Aarsen, Francis, lord of Sommelsdyk, see Sommelsdyk, Cornelis van.
Abram, boatswain, 39.
Achter Kol, 91 n., 92, 93, 149, 160, 172, 178;
proclamation against, 182;
discharge of, 224;
Gov. Carteret escorted to, 239, 243;
authority over, 241.
Adams, Richard, 117, 117 n., 122;
visit with, 123.
Africa, corsairs from, 38 n.
Albany, 169, 171;
proposed visit to, 185, 188;
arrival at, 198, 212;
described, 216-217;
beer of, 221;
river navigable to, 225.
See also Fort Orange.
Album Studiosorum Academiae Lugduno-Batavae, 168 n.
Aldborough, 287.
Alkmaar, 17, 17 n.
Alrichs, Peter, 104, 110, 144;
information concerning, 104 n., 146-147;
passport given by, 116;
inquiry made by, 142;
plantation of, 148, 148 n., 150.
Altona, in Holstein, 7, 97;
Labadists at, xxiii, 7 n., 97 n.
Amazon River, 37.
Amboy, 162.
Amsterdam, packet, 4;
arrival at, 5, 296;
rule concerning pilots of ships of, 16, 295;
ships from, 21.
Andersson, MÅns, 116, 116 n.
Andros, Gov. Sir Edmund, 45 n.;
recommendation of, 58 n.;
appointment by, 106 n.;
visits with, 167, 185, 187-188, 230-231;
proclamation by, 182, 182 n.;
leave taken of, 238;
relations with Carteret, 239-244, 244 n.;
government of, 248-249.
Ann, Cape, 258.
Antonis Neus (Anthony's Nose), headland, 225.
Apoquemene, 127, 130.
Appoquinimink, Creek 110, 110 n.
Aquackanonck (Passaic), 85 n., 86, 169, 170, 171;
description of, 175;
falls of, 176.
Arensius, Rev. Bernhardus, Lutheran minister, 217 n.
Armuyden, 45.
Arundell, Lord, defence under, 24 n.
Arundell of Trerice, Richard, Lord, governor of Pendennis castle, 29 n.
Autein, Loureins, Labadists' printer, 268 n.
Azores, islands, 38.
Bahamas, channel of, 37.
Baltimore, Lord (Cecilius Calvert, second lord), 132 n.;
negotiations with, xix.
Baltimore, Lord (Charles Calvert, third lord), 132 n.
Baltimore, Lord (George Calvert), grant to, 132, 132 n.
Baltimore County Land Records, xx n.
Barbadoes, 28;
run from, 52;
oysters for, 54;
ribbons for, 62;
ship from, 231;
trade with, 244-246;
ship for, 253.
Bardewisch, or Bardowitz, merchant, conventicle of, 7, 7 n., 296.
Barents, or Barn, Islands, 64, 64 n.
Barkelo, Herrman van, description by, 113 n.
Barro, island, 278, 278 n., 279.
Bayard, Petrus, conveyance to, xx, 141 n.;
convert to Labadism, xxiv; naturalization of, xxviii;
visit from, 237;
biographical information, 237 n.
Bayard, Thomas F., xx.
Beachy Head, 20.
Beacon Hill, 259.
Beaver, ship, 169, 169 n., 171, 190.
Beeren, or Barren Island, 51, 51 n.
Beerent, a guide, 149, 161, 162.
Bergen, 82, 82 n., 84, 84 n., 85, 165.
Berkeley, John, Lord, 66 n.;
grant to, 154, 154 n.
Berkeley, Sir William, recall and death of, 132 n.-133 n.
Berkum, H. van, De Labadie en de Labadisten, xxiii n.
Bermuda Islands, 37, 38, 38 n.
Berry, Capt. John, plantation of, 173, 173 n.
Bevesier, see Beachy Head.
Bible, the Indian, 263, 263 n., 264, 264 n.-265 n.
Billop, Christopher, 73 n.
Binckes, Jacob, 82 n.
Birch, Miss Una, Anna Maria van Schurman, 291 n.
Blackstone, Mr., plantation of, 116.
Block, Adrian, 257 n.
Block Island, 257, 257 n.
Blom, Barent, 64 n.
Boehme, Jacob, 12, 12 n.
Boeyer, Jan, 140, 140 n., 141, 142.
Bohemia Manor, xix, 112 n.-113 n., 131, 233;
Mallary's Ancient Families of, xvii;
Labadists' colony on, xix, xx, 49 n., 134 n., 141 n.;
an Account of the life of the Labadists on, xxiv n.;
Copies of some Records and Depositions Relating to, 113 n.
