cirratus, sixth cirrus.
Acasta sulcata, fourth cirrus.
Chthamalus antennatus, third cirrus.
Balanus perforatus, second cirrus.
Xenobalanus globicipitis, third cirrus.
Xenobalanus globicipitis, sixth cirrus.
Various species, spermatozoa.
Scalpellum vulgare, larva.
Balanus balanoides, larva.
Chthamalus stellatus, larva.

George Sowerby.


Plate XXX.

Species of Lepas, larva (second stage).
Lepas australis, larva (last stage).
Lepas australis, larva (last stage).
Young cirripede.
Young cirripede, primordial un-calcified valve.
Pupa, ventral surface.
First pair of natatory legs.
Abdomen and two caudal appendages.
Pupa, transverse section, near eye-apodemes.
Terminal portion of an antenna.

George Sowerby.


Detailed Transcriber's Notes

Obvious misprints have been fixed. Archaic and unusual words, spellings and styling have been maintained when they are used consistently. Spelling has been standardized within the book where one spelling was predominant, even if it is not in common usage. Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation has been maintained when there was not a predominant spelling. Details of the changes follow.

No attempt has been made to correct the capitalization or standardize the italicization of biological names—they are left as in the original.

Hovering over a Greek word will display its transliteration.

All of Darwin's errata have been applied to the text, except the one on page 255. It was not applied because the wording is not obvious.

Details of the Changes

Page vii, footnote 1: du terrain CrÉtacÉ du D. de Limbourg
In the original book: du terrain CrÉtacÉe du D. de Limbourg

Page 4: the shell, without the operculum being removed,
In the original book: the shell, without the operculum be removed,

Page 5, footnote 3: by some authors as "intersticia."
In the original book: by some authors as "intersticia".

Page 7: carrying two multiarticulated rami
In the original book: carrying two multi-articulated rami

Page 8: interjection (!)
In the original book: interjection [!]

Page 9: biramous, multiarticulated limbs
In the original book: biramous, multi-articulated limbs

Page 11: knowledge of the class
In the original book: knowlege of the class

Page 12: first and second pairs of antennÆ
In the original book: first and second pairs of attennÆ

Page 20: what has happened to one organ
In the original book: what has happenend to one organ

In the original book: I.—ORDER THORACICA.

Page 33. The table of contents has been completely restructured, to make the entries match (or compromise with) the titles in the text.

  • In this ebook: Structure of the alÆ
    Structure of the sheath
    In the original book: Structure of the alÆ and sheath
  • In this ebook: Structure of the opercular valves (scuta and terga)
    In the original book: Structure of the scuta and terga
  • In this ebook: Growth of whole shell and microscopical structure
    In the original book: Growth of whole shell and minute structure of valves
  • In this ebook: Muscles of sack
    In the original book: Sack, muscles of
  • In this ebook: Movements and muscles of the cirri
    In the original book: Cirri, muscles of
  • In this ebook: Olfactory sacks
    In the original book: Olfactory organs
  • In this ebook: Larva, first stage
    In the original book: Larva, first stages
  • In this ebook: Larva, second stage
    Originally this TOC entry was not present in the book.
  • In this ebook: Affinities, classification, variation
    In the original book: Classification and variation

Page 34. Inserted missing title (which appeared in the TOC):
Structure of Shell.

Page 37: alÆ in all cases (as is obvious in Pachylasma)
In the original book: alÆ in all cases (as is obvious in Pachylasma)

Page 40: the upper lateral valves alternate
In the original book: the upper Lateral valves alternate

Page 45: owing to its midrib, is generally thrust
In the original book: owing to its mid-rib, is generally thrust

Page 45. Inserted missing title (which appeared in the TOC):
Structure of the Radii.
and left the original paragraph title as it was:

Page 47: and of the recipient furrow in Octomeris (Pl.
In the original book: and of the recipient furrow in Octomeris (Pl.

Page 47: Structure of the AlÆ.
In the original book: AlÆ.

Page 48: Structure of the Sheath.
In the original book: Sheath.

Page 49: Structure of the Basis.
In the original book: Basis.

Page 51: Structure of the Opercular Valves (Scuta and Terga).
In the original book: Opercular Valves.

