- Abercromby, Hon. A., 7, 33, 107
- Acheson, Hon. Edward, 107
- Acres, John, 185
- Acton, Hen., 78
- Adair, Robt., 97
- Adam, F., 6, 26
- Adams, Richard, 123
- Adamson, Augustus F.F., 123
- Adye, S.G., 209
- Ainslie, Geo. S.H., 176
- Ainsworth, Oliver, 164
- Aird, Thos., 207
- Aitkin, Wm., 207
- Akenside, Wm., 123
- Albemarle, Earl of. See Keppel
- Alderson, John, 150
- Alexander, Claude, 193
- ——, Jas., 59, 250
- Allen, Geo., 99
- Allingham, John Delancy, 62
- Allix, Chas., 97
- Alstone, Jas., 116
- Alten, C. Count, Lieut.-Gen., K.C.B., 3, 16
- Alten, V. Count, Maj.-Gen., 3, 17
- Ambrose, Jas., 233
- Amos, J.W., 236
- Anderson, Hen., 175
- ——, Matthew, 169
- ——, Robert, 245
- ——, Wm., 71st Foot, 180
- ——, ——, 1st Foot, 117
- ——, ——, C., Rl. Art., 223
- Andrews, Hen., 75
- ——, Mathias, 140
- Anglesey, Marquis of. See Uxbridge, Earl of.
- Anson, Hon. Geo., 112
- Anthony, Jas., 153
- Archbold, John, 149
- Arguimbau, Lawrence, 116
- Armstrong, Abraham, 79
- ——, Andrew, 99
- ——, Archibald, 179
- ——, John, 1st Foot, 116
- ——, ——, 95th Rifles, 202
- ——, W., 19th Light Dragoons, 3, 17
- ——, ——, 6th Dragoons, 62
- Arnold, Jas., 50
- ——, Robt., 68
- Ashton, John, 112
- Askew, Hen., 97
- Askey, Thos., 31
- Brice, Alex. A., 128
- Bridge, Geo. Dandridge, 185
- Bridgeland, T., 135
- Bridgeman, Hon. O., 2, 14, 98
- Bridger, Jas. Paul, 75
- Bringhurst, John Dorset, 52
- Brisbane, Thos., 170
- Broke, Sir Chas., 7, 34
- Brome, Joseph, 248
- Bromhead, Gonville, 239
- Brook, Thos., 164
- Brooke, Francis, 1st Dgn. Gds., 52
- ——, ——, 4th Foot, 120
- Brookes, Hen. Wm., 145
- Broughton, Saml., 48
- Brown, Alexander, 157
- ——, Andrew, 189
- ——, Evan M., 128
- ——, Geo., 146
- ——, Hen., 242
- ——, John, 52
- ——, Thos., 1st Foot, 98
- ——, ——, 79th Foot, 189
- Browne, Barton Parker, 71
- ——, Donald, 185
- ——, Eugene, 245
- ——, Fielding, 153
- ——, John, 120
- ——, Hon. Michael, 153
- ——, Thos. Gore, 248
- ——, Hon. Wm., 169
- ——, Wm. Fredk., 62
- Brownrigg, David, 231
- Bruce, Jas. R., 221
- ——, Robt., 99
- ——, Saml. Barwick, 231
- ——, Wm., 189
- Brugh, Adam, 161
- Brunton, Ric., 8, 37
- Buchanan, John Phillips, 86
- ——, Wm., 146
- Buck, Hen. Rishton, 149
- Buckle, Wm., 123
- Buckley, Edw. P., 98
- ——, Geo. Ric., 107
- ——, Hen., 82
- ——, Wm., 116
- Budgen, John Robt., 201
- Bull, Robt., 212
- Bullen, Jas., 141
- Bullock, Hen. R., 71
- Burgess, Francis, 239
h@51143-h-6.htm.html#Page_15" class="pginternal">15
- Clive, Edw., 98
- Clues, Josiah, 48
- Clusky, Michael, 62
- Clyde, John, 128
- Coane, Hen., 185
- Coates, Jas., 179
- ——, Wm., 240
- Cochrane, Andw. Coutts, 113
- ——, Robt., 201
- ——, Thos., 201
