Mary delighted in swinging, and she had a brother who was fond of her, and who did all that he could to please her. You see him here indulging her with her favorite play. It is to his skill, she is indebted for this beautiful swing, which you see he has put up in a pleasant part in the garden. How much more agreeable it is, to behold children thus uniting to make each other happy, than it would be to see them always jealous of each other's enjoyment. THE SQUIRREL. THE SQUIRREL. CALLING NAMES. CALLING NAMES. GEO. P. DANIELS, Is extensively engaged in the publication of JUVENILE and TOY BOOKS, of different sizes and prices. His little Books are all got up with great taste, and illustrated with beautiful cuts. Very great care has been taken, both in the original and selected matter, that not a word should be introduced into them, which the most judicious parent would object to place in the hands of his children. |