Bohemia River, 116, 127, 130.
Bolsward, arrival at, 4.
Bon, Capt. AndrÉ, 46.
Boston, 188;
preparations for journey to, 222, 230, 233, 234, 237, 238;
trade, 245, 246;
republic of, 247, 247 n.;
the journey to, 252-255;
Labadists' experiences in and around, 255-256, 259-272;
fire of, 269, 269 n.;
sham-fight in, 271, 271 n.;
description of, 275, 275 n.;
Labadists leave for home, 276;
witches and witchcraft in, 290, 290 n.
Bosum, 297.
Boterberg (Butter Hill), 226.
Bourignon, Antoinette, allusion to, 7;
work of, 7 n.
Bourne, Prof. Edward G., reprint issued by, 76 n.
Bowery, 65, 65 n.
Bowman, Mr., 61, 80.
Bownas, Samuel, Account by, xxiv n.
Bradstreet, Gov. Simon, visit with, 259;
biographical information, 259 n.
Brakel, Rev. Theodorus À, book by, 63, 63 n.
Brakel, Rev. Willem À, letters to, xii
, 168 n., 236 n.-237 n.;
Trouwhertige Waerschouwinge, xiii n., xxx n.
Brandywine Creek, 109.
Bread and Cheese Island, 139, 139 n.
Bree Sand, 16 n.
Breukelen, see Brooklyn.
Briel, 295, 295 n.
British Museum, maps in, xii, xix n., 114 n.;
books in, xxvii n.
Broadway, 46, 65.
Brooklyn, 52, 62, 90; church in 52, 52 n.;
Stiles's History of, 58 n.;
journey through, 172.
Brown, Rev. John, 63 n.
Bruges, 18.
Brugh, Helena van, marriage of, 234 n., 262 n.
Brugh, Johannes van, 145, 165, 165 n.
Brugh, Madame van (Katrina Roelofs, later van Rodenburg), 94, 94 n.
Buiksloot, 6, 6 n.
Burgh, 9, 15.
Burlington, 97, 98, 99, 103, 149, 150, 151;
court at, 144;
journey to, 147-148.
Burnt Mill, 235.
Buss Island, 277, 277 n.
Byllynge, Edward, proprietor of West New Jersey, 154, 154 n.
Cadiz, ship bound for, 21.
Calais, cape of, 19.
Cambridge, visit to, 266-268.
Canada, priests of, 137;
intercourse with, 226-227.
Captahem, Indian sachem, 85 n.
Carolina, Indians of, 181.
Carteret, Sir George, 66, 66 n.;
grant to, 154, 154 n., 165;
in New York, 166-251;
translations by, 170, 171;
letter concerning religious beliefs of, 236 n.-237 n.;
journey to Boston, 252-272;
his voyage home, 273-298.
Danskamer (Dancing Chamber), cove, 226.
Davis Strait, 37.
Deadman's Head (Dodman Point), 22, 23;
description of, 24.
Delaware Falls, 80, 95, 96.
Delaware Historical Society, xvii.
Delaware River, maps of, xi-xii, xvi, xvii, 165, 166;
mentioned, 45, 80 n., 85, 95;
departure of La Grange for, 50, 57;
Ephraim Herrman's visit to, 80, 86;
proposed journey of Labadists to, 89;
falls of, 95, 96;
Johnson's Swedish Settlements on the Delaware, 109 n.;
trade, 127, 128;
observations concerning, 150-151, 224, 228;
arrival of Fenwick at, 155;
condition in grants of lands on, 156;
letters from, 170;
Dutch in, 179;
duties on goods imported into, 246.
Delft, 295, 296.
Denys, Peter, 190, 190 n.
Descartes, RenÉ, 57 n.;
followers of, 57, 59.
Deutel Bay, 166, 166 n., 171.
Dirck, of Claverack, 219.
Dirx, Immetie, 83, 83 n.
Dittelbach, Verval en Val der Labadisten, 134 n.
Dogger Bank, the, 284, 284 n., 285.
Dolphin, ship, 260, 277 n.
Donderbergh (Thunder Hill), 225.
Dover, 19.
D'Owerk, Sister, see Sommelsdyk, Isabella van.
Dulignon, Domine, xxx.
Dunham, Jonathan, will of, 93, 93 n.
Dunwich, 287, 287 n.
Durlston Head, 21.
Dutch, ships, 31, 281, 282, 283, 285;
conquest of Fort Christina, 109, 109 n.;
settlements, 132, 273;
relations with English, 136, 136 n., 153, 155;
relations with Swedes, 152-153, 153 n.;
in South River, 179.
