What do you think I did with all my beautiful Christmas cards? I had saved ever and ever so many, and Easter and New Year’s, and Birthday cards, and a lot of Valentines. I knew I would get more this Christmas, so I thought I would give these away. Then I thought I would paste them in a scrapbook, or tack them up on the wall instead. Then, I thought I would just keep them in a box forever, and show them to my grandchildren; but, when aunt Nora told me about the sick children at the hospital, then I thought I’d give my cards to them. I just made up my mind I would, and so I did. Aunt Nora took me to the hospital, and I wore my new red cloak and hat. I think I looked sweet, too. The hospital is pretty big, and we had to go down a long hall and a long pair of So I held aunt Nora’s hand tight until we came to a big room where there were lots of beds and poor little sick boys and girls in them. Some more children were playing around, and they were sick too. One of them, a wee little mite, was eating bread and molasses, and her face was all sticky. She wanted to kiss me. A pretty nurse in a white cap came up and spoke to us, and aunt Nora told her about my cards. She said I might give them round myself. So I went up to the first cot, and, oh dear! there was such a sick little girl in it. I asked her if she would like a card, and she seemed so delighted that I gave her a beauty, with red and white fringe. Then all the children said, “Gi’me one too, lady! Oh, lady! gi’me one!” Fan and her cards “I THINK I LOOKED SO SWEET.” Nobody ever called me “lady” before, but then I am most grown up now. One child there was just as old as I am; only he was a boy, and he had a big iron thing on his leg. When I Then they all waved their cards and cried “Merry Christmas! merry Christmas!” as I went out of the door. I hope I’ll get ever so many cards this Christmas, so I can give them to the hospital children. It’s such fun! |