Fig. 95. The use of block and tackle affords at least two advantages to the user. One is the advantage of position. The user may stand on the ground and pull downward—the most easy and natural way of exerting force, while the resulting forces may be developed upward as in the case of a hoist. The other advantage is mechanical. By the use of a combination of lines and sheaves, force applied by the user can be multiplied many times before it is transferred to act upon the body. But where there is gain in pounds force applied, there is always a counteracting loss due to an increase in the distance required to apply the force compared with the distance the weight or load will travel; as in Figure 96, a force of 100 lbs. on the free end of the rope will give a resultant on the object of 200 lbs. (neglecting loss by friction in rope and pulley) but distance travelled by the user will be two feet to one foot travelled by the object. The illustrations are shown in each case with an arbitrary force of 100 lbs. applied to the free end of the rope. The resulting force (neglecting or disregarding friction) is then shown in all parts of the set. In actual practice the friction of the sheave and the resistance of the rope to bending gives rise to a loss of about 5% of the force applied to the rope passing through each sheave. For example in Fig. 95 the force applied on the barrel would be 95% of that applied to the free end of the rope or 95 lbs. In Fig. 96 the resultant force would be 100+(100-5)=195lbs. and in Fig. 97, the lift on the armature would be 185½ lbs. instead of 200 as shown. The ropes are also separated in the illustrations in order to show each part clearly. The ropes are assumed to pull parallel to each other and the figures represent the pounds resulting in different parts of the set under those conditions. The illustrations show some of the most typical applications of block and tackle for mechanical advantage or advantage of position or both. Fig. 95. The Single Whip affords only advantage of position commonly used on a crane or derrick or perhaps for hauling an object up to a wall or to the water’s edge. Theoretical advantage 1:1. Fig. 96. The Running tackle is similar to the Single Whip except that the object to be moved is attached at a different place. This gives a theoretical advantage of 2:1. Fig. 97. The Gun tackle A affords an advantage of position since the user stands on the ground and pulls down and the resultant force is applied to the object vertically upward. Theoretical advantage 2:1. Fig. 98. The gun tackle B is the same as gun tackle A except that its application is different, giving a theoretical advantage of 3:1. Fig. 99. Whip-on-whip multiplies the mechanical advantage by two, where applied as shown. If inverted and the top block applied to the load with the loop snubbed the mechanical advantage would be 4:1. In both cases two single blocks are used. Fig. 100. The Luff tackle has many applications aside from the one shown. Ordinarily consisting of one single and one double block and a single rope, it gives a theoretical mechanical advantage of 4:1 in the case shown. Fig. 101. The Port tackle, consisting of Single Whip and a Luff tackle may be applied when the level of operations changes from time to time and it is undesirable to apply the amount of rope necessary to make the Luff part of the set long enough to serve for all levels. A bale sling is also shown in use. Fig. 102. A Double Luff tackle has a four part line instead of a three part line as in the Single Luff. Fig. 103. A Single Spanish Burton (A) using two single blocks and one rope gives a greater mechanical advantage than the same equipment used as in Figure 81, the Gun Tackle. This is useful in shifting cargo, etc., where the distance hoisted in not great. Fig. 104. A Single Spanish Burton (B) using three single blocks and two ropes, gives the same hoisting range as the Type A Burton, but a greater mechanical advantage. Fig. 105. Three Fold Purchase using a six part line, gives a theoretical mechanical advantage of 6:1 and an actual advantage of 5·03:1, assuming a loss of 5% of the force on the rope passing over each sheave. Fig. 106. Four Fold purchase using two four-sheave blocks, is commonly used in derricks and hoists. The illustration shows the possibility of using four two-sheave blocks, where the larger sizes are not available. Fig. 107. The Double Burton (A), for one rope and two single blocks and one double block, gives a limited hoisting range which is desirable in shifting heavy weights when it is necessary to lift them but a small distance. Fig. 108. The Double Burton (B), while using exactly the same equipment as is used in Fig. 91, shows the large differences in mechanical advantage between different methods of threading up the set. The illustration also shows a box sling in use. Fig. 109. Double Burton (C), is a further application of the principle of the Spanish Burton, using two ropes. Fig. 110. Double Burton (D), using but one rope, illustrates the possiblity of using it to greater mechanical advantage than would be possible in a six fold purchase. However, in this case the hoisting range is less than would be possible in a six fold purchase. Fig. 111. Luff on Luff illustrates a common application of tackle to secure mechanical advantage. It will readily be recognized that the major tackle must be four times as strong as the other set if both are to be used anywhere near to capacity. Fig. 112. Another Double Burton which also illustrates the possibility of combining two blocks in place of one, with the required number of sheaves. Fig. 112. |