Dutch East India Company, 273.
Dutch Smack, tavern, 288.
Dutch West India Company, grant from, 57 n., 153 n.;
slaves of, 65;
property of, 145;
rule and authority of, 152;
first ship sent to New Netherland by, 236 n.
Duyckinck, Evert, mate, 18, 22, 28, 28 n., 39, 81, 181, 221, 236.
Duyckinck, Evert, the elder, 181, 181 n.
Duyckinck, Gerrit, 181, 181 n., 220.
Duyn, Gerrit Evertsen van, visits with, 36, 43, 47;
biographical information concerning, 36 n.;
brings home his goods, 49;
mentioned, 52, 67, 91, 169, 228;
visits Indians, 55, 56;
in New Harlem, 65;
is shaved by Danckaerts, 68;
goes to Sapokan, 69-86;
journey with, 171;
marriage of, 190, 190 n.
Dyer, Capt. William, 187, 187 n., 240, 244.
Eames, Wilberforce, bibliography by, 264 n.
East New Jersey, Scot's Model of the Government of, 84 n.;
historical information concerning, 154 n.
East River, 46, 51, 64, 65, 224;
description of, 256-257.
Ecclesiastical Records of New York, 44 n.-45 n., 181 n., 202 n.
Ecke, D. van, 45.
Eddystone, 22 n.
Elbertsen, Elbert, see Stoothoff, Elbert Elbertsen.
Eliot, Benjamin, 270 n.
Eliot, Rev. John, visit to, 263-266, 270-271;
biographical information, 263 n.;
reference to, 270.
Elizabeth, Princess, xxii, xxii n.
Elizabeth, Queen, 132.
Elizabeth, widow, 105, 106.
Elizabeth Creek, 92, 224.
Elizabeth Islands, 253, 258.
Elizabethtown, 66, 75, 84, 162.
Elizabethtown Creek, 74 n., 163.
Eltie, see Illetie.
Enckhuysen, 4, 4 n., 7.
England, ships, 8, 11, 20, 41, 48, 140, 276;
coast of, 19;
corsairs near, 38 n.;
brandy from, 123;
relations with the Dutch, 136, 136 n., 153, 155;
date of Christmas in, 140, 140 n.;
in New Netherland, 190.
English Ship, The, inn, 26.
Ephraim, see Herrman, Ephraim.
Episcopalians, 26, 29, 85.
Esopus, or Hysopus, 181, 181 n., 185, 197, 198, 213, 220;
war, 221, 221 n., described, 221;
river navigable to, 225.
Evert, mate, see Duyckinck, Evert.
Evertsen, Cornelis, 81, 82 n.
Fairhill, 280, 280 n., 282.
Falmouth, England, 11, 22, 23, 24, 24 n., 25, 26, 30, 80.
Falo, or Foula, island, 280, 280 n.
Fayal, island of, 261.
Fenwick, John, Salem founded by, 143 n.;
proprietor of West New Jersey, 154, 154 n., 155.
Fierens, Jacques, printer, 81, 81 n.
Filipse, Margaret, see Philipse, Margaret.
Finns, 100, 142.
Fisher's Island, 253.
Flanders, coast of, 19, 20.
Flatbush, 51, 60, 60 n., 62, 90.
Flatlands, 59, 59 n.
Florida, coast of, 37.
Flushing, bay of, 257.
Fonteyn, Cornelia, wife of Arnoldus de la Grange, 49 n.
Fort Albany, see Fort Orange.
Fort Amsterdam, 45-46.
Fort Christina, 109, 109 n.
Fort Nassau, on the Delaware, 143.
Fort Orange, 44, 46, 167, 179, 181.
See also Albany.
Fort Wadsworth, 71 n.
Fox, George, meeting held by, 116 n.
Foy, Capt. John, 260, 260 n., 268.
Fransen, Claes, 83, 86, 88, 169.
Fresh Kill, 74.
Fresh (Connecticut) River, 247, 273.
Friends, Society of, relations with Labadists, xxii, xxiv.
Friesland, 3 n.;
adoption of calendar in, 4 n.;
government of, 188 n.
Frisby, Capt. James, 116;
information concerning, 116 n.;
plantation of, 126, 127.
Furs, 169, 182, 186, 189, 231.
Gaasbeeck, Rev. Laurentius van, 45, 45 n.;
death of, 181;
information concerning, 181 n.
Galloper, or Galper, sandbank, 20, 20 n.
Gamoenepaen, see Communipaw.
Gardiner's Island, 257.
Gardinier, Pierre le, see Cresson, Pierre.