Page 51: scutum, S, being left articulated to the tergum, T.
In the original book: scutum, S, being left articulated to the tergum, T.

Page 61: Muscles of Sack.
In the original book: Sack; muscles of, &c.

Page 62: can only act as depressores;
In the original book: can only act as depressors;

Page 65: BalanidÆ are the ovigerous frÆna of the LepadidÆ
In the original book: BalanidÆ are the ovigerous frÆna of the LepadidÆ

Page 65. Inserted title from the TOC:
Thorax and Body.
and demoted the existing title:
Parts of the body included within the shell or carapace.
to the head of the next paragraph.

Page 67: and p. 440, (foot-note), consider the articulated
In the original book: and p. 440, foot-note), consider the articulated

Page 68: Muscular System.
Attachment of the Body to the Shell.
In the original book: Attachment of the Body to the Shell. Muscular System.

Page 76: there is no trace of any labrum
In the original book: there is no trace of any labium

Page 77: (Pl. 26, figs. 3, 4, c1;
In the original book: (Pl. 26, figs. 3, 4, c 1;

Page 78: pairs of gnathites, which latter have only their
In the original book: pairs of gnathites; which latter have only their

Page 79: thickened membrane (fig. 3, c1)
In the original book: thickened membrane (fig. 3, c 1)

Page 79: thickened membrane (c2), the basal
In the original book: thickened membrane (c 2), the basal

Page 80: piece of membrane (c1) represents
In the original book: piece of membrane (c 1) represents

Page 81: middle segment (fig. 4, a1) of each maxilla
In the original book: middle segment (fig. 4, a 1) of each maxilla

Page 81: this latter (a2) is separated from
In the original book: this latter (a 2) is separated from

Page 81: There are always six pairs; each biramous
In the original book: There are always six pair; each biramous

Page 83: they carry as many as ten pairs in a
In the original book: they carry as many as ten pair in a

Page 84: in the sub-genus Acasta, in which, differently
In the original book: in the sub-genns Acasta, in which, differently

Page 85: are developed into strong, downwardly curved teeth
In the original book: are developed into strong, downwardly-curved teeth

Page 89: The nerves (Pl. 27, fig. 1, r5, r6)
In the original book: The nerves (Pl. 27, fig. 1, r 5, r 6)

Page 89: outer larger pair (r1) entering the first pair
In the original book: outer larger pair (r 1) entering the first pair

Page 93. Inserted missing title (which appeared in the TOC):
Eyes and Vision.

Page 97: Male Organs of Generation.
In the original book: Reproductive System.
Male Organs.

Page 98: B. Perforatus and in the Chthamalus, that
In the original book: B. Perforatus and in the Chthamalus, that

Page 99: including the prosoma: in Pachylasma and in
In the original book: including the prosoma: in Pachylasma and in

Page 100: Female Organs of Generation.
In the original book: Female Organs.
was a paragraph title.

Page 100:
distinctly in Balanus, Tetraclita, and Coronula, the
In the original book:
distinctly in Balanus, Tetraclita, and Coronula, the

Page 103: Larva, First Stage.
In the original book this was a paragraph title.

Page 103: the larva (Pl. 29, fig. 9)
In the original book: the larva (Pl. 29, (fig. 9)

Page 104: to the eye, we see, in Scalpellum vulgare,
In the original book: to the eye, we see, in Scalpellam vulgare,

Page 104. Applied Darwin's errata: In Balanus galeatus, in the immature
In the original book: In Balanus elongatus, in the immature

Page 105. Applied Darwin's errata: LepadidÆ; but in Balanus galeatus
In the original book: LepadidÆ; but in Balanus elongatus

Page 106: the large second pair remains thus
In the original book: the large second pair remain thus

Page 110: Larva in the Last or Pupal Stage.
In the original book: Larva in the third or Pupal Stage.

Page 120: though enclosed fairly within the carapace
In the original book: though inclosed fairly within the carapace

Page 121: these latter may possibly be multiplied into the
In the original book: these latter may possible be multiplied into the

Page 126. Inserted missing title (which appeared in the TOC):
Act of Metamorphosis.

Page 132: separation of the three cephalic segments.
In the original book: separation of the three caphalic segments.

Page 152: Affinities, Classification, Variation.
In the original book: Affinities, Value of Characters, Variation.

