Ä sÄ'ku? sÄ, a temple in Tokio.
Ba, grandmother.
Be?n'te?n SÄ'mÄ, a goddess of love and good fortune.
chi chi (che'che), father.
cho?p'sti?cks, small sticks used in eating.
clo?gs, a wooden shoe worn to lift the feet out of the mud.
Co?n fu'cius (shius), a celebrated Chinese philosopher.
DÄ ru?'mÄ SÄ'mÄ, a Japanese god.
e?n o shi'mÄ (she), a small island on the east coast of Japan. Shima means island.
Fu ji ya ma (fu?'je yÄ'mÄ), an extinct volcano, the highest mountain of Japan. Yama means mountain.
gei sha (ga'sha?), a dancing girl.
ge ta (ga'ta?), wooden clogs.
go, five.
go'do?wn, a fireproof building used as a storehouse.
hÄ'hÄ, mother.
i chi (e'che), one.
ji?n rÏk'i? shÄ, a two-wheeled carriage drawn by a man.
ju?n?k, a flat-bottomed, sea-going sailing vessel.
KÄ mÄ'ku? rÄ, a small town on the east coast of Japan.
Ka mei do (kÄ ma'do), a temple in Tokio.
ki mo no (ke mo'no), a garment resembling a dressing-gown, worn by men, women, and children in Japan.
Ki?n tÄ'ro, a Japanese hero.
ki ri gi ri su (ke re ge're su?), a singing insect.
ko, little.
ko'to, a musical instrument somewhat like a harp.
ko'to?w, bow the forehead to the ground.
KwÄn'no?n, the goddess of mercy.
MÄ'ru?, round, a name sometimes given to girls.
ni (ne), two.
NÄ ru? ho'do, an exclamation.
o, honorable, the Japanese honorific.
o Ba SÄn, honorable Grandmother Mrs.
O hay o (o hi'o), "honorable early," good-morning.
o mÉ dÉ to (o ma da'to), "honorable congratulation."
o yÄ'mÄ, a mountain near Yokohama.
ri?n, a coin, one tenth of a sen, one twentieth of a cent.
sa?n, three.
SÄn, Mr., Mrs., or Miss; a title of respect.
sa kÉ (sÄ'ka), a liquor made from rice.
SÄ'mÄ, Mr., Mrs., or Miss; a title of respect.
sa?m'i? se?n, a musical instrument resembling a banjo.
se?n, a coin worth one tenth of a yen, one half of a cent.
shi (she), four.
su?'zu, an insect.
Su? gÄ wÄ'rÄ-no-Mi?ch i? zÄ'nÉ (na), a Japanese goddess.
ta bi (tÄ'be), stockings, with a place for the big toe.
TÄ'mÄ, jewel; often used as a girl's name.
TÄ'rÄ, a boy's name.
Tei (ta), a girl's name.
To ki o (to'ke o), the capital of Japan.
U mÉ (u? ma'), plum blossom; often used as a girl's name.
Ut su ki (u?t su?'ke), a family name.
ye?n, a coin worth about fifty cents.