- Cockburn, Jas., 242
- Cocksedge, Jas. Coppin, 83
- Coen, John, 135
- Colborne, Sir John, K.C.B., 169
- Coles, Geo., 209
- ——, Ric., 71
- Colleton, Thos. Wm., 135
- Collins, Benj. Marshall, 120
- ——, John, 162
- Colquhoun, Robt., 99
- Colquitt, Goodwin, 97
- Colthurst, Jas. Robt., 145
- Colville, Sir Chas., 3, 16
- Colvin, Andrew, 243
- Constant, John, 79
- Cooke, Maj.-Gen. G., 3, 18
- ——, Peter, 161
- ——, Ric. Harvey, 97
- Cooper, Alf., 123
- ——, Leon M., 117
- Coote, John, 180
- ——, Robt., 90
- Copley, Robt., 180
- Cotter, Geo. Sackville, 175
- Cottingham, Thos., 170
- Cowell, John Stepney, 107
- Cowen, H., 94
- Cowper, John, 242
- Cox, Chas. T., 179
- ——, John, 197
- ——, Philip Zachariah, 93
- ——, Saml., 46
- Coxen, Edw., 201
- Coxens, Stephen, 93
- Craddock, Thos., 132
- Crauford, Thos. See Crawford, Thos.
- Craufurd, Alex. Chas. (Volunteer), 75
- ——, Donald, 213
- ——, Thos. See Crawford
- Crawford Alex. Spiers, 190
- ——, Jas. Arch., 242
- ——, Thos., 112
- Crichton, Nath. Day, 86
- Croft, Thos. Elmsley, 99
- Crofton, W., 6Dallas, Alex. R.C., 234 ——, Chas. R.K., 146 Dalmer, Francis, 128 ——, Thos., 128 Dalrymple, Leighton C., 82 Dalton, Francis, 46 Dalwig, Conrad, 83 Damer. See Dawson, Hon G.L. Dance, Chas. Webb, 93 Daniel, John, 65 ——, Robt., 140 ——, Wm. Barker, 233 Dann, Robt., 59 Dansey, Chas. C., 215 Darling, W., 7, 31 Dashwood, Chas., 112 Davidson, Geo., 157 Davies, David, 145 ——, J.H., 97 Dawkins, F., Capt., 2, 15, 98 ——, Geo. A.F., 82 ——, Hen., 107 Dawson, Chas., 169 ——, Hon. G.L., 8, 36, 52 ——, Hon. Lionel C., 90 ——, Wm., 59, 250 Day, Jas., 220 Deacon, Thos., 185 Deane, Wm., 90 Deares, Jas., 135 Dease, Jas., 231 Delancey, Sir Wm. Howe, 7, 33 Denecke, Geo. M.D., 231 Denham, Dixon, 239 Dent, Abraham, 242 Des Voeux, Benfield, 71 Dewes, John, 136 Dick, Robt. Hen., 157 Dickson, Sir Alex., K.C.B., 209 ——, Chas. Lenox, 175 ——, Sir Jeremiah, 7, 35 Diggle, Chas., 169 Dillow, Thos., 93 Dinwiddie, Gilbert, 234 Dirom, John Pasley, 99 Disbrowe, G., 3, 18, 98 Disney, Brabazon, 93 Ditmas, John, 132 Dixon, Francis, 201 ——, Hen., 82 Dobbs, Wm., 116 Dobson, Wm., 46 Dodwell, Geo., 93 Doherty, Geo., 78 ——, Joseph, 78 ——, Patrick, 78 Dorville, Philip, 55 ——, Ric., 66 Douglas, Chas., 242 ——, Francis Jas., 107 ——, John Jas., 82 ——, Neil, 189 ——, Robt., 65 ——, Robt., 91st Foot, 246 ——, Hon. Sholto, 62 ——, Sir Wm., K.C.B., 245 Dowbiggin, Wm. H., 75 Dowling, Joseph, 185 Down, Ric., 62 Doyle, Chas. Simon, 237 D’Oyly, Sir Francis, 97 ——, Hen., 97 Drake, Edw., 141 ——, Wm. Tyrwhitt, 50 Draper, Thos., 231 Drewe, E.W., 132 Drinkwater, Thos., 48 Dromgoole, Nich. F., 236 Drought, John H., 78 Drummond, Barclay, 112 ——, Geo., 197 ——, P., 209 ——, Wm., 112 Drury, Geo., 150 Duberly, Jas., 71 Ducat, Dugald, 246 Dudgeon, Robt., 116 Dumaresq, H., 4, 20 Dunbar, Alexander, 157 Duncan, Edw., 242 Dunlevie, Gillespie, 161 Dunn, Geo., 129 ——, John, 129 ——, Robt., 250 Dunnicliffe, Hen., 227 Duperier, Hen., 90 Durand, Fredk. Holland, 154 Dyas, Joseph, 164 Dyneley, Thos., 214
