

1 (return)
[ Or, "Socrates' Defence before the Dicasts." For the title of the work see Grote, "H. G." viii. 641; Schneid. ap. L. Dindorf's note {pros tous dikastas}, ed. Ox. 1862, and Dindorf's own note; L. Schmitz, "On the Apology of Socrates, commonly attributed to Xenophon," "Class. Mus." v. 222 foll.; G. Sauppe, "Praef." vol. iii. p. 117, ed. ster.; J. J. Hartman, "An. Xen." p. 111 foll.; E. Richter, "Xen. Stud." pp. 61-96; M. Schanz, "Platos Apologia."]

2 (return)
[ Or possibly, "his deliberate behaviour."]

3 (return)
[ Or, "have succeeded in hitting off"; "done full justice to."]

4 (return)
[ Or, "the magniloquence of the master."]

5 (return)
[ Or, "so that according to them his lofty speech seems rather foolhardy."]

6 (return)
[ See "Mem." IV. viii. 4 foll., a passage of which this is either an "ebauchement" or a "rechauffe."]

7 (return)
[ Or, "the philosopher's cast of thought."]

8 (return)
[ Dikasteries.]

9 (return)
[ {to daimonion}.]

10 (return)
[ {edein}, i.e. at any moment.]

11 (return)
[ For the phrase {iskhuros agamenos emauton}, cf. "Mem." II. i. 19.]

12 (return)
[ L. Dindorf cf. Dio Chrys. "Or." 28, {anagke gar auto en probainonti anti men kallistou aiskhrotero gignesthai k.t.l.}]

13 (return)
[ {apoteleisthai}. In "Mem." IV. viii. 8, {epiteleisthai}.]

14 (return)
[ Or, "God of his good favour vouchsafes as my protector that I should," etc. For {proxenei} cf. "Anab." VI. v. 14; Soph. "O. C." 465, and "O. T." 1483; and Prof. Jebb's notes ad loc. "the god's kindly offices grant to me that I should lose my life."]

15 (return)
[ Cf. Plat. "Phaed." 66.]

16 (return)
[ {te tou logou episkepsei}. Cf. Plat. "Rep." 456 C.]

17 (return)
[ Or, if {emin}, transl. "we all were for thinking that the main thing was."]

18 (return)
[ Or, "that sink into which a confluent stream of evil humours discharge most incompatible with gaiety of mind." Schneid. conj. {eremon} sc. {geras}.]

19 (return)
[ Or, "I will give no helping hand to that."]

20 (return)
[ Cf. "Mem." I. i. 2.]

21 (return)
[ Cf. Plat. "Apol." 19.]

22 (return)
[ Cf. "Anab." III. ii. 11; Aristoph. "Birds," 720.]

23 (return)
[ Delphi.]

24 (return)
[ Or, "the objects that meet us." See Prof. Jebb ad Theophr. "Ch." xxviii. 5.]

25 (return)
[ L. Dindorf cf. Athen. v. 218 E; Hermesianax ap. Athen. xiii. 599 A; Liban. vol. iii. pp. 34, 35; Plat. "Apol." 21 A; Paus. i. 22. 8; Schol. ad Aristoph. "Clouds," 144; Grote, "H. G." viii. 567 foll.]

26 (return)
[ See Herod. i. 65:

{ekeis, o Lukoorge, emon pori piona neon,
Zeni philos kai pasin 'Olumpia domat' ekhousi
dizo e se theon manteusomai e anthropon.
all' eti kai mallon theon elpomai, o Lukoorge.}

Cf. Plut. "Lyc." 5 (Clough, i. 89).]

27 (return)
[ Or, "gave judgment beforehand that I far excelled."]

28 (return)
[ Lit. "whom do you know," and so throughout.]

29 (return)
[ Cf. Plat. "Phaed." 66 C.]

30 (return)
[ Or, "so attempered and adjusted." The phrase savours of "cynic." theory.]

31 (return)
[ Or, "present no temptation to him"; lit. "that he stands in no further need of what belongs to his neighbours."]

32 (return)
[ {ta legomena}, "the meaning of words and the force of argument."]

33 (return)
[ {ek panton}. Cf. Thuc. i. 120, {osper kai en allois ek panton protimontai (oi egemones)}, "as they (leaders) are first in honour, they should be first in the fulfilment of their duties" (Jowett).]

34 (return)
[ The commentators quote Libanius, "Apol." vol. iii. p. 39, {kai dia touto ekalei men Eurulokhos o Kharistios, ekalei de Skopas k Kranonios, oukh ekista lontes, upiskhnoumenoi}. Cf. Diog. Laert. ii. 31, {Kharmidou oiketas auto didontos, in' ap' auton prosodeuoito, oukh eileto}. Cf. id. 65, 74.]

35 (return)
[ See "Hell." II. ii. 10.]

36 (return)
[ {oikteirein eautous}. See L. Dind. ad loc. For an incident in point see "Mem." II. vii.]

