THE COLLEGE. I. THE CHRISTIAN DEMAND AND THE PUBLIC OPINION. THE MARKET. I. DEATH OR DISHONOR. THE COURT. I. THE ORIENTAL ESTIMATE AND THE FRENCH LAW. THE COLLEGE; OR, WOMAN'S RELATION TO EDUCATION. IN THREE LECTURES. THE MARKET; OR, WOMAN'S POSITION AS REGARDS WAGES AND WORK. THE COURT; OR, WOMAN'S POSITION UNDER THE LAW. IN THREE LECTURES, OR, WOMAN'S RELATION TO EDUCATION, LABOR, AND LAW. By CAROLINE H. DALL, AUTHOR OF "HISTORICAL SKETCHES," "SUNSHINE," "THE LIFE OF DR. ZAKRZEWSKA," ETC. "Let this be copied out, And keep it safe for our remembrance. Return the precedent to these lords again."—King John. "How canst thou make me thy friend who in nothing am like thee? Thy life and dwelling are under the waters; but my way of living Is to eat all that man does!"—Batrachomyomachia. BOSTON: Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by LEE AND SHEPARD, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. CAMBRIDGE: STEREOTYPED AND PRINTED BY JOHN WILSON AND SON. TO LUCRETIA MOTT, FOR MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS A PREACHER AND REFORMER; SPOTLESS This Book is Dedicated,SINCE SHE IS THE BEST EXAMPLE THAT I KNOW OF WHAT ALL WOMEN "A woman Leading with sober pace an armed man, All bossed in gold, and thus the superscription: 'I, Justice, bring this injured exile back To claim his portion in his father's hall.'" Seven against Thebes. |