Farmer Gray had a load of apples to sell one day. But nobody wanted them. People offered him such a small sum of money for them, he said he would rather give them away. So he started for home with his load of apples. He drove down Summer street, past the schoolhouse. The boys were having their recess. Now Farmer Gray loved children. So when he saw these boys he thought, “Here’s just the market for my apples.” He stopped his horse and called out, “Do any of you boys know what to do with apples?” Then there was a shout! “O yes, sir, we guess we do!” said all the boys. “Come on, then!” said Farmer Gray. A boy eating an apple HE KNOWS WHAT TO DO WITH FARMER GRAY’S APPLES. The boys crowded around the wagon, and the farmer tossed the apples to them. “It is well for you, boys, that I found no market for my apples this morning,” he said. Charlie Read said, “You are the funniest man I ever saw to stop and give us the apples.” “You would like to see another just like me to-morrow, wouldn’t you?” said Farmer Gray. “Yes, I would,” said Charley, “and I should like to live with you too.” Just then the school bell rang. The boys all shouted, “Good-by! good-by!” as Farmer Gray drove off. “I’m glad enough I didn’t sell those apples this morning,” thought Farmer Gray. |