

Adams, Edson, 86

Agricultural products, 349

Alcade, 141

Amador branch, 143

Antioch, 224

Associated Oil Company, 449

Atchison, Topeka and Santa FÉ Railroad, 241, 275;

acquires San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railroad, 331, 339-342

Atlantic and Pacific Company, 226

Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, 122, 125

Atlantic and Pacific Steamship Company, 305


Baker, Col., of Tulare, 28

Bakersfield, oil fields, 442

Balfour, Guthrie and Company, 305

Bankruptcy, threat of, 415

Banning, Phineas, 127

Bassett, J. M., 214

Battle Mountain, 361

Bear River, 8

Beerstecher, Mr., member, State Railroad Board, 1880-1883, 189-198

Benicia, 107, 141, 224

Board of Land Commissioners in California, 62

Bonds, California Pacific Railroad Company, 110-118;

Central Pacific Railroad, 418;

United States subsidy, 51-56;

lien on, 407-410;

payment and refunding of, 371-424;

payment of interest at maturity, 371;

settlement of indebtedness, 416-424;

sinking fund provision, 376, 383

Booth, L. A., 15, 19

Brice, Senator, 397

Brown, Mr., 147

Brown, Harvey S., 188

Brown, W. E., 75

Burch, John C., Congressman from California, 8

Burke v. Southern Pacific, 443

Business depression of 1891-1897, 363

Business Men’s League v. Atchison, Topeka and Santa FÉ, 281, 282


California, aids Central Pacific Railroad, 25-44;

“Five Per Cent Act,” of 1870, 44;

industrial conditions, 237;

Judah’s work in, 5;

Spanish and Mexican grants, 62

California and Oregon Railroad, 81, 140, 152, 363, 450

California League of Progress, 319

California Pacific Eastern Railroad Extension Company, 110

California Pacific Railroad Company, acquired by Central Pacific, 104-118;

alleged mismanagement of, 116;

bonds of, 111;

competition of, 107;

growth of, 1871-1877, 141;

lease, 143;

shares, 112

California Southern Railroad, 123

California State Board of Transportation Commissioners, 181-198, 242, 335

California Steam Navigation Company, 224

Calistoga, 141

Canadian Pacific Railroad, 276, 308

Cape Horn route to San Francisco, 225, 306

Capital (See “Finance”)

Carpentier, E. R., 88

Carpentier, H. W., 86, 88, 89, 90

Carr, William, 204

Casserly, Eugene, 213

Central Pacific Railroad Company, 4;

Acts of 1862 and 1864, 49-64;

acquires California Pacific Railroad, 104-118;

acquires California Steam Navigation Company, 224;

bond issues, 24, 51-56, 370-424;

capital of, 22;

consolidation with Western Pacific Railroad, 84;

construction of, 1863-1869, 65-83;

ceremonies attending inauguration of work, 65;

contracts for, 70;

cost estimated, 16;

financing of, 75-82;

gradients, 65;

supplies for, 68;

temperature of climate, 67;

contract with California Pacific, 112;

discriminations against charged, 357;

dividends, 365, 374;

earnings, 16, 22, 169, 361;

expenses, legal and general, 213;

finances, 1870-1879, 169-180;

financing of California survey, 14;

government aid by California, 25-44;

government aid expected, 15;

government debt, 370-424;

in 1877, 140;

incorporation, 1899, 421, 423;

Judah’s second survey for, 19;

Judah’s work for, 4-10;

land grants, 50-64;

leases, 142, 153;

litigation with San Francisco, 31-40;

monopoly control by, 104;

Oakland water-front acquired, 85-94;

organization, 1861, 18;

rates, 237-256;

receipts to December, 1869, 21;

refuses to buy Sacramento Valley railroad, 43;

reorganization plan, 1899, 418;

San Francisco water-front acquired, 94-103;

stockholders, 146-149;

stock issues, 1863-1869, 23;

county subscriptions, 29;

subsidies demanded from towns, 28;

surveys, 66;

terminal facilities in 1869, 85;

transcontinental line finished, 84

Centralia, 19

Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, 149

Chico, 224

China Basin, 335-338

Chinese labor, 70

Cleveland, Grover, 403

Clipper ships, 225, 303-316

Cohen, A. A., 174

Colon, Panama, 234

Colorado River, 140

Colton, David D., 28, 133, 154-168, 175, 184, 201, 202, 204-217, 387

Colton, Mrs. David B., 164-168

Colusa, 223, 224

Commissioner of railroads (See “Railroad Commissions”)

