July 31.—Germany declares war against Russia and sends 12 hours’ ultimatum to France. Belgian Government orders partial mobilisation.
August 1.—Germany formally announces mobilisation. France orders mobilisation.
August 2.—German troops invade Luxemburg. German ultimatum presented at Brussels, giving 12 hours for reply.
August 3.—Belgian Government refuse demand for German occupation of Belgium and “assisted passage” to German troops. German armies cross Belgian frontier.
August 4.—Combat opens at VisÉ and Argenteau for the passage of the Meuse. Bombardment of LiÉge begun.
August 5.—Special meeting of Belgian Parliament. Ministry of all parties formed. Emergency measures voted.
First attempt of Germans to storm LiÉge defeated. August 6.—Germans win passage of the Meuse. Second attempt to storm LiÉge. King of the Belgians leaves Brussels for the front.
August 7.—Third attempt to storm LiÉge. General von Emmich asks for 24 hours’ armistice. It is refused.
August 8.—Belgian troops evacuate trenches at LiÉge; 16,000 identification tallies collected from German dead.
August 9.—Germany offers accommodation with Belgium. Offer rejected. Railways and roads cut.
August 10.—German troops enter LiÉge. Forts still hold out. Leading citizens of LiÉge seized as hostages. “Fine” of £2,000,000 imposed on city and province of LiÉge.
German cavalry advance to Tongres and Ramillies. Attack upon Huy. French troops arrive in Belgium.
August 11.—German flying columns advance upon Diest and EghezÉe. Country laid waste.
August 12.—Battle at Diest and Haelen. Combat of EghezÉe. Germans repulsed, but capture Huy.
August 13.—Retreat of Germans from Diest. Pursuit by Belgians and French through St. Trond to Warenne. August 14.—German expedition against Tirlemont defeated. French occupy Dinant.
August 15.—First attack upon Dinant.
August 16.—Second attack and battle of Dinant.
August 17.—Belgian Government removes from Brussels to Antwerp. British Expeditionary Force lands at Boulogne.
August 18.—General German advance across Belgium begins. Outpost fighting round Tirlemont and Gembloux.
August 19.—First day of battle of Louvain. Last of LiÉge forts destroyed.
August 20.—Second day of battle of Louvain. Germans occupy Malines.
August 21.—German entry into Brussels. “Fine” of £8,000,000 demanded.
August 22.—Germans advance upon Charleroi. Attack upon the passages of the Sambre.
August 23.—Battle of Mons and Charleroi. Fall of Namur. Belgians recapture Malines. Germans set up a new civil and military government for Belgium.
August 24.—Battle of Mons and Charleroi continued. Retirement of British and French forces. Germans occupy Ghent.
August 25.—Sack and destruction of Louvain. August 26.—Destruction of Termonde and Dinant.
August 27.—British occupy Ostend. Germans driven out of Ghent. Bombardment of Malines.
August 28.—Sack and destruction of Aerschot. Belgian Government appoints Commission to inquire into atrocities.
August 29.—Efforts of German civil and military authorities at Brussels to collect the “fine.” Resistance of Burgomaster and City Council.
August 30–September 6.—Belgian operations against German lines.
September 9.—Germany’s second offer of an accommodation rejected. Belgian sortie in force from Antwerp.
September 10–11.—Heavy fighting. Belgians again recapture Malines and Termonde, and occupy Alost.
September 12.—German reinforcements recalled from French frontier.
September 13.—Belgians retire upon Antwerp.
September 15.—First German attack upon Antwerp. Belgians cut the dykes. Heavy loss of German guns. Invaders defeated in successful sortie.
September 25.—Opening of second attack upon Antwerp. October 1–4.—Five days’ battle along the Dyle.
October 3.—Antwerp garrison reinforced by British Naval Brigade and Marines.
October 4–6.—Battle on the Nethe. Germans cross the river.
October 7.—Belgian Government transferred to Ostend. Bombardment of city of Antwerp begun.
October 9.—Belgian army evacuates Antwerp. Germans enter the city.