The magpie is a very handsome bird. He knows he is handsome, too. He has a fine broad tail. There is a band of purple near the end of each feather, and the end is green and purple. He walks about with this handsome tail perked in the air. He does not drag it in the dirt, not he! He is a bright bird, too. He can learn to talk, and he is full of pretty and naughty tricks. He is a—thief! He steals eggs from other birds’ nests. He strikes his bill through the egg and walks off with it. And he does a worse thing than that. He steals the young birds and eats them. MAGPIE AND NEST. But the Magpie is very careful to build her nest so nobody shall steal her eggs. In the first place she always builds on a high tree. She chooses a tree that has a long smooth trunk, that the boys cannot climb easily. How do you suppose she knows about mischievous boys? She must make a study of boys. Magpies like bright glittering things like silver spoons and rings. They often steal them and hide them in their nests. This Magpie is a European bird. There is a beautiful red Magpie that lives in China. MARY AND ANNIE FEED FLUFFY-DUMPTY. |