Out in the woods we went to-day: Mamma and Nannie, Freddie and May, Charlie and I, and good old Tray, Out in the greenwood to romp and play. To-day, you know, is the first of May; And we meant to be so jolly and gay: And celebrate in so merry a way That we could never forget this holiday. So first we chose the loveliest queen, The dearest and sweetest that ever was seen; For mamma herself was Her Highness Serene, And we crowned her with rosebuds and evergreen. Then we kneeled around and vowed to obey All the laws she made, not only to-day, But all the year through. Then she waved a spray Of lilac bloom, and bade us all be gay. The bars we leaped, and the prizes we won! Oh the shouting, the singing, the laughter and fun,— It were hard to tell who was the happiest one! Then, rosy and tired, we gathered around Our beautiful queen on the mossy ground; The hungriest group in the land, I’ll be bound. As the sandwiches, cookies, and tarts went round. Enjoying games and a picnic When the sun was low and shadows were gray, Down from her throne stepped our fair Queen of May, And through the green fields led homeward our way, While we gave her sweet thanks for this beautiful day. L. A. B. C. Ships near a light-house