Gary, Alice, formerly Alice Ambrose, 104 n.
George's (Castle) Island, 259.
Geresolveert, see Waldron, Resolved.
Gerrit, see Duyn, Gerrit Evertsen van.
Gheele Hoeck (Yellow Point), 172.
Ghysen, Hendrick, Psalms translated by, xxix.
Gibraltar, ship for Straits of, 20.
Godfrey, Miss Elizabeth, A Sister of Prince Rupert, xxii n.
Godyn, Samuel, 150 n.
Golden Fleece, The, inn, 29, 31.
Goodwin Sands, 20, 20 n.
Goos, Peter, atlas published by, 282, 282 n.
Gorter, Capt. Jan, 297.
Gouanes, or Gowanus, 52, 52 n., 53, 69, 123, 169, 172, 179, 230.
Gouanes (Gowanus) Bay, 178.
Goutstar, see Start Point.
Goyn, see Goodwin Sands.
Governor's Island, 46, 179, 179 n., 256.
Grange, Arnoldus de la, conveyance to, xx, 141 n.;
naturalization of, 115 n., 165, 170, 186, 271;
passport given by, 116;
goes with Labadists to Christina Kill, 138-139;
hears of father's illness, 140;
returns to Maryland, 140;
is made heir, 141, 141 n.;
goods for, 185;
arrives with family in New York, 233;
takes leave of Labadists, 250;
Bible bought for, 296-297;
letter to, 297.
Herrman, Kasparus, 110, 127;
information concerning, 110 n., 111;
at house of, 112, 130, 131;
meeting with, 113-114.
Heylige Decades, Labadie, 170, 171.
Highlands, 197, 222, 225,
Historisches Taschenbuch, xxii n.
Hobbes, Capt. Douwe, 291.
Hoere-kill, attack on, 136, 136 n.;
climate of, 152; settlement at, 152, 152 n.
Holland, chronology, 4 n., 140 n.;
currency, 30, 30 n., 32, 32 n., 41, 49, 49 n., 52, 54, 83, 103, 149, 162, 169, 230, 246.
See also Dutch.
Hoofden, 35, 35 n., 36, 51.
Hoogh, 15.
Hooghboom, Bartholomaeus, skipper, 189, 213, 232.
Hoorn, 10, 15.
Hopkins, Mr., plantation of, 117.
Hosier, Henry, 118, 119, 121, 121 n.
Howell, Mr., 116, 117.
Hoyberg (Hay Hill), 226.
Huguenots, settlement, 271 n.
Huyberts, Susanna, wife of Casparus Herrman, 233 n.
Idenszen, Theunis, 190, 190 n.;
misfortunes and conversion of, 190-196;
mentioned, 197;
visits with, 223, 238, 250;
incident of the stolen cow and, 229-230.
Ij, river, 6, 6 n., 51.
Illetie (Aletta), Indian woman, story of, 201-205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211.
Independents, 253, 262, 273, 274, 277.
Indians, observations upon, xvi; on board the Charles, 35, 36;
on Long Island, 52;
visits with, 76-79, 88, 139-140, 159, 177-178, 200;
dealings with, 79-80, 84-85, 222;
dwellings of, 94, 172;
in Maryland, 115;
Jesuits among, 137;
as guides, 149, 172;
murder by, 152;
relations with Quakers, 155-156;
religious beliefs of, 174-175;
land purchased from, 175;
dinner with, 176;
drinking carousal at Gowanus, 179;
canticoy of, 180;
epidemic among, 181;
conversion of, 202;
trading operations at Albany, 217;
fish caught by, 220;
Esopus war with, 221;
Bible, 263, 263 n., 264, 264 n.-265 n.
See also Manhattan Indians; Mohawks; Najack Indians.
Jacob, Capt., 116, 165, 190, 240.
Jacobs, Mr., 30, 31.
Jacobs, Marritie, 67 n.
Jamaica, governor of, 45, 45 n.
James, Rev. B.B., The Labadist Colony in Maryland, xvii.
Jan, a passenger on board the Charles, 10, 11, 11 n., 28, 41, 49;
conduct at, 12, 14, 23, 30, 31, 40.
Jaquet, Jean Paul, 109, 109 n.
Jasper, an Indian, visit from, 76-79, 80;
religious beliefs of, 175.
Jean, Maitre, landlord, 26.
Jeffreys, Herbert, lieutenant-governor of Virginia, 133 n.
Jesuits, 137, 249, 269.
Jochemsen, Capt. David, 48.
Johns Hopkins University Studies, xvii, 112 n.
Johnson, Dr. Amandus, Swedish Settlements on the Delaware, 109 n.