- .sp 2
- .ix
- Eason, Robt. Prescott, 135
- Eastwood, Chas. Bedford, 185
- Eaton, Chas., 201
- Edgcombe, Hon. Ern. A., 99
- Edgell, Chas. Jas., 120
- Edwards, David J., 213
- Eeles, Chas., 4, 19, 204
- ——, Wm., 204
- Egan, Carberry, 245
- Egerton, R. Maj., 2, 13
- Einem, Capt., 3, 17
- Elkington, J.G., 141
- Elley, Sir John, 7, 29, 50
- Elliott. Rich. Chas., 140
- ——, Wm., 48
- ——, ——, Hen., 164
- Ellis, Chas. Parker, 98
- ——, Conyngham, 153
- ——, Edw. Thos., 129
- ——, Sir Hen. Walter, K.C.B., 128
- Ellison, Robt., 98
- Elphinstone, Jas. D., 65
- ——, Wm. Keith, 149
- Elrington, J., 112
- Elton, Wm., 52
- Elwes, John Raleigh, 179
- Emery, Hen. Gresley, M.D., 231
- English, Thos., 135
- Enoch, J., 128
- Erskine, E.S., 7, 31
- ——, Geo. F., 75
- ——, John F.M., 99
- Estorff, Baron, 3, 17
- Evans, De Lacy, 4, 19
- ——, John, 141
- ——, Mathew, 228
- Evanson, Wm. Alleyne, 239
- Evatt, G., 7, 31
- Evelyn, Geo., 112
- Evers, Geo., 231
- Eyre, Rich. Cocks, 201
143-h@51143-h-33.htm.html#Page_234" class="pginternal">234 - Halkett, Sir Colin, 6, 27
- Hall, Geo., 169
- ——, —— D., 206
- ——, John, 72
- Halliday, Andrew, 231
- Halpin, Oliver, 162
- Hamerton, John M., 161
- Hames, Chas., 145
- Hamill, Edw., 52
- Hamilton, Alex., 140
- ——, —— Duke, 237
- ——, Andrew, 6, 29
- ——, Archd. J., 58, 251
- ——, G.H., 7, 32
- ——, Jas. Inglis, 58
- ——, Wm. C., 68
- ——, —— Fredk., 112
- Hancox, Skinner, 82
- Handcock, Rich., 132
- ——, Tobias, 132
- Hankin, Thos. Pate, 58, 250
- Hanrot, Francis Gastry, 113
- Hanson, Wm. Crosbie, 179
- Harding, Robt., 214
- Hardinge, Sir Hen., K.C.B., 97
- ——, Rich., 220
- Hardman, Saml., 68
- Hardy, Thos., 50
- Hare, John, 132
- ——, Wm. Hen., 164
- Harford, J., 7, 32
- Harley, Pharaoh, 154
- Harris, Isaac Watkins, 128
- ——, T. Noel, 6, 28
- ——, Wm., 86
- ——, —— Geo., 185
- Harrison, Geo., 190
- ——, Hugh, 145
- ——, John, 16th Lt. Dgns., 87
- ——, ——, 1st Foot, 99
- ——, Richard, 140
- ——, Wm., 175
- Hart, J., 149
- ——, John, 52nd Foot, 170
- ——, Thos., 146
- Hartford, Hen., 242
- Hartley, Jas. Campbell, 123
- Harty, J.M., 149
- Harvey, Wm. H., 224
- Hassard, Alex., 62
- Havelock, W., 112
- Jenkins, John, 71
- Jenks, Geo. Saml., 69
- Jessop, J., 8, 37, 161
- Jeyes, Saml., 83
- Johnson, Hen., 128
- Johnson, Robt. See Johnston, Robt.
