Mount Rainier from Indian Henrys frontispiece
1. Cascade Mountains at Canadian Boundary 17
2. Columbia River one mile south of Kellers Ferry 19
4. Cascade Mountains in Chelan National Forest 21
5. Mount Rainier, Yakima Park 22
6. Columbia River in Stevens County 23
7. Blue Mountains, Washington 24
8. North Side of Mount Rainier 26
9. Mount Rainier: Cowlitz Chimneys 28
10. A "pothole" crowded by drifting sand 30
12. Arctic-Alpine Life-zone on Mount Rainier 33
13. Humid subdivision of the Transition Life-zone 34
14. Timbered, arid subdivision of the Transition Life-zone 35
15. Upper Sonoran Life-zone 37
16. Canadian Life-zone 38
18. McDowell Lake. Little Pend Oreille Wildlife Refuge 50
19. Pend Oreille River near Newport 59
20. Rocky bluff along north bank of the Columbia River 65


21. Gibbs shrew-mole 122
23. Coast mole and Townsend mole 125
25. Coast mole 128
41. Long-eared bat: female with young 161
42. 175
51. Grizzly bears 177
52. Raccoon 181
53. Western marten 185
55. Fisher 188
56. Ermine 192
57. Long-tailed weasel 196
58. Mink 199
61. Wolverine 204
63. River otter 209
64. Civet cat 214
65. Striped skunk 218
67. Badger 221
68. Red fox 225
70. Coyote 230
71. Wolf 232
74. Cougar 236
77. Canadian lynx 240
79. Bobcat 243
80. Least chipmunk 252
81. Yellow-pine chipmunk 256
83. Townsend chipmunk 261
84A. Marmots 266
84B. Townsend and Washington ground squirrels 268
85. Columbian and Beechey ground squirrels 274
86. Golden-mantled ground squirrels 280


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