- Ballade of Skyfaring, A, S. Gertrude Ford, 490
- Book Reviews, 532
- Breathe, On Learning to, Dr J. Stenson Hooker, 630
- Camping Out, C.R. Freeman, 438, 480
- Care of Cupboards, Florence Daniel, 530
- Castles in the Air, E.M. Cobham, 582
- Cloud-capped Towers, E.M. Cobham, 626
- Correspondence, 504, 533, 580, 658
- Cottage Cheese, 658
- Curtained Doorways, The, Edgar J. Saxon, 561
- Doctor on Doctors, A, 637
- Doctor's Reason for Opposing Vaccination, A, Dr J.W. Hodge, 597
- Doctors and Health, 633
- Fasting, A Significant Case, A. Rabagliati, M.D., 458, 492
- Fear and Imagination, E.M. Cobham, 510
- Food and the Source of Bodily Energy, 507
- Fruit-Oils and Nuts, 659
- Futurist Gardening, G.G. Desmond, 451
- Health Queries, Dr H. Valentine Knaggs:—
- About Sugar, 540;
- Bad Case of Self-poisoning, 502;
- Boils, their Cause and Cure, 498;
- Canary versus Jamaica Bananas, 579;
- Can Malaria be Prevented? 466;
- Cereal Food in the Treatment of Neuritis, 619;
- Correct Blending of Foods, 655;
- Concerning Cottage Cheese, 617;
- Deafness, 615, 616;
- Diet for Obstinate Cough, 618;
- Diet for Ulcerated Throat, 575;
- Dilated Heart, 653;
- Difficulties in Changing to Non-Flesh Diet, 655;
- Dry Throat, 653;
- Eczema as a Sign of Returning Health, 613;
- Excessive Perspiration, 574;
- Farming and Sciatica, 575;
- Faulty Food Combinations, 536;
- Giddiness and Head Trouble, 468;
- Going to Extremes in the Unfired Diet, 543;
- Long Standing Gastric Trouble, 470;
- Malt Extract, 539;
- Neuritis, 538;
- Onion Juice as Hair Restorer, 651;
- Phosphorus and the Nerves, 577;
- Refined Paraffin as a Constipation Remedy, 652;
- Saccharine, 653;
- Stammering, 654;
- Severe Digestive Catarrh, 471;
- Sciatica, 651;
- Temporary “Bright's Disease” and How to Deal with it, 576;
- Ulceration of the Stomach, 541;
- Unfired Diet for a Child, 467;
- Water Grapes, 619;
- Why the Red Corpuscles are Deficient in AnÆmia, 654
- Health and Joy in Hand-weaving, Minnie Brown, 591
- Health through Reading, Isabella Fyvie Mayo, 517
- Healthy Brains
Vol. V No. 24 July 1913 There will come a day when physiologists, poets, and philosophers will all speak the same language and understand one another.—Claude Bernard.