C. J. Bowen-Cooke, Esq., C.B.E., Chief Mechanical Engineer, London and North-Western Railway | Frontispiece | |
Armoured Train | 45 |
Various Types of Artificial Limbs | 68 |
The Protector, or Mine-sweeping, Paravane | 70 |
Gauges made at Crewe and used for the Manufacture of Graze-Fuses | 78 |
Reversible Mechanical Tapping Machine for Fuse Caps Designed at Crewe | 78 |
The Graze-Fuse, shewn in section | 80 |
Rolling out Dents in 4·5-inch Fired Cartridge Case | 89 |
"Patriot."—A Typical Example of the "Claughton" Class of 6´ 6´´, Six Wheels Coupled Express Passenger Engine with Superheated Boiler; Four h.p. Cylinders, 15-3/4´´ bore x 26´´ stroke; Boiler Pressure, 175 lbs. per sq. inch; Maximum Tractive Force, 24,130 lbs.; Weight of Engine and Tender in Working Order, 117 tons | 99 |
6-inch Shell Manufacture in the New Fitting Shop, Crewe Works | 112 |
A Crewe Tractor in Road Trim | 130 |
A Crewe Tractor as Light-Railway Engine on Active Service | 130 |
Limber Hooks: Illustrating Duplex Method of Drop Forging | 145 |
Trunnion Brackets for 6-inch Howitzer Gun, Drop Forgings | 145 |
The 4-ton Drop Hammer | 148 |
Naval Gun weighing 68 tons. A Typical Instance of War-time Traffic | 173 |
Breakdown Crane and Lifting Tackle for Shipping Small Goods Engines | 178 |
An Overseas Locomotive Panel "Severely Wounded" | 178 |
Type of Overhead Travelling Crane, Built at Crewe and Supplied to the Overseas "Rearward Services" | 180 |
"We, the Working Men of Crewe, will do all that is Humanly Possible to Increase the Output of Munitions, and Stand by our Comrades in the Trenches" | 186 |
London and North-Western Railway War Memorial, Euston | 210 |
Manufacture of a Hob-cutter, in "relieving" or "backing-off" lathe | Appendix C | |