
Ap´pi [letter a with an uptack]n Way, a famous Roman highway.
?p´pi us Clau´di us (clÂ), a Roman statesman.
Ä? vÄn´ti (te), begone.
bam bi´no (be), baby.
Be fa na (b[letter a with an uptack] fÄ´na?), the Italian Lady Santa Claus.
Bi an ca (b[letter e with an uptack] a?´ka?), a girl's name.
Brin di si (br[letter e with an uptack]n´d[letter e with an uptack] ze), a seaport of south-eastern Italy.
Cam pag na (ca?m pÄn´ya?), a plain surrounding Rome.
Can´di a?, an island in the Mediterranean Sea.
Cap´i to line, one of the seven hills of Rome.
cÄ´ro, dear.
Ca? vour´ (vo?or), an Italian statesman, died 1861.
cen time (sÄn tem´), a copper coin, the hundredth part of a franc.
Çin Çin na?´tus, a Roman soldier and hero.
ÇÎr´ cus Ä go nÄl´[letter e with an uptack], one of the squares in Rome.
Col os se´um, an out-door theatre of ancient Rome.
Con´sta?n tine (ten), the first Christian emperor of Rome.
con´tÄ di´no (de), a peasant farmer.
Ç?´prus, an island in the Mediterranean Sea.
DÄn´do lo, a Doge of Venice, died 1205.
Doge (doj), the chief ruler in the ancient republic of Venice.
ec´co, look; behold.
Fla min´i a?n Way, a highway of ancient Rome.
fo´rum, a market-place or public meeting-place.
Ge?´ [letter o with an downtack] a?, a seaport of northwestern Italy.
gon´do la?, a boat used in the canals of Venice.

gon do lier´ (ler), a man who rows a gondola.
H?r cu la´ne um, a buried city near Naples.
Ho ra´ti us (shi us), a Roman legendary hero.
Jul ius Cae sar (jul´yus se´zÄr), a famous Roman general, statesman, orator, and writer; died 44 B. C.
la? go?on´, a shallow sound or channel.
li di (le´de), sand-bars in the lagoon of Venice.
Li´do (le), the bathing-beach of Venice.
li´ra? (le), a coin worth about nineteen cents.
li re (le´ra), plural of lira.
l'I tÄl´i a?, Italy.
log gia (lod´ja?), a roofed, open gallery.
mÄd´re (r[letter a with an uptack]), mother.
Mar´a? thon run, a twenty-six-mile running race.
Mer ce ri a (mÃr ch [letter a with an uptack] re´ [letter a with an uptack]), a shopping district in Venice.
Mes si´na? (se), a city in Sicily, destroyed by earthquakes in 1908.
mi a (me´a?); mi o (me´o), my.
Mi chael An ge lo (mi´kel an´j[letter e with an uptack] lo), an Italian painter and sculptor; died 1564.
M[letter o with an uptack] re´Ä, the southern peninsula of Greece.
Ne a? pol´i ta?n, pertaining to Naples.
Pal´? tine, one of the seven hills of Rome.
Pa laz zo Vec chi o (pÄ lÄt´so vek´ke o), a palace in Florence.
PÄ´o lo, a boy's name; Paul.
Paz zi (pÄt´se), an influential family of Florence.
Pi az za (pe Ät´sa?), square.
Pi az´za del Du o´mo, the square in front of the cathedral in Florence.
Pi az zet ta (pe Ät set´ta?), little square.

Pit ti (pe´te), a palace in Florence.
po len´ta, a pudding made of meal boiled in milk.
Pom pe ii (pa´ye), a buried city near Naples.
quat tro (kwot´tro), four.
Ri Äl´to (re), a bridge over the Grand Canal of Venice.
SÄn Gior´g?i o (jÔr), Saint George; a church in Venice.
SÄn Min i a to (me ne Ä´to), a cemetery on a hill southeast of Florence.
scal di no (skol de´no), a brazier.
Sca?l´i g?r[letter s with an downtack below], an Italian family of medieval times.
si (se), yes.
Si e na (se a´na?), a province and city in Italy.
Si gnor (se nyor´); Si gnore (se nyo´r[letter a with an uptack]), Sir; Mr.
Si gno ra (se nyo´ra?), Madam; Mrs.
Si gno ri na (se nyo re´na?), Miss.
StrÄss´bu?rg, a city in Germany.
TÄr´quin (kwin), a legendary king of ancient Rome.
Ti´b?r, the river on which Rome is situated.
Tin to ret´to (ten), an Italian painter, died 1594.
Ti tian (tish´a?n), a famous Venetian painter, died 1576.
Tre vi (tra´ve), a fountain in Rome.
Tus´ca? ny?, a province of Italy.
Uf fi zi (Öf fet´s[letter e with an uptack]), a celebrated art-gallery in Florence.
Vat´i ca?n, the Pope's residence.
Ve ro´ na? (v[letter a with an uptack]), a city in northern Italy.
Ve ro ne se (v[letter a with an uptack] r[letter o with an uptack] n[letter a with an uptack]´ z[letter a with an uptack]), an Italian painter, died 1588.
Ve su´vi us, an active volcano near Naples.
Vil´la? Bor ghe´se (ga z[letter e with an uptack]), a villa near Rome.
Vi´vÄ? (ve), "long live!" "hurrah for!"

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