Competition, effect of, on rates, 263, 280;

foreign ships, 294;

proposal for competing railroad, 318;

restraint of trade, accusations of, 356, 429-440;

San Joaquin project, 320;

transcontinental, 275;

water, 222-236, 303-316

Cone, J. S., member of State Railroad Board, 1880-1883, 189-198

Congress (See “Legislation”)

Connor, Mr., commercial agent, 356

Consolidation, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific, 425-440

Constitutional convention, California 1879, 184-187

Contract and Finance Company, 75-82;

builds railroad from Sacramento to Dansville, 113;

construction of Southern Pacific, 132

Contracts, construction of Central Pacific, 70-82;

rates, 250-255

Coon, Henry P., Mayor of San Francisco, 35

Cornish, Judge, 446, 447

County stock subscriptions, 28, 29

Crocker, Charles, 13, 19, 22, 65, 70, 145, 170, 284;

contracts for construction, 70-75;

director, Southern Pacific Railroad, 123;

President Contract and Finance Company, 77;

relations with David D. Colton, 154-168;

shares of, 146-149

Crocker, E. B., Judge, 88

Curtis, William B., 240


Dane, Timothy, 84

Davisville, 112, 141

Dawes, Mr., 409

Debts (See “Government aid”)

Dimond, William and Company, 304, 306

Dividends, payment of, 171, 374;

policy, 366;

suspension of, 365

Donahue, Peter, 123

Doyle, John T., 216, 401, 407

Dutch Flat, 6, 7, 8


Earnings, Central Pacific, 16, 22, 169, 361, 364;

charges by Auditor of Railroads, 389;

net earnings defined, 391;

Southern Pacific, 347-369

Eberlein, land agent, 445-448

Edmonds, Senator, 409

El Paso route, 354

Election of 1863, 32, 33, 38

Elk Hills title suit, 445

Eureka and Palisade Railroad, 361


Fair, James G., 310

Farming, 237

Felton, John P., 87, 88, 89, 90

Finance, construction work, Central Pacific, 71-82;

Southern Pacific, 136-139;

early years, 360;

federal aid, 42-64;

survey, 14;

inability to get capital, 170;

notes, 1878, 176;

organization of company, 18;

repayment of government debt, 370-424;

San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railroad, 322;

short-term borrowing, 174;

state and local aid, 21-41

“Five Per Cent Act,” of 1870, 44

Flower, Roswell P., 177

Folsom, 8, 10, 19

Franchot, General, 204, 213

Freight traffic, 353;

rates, 191, 349

Fremont’s route, 9

French, Thomas, 89

French v. Teschemaker, 33

Friedlander and Reed, 249

Frye-Davis report, 396


Gage, L. J., Secretary, U. S. Treasury, 415

Gage, Stephen T., 204, 209, 210

Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railway, 149

Gates, I. E., 213

Gear, Congressman, bill for refunding of debt, 399, 416

General Land Office, 57-59

Gerke, Mr., 195-197

Gilroy, 141

Gleaves Act, 338

Goat Island, 100, 101

Goodall and Perkins, 226

Gordon, Senator from Georgia, 203

Goshen, 119, 126, 127, 140

Gould, Jay, 226, 234, 427

Government aid, California, 25-44;

California laws, 1864, 34;

claim for indemnity, 374;

county stock subscriptions, 29;

federal, 45-64;

Judah’s proposals, 15;

opposition to in San Francisco, 31;

Pacific Railroad bill, 1860, 8;

repayment of debt, 370-424;

state aid, direct, 30;

United States bonds, 51-56, 371

Government, U. S., withholds payments, 377

Grace, J. W., and Company, 304

Grading of railroad, 65

Grain rates, 342

Gray, R., 246

Great Northern Railroad, 276

Griggs, U. S. Attorney-General, 415, 416


Haight, H. H., 216

Hale, Henry M., auditor of San Francisco, 35

Hammond, President, California Pacific Railroad, 115;

