

Extracts Relating to Bellamont and Kidd from Narcissus Luttrell’s Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs from September, 1678, to April, 1714.

1 April 1693. A patent is passing the seals for settling £500 per annum on the Lord Bellamont in consideration of his past services. Vol. III, p. 67.

11 June 1695. The Lords Justices have given order for passing a Commission for the Lord Bellamont to be Governor for New England. Vol. III, p. 483.

25 June 1695. Lord Bellamont is hastening to his government of New England. Vol. III, p. 489.

4 July 1695. The Lord Bellamont’s warrant for his patent runs to be Governor, Captain General and Admiral of New England. Vol. III, p. 494.

29 Aug. 1695. Complaint being made to the Committee of foreign plantations against Fletcher, governor of New York, ’tis said the Council will annex that government to that of New England, and that Lord Bellamont goes governor of both.

12 May 1696. The Lord Bellamont has obtained a grant of £1,000 per annum out of the estate of Lord Kilmeare (formerly Sir Valentine Brown). Vol. IV, p. 57.

7 Jan. 1697. The Lord Bellamont, ’tis said, will not only be governor of New England, but also of New York. Vol. IV, p. 166.

18 March 1697. On Tuesday the Lord Bellamont was declared governor of New England, and ordered to hasten thither. Vol. IV, p. 198.

20 March 1697. The Lord Bellamont is made governor of New York and New Hamstead[16] as well as New England and Colonel of a regiment of foot. Vol. IV, p. 199.

5 June 1697. The Lord Bellamont’s commission to be governor and captain general of New England and New York is passing the seals, and his Lordship will suddenly goe to his government in the Deptford frigate. Vol. IV, p. 235.

11 Sept. 1697. The lords of the treasury have paid the Earl of Bellamont, governor of New England, £12000 in mault lottery tickets. Vol. IV, p. 227.

4 Oct. 1697. This day the Earl of Bellamont, governor of New England, went on shipboard. Vol. IV, p. 285.

24 Nov. 1698. The East India Company have acquainted the lords justices with the action of Captain Kidd, commander of a man of war, sent to suppress the pyrates in the Persian seas, but instead thereof joyned them. Several great lords were concerned in sending him out, and to be sharers of what he should take from those pyrates. Vol. IV, p. 454.

29 Nov. 1698. A proclamation is ordered to be published to pardon all the pyrates settled at Madagascar except Captain Kidd and 3 others, provided they submit within a certain time: which proclamation Captain Warren takes with him. Vol. IV, p. 456.

3 Dec. 1698. The Earl of Bellamont, governor of New England and New York has sent advice that he has caused several persons to be arrested there, accused for corresponding and trading with the pyrates at Madagascar, by which means they have got great riches. Vol. IV, p. 457.

1 Aug. 1699. We have a report that Captain Kidd, who some time since turned pyrate in the Adventure Galley and took from the subjects of the Great Mogull and others to the value of £400,000 is taken prisoner by a French Ship, the commander of which sent him in irons to the Great Mogull. Vol. IV, p. 543.

3 Aug. 1699. We now have letters from the West Indies, which contradict the taking of Captain Kidd the pyrate: and say that after the Adventure Galley was sunk, he went on board a Portuguese, and sailed directly for Darien where the Scots received him and all his riches. Vol. IV, p. 544.

5 Aug. 1699. Captain Kidd the pyrate some time since said to be taken by a French man of war, afterwards contradicted and that he was gone to Darien, we now hear was at Nassau Island, near New York, and sent for Mr. Livingston, one of the Council there, to come on board: accordingly he went to him, and he proffered £30,000 to give the owners, who first fitted out the Adventure Galley, and £20,000 for his pardon: but ’tis presumed the same will not be accepted. Vol. IV, p. 545.

17 Aug. 1699. Letters from Curassau say that the famous pyrate Captain Kidd, in a ship of 30 guns and 250 men offered the Dutch Governor of St. Thomas 45,000 pieces of eight in gold and a great present in goods, if he would protect him a month, which he refused: but the said pyrate bought afterwards of an English Ship provisions to the value of 25,000 crowns and since supplyed with necessaries from other ships. Vol. IV, p. 549.