Page 163: in Southern Patagonia, and near Guayaquil.
In the original book: in Southern Patagonia, and near Guyaquil.

Page 168. The first two appearances of the text: (1 to 5). In the original book: (1 to 5.)

Page 169: (3.) SECOND PROVINCE … Balanus … poecilus*
In the original book: poecilus*

Page 170: (3.) SECOND PROVINCE … Tetraclita porosa north and south (4 and 5 and W. Indies).
In the original book: Tetraclita porosa north and south 4 and 5 and W. Indies).

Page 170: (4.) THIRD PROVINCE … Tetraclita … coerulescens
In the original book: coerulescens

Page 172: species of Balanus abounds in individuals
In the original book: species of Balanns abounds in individuals

Page 172: specimens, said to have come from the eocene
In the original book: specimens, said to have come form the eocene

Page 174. Applied Darwin's errata to the table. Added concavus and Hammeri to C (Red crag) and Verruca to D (Corraline crag) and corrected totals.

Page 184: with inwardly projecting filamentary appendages.
In the original book: with inwardly projecting filimentary appendages.

Page 195: BALANUS TULIPA. BruguiÈre. Encyclop. Meth.,
In the original book: BALANUS TULIPA. Bruguiere. Encyclop. Meth.,

Page 196: on ships' bottoms arriving from West Africa
In the original book: on ships'-bottoms arriving from West Africa

Page 198: Galapagos Archipelago, of a uniform grayish-blue.
In the original book: Galapagos Archipelago, of a uniform greyish-blue.

Page 200: coast of America, from Monterey, in lat. 37° N.
In the original book: coast of America, from Monterez, in lat. 37° N.

Page 206: Zoolog. Journal,
In the original book: Zoolog. Zournal,

Page 211: longitudinally ribbed: colour ashy-gray tinged
In the original book: longitudinally ribbed: colour ashy-grey tinged

Page 211: along a line running from the apex
In the original book: along a line runing from the apex

Page 213: septa are united together, making a network
In the original book: septa are united together, making a net-work

Page 216: Parietes and base porose: shell white, or faintly
In the original book: Parietea and base porose: shell white, or faintly

Page 223: California; Sydney; New Zealand.
In the original book: California; Sidney; New Zealand.

Page 233: B. nubilus and cariosus
In the original book: B. nubibus and cariosus

Page 234: specimen adhering to the floating Lepas Hillii.
In the original book: specimen adhering to the floating Lepas Hilii.

Page 235: Bronn. Italiens TertiÄr-Gebilde (1831)
In the original book: Bronn. Italiens Tertiar-Gebilde (1831)

Page 235: var. c. Lamarck. Animaux sans VertÈbres
In the original book: var. c. Lamarck. Animaux sans Vertebres

Page 235. Applied Darwin's errata. Added fossil locality:
Red Crag (Sutton) Mus. S. Wood.

Pages 240-241. Italicized the abbreviation "var." in each of the varieties.

Page 240: lower part uniform blueish-gray,
In the original book: lower part uniform blueish-grey,

Page 241: Var. (9) (an. spec.?) cirratus:
In the original book: Var. (9) (an. spec.?) cirratus:
(See also note above on abbreviation "var.")

Page 244: part of the shell was uniformly blueish-gray.
In the original book: part of the shell was uniformly blueish-grey.

Page 246: 20. BALANUS PŒCILUS.
In the original book: 21. BALANUS PŒCILUS.

In the original book: 22. BALANUS EBURNEUS.

Page 248: General Appearance.—Shell conical, or almost
In the original book: General Appearance—Shell conical, or almost

Page 250: Southern Patagonia, Guayaquil, West Colombia;
In the original book: Southern Patagonia, Guyaquil, West Colombia;

Page 255. Did not apply Darwin's errata because desired wording is not obvious.
Darwin's errata: six lines from the top, Bal. crenatus, I have now seen a single Red Crag specimen .5 of inch in basal diameter.

