Peas may be done in the same way. RED CABBAGE(Flemish) C Chop 4 onions and cook in 1 tablespoonful of butter, add 1 large red cabbage chopped. Cover this with 6 chopped apples, next add 1 tablespoonful of rice, 2 cups of water, 1 dessert-spoonful of vinegar, 1 teaspoonful of sugar, 1½ teaspoonfuls of salt, pepper. Do not stir but cook slowly 4 hours or longer removing the cover occasionally to let out the steam. CABBAGE WITH CHEESE SAUCEC Cabbage, cauliflower, or cucumbers boiled in salted water are excellent served with cheese sauce. (See Sauces.) GLAZED ONIONSB Boil onions in water until they are half cooked, then strain. Put them in the stew-pan with a piece of butter, a pinch of powdered sugar, salt, SPINACH SOUFFLÉ(Italian) B Boil some spinach in salted water. When cooked drain and chop it. There should be about 2 cupfuls when chopped. Put into a saucepan on the fire 2 tablespoonsful of butter and 1½ level tablespoonsful of flour. When these are blended add the 2 cupfuls of spinach and one cup of cream. Cook five minutes, stirring carefully. Then mix into this the yolks of 3 eggs and remove the saucepan at once from the fire. When the mixture is cool stir into it the 3 whites of eggs, well beaten. Pour into a buttered soufflÉ dish, or individual dishes, and bake about twenty minutes in a moderate oven. |