At length the morning broke, which was to introduce the ship’s company, just rescued from a watery grave, to a new era in their existence. With the daybreak the hurricane also began to break, and, though it rained heavily, the barometer rose rapidly until it stood at 29°45. The captain then beheld, to his great joy, the loom, or land-mark of the shore, to leeward, rising like a black belt, above the breakers. The land was an island, off the east coast of the Great Andaman, Hullmandel & Walton Lithographers. No. 1. About 60 years ago an attempt was made on the part of the East-India Company to form a settlement on the Andaman Islands for the convenience of shipping. Their first settlement was called Port Chatham, on the The ship being nearly dry aft, on the weather clearing, her crew, to their great astonishment, beheld, about a quarter of a mile inside of them, high amongst the trees, in a swamp of mangroves, whither she had forced herself a passage, a large barque, with troops on board. By dusk, all hands, including soldiers, women, and children, had left the wreck of the Runnymede, and were accommodated on board the Briton. They were received by Captain Hall, Colonel Bunbury, and the officers of the 80th, with the greatest kindness, although they were enduring very great privations themselves. The crew of the Briton were delighted to hear of there being a fair stock of stores on board the Runnymede, particularly as regarded biscuit and flour, which, if moderate weather continued, would be landed for the benefit of both ships’ companies. In the morning after the wreck, a seaman of the Runnymede lost his life by the following piece of disobedience and fool-hardy temerity. Captain Doutty was sitting in We shall now find it most convenient to ourselves, as well as entertaining to our readers, to continue our narrative in the shape of a journal, only noticing those days on which any circumstances worth recording occurred. Wednesday, 13th.—At daybreak, nearly low water, all hands returned on board and commenced getting up provisions for landing. All more or less damaged. The Briton had lost all her boats, and the Runnymede’s long boat was the only one The carpenters, therefore, of both ships were ordered to report how long a time it would take to put this boat into a state fit to proceed to sea to seek assistance. They reported eight days. After a personal communication, Captains Doutty and Hall received from Captain Sayers, of the 80th regt. the following order, putting their ships’ crews under martial law, which was twice read to each crew. Troop Ship “Briton,” Dear Sir, In consequence of the wreck of the troop ships “Briton” and “Runnymede,” Major Bunbury calls on Captains Hall and Doutty to explain to the crews of their respective ships that they are from this moment under military law, and feeling it to be most essential for the well-being of the service that the strictest order and discipline be preserved by every one under his command, declares it to be his determination to punish, with the utmost severity, any act of insubordination and drunkenness. By Order, To Capt. Doutty. This day were landed from the Runnymede at low water, 37 bags and 6 half-bags There appears to be a very prevalent opinion amongst common sailors and private soldiers, that when a vessel is wrecked, all controul over private property is from that moment lost too, and that it is not stealing to lay hands on all they can take. Numerous instances of this kind took place on the present occasion. And this crime, as well as Thursday, 14th.—Weather moderate, wind east, barometer 29°55. The crew employed this day landing stores, cleansing the decks from the accumulated filth and rubbish. The carpenters employed on the long boat. The Friday, 15th.—Wind east and moderate. Weather fine. Continued landing provisions consisting of soap, preserved potatoes, biscuit, flour, sugar, dholl or split peas, rice, pale ale, port wine, and sherry. Finished the Saturday, 16th.—More provisions were landed this day. In the evening, large fires were seen on the island to the north, and as several muskets were discharged on shore away from the camp, and the people fancied they saw natives, they were hailed and a volley of musketry discharged, so no more of them were seen. But double watches were set at night with loaded arms. Hullmandel & Walton Lithographers. No. 2. Sunday, 17th.—This day no business was done, except by the carpenters, whose work was of the utmost importance to the saving Monday, 18th.—Fine weather. Fatigue Tuesday, 19th.—The carpenters employed laying the deck of the long-boat. Crew landing beer casks, but many of them burst whilst being carried ashore from being so long under water, and the straw they were packed in consequently heating. The sick were transferred from the Briton to the Runnymede. This afternoon the soldiers were paraded for the first time since the wreck. Their appearance, owing to their distressed situation, was somewhat similar to that of Falstaff’s ragged regiment. Wednesday, 20th.—Five soldiers were corporeally punished, by sentence of court-martial, for stealing and insubordination. Thursday, 21st.—The carpenters completed the deck of the long-boat. Four of the soldiers straggled a short distance to the south of the encampment in search of shell fish. They were attacked by a party of natives, who speared the whole of them, two of them dangerously, one of whom had three spears sticking in him. They were carried on board the Runnymede. A strong party was sent in pursuit of the evil doers but could not meet with them. Shortly after the return of the party, Captain Doutty saw fourteen of the natives issue from the jungle armed with their fishing-spears and apparently quite unconcerned, but the tide being up and having no boat, our people could not get at them. It was, however, deemed necessary to place advanced picquets round the Friday, 22d.