
X.Taken presumably on 19th June, 1815.

Those wounded have the letterWplaced after their names.
Field and Staff Officers.
Major Isaac B. Clarke, W.
”T.P. Hankin, W.
Adjutant Henry Macmillan.
Surgeon Robert Dunn.
Asst.-Surgeon James Alexander.
Vet.-Surgeon John Trigg.
Reg. Quartermast.. John Lennox.
Paymaster William Dawson.

Captain (late) Barnard’s Troop.

Lieut. G.H. Falconer.
Troop Sergt.-Major Will. Perrie.
Reg. Sergt.-Major Will. Crawford.
Paymaster-Sergt. Will. Bayne.
Armourer-Sergt. James Bray.
Saddler-Sergt. Alex. Wallace.
Sergt. John Gillies.
”Will Porteous.
”John White.
Corp. Alex. Hall.
”Alex. Litch.
”John Scott.
”Hugh Wylie.
Trumpeter Humphrey Stevenson.
John Aitkin.
John Andrew.
James Ballantyne.
Edward Bell.
Isaac Bell.
John Blair.
Will. Bromley.
James Bullock.
John Callander.
John Chambling.
James Clachan.
James Drummond.
George Fiddes.
James Frame.
James Gibson.
Henry Head.
John Jarvie.
Joseph Jarvie.
David Kally.
William Kidd.
James Knox.
John Livingston.
William Leeke.
Adam McCree.
James M?Millan.
John Marshall.
David Mathie.
Robert Mathews.
James Nairn.
Thomas Nicol, W.
William Patrick.
David Pentland.
Will. Provan.
Will Robertson.
Job Rood.
James Rowan.
Will Taylor, W.
John Watson.
Robert Watt, W.
William Wells, W.
Will Williamson.
David Wilson.
John White.
Thomas Young.
Captain Payne’s Troop.
Capt. Edward Payne.
Lieut. Arch. Hamilton, W.
”Charles Wyndham, W.
Troop Sergt.-Maj. Will. Robertson.
Sergt. James Bullock.
”David Dunn, W.
”John M?Neil.
”Will Somerville.
Corp. Geo. Edwards.
”Geo. Milward.
”Michael Nelson.1
David Anderson.
Alex. Armour, W.
John Bishop.
Alex. Borland.
Joseph Brazier.
John Brown.
Thomas Bullock, W.
Alex. Campbell.
Colin Campbell.
Robert Carmaly.
William Clark.
William Cunningham.
Daniel Dick.
Henry Eaves.
Peter Evans.
Thomas Fergus.
William Fleming.
Peter Gibson.
Alex. Gourley.
John Hamilton.
James Hart.
William Hickling.
William Hill, W.
Alex. Hunter.
Alex. Ingram.
James Lapsley.
Richard Lee.
William Levitt, W.
Geo. Longworth, W.
John M?Keching.
David M?Lelland.
Hugh M?Lelland.
Alexander McLeod.
James M?Lintock.
William Mackie.
John Martin.
James Masterton.
Geo. Manchlin.
Will. Merrie.
Robert Miller.
James Paterson.
Robert Paterson.
Hugh Pattison.
Andrew Peden.
Samuel Sifton.
James Smith.
William Smith.
James Smithers.
Joseph Tucky.
James Waite.
James Walker.
Francis Wells.
George Willet, W.
Will. Wilkerson.
William Wilson.
Robert Wilson.
Arch. Wright, W.
Captain Cheney’s Troop.
Capt. Edward Cheney.
Lieut. Francis Stupart, W.
”James Gape.
Troop Sergt.-Major Alex. Dingwell.
Sergt. Donald Campbell.
”William Dickie.
”Will Harvey, W.
”Alex. Rennie.
Corp. Robert Hare.
”William Laird.
”John Long.
”James Ross.
Trumpeter John H. Sibold.
Geo. Alison.
Matthew Anderson.
Arch. Bell.
Hugh Bicket.
John Brash, W.
Charles Burges, W.
James Bulton.
John Calder, W.
Samuel Clarke, W.
Arch. Craig.
David Crighton.
Thomas Crowe.
John Crombie.
Major Dickinson.
Peter Drysdale.
John Fraser.
George Gray.
William Gunn.
James Hamilton, Sen.
James Hamilton, Jun.
Robert Hamilton.
David Henderson.
Adam Hepburn.
Will. Hubbard.
Thomas Johnston, W.
John Judd, W.
Will. Lockead, W.
Andrew M?Clure.
Arch. M?Farlan.
John M?Intire.
Andrew M?Kendrick.
Will. M?Kinley.
Alex. M?Pherson.
Robert Makin.
James Mann.
Will. Mathie.
Thomas Oman.
David Rampton, W.
James Ronald, W.
Andrew Scott.
James Scott.
John Spraike.
John Stirling, W.
Robert Stirling.
William Stirling.
Thomas Stobo.
Thomas Timperly, W.
Robert Temple.
James Thompson.
John Toman.
John Wallace.
William Watt.