Joris, David, followers of, 250, 250 n.
Kaaterskill Falls, 198, 198 n.
Karl, electoral prince, visits England, 291, 291 n.;
returns to the Hague, 295.
Kekebel, or Kieckebuls, Thomas Davidtse, 197 n.
Keulen, Joannes van, atlas published by, 297, 297 n.
Key, Capt. Theunis de, 262 n., 263, 268.
Kieft, Willem, director-general of New Netherland, 46, 46 n.
Killigrew, Sir Robert, church built by, 26 n.
Kill van Kull, 50, 58, 59, 59 n., 69, 74, 84, 92 n.
Kinderhook, 198, 216, 217, 226.
King Philip's War, reference to, 137, 137 n.
King's Channel, 287, 287 n., 292, 293.
Klief, Cornelis van, 186, 189;
letter of, 199; arrangements made at house of, 234.
Koch, Otto Ernst, 103, 103 n.
Kock Achie, see Coxsackie.
Koelman, Rev. Jacobus, book by, 63;
information concerning, 63 n.
Kok, J., Vaderlandsche Woordenbock, xxviii n.
Labadie, Jean de, biography of, xxi-xxii;
death of, xxiii;
Declaration of, xxv, 265, 265 n., 266;
writings of, 88, 88 n., 170, 170 n., 171, 171 n., 232, 232 n., 272, 272 n.
Labadists, colony of, in Maryland, xvii, xviii, xix-xx;
James's Labadist Colony in Maryland, xvii;
rise and decline of, xxii-xxiii;
teachings of, xxiii-xxiv;
in Surinam, xxviii, xxviii n., 61 n.;
house purchased by, 113 n.;
conveyance to, 141 n.;
printing-press of, 268 n.
La Motte, M., 101.
Lands Diep, 13, 13 n.
Langevelt, or Longfield, Cornelis van, 160, 160 n.
Lawrence, Thomas, baker in New York, 160, 160 n.
Leaming and Spicer, Grants and Concessions, 244 n.
Leete, Gov. William, 187 n.
Leeuwarden, 3 n.
Leiden van Leeuwen, Dirk van, 291, 291 n.
Leisler, 48 n.
Leman Bank, 286, 286 n.
Lemmer, 297, 297 n.
Leyden, University of, xii, 168, 168 n.
LiÈge, resident of Long Island from, 53.
Lighthouse at entrance of Boston Harbor, 259, 259 n.
Little Bay, 225, 256.
Little Bohemia, manor, xix, 112 n.-113 n.
Lizard, point, 23, 23 n., 257.
London, ships from, 20, 231;
mail ships for, 27, 46, 140;
Labadists in and around, 288-293;
Great Fire of, 288 n., 289, 289 n., 290 n.
Long Island, 33, 35, 90;
description of, 50-51;
Indians on, 52;
fruit, 52, 59, 67;
fish, 53, 54, 90;
sketch of, 59 n.;
grain, 60;
Quakers, 85;
the Labadists' visit to, 171, 228.
Long Island Historical Society, manuscripts in possession of, xi, xv, 59 n.
Lorphelin, Peter, case of, 269 n.
Love, Fast and Thanksgiving Days of New England, 261 n.
Lucas, Capt., 262.
Lucas, Mr., custom-house officer, 31, 32.
Maasluis, 295, 295 n.
Maas River, 18, 294, 295.
MacCormac, E.I., White Servitude in Maryland, 112 n.
Main Creek, 73 n.
Maine, hostilities along coast of, 137 n.
Mallary, Rev. Charles P., Ancient Families of Bohemia Manor, 154 n.
Narratives of New Netherland, 109 n., 153.
Narrows, 182, 197, 225.
Nassau, Hendrik van, 296 n.
Nassau, a village on the Raritan, 161, 161 n.
Naylor, James, 105, 105 n.
Naze, 293, 293 n.
Negroes, 65, 111.
Nevesinck, 50, 69, 95, 162, 180, 182.
Nevesinck Creek, 224.
New Brunswick, 94 n.
Newcastle, Del., court of, 106;
mentioned, 109, 139, 150;
minister at, 110;
Labadists' visit to, 122, 131, 137, 140, 180;
journey to Christina Kill from, 138;
Robert Wade at, 142;
description of, 143, 144;
settlement at, 152.
Newcastle County, Delaware, Herrman property in, xix.
New Dorp,
72, 72 n.
New England, Love's Fast and Thanksgiving Days of, 261 n.;
settlement of, 273, 273 n.;
description of, 273-275.
Newfoundland, 37, 38, 132.