37 (return)
[ Plat. "Rep." iii. 404 D, "refinements of Attic confectionery."]

38 (return)
[ {ek tes psukhes}, possibly "by a healthy appetite." Cf. "Symp." iv. 41. The same sentiment "ex ore Antisthenis." See Joel, op. cit. i. 382; Schanz, Plat. "Apol." p. 88, S. 26.]

39 (return)
[ Cf. "Mem." I. ii. 49.]

44 (return)
[ {eipein auton [autos(?)]}, i.e. "according to Hermiogenes."]

45 (return)
[ Or, "must have a heavy load on their minds in the consciousness of their impiety and injustice."]

40 (return)
[ {sunagoreuein}, L. and S. cf Thuc. vi. 6, "partisans," viii. 84, "pleaded the case of" (Jowett).]

41 (return)
[ Or, "laid the greatest stress of not being guilty of impiety"; "attached the greatest importance to the fact that he was never guilty of impiety."]

42 (return)
[ {upotimasthai}. See L. Dind. cf. Cic. "Orat." i. 54; the technical word is {antitimasthai}. Cf. Plat. "Apol." 36 D; Diog. Laert. ii. 41. These authorities tell a different story. Why should these stories, if true, as no doubt they were, be omitted?]

43 (return)
[ Cf. Plat. "Crit." 44 B.]

46 (return)
[ Cf. "Mem." I. ii. 62.]

47 (return)
[ See Plat. "Rep." iii. 413 A.]

48 (return)
[ Cf. "Mem." IV. viii. 9, 10; ib. IV. ii. 3. See Plat. "Rep." v. 476 D, {exomen ti paramutheisthai auton}; and "Hunting," i. 11. The story of Palamedes is told by Ovid, "Met." xiii. 5.]

49 (return)
[ Cf. Plat. "Apol." 25 D, {poteron eme eisageis deuro os diaphtheironta tous neous kai poneroterous poiounta ekonta e akonta}.]

50 (return)
[ {omologoumenos}. For the use of the word L. Dind. cf. Diog. Laert. vii. 87, {dioper protos o Zenon en to peri anthropou phuseos telos eipe to omologoumenos te phusei zen} (Cicero's "naturae convenienter vivere," L. and S.), whereas the regular Attic use is different. Cf. "Oec." i. 11, {kai omologoumenos ge o logos emin khorei} = "consentanea ratione." "Our argument runs on all-fours." Plat. "Symp." 186 B, {to nasoun omologoumenos eteron te kai anomoion esti}, "ut inter omnes convenit."]

51 (return)
[ "Why precisely now?"]

52 (return)
[ Cf. "Mem." III. xi. 17; Plut. "Cato min." 46 (Clough, iv. 417). See Cobet, "Pros. Xen." s.n.; cf. Plat. "Symp." 173; "Phaed." 54 A, 117 D; Aelian, "V. H." i. 16; Heges. "Delph." ap. Athen. xi. 507.]

53 (return)
[ Diog. Laert. ii. 5. 35, ascribes the remark to Xanthippe, and so Val. Max. 7. 2, Ext. 1.]

54 (return)
[ See Plat. "Phaed." 89 B, where a similar action is attributed to Socrates in the case of Phaedo (his beloved disciple). "He stroked my head and pressed the hair upon my neck—he had a way of playing with my air; and then he said: 'To-morrow, Phaedo, I suppose that these fair locks of yours will be severed.'"]

55 (return)
[ Son of Anthemion. See Plat. "Men." 90 B, {airountai goun auton epi tas megistas arkhas}, Plut. "Alc." 4; id. "Coriol." 14; Aristot. "Ath. Pol." 27, 25, re {to dekazein}; 34, 23. A moderate oligarch; cf. Xen. "Hell." II. iii. 42, 44; Schol. Cod. Clarkiani ad Plat. "Apol." 18 B ap. L. Dind. ad loc.; cf. Diod. xiii. 64.]

56 (return)
[ Cf. Plat. "Apol." 23 E.]

57 (return)
[ e.g. Patroclus dying predicts the death of Hector who had slain him, "Il." xvi. 851 foll.; and Hector that of Achilles, "Il." xxii. 358 foll. Cf. Cic. "de Div." 1, 30. Plato, "Apol." 39 C, making Socrates thus address his judges: {to de de meta touto epithumo umin khresmodesai, o katapsephisamenoi mou' kai gar eimi ede entautha, en o malist' anthropoi khresmodousin, otan mellosin apothaneisthai}. "And now, O men who have condemned me, I would fain prophesy to you, for I am about to die, and that is the hour at which all men are gifted with prophetic power" (Jowett).]

58 (return)
[ Lit. "dear to the gods"; "highly favoured."]

59 (return)
[ Cf. Hom. "Od." xii. 341, {pantes men stugeroi thanatoi deiloisi brotoisin}.]

60 (return)
[ {prosantes}, i.e. "he faced death boldly as he had encountered life's blessings blandly." "As he had been no stoic to repudiate life's blessings, so he was no coward to," etc.]


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