Page 263: their sutural edges are rather thick and
In the original book: their suteral edges are rather thick and

Page 264: vessels are thickly encrusted with this species,
In the original book: vessels are thickly incrusted with this species,

Page 264: enormous range and capability of resisting
In the original book: enormous range and cabability of resisting

Page 265: sent me by Krantz from the miocene formation
In the original book: sent me by Krantz from the miocence formation

Page 271: Range, Habitats, &c.—This species is
In the original book: Range, Habits, &c.—This species is

Page 278. Applied Darwin's errata. Added fossil locality:
Red Crag (Sutton) Mus. S. Wood.

Page 279: brought from Barbados, in the West Indies,
In the original book: brought from Barbadoes, in the West Indies,

Page 282: coral-inhabiting sub-genus Creusia
In the original book: coral-inhabiting genus Creusia

Page 288: or more strictly "imperial purple;"
In the original book: or more strictly "imperial purple";

Page 292: less prominent ridges than even B. flosculus
In the original book: less prominent ridges than even var. flosculus

Page 293. Applied Darwin's errata: Rauville, dans le Cotentin,
In the original book: Rauville, dans le Cotantin,

Page 294: the crests for the tergal depressor muscles are
In the original book: the crests for the tergal depressores muscles are

Page 297: In both varieties, the parietes
In the original book: In both varietes, the parietes

Page 297: or deeply folded so as to be strongly ribbed
In the original book: or deeply folded so as be strongly ribbed

Page 300. Applied Darwin's errata: internally, without parietal pores.
In the original book: internally, without parieted pores.

Page 309: for the depressor muscles are feebly
In the original book: for the depressores muscles are feebly

Page 310: Sydney, Port Fairy,
In the original book: Sidney, Port Fairy,

Page 311, footnote 104: Sydney, which I fully
In the original book: Sidney, which I fully

Page 314: crests for the depressor muscles are very feebly
In the original book: crests for the depressores muscles are very feebly

Page 331: The width of the valve and of the spur,
In the original book: Te width of the valve and of the spur,

Page 335: Die SÜdafrikanischen Mollusken
In the original book: Die Sudafrikanischen Mollusken

Page 337: judging from some dried specimens,
In the original book: judging from some dryed specimens,

Page 338: rostral or lateral depressor muscles
In the original book: rostral or lateral depressores muscles

Page 347: form of a network, or of separate tubes
In the original book: form of a net-work, or of separate tubes

Page 353, footnote 113: I have seen two specimens of
In the original book: I have seen too specimens of

Page 357: forms a mere border to the occludent ledge;
In the original book: forms a mere border to the occludent lodge;

Page 357: between this genus and Creusia, it is probable
In the original book: between this genus and Creusia, it is probable

Page 369: almost obliterated by the encrusting coral.
In the original book: almost obliterated by the incrusting coral.

Page 376: Under these circumstances I have thought it best
In the original book: Under these circustances I have thought it best

Page 376: 1. CREUSIA SPINULOSA. Pl. 13,
In the original book: CREUSIA SPINULOSA. Pl. 13,

Page 376: CREUSIA SPINULEUSE. De Blainville. Dict. Sc. Nat.,
In the original book: CREUSIE SPINULEUSE. De Blainville. Dict. Sc. Nat.,
(de Blainville spells it CREUSIA.)

Page 383: In Chelonobia, the parietes are remarkably thick;
In the original book: In Chelonobia, the parieties are remarkably thick;

Page 405: (see a black dot () in section, fig. 7)
In the original book: (see a black dot () in section 7)

Page 416:the alÆ are only 1/5th or 1/6th of the thickness
In the original book: the alÆ are only 1-5th or 1-6th of the thickness

Page 423: Eine tiefe Furche oder Spalte
In the original book: Eine tiefe Furcle oder Spalte

Page 423: von oben herab bis zur HÄlfte
In the original book: von oben herab bis zur Halfte

Page 424:9. GenusPLATYLEPAS. Pl. 17, fig. 1a-2b.
In the original book: 9. GenusPLATYLEPAS. Pl. 17, fig. 1 and 2.

Page 424: the whole rostrum is pushed a little on one side
In the original book: the whole rostum is pushed a little on one side

Page 431: In numerous other respects Tubicinella
In the original book: In numerous other respects Tubinicella

In the original book: 4. TUBICINELLA TRACHEALIS.