New Harlem, 64, 65, 68.
New Jersey, 69;
woods, 95;
government, 182, 182 n.
New Jersey Archives, 182 n.
New Jersey Historical Society, xvii.
New Netherland, Murphy's Anthology of, xii n., 237 n.;
coast of, 37;
Labadists' travels in, 43-91;
fruit, 44, 47;
governor of, 45, 45 n.;
first child born in, 47, 47 n., 236 n.;
roads, 129;
settlement of, 132;
conquered by England, 190, 190 n.;
first ship sent to, 236 n.;
distilling in, 245;
journal of voyage from, 252-298.
New Sweden, origin of, 152 n.;
conquest of, 153, 153 n.
New Utrecht, 57 n., 58, 59, 90, 91.
New York, Ecclesiastical Records of, 44 n.-45 n., 181 n., 202 n.;
Wolley's A Two Years Journal in, 76 n.;
O'Callaghan's Documentary History of, 197 n., 229 n., 236 n., 262 n.;
Miller's Description of, 198 n., 213 n.
See also New Netherland.
New York City, sketches of, xi, xii, xvi;
Labadists arrive at, 43;
Labadists return to, 222;
militia of, 239;
trade, 246, 247.
New York Historical Society, Collections, 90 n.
New York Public Library, books in, xxvii n., 265 n.
Niagara Falls, 199 n.
Nicholson, Gov. Sir Francis, xxi.
Nicolls, Capt. Matthias, secretary of New Jersey, 244;
letters of, 84 n., 115 n.
Nicolls, Gov. Richard, code of, 90 n.
Nieuwe Diep, 13, 13 n.
Nieuwendam, 6, 6 n.
Nieuwenhuysen, Rev. Wilhelmus van, 45, 45 n.;
preaching of, 46, 47, 59, 86, 166, 239;
relations with Theunis, 223;
relations with Marie Renard, 231;
illness of, 234, 237.
Nissensen, Mr. S. G., aid acknowledged to, xi.
Noorman's Kil, 198.
North Kil, see Hackensack River.
North River, 46, 64, 66, 67, 68, 81, 84, 108, 150, 151, 152, 197;
described, 223-225, 224 n.;
falls on, 227;
fish of, 227;
climate, 228;
jurisdiction over, 240.
North Sea, 19-20, 278, 284.
Northwest Kill (Passaic River), 85, 92, 173, 175, 224, 227.
Noten Hoeck (Nut Point), 226.
Noten, or Nut, Island, see Governor's Island.
Nottingham, Earl of (Daniel Finch), secretary of state, xxx.
Noy, Abraham de la, 48, 48 n., 63, 63 n.
Noy, Peter de la, 48 n.
Nya GÖteborg, or New Gothenburg, 100 n., 101.
Oakes, Rev. Urian, acting president of Harvard, 267 n.
O'Callaghan, Dr. E.B., reprint issued by, 76 n.;
Documentary History of New York, 197 n., 229 n., 236 n., 262 n.
Ogilby, America, xii.
Oosterend, in Friesland, 3, 3 n.
Oosterend, on Texel, 9, 10, 15.
Orange, Prince of, 74, 188, 188 n.
Orfordness, 294, 294 n.
Orkney Islands, 280, 282.
Otto, a resident of Wicacoa, 148.
Otto, Justice, 104, 104 n.
Oude Dorp, 71, 72.
Oude Schilt, 8, 9, 13, 15.
Owins, Johan, surgeon, 261, 288, 291, 292.
Padechal, captain of the Boston packet, see Pattishall, Richard.
Palisades, 67.
Papegoia, Johan, 100 n., 101, 101 n.
Papegoia, Madame, 101, 102, 103;
residence of, 107.
Pascal, Blaise, PensÉes, 91, 91 n., 230.
Pattishall, Richard, 234, 234 n., 251, 252;
lodging with, 256;
visit to Gov. Bradstreet with, 259;
is paid for passage, 260.
Pauw, Michael, 84 n.
Pavonia, 84, 84 n.
Peconic Bay (Cromme Gouwe), 257.
Pemaquid, Me., 45, 45 n., 167, 188.
Pendennis castle, 24 n., 28, 29.
Penn, William, visit with Labadists, xxx;
Works, xxx n., 296 n.;
Charter to, 90 n.;
house of, 105 n.;
tour made in Germany and Holland, 295 n.-296 n.
Pennsylvania, first Quakers in, 105 n.;
first assembly of, 105 n.
Penryn, 26, 29;
custom house transferred from, 25 n.;
post office at, 27;
market of, 30.