Vice-President, California Pacific Railroad, 114, 115

Hannaford, Mr., 432

Harriman, E. H., 428

Harriman system, 428

Hawley, Edwin, 253, 427, 432

Hess, Mr., of Boca, 258

Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett and Company, 282

Hood, engineer, 68

Hopkins, Mark, 22;

agreement with California Pacific Railroad 110;

biography, 14;

death of, 133;

director, Southern Pacific Railroad, 123;

finances Judah, 14;

general agent, California Pacific Railroad, 115;

report on construction, 72;

shareholder of Central Pacific Railroad, 19;

shares of, 147

Hopkins, Moses, treasurer, California Pacific Railroad, 115

Hopkins, Timothy, 145

Houston, H. A., 84

Howard, General, 216

Huntington, Collis P., 22, 28, 69, 73, 144, 145, 279, 283, 327, 351, 354, 357, 367, 370, 415;

acquires control of California Pacific Railroad, 109-118;

against state regulation, 200;

biography, 10;

death of, 426;

director, Southern Pacific Railroad, 123;

estate of, 427;

finances T. D. Judah, 14;

lobbying methods, 203-221;

negotiates purchase of California Pacific Railroad, 109-118;

organizes Contract and Finance Company, 75;

organizes Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company, 227;

policies, 426;

President of Southern Pacific, 218;

relations with Colton, 154-168;

shareholder of Central Pacific Railroad, 19;

shares of, 146-149;

submits annual report of Southern Pacific, 123;

Thurman bill, 387;

valuation of oil land, 442

Huron, 141, 179

Hyde, Mr., 129


Illinois Town, 8

Interest, on government bonds, 371


Jackson, Mr., 147

Jacobs, Isidor, 300, 301

Jeffery, President, Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, 432

Johnson-Locke Mercantile Company, 309

Jones, John P., Senator from Nevada, 128

Judah, Theodore Dehone, 4-10;

estimates construction cost of Central Pacific, 16;

financed by Huntington and others, 14;

organizes Central Pacific Railroad, 18;

solicits federal aid, 46-48


Kahn, Otto H., 429, 430

Kansas Pacific Railway, 408

Kasson, Mr., 203

Kearney, Dennis, 184

Kern county, 127

Kern Trading and Oil Company, 447

Knight’s Landing, 224

Kuhn, Loeb and Company, 428, 429


Labor, cost of, on construction of Central Pacific, 67

Lake Pass on the Truckee River, 8

Land, rebought by federal government, 451

Land grants, 50-64;

company policies toward settlers, 63;

transfer of title, 56-59

Lassen’s Meadows, 19

Latham, Milton, General Manager, California Pacific Railroad Company, 109, 110, 112, 114, 117

Lathrop to Goshen route, 119, 140

Lawler, Judge, 189

Leases, 142, 153, 335-338

Leeds, Joseph S., 283, 301, 302, 303, 307, 308, 313, 318-323

Legislation, Act of March 3, 1873, 377;

Act of 1880, 187;

“Five Per Cent” Act of 1870, 44;

Gleaves Act, 338;

influencing of, 199-221;

O’Connor bill, 183;

Pacific Railroad bill, 8, 47-64;

railroad control bill, 184-187;

state constitutional provisions, 1879, 184-187;

Thurman Act, 380-394

Lien on subsidy bonds, 407-410

Lincoln, Abraham, 8, 19

Litigation, oil and timber lands, 441-453;

U. S. v. Union Pacific and Southern Pacific, 425-440

Loans, short-term, 174

Lobbying, 203-221

Loewy, William, clerk of the city of San Francisco, 37

London Economist, 367

Long hauls, 352

Los Angeles, 140, 141;

grants rights, 128;

in 1870, 127

Los Angeles and Independence Railroad, 128

Los Angeles and San Pedro Railroad, 127

Los Angeles to Yuma route, 125

Lovett, Mr., 357

Luce, G. W., 247


McDougal, Senator, 46, 48

McFarland, Mr., 185

McKinley, William, President, 415

McLoughlin, Charles, 84

Manufactures, 237

Marier, Mr., of Oakland, 90

Markham, C. H., 446, 447

Marsh, Charles, finances Judah, 15;