Captain Poole’s Troop.
Capt. James Poole, W.
Lieut. James Wemyss.
Troop Sergt.-Major James Russell.
Sergt. John Bishop.
”Arch. Johnston.
”Thomas Stoddart, W.
Corp. Alex. Gardner, W.2
Corp. James Nelson.
”John Wallace, W.
Trumpeter Peter Buncle.
John Alexander.
James Bruce.
James Crawford.
David Craig.
Joseph Crowe.
Alexander Donaldson.
William Erskine.
Gavin Gibson.
Robert Gilchrist.
Thomas Goods.
James Kennedy.
Alexander Lander.
Andrew Lees.
William Lock, W.
Robert Lawrie, W.
David M?Gown, W.
Fred. M?Vicar.
John Miller.
Andrew Muir.
John Nelson.
Edward Noaks.
Henry Palmer, W.
Thomas Philips.
James Ratcliff.
James Richardson.
Thomas Robertson.
William Robertson.
John Rowat.
John Salmon.
Matthew Scott.
Robert Smellie.
Robert Stevenson.
Adam Tait.
John Thompson.
James Tovie.
John Wark, W.
Andrew White.
Robert Wilson.
William Willis.
William Wright.
Alexander Young.
Nathaniel Young.
Captain Vernor’s Troop.
Capt. Robert Vernor.
Lieut. John Mills, W.
Troop Sergt.-Major W. McMillan, W.
Sergt. William Clarke.
”Charles Ewart.
”John Tannock.
Corp. John Dickson.3
”Samuel Tar, W.
”Alex. Wilson.
Trumpeter Joseph Reeves.
John Atherley.
Francis Brown, W.
James Brown.
John Brobin.
George Butler, W.
Adam Colquhoun.
John Collier.
Robert Craig, W.
John Dalziel.
William Dunlop, W.
John Dunn.
John Gillies.
William Gordon.
Robert Gourley.
Robert Greig.
John Harkness, W.
John Henderson.
Henry Hodkinson, W.
William Jones.
Samuel Kinnier.
James King.
John Lane.
David McAll.
John McGee, W.
William Mackie.
William M?Nair.
John Matthews, W.
James Montgomery.
John Moore.
William Patton, Sen.
William Patton, Jun.
William Park.
Robert Reid.
William Ross.
James Smith.
William Smith.
William Sykes.
Ebenezer Thompson.
John Veazy.
Robert Wallace.4
Thomas Watson.
Richard Wharan.
John Wise.
Captain Fenton’s Troop.
Capt. Thomas C. Fenton.
Lieut. J.R.T. Graham.
Sergt. James Andrew.
”Richard Hayward.
”Thomas Soars, W.
”William Swan.5
Corp. John Craig, W.
”Thomas Davis.
”Robert Thompson.
”John Mair.6
Trumpeter Henry Bowig.
Thos. Anderson.
John Arklie.
James Armour.
William Ballantyne.
George Biddolph.
Alex. Blackadder.
Samuel Boulter.
Cunningham Bowes, W.
Stephen Brooks.
Adam Brown, W.
John Campbell.
John Clarke, W.
Robert Currie.
William Dick, W.
John Dobbie, W.
John Ferguson.
John Gould.
James Green.
William Howie.
Alex. Hunter.
Hugh Hunter.
Robert Hunter.
Arch. Hutton.
James Jones, W.
Arch. Kean.
James Kean.
Samuel Kinder.
John Liddle, W.
Robert Littlejohn, W. (dead).
Joseph Macro.
Peter Miller, W.
John Mitchell, W.
William Pearson, W.
William Reid, W.
John Ross.
William Smith.
Peter Swan, W.
Jonathan Taylor.
Andrew Thompson.
John Watson.
Thomas Wilmot.
Notes by Captain G. Tancred.

Privates William Storrie and J. Liddle, of Capt. Vernor’s Troop, are not mentioned in the above Muster Roll, having been returned as killed 18th June. They rejoined 19th Sept., 1815, from a French prison, the former having been wounded and his horse killed.

1.M. Nelson became regt. sergt.-maj. 25th March, 1825.

2.Alex. Gardner was promoted as troop sergt.-maj. 1st Jan., 1826.

3.John Dickson became a troop sergt.-maj. He d. at Nunhead Lane, Surrey, 16th July, 1880, aged 90.

4.Robert Wallace, a troop sergt.-maj. 2nd March, 1826, and in 1872 was a messenger in the Queen’s Body Guard.

5.William Swan became a regt. sergt.-maj., and d. as such, March, 1825.

6.Corp. John Mair rejoined from a French prison 1st Sept., 1815, supposed to have been killed 18th June.


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