22 Aug. 1699. There are letters which say the famous Captain Kidd has surrendered himself to the Lord Bellamont, governor of New England. Vol. IV, p. 551.

5 Sept. 1699. Captain Kidd the pyrate having surrendered himself to the earl of Bellamont, governor of New England, after examination was committed to prison and commissioners appointed by his lordship to inspect the effects he had on board, to the end that there might be a true inventory taken thereof: and his lordship sent to the said commissioners the present of jewells, which Kidd had caused to be given his lady, esteemed at £10,000 an account of which his lordship has dispatched hitherto to the Commissioners of trade, and to know how he shall be disposed of. Vol. IV, p. 557.

23 Sept. 1699. His Majestie’s Ship Rochester, Captain Ellis, commander, is sailed to New York, to bring over Captain Kidd, the pyrate and his men, in order to be tried here. Vol. IV, p. 563.

26 Sept. 1699. Last week the old East India company attended the lords justices with a petition, humbly praying that Captain Kidd the pyrate, may be brought to a speedy trial before the high court of admiralty, and that all his effects unjustly taken from the subjects of the Great Mogull may be sent back to them as satisfaction for their losses. Their excellencies promised to consider it. Vol. IV, p. 564.

2 Nov. 1699. The trial of the pyrates is put off till the arrival of Captain Kidd, who is to be brought hither from New England in order to be tried with them: his effects are valued at £200,000. Vol. IV, p. 578.

2 Dec. 1699. The lords of the admiralty have an account that the man of war sent to New England to bring hither Captain Kidd, the pyrate, is returned, not being able to make her voyage, the winter being too far advanced in those parts. Vol. IV, p. 589.

6 April 1700. Last night the lords of the admiralty had an express from Bristoll that Captain Kidd, with 33 pyrates more, were arrived in that channel from New England, in order to be tried for robbing the subjects of the Great Mogull. Vol. IV, p. 632.

16 April 1700. The same day Captain Kidd, the notorious pyrate, was examined before the lords of the admiralty and committed to Newgate: and yesterday 13 more pyrates were likewise examined and sent thither. Vol. IV, p. 634.

23 April 1700. Captain Kidd upon his petition has got his irons taken off. Vol. IV, p. 637.

27 April 1700. This day 10 of the pyrates lately brought from New England were examined and ordered to be tried by a high court of admiralty: Captain Kidd will be kept close prisoner till the sitting of the Parliament, to the end that they may have the examination of him. Vol. IV, p. 638.

23 July 1700. The jewels taken on board the ship of Captain Kidd the pyrate, have been valued and said to be worth £30,000. Vol. IV, p. 669.

27 March 1701. This day the commons examined Captain Kidd the pyrate and Cogi Babba, a Persian Merchant attended in order to accuse him of robbing him in those seas to £60,000 value. Kidd discovered little or nothing. Vol. V, p. 32.

1 April 1701. Captain Kidd was examined again yesterday: he confessed nothing material, so was remanded to Newgate. Vol. V, p. 34.

10 April 1701. This day the house, being acquainted that Captain Kidd since his being in Newgate, had been with the Lord Hallifax, examined the person who affirmed it and sent for the keeper of Newgate, who averred it to be false, whereupon they distrust him. Vol. V, p. 37.

1 May 1701. Letters yesterday from New York advise that the Earl of Bellamont, governor of that place and of New England dyed the 5th of March of the gout in his stomach. Vol. V, p. 44.

10 May 1701. This afternoon Captain Kidd was found guilty of murder for killing a seaman on board a ship, also of one piracy: and to-morrow will be tried upon the others. Vol. V, p. 47.

10 May 1701. Capt. Kidd is found guilty upon 6 indictments of pyracy, and 8 other pyrates are condemned. Vol. V, p. 48.

24 May 1701. Yesterday Capt. Kidd and 3 others condemned for pyracy, were executed at execution dock at Wapping. The halter of the 1st broke, but he was tied up again. Vol. V, p. 53.


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