With bounding step and merry laugh My little girl—five and a half— Held in her hand a picture-card: “See! mamma, see! I’ve tried so hard; Look and see what the letters spell; ’Tis a reward for doing well. I have been good a whole long week; Not once, mamma, did teacher speak, Or say from recess I must stay, Because in school I’d tried to play. Last week, you know, my card I lost For giving Charlie’s book a ‘tost,’ And speaking out aloud in school; Then teacher said, ‘Edith come here.’ I went right to her, mamma dear, And ’cause I hop-skipped down the aisle, The scholars all began to smile. That week I was so very good, ’Most got a card, and think I should If I’d not hop-skipped down the aisle, And made the other scholars smile. But if I get one once in four, School keeps so long, I’ll get lots more.” EDITH AT HOME. Jocko evades capture by climbing up to a high cupboard Go to story. SUCH MISCHIEF AS HE MADE. |