Page 431, footnote 127: the specific name either of major or minus
In the original book: the specific name either of minor or majus

Page 432: the reverse of that usual with sessile cirripedes
In the original book: the reverse of that usual with sessile-cirripedes


Pages 455-6. Note that under species Chthamalus stellatus, both varieties (a) and (c) have the name: communis. The original book reads that way.

Page 465: 6. CHTHAMALUS HEMBELI. Pl. 18,
In the original book: 6. CHTHAMALUS HEMBELI. Tab. 18,

Page 467: disintegration, causing the shell to be ashy gray.
In the original book: disintegration, causing the shell to be ashy grey.

Page 471: from the projecting, extremely rugged, overlapping,
In the original book: from the projecting, extremely rugged, over-lapping,

Page 475: and these occur in Catophragmus
In the original book: and these occur Catophragmus

Page 487: moderately or slightly depressed; colour gray.
In the original book: moderately or slightly depressed; colour grey.

Page 488: as seen, when corroded, in fig. 4d,
In the original book: as seen, when corrroded, in fig. 4d,

Page 492: Diadema bifidum … 'Italiens TertiÄr-Gebilde'
In the original book: 'Italiens Tertiar-Gebilde'

Page 492: Balanus ostrearum … Organic Remains of the Cretaceous Group,'
In the original book: Organic Remains of the Cretacean Group,'

Page 493: B. costatus … is a synonym of B. porcatus
In the original book: is a synonym of B. porcatns

Page 493: B. ornatus, MÜnster, 'BeitrÄge zur Petrifact.,'
In the original book: B. ornatus, MÜnster, 'Beitrage zur Petrifact.,'

Page 493: B. pectinarius, Bronn ('Italiens TertiÄr-Gebilde,'
In the original book: B. pectinarius, Bronn ('Italiens Tertiar-Gebilde,'

Page 493: B. porosus … this species in MÜnster's 'BeitrÄge.'
In the original book: this species in MÜnster's 'Beitrage.'

Page 494: B. pustularis … in MÜnster's 'BeitrÄge,'
In the original book: in MÜnster's 'Beitrage,'

Page 494: B. cylindraceus … 'Italiens TertiÄr-Gebilde,'
In the original book: 'Italiens Tertiar-Gebilde,'

Page 494: B. Uddevallensis, LinnÆus,
In the original book: B. Uddewallensis, LinnÆus,

Page 496: members of the ChthamalinÆ, though abnormal in
In the original book: members of the ChthamalinÆ, though abnormal in

Page 503: under an edge, z (much foreshortened in T'
In the original book: under an edge, z (much fore-shortened in T'

Page 504: the umbo of growth matches the umbo of the four
In the original book: the umbo of growth matches the umbo: of the four

Page 517: for themselves, could be pried vertically up
In the original book: for themselves, could be prised vertically up

Page 518: BALANUS VERRUCA. BruguiÈre. Encyclop. Meth., 1789;
In the original book: BALANUS VERUCA. BruguiÈre. Encyclop. Meth., 1789;

Page 526: The moveable tergum has its upper articular ridge
In the original book: The moveable tergum has its upper articular ridge

Page 529, footnote 141: CrustacÉs fossiles du terrain CrÉtacÉ
In the original book: CrustacÉs fossiles du terrain CrÉtacÉe

Page 529, footnote 142:'Archives du MusÉum'
comment À des
In the original book: 'Archives du Museum'
comment a des

Page 530 title: FEMALE
In the original book: FEMALE

Page 538: or the whole anterior part of the animal
In the original book: or the whole anterior part of theanimal

Page 552: although constantly agitated.
In the original book: although constanty agitated.

Page 553: a considerable residuum is left
In the original book: a considerable residium is left

Page 562: down the sides of the sack of the female till
In the original book: down the sides of the sack of female till

Page 562: mere flap, and only two pairs of cirri exist
In the original book: mere flap, and only two pair of cirri exist

Page 562: thorax with four pairs of minute, modified cirri,
In the original book: thorax with four pair of minute, modified cirri,


Page 564: close to Alcippe amongst the LepadidÆ
In the original book: close to Alcippe amonst the LepadidÆ

Page 566 title: FEMALE
In the original book: FEMALE

Page 581: whole dorsal surface, and the overlapping sides
In the original book: whole dorsal surface, and the over-lapping sides

