Hurrah for old winter, he’s coming at last! The snow flakes are falling so thick and so fast! Hurrah! Hurrah! My skates I have mended, and painted my sled; Now, boys, you will soon see this chap go ahead! Hurrah! Hurrah! I’ve jolly thick mittens, a brand-new fur cap; Now, what does it matter if I get a rap? Hurrah! Hurrah! I’ve got such a secret! We’ve built us a fort! But you must tell no one, ’twould spoil all our sport. Hurrah! Hurrah! Jack, Clement, and Robbie, are garrison men, And we can defend it against any ten. Hurrah! Hurrah! We’ve made heaps of snowballs, each one round and hard, They’re hid away safe in the old schoolhouse yard. Hurrah! Hurrah! Pell-mell through the snow rush the merry boy crowd; While the bare woodlands echo the hearty and loud Hurrah! Hurrah! Three deer in woodland SOMEWHERE IN LEAFY FORESTS THE WILD DEER ROAM AND SLEEP. |