A dear little maid, with sun-bonnet red Tied carefully over her little brown head, With two little bare feet, so active and brown, Has started to travel to Strawberry town. “And pray where is that?” Oh dear! don’t you know? It’s out in the field where the strawberries grow; Where papa, and Henry, and Sue, in the sun, Pick the sweet, big, red berries so fast, one by one. The maid and her kittens “It’s a very great ways,” says the dear little maid, “To Strawberry town, and I’m so afraid.” And so as companions, to keep her from harm, She takes two fat kittens, one under each arm. The kittens hugged sociably up to each side; With ears sticking up and tails hanging down, She carries them bravely to Strawberry town. MARY A. ALLEN, M.D. Flossie and her shoe-boat