- Air pyrometers, 219.
- Anti-vibration stand for galvanometers, 47.
- Atmospheric temperatures, measurement of, 96, 132.
- Automatic compensators, 66.
- Barrett, Sir W., discovery of recalescence, 4.
- Becquerel, Ed., optical pyrometer, 5.
- Black-body radiations, 136.
- Brearley, sentinel pyrometers, 208.
- — curve-tracer, 221.
- Bristol, air-recording pyrometer, 219.
- — compensator, 66.
- BystrÖm, calorimetric pyrometer, 201.
- Calorimetric or “water” pyrometers, 195.
- — — — special uses of, 203.
- Centigrade scale of temperatures, 6.
- Clay-contraction pyrometers, 211.
- Colour-extinction pyrometers, 189.
- Colour, in relation to temperature, 167.
- Comparison of gas and platinum scales, 111.
- Compensators for cold junctions, 66.
- Conduction pyrometers, 218.
- Constant temperature cold junction, 71.
- Contact-pen recorders, 88.
- “Critical” points of steel, 94.
- Daniell, expansion pyrometers, 2, 214.
- Darling, automatic compensator, 68.
- — and Grace, liquid element thermocouples, 43.
- Day, extension of gas scale, 15.
- Electromotive force (E.M.F.) developed by junctions, 31.
- — — measurement of, 62.
- Expansion pyrometers, 214.
- Fahrenheit, temperature scale, 7.
- FÉry, lens pyrometer, 142.
- — mirror pyrometer, 143.
- — optical pyrometer, 174.
- — spiral pyrometer, 150.
- Fixed points for calibration of pyrometers, 16, 17.
- Foster, base-metal pyrometer, 39.
- — fixed-focus pyrometer, 152.
- — recorder, 82.
- Furnace, electric tube, 95.
- — temperatures, control of, by pyrometers, 87.
- Fusible metals, 209.
- — pastes, 210.
- Fusion pyrometers, 204.
- Gas pyrometers, 219.
- — scale of temperatures, 11.
- — thermometer, constant volume, 11.
- Hadfield, effect of temperature on hardness of steel, 4.
- Harris, indicator, PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY
NEILL AND CO., LTD., EDINBURGH. Transcriber's Notes: The cover image was created by the transcriber, and is in the public domain. Uncertain or antiquated spellings or ancient words were not corrected. The illustrations have been moved so that they do not break up paragraphs and so that they are next to the text they illustrate. Typographical errors have been silently corrected but other variations in spelling and punctuation remain unaltered. |