
Acids used in dyeing, Effects of, 76, 95
Aldine style, 119
All-along sewing, 119
American Russia leather, 154
Antique, 124
Arabesque style, 119
Art canvas, 41, 119
Art vellum, 120
Azure tools, 120
Azured style, 121
Backing, 33, 121
Backing boards, 121
Backing hammer, 122
Backing machine, 122
Backing press, 122
Backs, 121
Backs, loose, repairing, 81
Backs, material for, 41
Band driver, 122
Band nippers, 122
Bands, 122
Bead, 123
Beating hammer, 124
Beating stone, 124
Beveled boards, 124
Bibliography of bookbinding, 165
Binder, 124
Binder’s workshop in 1771, 4
Binders for magazines, 61
Bindery, equipment, 114
Binding, flexible, 135
Binding from publishers’ sheets, 20
Binding materials for backs, 41
Binding materials for sides, 42
Binding, mosaic, 147
Binding records, 110
Bindings, broken, 124
Bindings, broken, mending, 80
Bleed, 124
Blind tooling, 124
Blocking press, 125
Board papers, 125
Board shears, 125
Boards, 47, 125
Boards, binding in, 142
Boards, broken, repairing, 84
Boards, pressing, 152
Bock morocco, 126
Bodkin, 126
Bolt, 126
Book covers, machine-made, 26
Book list on bookbinding, 165
Bookbinding terms, 119
Bosses, 126
Boston binder, 65
Broken bindings, mending, 80
Broken boards, replacing, 84 f="@public@vhost@g@html@files@47456@47456-h@47456-h-14.htm.html#Page_57">57
Labels, renewal, 77
Laced in, 144
Laid paper, 144
Law sheep, 144
Leather, 93
Leather, decay, 76, 95
Leather, grain in, 139
Leather, Russia, 154
Leather, treatment with oil, 76
Leatherette, 144
Le Gascon style, 138
Lettering, 47, 53
Lettering block, 144
Lettering box, 144
Lettering pallet, 148
Lettering by hand, 55
Lettering in white ink, 56
Levant morocco, 145
Library binding, 17 and foll.
Life histories of library bindings, 22
Limp binding, 145
Linen, English, 134
Linen-finish buckram, 145
Lining papers, 133, 145
Loose backs, repairing, 81
Loose joints, repairing, 81
Loose leaves, inserting, 78
Low buckram, 134
Lying press, 145
Magazine binders, 61
Magazines, binding single copies, 64
Maioli style, 145
Maps, mounting, 52
Maps, repairing, 84
Marbled calf, 146
Marbler, 146
Marbling, 146
Margins, 142
Marking books, 57
Mending books, 68
Mending tissue, 87
Millboard, 146
Mitred, 146
Morocco, 41, 146
Morocco, French, 137
Morocco, Levant, 145
Morocco, Persian, 150
Morocco, Turkey, 160
Morocco cloth, 41, 147
Morocco cloth, Imperial, 141
Mosaic binding, 147
Mottled calf, 147
Mounting, 52
Music, binding, 50
Needles, 87
Newark library, binding records, 162

Corrections to the Original Text

The following misprints and misspellings have been corrected:

Page 123 - “sawn” changed to “sewn” (“is so sewn as to let”)

Other Changes and Notes

The following changes to the original text have been made for clarity or consistency:

Page 50 - The illustration on this page has been split in two and the parts labeled “No. 1” and “No. 2”, respectively, in order to correspond more clearly with the text in the original caption.

Page 83 - “Residing books.” changed to “Re-siding books.” to agree with Index entry.

Page 109 - “per cent” changed to “per cent.” (“a large per cent. of their book fund”).

Page 121 - “(L)” and “(R)” added for clarity to the caption of the illustration on this page.

The following variations of a word or descriptive term are common in the original text and have been retained:
“bookbinding” and “book-binding”
“handmade” and “hand-made”
“saddlestitch”, “saddle-stitched” and “saddle-stitching”
“watermark”, “water-marked” and “water-marking”
“waterproof” and “water-proof”
“whipstitching” and ”whip-stitching”

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