- Johnston, Elliott Dunkin, 197
- ——, Robt., 93
- ——, Wm., 197
- Johnstone, Chas., 179
- ——, Geo., 5, 25
- ——, W., 51st Foot, 165
- ——, Wm. Fredk., 98
- Jolliffe, Chas., 128
- Jones, Arthur, 179
- ——, Capt., 5, 24
- ——, Hen., 162
- ——, John, 87
- ——, Pryce, 170
- ——, Rich., 153
- ——, Wm., 40th Foot, 154
- ——, ——, 51st Foot, 164
- Jordan, Moore, 228
- Kater, Wm., 132
- Keane, E., 6, 28, 65
- Keightley, John, 123
- Keith, Hen. Duncan, 176
- Kellett, R.J. N., 201
- Kelly, Allan, 239
- ——, D., 8, 36, 185
- ——, Edw., 46
- ——, Rich., 28th Foot, 135
- ——, ——, 54th Foot, 239
- ——, T.R., 55
- Kempt, Sir Jas., 4, 18
- Kennedy, Ewen, 190
- ——, Francis, 164
- ——, Jas. Grant, 116
- ——, J. Shaw. See Shaw
- ——, John M., 185
- Kenny, Chas., 169
- ——, Matthias, 233
- Kenyon, Abraham, 48
- ——, Jas. P.M., 48
- Keoghoe, Wm., 237
- Keowen, Wm., 123
- Keppel, Hon. Geo. Thos., 124
- Kerr, Jas., 62
- ——, Robt., 135
- ——, Wm. G., 8, 38, 98
- Moorhead, Chas., 180
- Moorhouse, J.W., 112
- Moray, W., 5, 24
- Morgan, John, 233
- Morice, Chas., 175
- Morragh, Wm., 120
- Morrison, Arch., 116
- Moss, John Irving, 78
- Mostyn, Thos., 132
- Mountsteven, Wm., 136
- Mudie, Chas, 116
- Mulholland, Ric., 120
- Munro, Geo. Gunn, 157
- Murdock, Jas. C., 245
- ——, Peter, 236
- Mure, Geo., 99
- Murkland, Jas., 149
- Murphy, Jas., 154
- Murray, Dennis, 87
- ——, Geo. Home, 86
- ——, Hon. Hen., 90
- ——, Thos., 245
- Muter, Joseph, 62
- Muttlebury, Geo., 175
- Myers, Arthur, 65
- Mylne, Thos., 189
- Napier, Chas., 223
- Nash, John, 190
- Nassau-Usingen, Prince of, 1, 10
- Naylor, Jas. Frank, 52
- Neilly, Wm., 153
- Nepean, Wm., 86
- Nettles, Wm., 170
- Neville, Parke Percy, 140
- Newenham, Robt. B., 123
- Newland, Robt., 216
- Newton, Wm., 162
- Neyland, Geo., 86
- Nicholson, Benj. Walt., 140
- Nickelson, J., 123
- Nicolay, Wm., 206
- Nisbett, Robt., 78
- Nixon, James, 98
- ——, Robt., 135
- ——, Wm. Richmond, 169
- Norcott, Amos Goodsill, 201
- Northey, Edw. Ric., 169
- Norton, Fletcher, 99
- Nugent, Edw., 240
- ——, Geo., 86
- Oakes, Hen. Thos., 170
- O’Flaherty, Francis, 128
- Ogilvy, Wm., 179
- ——, ——, 228
- Robertson, Alex., 1st Foot, 117
- ——, ——, 73rd Foot, 185
- ——, Fulton, 189
- ——, Jas., 42nd Foot, 157
- ——, ——, 79th Foot, 190
- Robinson, Benj., 75
- ——, Gilmour, 242
- ——, Isaac, 87
- ——, Jas., 145
- ——, Philip Vyvian, 176
- Robson, Geo., 170
- ——, Jas., 198
- Rochfort, Chas., 201
- Roe, John, 140
- Rogers, Robert Naylor, 141
