Each year, old industries keep expanding and new ones are created. In many of these, the use of hoists, tackle, rope transmissions, etc. is ever increasing in extent and importance. Information on the selection and use of ropes and tackles and the tying of knots is very scattering and incomplete. The purpose of this bulletin is to collect information from all the different sources possible and assemble it under one cover, in the hope that it may be valuable to people in many different fields of activity. It is not meant to be an advanced treatise for those who consider themselves already proficient in the use of rope and tackle but is designed as an aid and reference to those less skilled in the art. A variety of knots and splices are shown with occasional suggestions as to their use and application. Some knots tie easily and are very secure but are not so easy to untie; others are easily and quickly tied—are secure and yet are not difficult to untie. Some knots are suitable for small cords only, and others are adapted to large ship’s hawsers. For these and other reasons, it is desirable to select the right knot for the job in hand. Nearly every individual at some time or other has gone camping. If he chanced to select a remote or inaccessible mountain side for a vacation trip, he probably had one or more pack animals to take in the supplies and camp outfit. How many could use the famous Diamond hitch to fasten the pack on the horse’s back so that it will not shift or fall off in transit? The desirability of correct selection with reference to the work to be done is also true of tackle sets. One type of tackle will give great mechanical advantage, but requires an excessive amount of rope or requires frequent overhauling to complete the job, while another type, Rope is coming more and more into favor for the transmission of power—replacing gears and heavy leather belts. It is important that the proper sized sheave wheel be used with a rope of given diameter in order to secure the longest service from the transmission. It is also important that speed be considered in the calculation for necessary strength to transmit a certain amount of power. It is evident from these two instances alone that it is desirable that the selection of a rope transmission should be governed by the use of complete sets of data on the subject. Some of the knots, splices, etc. shown in this bulletin were found to have more than one name, or were called by different names by different authors. In such case only the most commonly used term was selected. |