—The carpenters employed putting a false keel to long boat and caulking her. Landed 46 casks of beer, also some preserved salmon and cheese. A board of survey assembled on board the Briton to examine the stores saved, and to report as to the rations to be issued, calculated for forty days. The court recommended the following scale for alternate days, namely, First day, ½ lb. bread, ½ lb. beef, ½ gill of spirits, 1/12 oz. of tea, ½ oz. of sugar. Second day, ? lb. flour, ? lb. pork, ¼ pint Saturday, 23d.—More beer landed from the Runnymede, also a case of claret. These were now issued in lieu of spirits. This day the natives came close to the camp. A few soldiers were sent to parley with them, and took two red shell jackets, which were left on a bush as presents for them. They only trampled on them, and at a given signal sent a volley of spears at the soldiers in return, two only taking effect. Two armed soldiers who had been concealed, then appearing, the natives set up a yell and ran to the bush, Sunday, 24th.—Divine service was performed on board the Briton. The coast was strewed in every direction with pieces of wreck. In the evening part of a chest of drawers and the top of a washhand-stand were found. These probably had floated from some vessel that had foundered. Hullmandel & Walton Lithographers. No. 3. Monday, 25th.—Moderate breeze. The long boat, being finished, was launched from the deck of the Runnymede at 11 o’clock, amidst the hearty cheers of all hands. She was named “The Hope.” Her mast was then stepped and fitted, and an ample supply of provisions, water, and other necessaries put on board her. At half-past five, Tuesday, 26th.—Weather moderate. The Hope not in sight at daybreak. The carpenters landed to make preparations for building another boat. Parties out getting shell-fish. Some trepang, beech-le-mer, or sea slug, was brought to Captain Doutty, which he attempted to cure by cleansing, parboiling, and drying in the sun. This is reckoned a great luxury by the Chinese, and Captains Stapleton, Montgomery, and Best, in the evening, saw a wild hog, between which and the bush they got unperceived. They each had a shot at him, as he ran past them, and being wounded in the head, he ran staggering amongst the fallen timber. A little spaniel dog, called Billy, of the King Charles’s breed, which happened to be with the party, seized the hog by the ear. At the same time a soldier ran up to despatch the animal with a large stick, and not observing the dog in the dusk, he accidentally struck him an unlucky blow on the head, and killed him. Poor Billy’s fate was universally regretted in the camp, where he was a general favourite. The hog weighed 80 lbs., had large tusks, and his hide was half-an-inch thick. The Thursday, 28th.—Working parties clearing and deepening the wells, which were beginning to fail. Several of the officers left the Briton, their tents being completed. There were many beautiful shells of various kinds found upon the beach. It was amusing to see such as are generally made use of as mantel-piece ornaments, teeming with life, and running about in every direction. A few fish were caught in nets outside the Runnymede, quantities of small ones being driven into shoal water by the large ones, which prey upon them. Friday, 29th.—The soldiers were employed burning a road to the wells, the Saturday, 30th.—General parade for muster. The keel for the intended boat brought in from the bush where it had been cut. A carpenter, four sawyers, and a blacksmith from the 80th were ordered to assist in building the new boat. Sunday, 1st December.—Divine service was performed. The guard on board the Runnymede was now formed by convalescent soldiers, being one serjeant and six privates of the 80th. The natives made very large fires both to the northward and southward. Tuesday, 3d.—Regular morning parades on the beach at 7 A.M. commenced this day, the guards mounting immediately afterwards. The bugle was sounded regularly, as in garrison, at daybreak, for parade, for meals, and for bed at 8 P.M. The road still in progress of burning. This, together with the tent-fires and those of the picquets, had a very brilliant effect. Two officers went in search of water, and found a running stream under the hills, about a mile from the camp, which was very difficult to reach, from the denseness of the jungle. Thursday, 5th.—A bag of damaged pepper sent on shore from the Runnymede for the soldiers to eat with the shell fish. An oyster bed discovered. A tree on fire, mistaken for a steamer’s light. Friday, 6th.—The carpenters commenced planking the boat. Several men were sent to the hospital with fever and head complaints. An order was issued, prohibiting the soldiers bathing or otherwise exposing themselves in the heat of the sun. Saturday, 7th.—The canoe was launched, and answered better than was expected. Sunday, 8th.—Divine service as usual. The canoe brought in a cargo of fine oysters from the northward. The tracks of a number of hogs were seen. A soldier of the 80th died in hospital of brain fever. Monday, 9th.—The Runnymede got a spar over her quarter, lashed to the mizen-mast, to shore her up, the heavy surf causing her to bump more than was agreeable. There was quite a fleet of canvas in the bay fishing and paddling about. Tuesday, 10th.—One of the fishing crews caught a large fish of the snapper kind, of about 20 lbs. weight. It was found to be coarse and hard when cooked. Wednesday, 11th.—The encampment looked quite gay, each tent having its Thursday, 12th.—Two turtles were seen upon the water. There were only sufficient provisions on hand to serve this month through. The Hope has been gone now sixteen days. Saturday, 14th.