

Report of Duncan Campbell Postmaster of Boston to Bellamont

Boston, June the 19th 1699.

The Memorial of Duncan Campbell, of Boston, humbly presented to his Excellency the Earl of Bellamont.

I, the said Duncan Campbell, being at Rhode Island on Saturday the 17th June current; that Morning I went in a Sloop, in Company with Mr. James Emott of New York, and Two other Men belonging to the said Sloop, towards Block Island; and, about Three Leagues from that Island, I met a Sloop commanded by Captain Kidd, and having on board about Sixteen men besides: after hailing of which Sloop, and being informed, That the said Kidd was Commander thereof, he the said Kid desired me to come on board the same; which I accordingly did; and, after some Discourse passed, the said Kidd desired me to do him the Favour as to make what Speed I could for Boston, and acquaint your Excellency, That the said Kid had brought a Ship, about 5 or 600 Tons from Madagascar, which some considerable time since he met within … and commanded her there to bring to; and that thereupon the Pilot, being a Frenchman, came on board the said Kid’s Ship, and told him, the said Kidd, He was welcome, and that the said Ship, to which the said Pilot belonged, was a lawful Prize to him, the said Kidd, she sailing under a French pass, whereupon he, the said Kid, and Company, took the said Ship; and afterwards, understanding that the same belonged to the Moors, he, the said Kid, would have delivered her up again; but his Men violently fell upon him and thrust him into his Cabin, saying, The said ship was a said Prize (sic); and then carried her into Madagascar, and rifled her of what they pleased: But before they got into Madagascar, the Galley under Command of him, the said Kidd, became so leaky, that she would scarce keep above Water; whereupon the Company belonging thereto, having taken out her Guns, and some other Things, and put them on board the Prize, set the said Galley on Fire.

The said Captain Kidd further told me, That, when he and his Company were arrived at Madagascar several of his Company moved him to go and take a Ship called the Moca Frigate, that lay ready fitted at a Place not far distant from them, in the Possession of certain Privateers; and to go in the same for the Red Sea; but that he the said Kid said, That if they would join with him, he would attempt the Taking of the said Ship, supposing her a lawful Prize, being formerly belonging to the King of England; but would not afterwards go with them on the said Design to the Red Sea: Whereupon Ninety of his, the said Kidd’s Men, deserted him, went and took the said Ship, and sailed with the same on the said Design, as he, the said Kid, was informed; obliging one Captain Culliver, the then Commander of her, to go along with them.

And the said Kidd further told me, That his Men having left him, and his Design frustrated, he thought it his best Way to preserve the said Ship then in his Possession, and the Goods on board her, for his Employers, or the proper Owners thereof; And accordingly, with the few Men he had then left, which would not join with the other Ninety in their aforesaid Design, being about Twenty in Number, and with a few other men, that he procured at Madagascar, to assist him in navigating the said Ship, he intended to have brought the same to Boston, according to his Orders; but, touching in his Way at the Island of St. Thomas, and other Places in the West Indies, he there heard, That great Complaints were preferred against him, and he proclaimed a Pirate; which occasioned him to sail to a Place called Mona, near Hispaniola: from whence he sent to Curaso, and brought there the Sloop on which he is now on board, and took into her to the Value of about 8 or 10,000l in Goods, Gold, and Plate: for which Gold and Plate he traded at Madagascar, and was produced by the Sale of sundry Goods and Stores, that he took out of the Adventure Galley, formerly commanded by him; and hath left the Ship taken by his Company, and carried to Madagascar, as aforesaid, at or near Mona abovesaid, in the Custody of about Six Men of his own Company, and Eighteen others that he got from Curaso; the Merchant of whom he bought the said Sloop, being intrusted therewith; unto which he had promised to return again in Three Months; the said Kidd resolving to come into Boston or New York, to deliver up unto, your Excellency what Goods and Treasure he hath on board; and to pray your Excellency’s Assistance, to enable him to bring the said Ship left by him at Mona aforesaid, from thence; the said Ship being disabled from coming for want of Furniture.

But the said Captain Kidd further informed me, That by reason of what his Men had heard in the West Indies, as aforesaid, of their being proclaimed Pirates, they would not consent to his coming into any Port without some Assurance from your Excellency, That they should not be imprisoned nor molested: And the said Captain Kidd did several times protest solemnly, That he had not done anything since his going out in the said Galley contrary to his Commission or Orders, more than what he was necessitated unto, being overpowered by his Men that deserted him, as aforesaid; who evil-intreated him several times for his not consenting to, or joining with them in, their Actions: And all the men on board the Sloop now with him did, in like manner, solemnly protest their Innocence; and declared, That they had used their utmost Endeavours in preserving the aforesaid Ship and Goods for the Owners or Employers.

The said Kidd also saith, That, if your Lordship should see Cause so to direct, he would carry the said Ship for England, there to render an Account of his Proceedings.

Which beforegoing contains the Particulars of what Captain Kidd and his Men related to

Your Lordship’s most humble Servant

Duncan Campbell.


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