Down by the seashore Miss Lollipop sat, Dropping the little white shells in her hat; “See!” cried the darling, and shouted with glee, “These pretty things were all waiting for me; Waiting for me!” Creeping and curving across the gray sand, The wavelets came dancing to kiss the fair land, Wooing with murmurs the flower-gemmed lea; “Ah,” cried Miss Pops, “they are whispering to me, Whispering to me!” Down from a heaven of midsummer blue, Smiling and dimpling all over the sea; “There,” cried Miss Pops, “they are laughing at me, Laughing at me!” In the green meadows the tall grass stood fair, Waving and tossing in sweet summer air, Dipping and bending around her white knee; “Look,” cried Miss Pops, “it is bowing to me, Bowing to me!” Miss Lillipop dropping shells into her hat HAPPY MISS LOLLIPOP. Over the hills the sweet flower bells rang, High in the tree tops the little birds sang. —Tipsy-top bobolinks bent on a spree; “Hark!” cried Miss Pops. “They are singing to me, Singing to me!” Sipping their rations of honey and dew, With jewel-necked humming-birds gorgeous to see; “Now,” cried Miss Pops, “they are shining for me, Shining for me!” Sweet little Happy Heart! Pure little soul! Earth would be robbed of its darkness and dole If with the faith of thy heart I could see How much of God’s world is fashioned for me! |