Page 582, footnote 152: antennÆ, I may here add those of Cryptophialus,
In the original book: antennÆ, I may here add those of Crystophialus,

Page 583: to enclose and protect the antennÆ
In the original book: to inclose and protect the antennÆ

Page 587: compound structure of the vesicula seminalis
In the original book: compound structure of the visicula seminalis

Page 588: so peculiar, the hermaphrodite condition,
In the original book: so peculiar, the hermaphodite condition,

Page 596: the two threads enclosing the cement-ducts
In the original book: the two threads inclosing the cement-ducts

Page 601: one common membrane, lined of course by corium;
In the original book: one common membrane, lined of course by coriumi;

Page 604: it does not enclose the thorax or mouth
In the original book: it does not inclose the thorax or mouth

Page 606: Sub-Familia 1. BALANINÆ.
In the original book: Sub-familia 1. BALANINÆ.

Page 607: 2. Sub-GenusACASTA
In the original book: 2. Sub-genusACASTA

Page 607: 6. Sub-GenusCREUSIA
In the original book: 6. Sub-genusCREUSIA

Page 607, 9.: quÆ basin membranaceam extrorsÙs
In the original book: quÆ basin membranacean extrorsÙs

Page 608: Sub-Familia 2. CHTHAMALINÆ.
In the original book: Sub-familia 2. CHTHAMALINÆ.

In the original book: ORDER THORACICA.

Page 611: Sub-Fam. BALANINÆ.
In the original book: Sub-fam. BALANINÆ.

Page 613, 12.: Tergo lato, pÆne Æquilaterali.
In the original book: Tergo lato, poene Æquilaterali.

Page 614, 17.: Tab. 4, fig. 3,
In the original book: Tab. 4, fig. 4,

Page 614, 18.: Americ septent. et meridionali.
In the original book: Americ septent, et meridionali.

Page 614, 22.: superioribus lÆvibus, leniter arcuatis,
In the original book: superioribus lÆvibusleniter arcuatis,

Page 615, 27.: et Indi occident. et Afric meridionali.
In the original book: et Indi occident, et Afric meridionali.

Page 617, 42.: basi poris magnis perforatÂ:
In the original book: basi poris maguis perforatÂ:

Page 618: Sub-GenusACASTA
In the original book: SubgenusACASTA

Page 618, 1.: scuti crist articulari
In the original book: scuti cris  articulari

Page 619, 4.: longitudinaliter costatÂ, aut corrosÂ
In the original book: longitudinaliter costatÁ, aut corrosÂ

Page 622, 2.: et Australi septent.; testudinibus affixa.
In the original book: et Australi septent; testudinibus affixa.

Page 622: 3. Chelonobia patula, Ranzani. (Darwin,
In the original book: 3. Chelonobia patula, Ranzani. (Drawin,

Page 624: 1. Xenobalanus globicipitis, Steenstrup.
In the original book: 1. Xenobalanis globicipitis, Steenstrup.

Page 624: Sub-Fam. CHTHAMALINÆ.
In the original book, this title was missing.

Page 634: 11. GenusPOLLICIPES.
In the original book: 11.—GenusPOLLICIPES.

Page 637: 18. Pollicipes validusFoss.— … Scani et Maestricht.
In the original book: Scani et MÄestricht.

Page 638: [Sectio ††.]
In the original book: [†† Scuta, aut longitudinaliter aut transversÈ (i. e. secundum lineas incrementi) costata.]

In the original book: ORDER II. ABDOMINALIA.

Page 640: ORDO III. APODA.
In the original book: ORDER III. APODA.

Page 641: PLATE 1.
In the original book: PLATE 1.

Page 641. In plates 1 and 2, the word "Fig." appeared on a line by itself above the figure numbers. It has been moved to be more consistent with the other plate descriptions.

Page 642, Plate 3, 2 c and 2 d: scutum, internal and external views.
In the original book: scutum and tergum, internal views.

Page 643, Plate 5, 2d: Stutchburii.
In the original book: Stutchburi.

Page 643, Plate 5, 2i: Stutchburii.
In the original book: Stutchburi.

Page 643, Plate 5, 2m, 2n, and 2o: Stutchburii.
In the original book: Stutchburi.

Page 644, Plate 9: Sub-GenusACASTA.
In the original book: Sub-genusACASTA.