—A party of officers of the 80th went to the northward on discovery, attended by the canoe. They crossed over to the other island. Saw a wild beast in the bush of the panther kind. Found some bundles of pigs’ heads, tied with cane, laid together in heaps, and stones suspended from the trees by rattan. They supposed this to be some religious ceremony of the natives. They found a quantity of excellent Sunday, 15th.—Divine service as usual. This was the 20th day after the departure of the Hope. The present amount of ration to be reduced one-half from to-morrow, which will be little better than starvation. Very little shell fish to be now found within miles of the camp. About eleven o’clock, A.M., there were two smart shocks of an earthquake. The Briton shook so violently that all hands ran up from below, fearing that she would fall over. The last shock had scarcely subsided, when the shout of a sail, a sail! issued from a look-out tree, on the right of the camp, upon which the people themselves had established a watch, relieved every hour. The welcome cry quickly resounded throughout the camp. The Runnymede immediately hoisted her ensign and fired a gun, which was a pre-concerted signal. Wednesday, 18th.—The Runnymede’s mainmast was cut away, and she was shored up with it to make her ride easily, being much shaken by the surf. The Hope was brought on shore, and her deck and false keel taken off, that she might be used for landing provisions and stores. A brig appeared in sight to the southward. The Runnymede made signals, but she passed on without taking any notice. She was supposed to be a country ship. Friday, 20th.—The island is putting on a spring-like appearance. Verdant spots are here and there to be seen, and the trees are beginning to come into leaf. Even those which were thrown down by the hurricane are struggling for life with the few roots left in the ground, and some of sixty feet high, without branch or top, have shot out small Sunday, 22nd.—Divine service as usual. The poop-awning of the Briton was blown away, and the cuddy filled with water. The weather very rough. Tuesday, 24th.—The Swinton’s jolly-boat was swamped in the surf whilst taking off water-casks. The long-boat went to their assistance, and towed them alongside the schooner. The east end of the north island was covered with natives in search of food; the poor creatures seemed to depend entirely Wednesday, 25th. Christmas Day.—The Swinton left for Moulmein. Mr. Michael returned in her with despatches. The Runnymede’s dingy returning from the schooner was capsized in consequence of Thompson, a seaman, falling on one side of her, when Edmund Hutter, a seaman, was drowned, means of resuscitation proving of no avail. Divine service was performed on board the Briton. The tents of the 80th looked very gay, being decorated with green boughs in honour of the day. There was no roast beef, but very good plum-puddings were made without sugar. Thursday, 26th.—Flies and musquitoes came in myriads; they were very troublesome; there were none till now; the hurricane Friday, 27th.—A wicker-work pot was made to catch fish in deep water. A tablet was engraven on the rock, near the burial-ground, with the names of the soldiers who had died on the island. At night large fires were made round the camp to burn out and keep off the musquitoes. Saturday, 28th.—At 7 A.M. a sloop-of-war brig, the Pilot, Captain Jervis, with two schooner gun-boats in convoy, appeared. The latter ran into the anchorage, and the former went round the islands in search of other vessels. Sent our boat on board one of the former and landed the officer, Mr. White, of the Company’s Marine, who stated that transports were at hand to relieve the Sunday, 29th.—At noon the Ayrshire, of 250 tons, arrived from Moulmein, being one of three ships taken up by the Government there to convey the sufferers away from the island; the other two were called the Agnes Lee and the Elizabeth Ainslie. Capt. Jervis and three of his officers dined on the island. Monday, 30th.—The first division of the 80th regiment commenced embarking on board the Ayrshire. At 3 P.M. the Elizabeth Ainslie arrived for the remaining portion of the 80th, and anchored near the Runnymede. Hullmandel & Walton Lithographers. No. 4. Tuesday, 31st.—The Pilot came round 1845.Wednesday, 1st January.—The second division of the 80th regiment embarked in the Elizabeth Ainslie, as also Captain Doutty and the crew of the Runnymede. The officers dined on board the Pilot. There were numerous native fires on both islands. Thursday, 2nd.—The Elizabeth Ainslie sailed. The natives collected in great numbers on both islands. The gun-boat’s gig, manned by Lascars, whilst pulling along the reef, was pursued by five canoes. The brig-of-war’s cutter went to her assistance, when the canoes pulled back to the reef and made off. The 50th detachment strengthened their camp-guard and posted extra sentinels. Saturday, 4th.—The remainder of the Sunday, 5th.—The last detachment of the wrecked troops, after a sojourn of 55 days, sailed this day for Calcutta in the Agnes Lee, and bid adieu to this inhospitable island, in words very different from those of the poet, who sang “Isle of beauty, fare thee well.” The voyage was most prosperous, the several ships having arrived at their destination within a few days of each other. The only place of note they passed on the voyage being Barren Island; they had a full view of its volcano, which is a cone thrown up from a valley. It was then in partial action, Monday, 13th.—Latitude, by observation, 20°59 north. A comet has been seen for the last ten or twelve nights, in the south-west, about equal to a star of the second magnitude, with a tail of about 8 or 10 degrees. The detachments of the 10th and 50th regiments, on arriving at Calcutta, proceeded on to Chinsmah by steam, and the detachment of the 80th landed at Calcutta, and took up their quarters in Fort William. |