Time does not diminish the interest of Waterloo, for that combat of giants is indissolubly connected with Napoleon—the greatest master of the art of war the world has ever known. Since the publication of my Roll Call in 1890, I have received much additional information from the relatives of Waterloo officers. This has enabled me to bring out the present revised and enlarged edition. And I wish particularly to mention that many of the obituary notices of Waterloo officers given in the following pages were collected by the late Mr. J.W. O’Brien, of the British Museum Library (formerly in the ranks of the 4th Dragoon Guards), whose annotated copy of the Roll Call came into my possession by purchase. Mr. O’Brien’s researches were not made at my instigation or wish, but having been made, and brought to my notice, I thought it advisable to secure and utilise this copy of my book containing the aforesaid MS. entries. A special feature of the Second Edition is the list of non-commissioned officers and men (given in Part III.) who served at Waterloo, and subsequently received commissions in the British army. Charles Dalton. September 1st, 1904. |