Title: With British Guns in Italy A Tribute to Italian Achievement Author: Hugh Dalton Language: English Produced by Jonathan Ingram and PG Distributed Proofreaders WITH BRITISH GUNS IN ITALY A TRIBUTE TO ITALIAN ACHIEVEMENTBYHUGH DALTONSOMETIME LIEUTENANT IN THE ROYAL GARRISON ARTILLERYWITH 12 ILLUSTRATIONS AND 3 MAPSFirst Published in 1919 TO THE HIGH CAUSE OF ANGLO-ITALIAN FRIENDSHIP AND UNDERSTANDING"Nella primavera si combatte e si muore, o soldato." M. PUCCINI, Dal Carso al Piave. "So they gave their bodies to the commonwealth and received, each for his own memory, praise that will never die, and with it the grandest of all sepulchres; not that in which their mortal bones are laid, but a home in the minds of men, where their glory remains fresh to stir to speech or action as the occasion comes by. For the whole earth is the sepulchre of famous men; and their story is not graven only on stone over their native earth, but lives on far away, without visible symbol, woven into the stuff of other men's lives." Funeral Speech of Pericles. "Dying here is not death; it is flying into the dawn." MEREDITH, Vittoria. |