1682 | La Salle, French explorer, by his ProcÈs Verbal claims part of North Dakota drained by Missouri River for France. |
1738 | Pierre de la Verendrye, first white man to enter North Dakota, visits Mandan Indians on Missouri. |
1742 | Verendrye's sons return to North Dakota while searching for a western sea near high mountains. |
1762 | France transfers land claimed by La Salle to Spain. |
1763 | By Treaty of Paris England obtains title to part of State drained by Mouse and Red Rivers. |
1768 | Jonathan Carver explores Northwest through the Red River Valley for Provincial Government. |
1797 | David Thompson, English geographer, explores and maps Mouse and Missouri River basins. |
| Charles Chaboillez of the North West Company establishes first trading post in State at Pembina. |
1800 | Spain cedes American possessions back to France after adjustment of territorial holdings. |
| Alexander Henry, Jr., opens fur-trading post at Park River. |
1801 | Alexander Henry, Jr., moves post to Pembina. |
1802 | March 12, first non-Indian child in State, a girl, born to Pierre Bonza and wife, Negroes, at Henry's post at Pembina. |
| Charles le Raye explores western North Dakota while captive of BrulÉ Sioux. |
1803 | Louisiana Purchase makes southwestern North Dakota part of United States. |
1804-5 | Lewis and Clark, accompanied by Sakakawea, cross North Dakota on journey to Pacific. |
1807 | In May, Manuel Lisa sets out from St. Louis in search of suitable sites for trading posts along the Missouri River. |
| December 29, first white child in State born at Pembina. |
1811 | John Bradbury and Thomas Nuttall, English botanists, join Astoria Overland Expedition up Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers to Oregon. |
1812 | Selkirk colonists come to Pembina to make first attempt at permanent white settlement in State. |
1818 | Father Dumoulin and Father Provencher open first church in State, a Roman Catholic mission at Pembina. |
| First school, taught by William Edge, begun in connection with this mission. |
| United States acquires eastern North Dakota by treaty with England. |
1820 | Grasshopper plague destroys Red River Valley crops. |
1822 | Gen. W. H. Ashley and other explorers establish fur-trading posts in Missouri Valley. |
1823 | Gen. Stephen H. Long survey expedition designates official boundary between United States and Canada at point north of Pembina. |
| Selkirk colonists evacuate Pembina and move to Canadian soil. |
1825 | Gen. Henry Atkinson and Gen. Henry Leavenworth come up Missouri to make treaties with Arikara and other Indians. |
1828 | American Fur Company builds Fort Union at mouth of Yellowstone. |
1831 | Fort Clark built on Missouri by American Fur Company. |
1832 | Yellowstone, first steamboat to navigate Missouri in North Dakota, makes voyage to Fort Union. |
| George Catlin, artist and explorer, visits Mandan Indians. |
1833 | Maximilian, Prince of Wied, conducts scientific expedition up Missouri River. |
1837 | Smallpox epidemic nearly annihilates Mandan Indian tribe. |
1839 | John C. Fremont and Jean N. Nicollet lead first exploration through central North Dakota. |
| Father Pierre Jean De Smet begins missionary work among North Dakota Indians, and persuades Sioux, particularly Hunkpapas, to participate in peace councils. |
1842 | Joseph Rolette opens American Fur Company post at Pembina. |
1843 | Rival post built at Pembina by Norman Kittson. |
| John James Audubon, naturalist, studies animal life in present North Dakota. |
1845 | Bartholomew Berthold, representing American Fur Company, founds post named for himself on Missouri River. |
1848 | Father George Belcourt opens mission fields in Pembina, Walhalla, and Turtle Mountains. |
| Rev. Alonzo Barnard and James Tanner conduct first Protestant church service in State at Pembina. |
| First printing press brought into North Dakota by Barnard. |
1851 | First North Dakota post office established at Pembina with Norman Kittson postmaster. |
| Charles Cavileer brings settlers to Pembina from Minnesota to form first permanent white agricultural colony in State. |
| First flour mill in State constructed at Walhalla by Father Belcourt. |
1853 | Stevens survey sponsored by Federal Government to find most advantageous route for railway to Pacific. |
1857 | Fort Abercrombie, first military post in North Dakota, established on Red River. |
1859 | January 5, Anson Northrup, first steamboat on Red River, starts trip from Fort Abercrombie to Winnipeg. |
1860 | Regular steamboat transportation on upper Missouri begins. |
1861 | Dakota Territory is officially organized. |
| President Lincoln appoints William Jayne first Governor of Dakota Territory. |
1862 | First Territorial legislature meets in Yankton. |
| Refugees from Minnesota Massacre flee to Fort Abercrombie. Little Crow and followers seek refuge with Sioux near Devils Lake. |
| Capt. James L. Fisk guides parties across North Dakota to Montana gold fields. |
1863 | January 1, Dakota Territory opened for homesteading. |
| Gen. Henry H. Sibley and Gen. Alfred H. Sully, sent out to punish Sioux who participated in Minnesota Massacre, conduct extensive campaign through North Dakota. |
1864 | In July, first North Dakota newspaper, the Frontier Scout, issued at Fort Union. |
| General Sully supervises building of Fort Rice. |
| Immigrant party under Capt. James L. Fisk, besieged by Sioux, builds Fort Dilts. |
1866 | Fort Buford established opposite mouth of Yellowstone. |
1867 | Fort Ransom, second of chain of forts for protection of immigrants crossing the prairies, established on Sheyenne River by Gen. A. H. Terry. |
| Forts Stevenson and Totten, and Fort Totten Reservation established. |
| Treaty with Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux cedes United States rights to build roads and railroads across Indian lands. |
1868 | Sioux, influenced by Father De Smet, join peace council at Fort Rice. |
| Laramie treaty defines reservation boundaries for Sioux, including Standing Rock Reservation. |
| Joseph Rolette makes first North Dakota homestead entry, filing on land in northwest part of Red River Valley. |
1870 | Fort Berthold Indian Reservation boundaries defined. |
| Treaty between Chippewa, Sioux, and whites at Fort Abercrombie brings about permanent peace in eastern area. |
1871 | Northern Pacific Railway reaches Fargo. |
Photo by Frank Fiske
Photo by Frank Fiske
Photo by Russell Reid
Photo by Russell Reid