Page 647, Plate 14: GeneraCREUSIA AND CHELONOBIA.
In the original book: GeneraCREUSIA, CHELONOBIA.

Page 650, Plate 16: Of the letters in italics, …
In the original book, this sentence was not aligned differently from the surrounding items.

Page 650, Plate 16: open beneath, and filled up by the epidermis
In the original book: open beneath, and filled up by the epiderdermis

Page 651, Plate 17, 2a: A, rostrum;
In the original book: A, rostum;

Page 653, Plate 19, 4b, 4c, 4d: ChamÆsipho scutelliformis,
In the original book: ChamÆsipho columna,

Page 657, Plate 22, 8: appear like a bilobed lower lip;
In the original book: appear like a bi-lobed lower lip;

Page 658, Plate 23. Title inserted to match plate:

Page 660, Plate 24. Title inserted to match plate:

Page 662, Plate 25. Title inserted to match plate:

In the original book: STRUCTURE OF THE MOUTH, &C.

Pages 664-6, Plate 26. The original book enclosed all the letters of reference in parentheses for this Plate and Plate 29 only. The parentheses have been removed for consistency with the descriptions of all the other plates, without noting the individual changes.

Page 669, Plate 28, 4a: k, t, … the corresponding branch
In the original book: the corrresponding branch

Page 669, Plate 28, 4b: and that (gh) represented in fig. 4a;
In the original book: and that (gh) represented in fig. 4a;

In the original book: CIRRI: LARVA, FIRST STAGE.

Pages 669-71, Plate 29. The original book enclosed all the letters of reference in parentheses for this Plate and Plate 26 only. The parentheses have been removed for consistency with the descriptions of all the other plates, without noting the individual changes.

Page 670, Plate 29: letters apply to all the figures, 1 to 6.
In the original book: letters apply to all the figures, 1 to 5.

Page 674. In Darwin's errata on Page 174: total in the Coralline Crag ten,
In the original book: total in the Coralline Crag nine,

Page 675: AdnaAnglica, 360.
In the original book: anglica, 360.

Page 675: Baer, Von, on morphological differentiation, 19.
In the original book: Baer, Von, on morphological differentation, 19.

Page 676: d'Orbignii, 195.
In the original book: D'Orbignii, 195.

Page 676. The index has been changed due to the errata on pages 104 and 105 changing the references from Balanus elongatus to Balanus galeatus.

Page 676: (Balanus) intertextus, 518.
In the original book: intertextus, 518.

Page 677: (Balanus tintinnabulum) varieties of, 201.
In the original book, the "varieties" listing was at the same level of indentation as the line before it.

Page 677: (Balanus) tulipiformis, 204.
In the original book: tulipiformis, 204.

Page 677: ChamÆsipho, genus, 470.
In the original book: Chamoesipho, genus, 470.

Page 678: Conopeaovata, 218.
In the original book: ovala, 218.

Page 678: Creusia rayonnante, 362.
In the original book: Creusie rayonnante, 362.

Page 679: DaraciamonticulariÆ, 372.
In the original book: monitcularioe, 372.

Page 680: Lepasfistulosus, 231.
In the original book: fistulosa, 231.

Page 681: Male organs … of Cryptophialus minutus, 584.
In the original book: of Crytophialus minutus, 584.

Page 681. Index entries for Ochthosia and Octomeris were put in alphabetical order.

Page 681: Otolithes absent in Crustacea, 97.
In the original book: Otolites absent in Crustacea, 97.

Page 681: Penis, probosciformed, of wonderful length
In the original book: Penis, pubosciformed, of wonderful length

Page 683: Stomopoda, affinities to cirripedes, 19.
In the original book: Stomapoda, affinities to cirripedes, 19.

Page 683. Index entry for Tetraclita was put in proper alphabetical order.

Page 684. Index entry for VerrucidÆ was put in proper alphabetical order.

Pages 685-714. The titles of the plates have been changed. In the original book, the word plate was abbreviated, i. e. "Pl. II." whereas in this ebook it is "Plate II." Also, the individual figure captions have been changed. In the original book, they were just the figure number, e. g. "1a", whereas in this book, the plate number and labels are included, e. g. "Plate II., figure 1a."


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