Peveril Point, see Durlston Head.
Philipse, Margaret, ship-owner, 3, 3 n., 28, 80, 83, 183;
Labadists' relations with, 5, 6, 41, 49;
biographical sketch of, 5 n.;
arrives on board, 12;
suggestion of, 14;
conversation with, 21, 39;
goes ashore at Falmouth, 25;
conduct of, 40, 41.
Philipse, Frederick, 12 n.;
biographical sketch of, 5 n.;
visit with, 166-167;
ship of, 238, 252;
taken of, 238;
shipping interests of, 244.
Phillips, Mr. P. Lee, facsimile of map published by, xxi, 114 n.
Pieters, Frederick, 201, 201 n.
Pilots, law concerning, 16-17.
Piscataway, N.J., 91, 91 n., 94, 150, 160, 164, 164 n.
Pisgeon, or Pigon, John, merchant of Boston, 234, 260.
Pleine, Nicolas de la, 232, 232 n.
Plum Island, 257.
Pompey Stone, 215 n.
Popish Plot, reference to, 137.
Poppe, Jan, 61.
Portland, 21, 22.
Potlepels (Polopels) Island, 226, 226 n.
Presbyterians, 29.
Prince Palatine, see Karl, electoral prince.
Printz, Armegot, 100 n.
Printz, Johan, Swedish governor, 100 n., 101 n.
Pynchon, John, of Springfield, 235 n.
Quakers, 28, 66, 85, 92, 93, 96, 96 n., 98, 99, 100, 104, 128, 250;
first in Pennsylvania, 105 n.;
relations with Indians, 155-156;
of West Jersey, 247, 247 n.;
in London, 290.
Randall's Island, see Barents Islands.
Randolph, Edward, royal agent, 240 n., 274 n.
Raritan, the, 69, 89, 94 n., 149, 160, 161, 224.
Ravesteyn, Paulus van, Bible published by heirs of, 296, 296 n.
Records of the Court of Assistants, 269 n.
Reformed religion, followers of, 17;
ministers, 38 n.
Simons, Menno, followers of, 9 n.
Sinclair, Robert, 29, 29 n., 36, 39, 41, 80, 81.
Singleton, Thomas, ship-master, 3, 39, 238;
wife of, 39.
Slangenbergh, see Snakes' Hill.
Slavery, 133, 134, 134 n.
Sluis, in Zeeland, 18, 171, 171 n.
Sluys, Annetje, 251, 297.
Sluyter, Hendrik, xxix, xxx.
Sluyter, Peter, correct form of name, xii-xiii;
book translated by, xiii, xiii n.;
conveyance to, xx, 141 n.;
death of, xx;
mercenary instincts of, xxiv;
naturalization of, xxviii n.;
biographical information, xxix-xxxi, 168, 168 n.;
illness of, 8, 62, 201, 211;
references to, in Danckaerts' Journal, 11, 26, 27, 44, 46, 50, 59, 60, 85, 89, 122, 122 n., 125, 126, 138, 158, 169, 170, 175, 181, 184, 191, 194, 210, 251, 260, 266, 267, 270, 272, 288, 296;
goes to Najack, 148;
as physician, 202 n., 221;
letter concerning religious beliefs of, 236 n.-237 n.;
letter of, 297.
Smith's Flats, 48-49, 49 n.
Smoker's Hook, 93, 163.
Snake Hill, 82, 92, 173, 224.
Sneek, in Friesland, 296, 297.
Sommelsdyk, Cornelis van, governor of, Surinam, xxviii;
Labadists and the daughters of, xxiii, xxx.
Sommelsdyk, Isabella van, 295 n.-296 n.
South River, see Delaware River.
Southwold, 286, 286 n.
Sow and Pigs, rocks, 258.
Spademan, Rev. John, 294 n.
Spaniards, in New Netherland, 215, 215 n.
Spaniard's Channel, 13, 13 n.
Spykershof, Susanna, wife of Danckaerts, xxvii-xxviii.
Spyten Duyvel Creek, 64, 65, 67.
Stabley, Mr., plantation of, 124.
Stacey, Mahlon, mill owner, 96 n.
Start Point, 22.
Staten Island, 35, 50, 92;
description of, 69-70;
game, 73;
fish, 73;
visit to, 162.
Steenwijk, 123, 123 n.
Stiles, History of Brooklyn, 58 n.
Stoothoff, Elbert Elbertsen, 59 n., 61, 228.
Stuyvesant, Gov. Petrus, appointment by, xix;
farm of, 65 n.;
conquest of New Sweden under, 109, 109 n., 114, 153, 153 n.;
disagreement with Augustine Herrman, 114.
