What a wonderful thing a bird’s nest is! Even the simplest nests are very wonderful. Some boys and girls collect birds’ nests, and that is very well, if you wait till the eggs are hatched, and the birds have flown. The ground sparrow builds a lovely little nest; and what a curious nest is that of the barn swallow. A WEAVER BIRD AND HER NEST. How many of you have seen the nest of the Baltimore oriole? She hangs it upon the end of an elm branch, where it swings and dances in the wind. I have for you this time, the nest of an African bird. This little bird belongs to the class called weavers. If you look at the See how skilfully the nest is woven out of twigs, and grasses, and fibrous roots. There are many kinds of weaver birds, and each kind builds a different nest. Sometime I shall show you another weaver bird’s nest. |