The frosts in the door-yard maple Had lighted a fine red blaze, And one of the golden twilights That come September days: The neighborhood lads had gathered To play their usual plays.
Frankie was good at planning, And seeing the glowing tree, “Let’s have a fire department And play ’tis a house!” said he. “Oh, yes, a hook and ladder,” Cried all; “what fun ’twill be!”
So they put the hose on the hydrant. Searched everywhere about Until they found a ladder, And then, with yell and shout Of “fire” and clang of “ding-dong,” They rushed to put it out.
The hosemen pulled their jackets Hastily from their backs; One climbed the tree like a squirrel, With a ball-bat for an axe And he hewed at the beautiful branches With frantic hacks and whacks.
| Some one turned on the water, And the boy in the foremost place Got the full force from the nozzle Square in his little face; And he cried for half a minute With the funniest grimace.