Surinam, 261, 261 n.;
Labadist colony in, xxviii, xxviii n., 61 n.
Swadel Rack (Swath Reach), 225.
Swanendael, founding of, 152 n.
Swart, Jacob, see Hellekers, Jacob Swarts.
Swaving, Mr. W.O., aid acknowledged, xxviii.
Swedes, at Tacony, 100;
houses built by, 101;
in New Sweden, 109, 152-153;
dealings with, 142.
Sybrey, Capt. Nathan, 117, 117 n.
Tacony, 100, 148, 150, 151.
Tapoesie, a Swede, 108.
Taylor, or Teller, John, 259-260, 260 n.;
visits with, 268-270, 271;
leave taken of, 272.
Tesschenmaker, Rev. Petrus, biographical information, 44 n., 138 n.;
ministry of, 45, 70, 83, 86, 89, 110, 138, 142, 181, 205 n., 234.
Teunissen van Dykhuis, Jan, 30, 30 n., 52, 59, 60, 61, 62, 170.
Texel, island of, 7, 7 n., 8.;
description of, 15-16;
inhabitants of, 17;
fish, 17.
Texelsdiep, 10, 15, 16.
Thames River, 286, 287.
Thetinga, Labadists at, xxiii, 3 n., 198 n.
Theunis, see Idenszen, Theunis.
Theunis, Theuntje, wife of Jacob Hellekers, 190 n.
Theunissen, Jacob, or Jan, a baker, 170 n., 228.
Three Bohemia Sisters, estate, xix, 112 n.-113 n.
Thyssen, Jannetje, wife of Theunis Idenszen, 190 n.
Tilbury Fort, 292 n.
Tinicum Island, 100, 100 n., 101, 105, 148, 150.
Titus, third mate, 24, 28.
Toedteberg, Miss Emma J., aid acknowledged, xi.
Tower of London, 289, 289 n.
Trenton, 94 n.
Trico, Catalina, 236;
biographical sketch of, 236 n.
Turks, danger from, 31.
Upland, 100, 104, 105, 106, 147, 150;
court at, 143.
Urck, 297, 297 n.
Vanderheyden, Matthias, 109 n.
Vander Vin, Hendrick, clerk, 66 n.
Verheffinge des Geestes, Labadie, 170, 171, 233.
Versluis, Annetie, see Sluys, Annetje.
Vianen, in South Holland, 121, 121 n.
VignÉ, Jean, 47, 47 n., 49, 236 n.
Vineyard Haven, 258 n.
Virginia, maps of, xii, xix;
coast of, 37; servants in, 111-112;
boundaries of, 114, 114 n., 115;
difficulties in reaching, 120;
oysters, 123;
early history of, 132, 132 n.-133 n.;
tobacco raising in, 133;
lives of planters in, 135;
climate, 151;
ship for, 276.
Visscher, N.J., map by, xii.
Vlacke Bos, see Flatbush.
Vlie, 16, 16 n.
Vlieland, island, 16 n.
Vlieter, 8, 8 n.
Vlissingen, 43.
Voetius, Gysbertus, religious doctrine of, 6, 6 n.;
followers of, 44, 45.
Vorstman, Peter, see Sluyter, Peter.
Vries, David de, settlement of, 152 n.
Vries, Pieter Rudolph de, widow of, 5 n.
Vrooman, Adam, 201, 201 n.
Wade, Robert, 105, 105 n., 106, 107, 142, 143, 147, 148.
Waert, Mr. van, see Ward, Capt. Henry.
Walcheren, 18.
Waldron, Resolved, xix, 66, 66 n., 68.
Walebocht (Wallabout), 235, 235 n., 256.
Walloons, 70.
Waltha House, see Thetinga.
Wappinger's Creek, 231, 231 n.
Ward, Capt. Henry, 116, 116 n.
Ward's Island, see Barents Islands.
Webley, Walter, 68.
Well Bank, 285, 285 n., 286.
Werckhoven, Cornelis van, grant to, 57 n.
West End, 15, 16.
West Friesland, 17, 17 n.
West Indies, 187.
Westminster, 289.
West New Jersey, settlement of, 96 n.;
historical information concerning, 154 n.;
Quakers of, 247, 247 n.
Westphalia, 97, 97 n.
White Dolphin, inn, 27.
White Water, 286, 286 n.
Whitehall, London, 288, 289.
Whitestone, 253.
Whiting, sandbank, 20, 20 n.
Wicacoa, Swedish village, 148, 148 n., 150, 151.
Wieuwerd, Labadists at, xxiii,