- ——, Thos., 226
- Rooke, H.W., 7, 30, 112
- ——, Jas., 7, 32
- Ross, Alex., 124
- ——, Andrew Clark, 243
- ——, Donald, 202
- ——, Ewen, 193
- ——, Sir Hew D., 220
- ——, Jas., 164
- ——, Jas. Kerr, 193
- ——, John, 51st Foot, 164
- ——, ——, 95th Foot, 204
- ——, Wm., 123
- Ross-Lewin, Henry, 145
- ——, Thos., 145
- Rotten, Jas. Ric., 71
- Routh, Randal Isham, 234
- Rowan, Chas., 169
- ——, Wm., 169
- Rowlls, Wm. Hen., 90
- Roy, Neil, 175
- Rudd, Ric., 153
- Rudge, Edw., 233
- Rudyerd, Saml., 224
- Ruffo, Paul, 62
- Rumley, John, 140
- Russell, Hon. Francis, 1, 11
- ——, John, 245
- ——, Robt., 161
- Rutherford, Hen., 236
- Ryan, Matthew, 140
- Ryding, Wm., 55
- St. John, Berkeley, G.F., 165
- ——, Joseph, 99
- Saltoun, Alex., Lord, 97
- Sandham, Chas. F., 222
- Sandilands, Philip, 82
- ——, Wm. H., 71
- Stilwell, John, 197
- Stirling, Wm., 52
- Stoddart, Edw., 150
- Stopford, Hon. Edw. 112
- ——, Wm. H., 222
- Storer, Ric., 164
- Story, Geo., 46
- Stothert. W., 4, 20, 112
- Stoyte, John, 116
- Strachan, Jos. Wm. H., 185
- Strange, Alexr., 78
- Strangeways, Thos., 128
- Strangways, Thos. Fox, 215
- Straton. See Muter, Joseph
- Streatfield, Thos., 97
- Stretton, Sempronius, 153
- Strong, W.B., 161
- Stuart, Charles. See Steuart
- ——, Hon. Wm., 97
- ——, Rob. Thomson, 136
- Stupart, Francis, 58, 252
- Sturges, Wm., 55
- Sumner, Edw., 107
- Swabey, Wm., 214
- Swann, Fredk. Dashwood, 98
- Sweeney, John Paget, 52
- Sweeten, Benj., 170
- Swetenham, Clement, 86
- Swinburne, Thos. Robt., 98
- Swinfen, Francis, 86
- Sword, Alex., 245
- Sykes, John C., 55
- Symes, Joseph, 116
a>, 153 Wright, Amherst, 215 ——, Thos., 8, 37, 206 ——, Wm., 198 Wyatt, John Barwis, 237 Wylly, A., 7, 31 Wyndham, Chas., 58, 251 ——, Hen., 107 Wynne, Thos., 207 - Yonge, Wm. Crawley, 170
- Yorke, C., 6, 27, 169
- Young, Jas., 157
- ——, Wm., 116
- ——, ——, Hen., 246
There were many minor lapses in punctuation, particularly in the heavily abbreviated notes, which have been silently corrected. Capitaliziation, and hyphenation, especially in abbreviations, was inconsistent, and has been retained. On p. 108, the number of the first note was missing in the printed version, and has been restored. p. 11 | | Worthy and wi[t/g]ht | Corrected. | p. 49 | n. 8 | Retd. in 1741 | sic Presumably 1841. | p. 118 | | [“]and, although suffering | sic. | p. 125 | n. 9 | Ciudad R[i/o]drigo | Corrected. | p. 226 | n. 1 | [ ] p., 1840 | h or f missing. | |