shareholder of Central Pacific Railroad, 19

Martinez, 141, 319

Marysville, 29, 141

Mayne, Charles, 123

Meeting of associates in New York, 149

Merchants’ Shipping Association, 304

Merger, Southern Pacific and Union Pacific, 425-440

Merritt, Samuel, 87, 88, 91

Mexican Coast Steamship Company, 226

Mexican lands in California, 62

Midgley, J. W., 259

Mileage, 348

Miller, John, secretary, Contract and Finance Company, 80

Milliken, Theodore J., 75

Mills, D. O., 105, 172

Milton, 141

Mojave, 140

Montague, chief engineer, California Pacific Railroads, 113

Moon, A. J., 86

Morton, Paul, 432

Moss, J. Mora, 5, 7

Munroe, J. A., 246, 432


Napa, 224

Napa Valley Railroad, 107

Navigation lines, 222-236

Needles, the, 140, 180, 360

Nevada, influencing legislation in, 210

Nevada and California Railroad, 361

Nevada Central Railroad, 361

New York Stock Exchange, Central Pacific stock listed, 171

Newmark, Harris, 129, 130

Nicaragua Canal Commission, 303

North American Navigation Company, 308, 310-316

North Fork, 8

Northern Division of the Southern Pacific, 141, 144

Northern Pacific Railroad, 275, 308

Northern Railroad, 141;

lease, 142


Oakdale, 141

Oakland, 140, 141;

terminal at, 85-94

Oakland Water Front Company, 87-94

Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company, 227-229

O’Connor bill of 1876, 183

Ogden, 4, 140, 354

Oil land, litigation over, 441-453

Oil rates, 246

Operating, Southern Pacific, 347-369

Oregon (See also “California and Oregon Railroad”); connection with, 152, 276

Oregon Central Railroad Company, 450

Oregon Short Line, 276

Orient, trade with, 227


Pacheco, 224

Pacific Improvement Company, 133-135

Pacific Mail Steamship Company, 225-308;

agreement with, 229-232;

arrangements with Panama Railroad, 233-236, 309

Pacific Oil Company, 448

Pacific Railroad bill, 8, 47, 48-64

Pacific steamships, 225-236

Palisade, 361

Panama, 227-236

Panama Canal, 289

Panama, Isthmus of, 309-312

Panama Railroad, 233-236, 309, 310

Park, Trenor W., 226, 234

Paxon, Joseph S., Treasurer of San Francisco, 35

Peel, James, finances Judah, 15

People v. Coon, 35

Peters, 141

Phelps, T. G., 28, 48

Pierce, T. W., 149

Piper, William A., 32, 216

Placer county, subscriptions to stock, 41

Placerville and Sacramento Valley Railroad, 17;

Judah’s work for, 4-10;

refusal of Central Pacific to buy, 43;

Sacramento to Shingle Springs, 141

Political methods, 199-221

Population, southern California in 1876, 170

Portland, Ore., 276

Powers, Congressman, bill for refunding of debt, 398

Prince, John D., 177

Probst, Daniel, 177


Railroad Commission, United States Pacific, 80, 152, 209, 210;

report of commissioner on repayment of government debts, 395;

State Board of Transportation, 181-198, 242

Rates, as affected by industrial conditions, 238;

charging what the traffic will bear, 257;

classifications, 240;

competing railroad to cut, 318;

competition of steamship lines, 303-316;

contract system, 250-255;

controversy with Traffic Association, 293-316;

discrimination, 243;

dissatisfaction with, 282;

effect of water competition on, 263, 280;

favoring of interests, 239;

local, 242, 257-274;

rebates, 247;

San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railroad, 342;

State Board adopts new schedule, 1880, 191-194;

state regulation over local, 317;

transcontinental, 275-292

Reagan, Judge, 189

Red Bluff, 224

Redding, 141

Reese, Michael, 117

Reilly, James, report on refunding of debt, 397

Reorganization plan, 418-424, 436

Restraint of trade, government action, 1911, 429;

testimony in regard, 356

River traffic, 223

Robinson, J. P., 5

Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron Company, 158, 161, 162

Root, Elihu, 415

Roseville, 141

Routes, Dutch Flat, 6;

Judah’s second report, 1861, 19


Sacramento, Judah, T. D., in, 9;

rates, 317;

route to Benicia route, 5;

route to San Francisco route, 107;

route to San Francisco via Benicia, finished, 141;

route to San JosÉ, 84, 140;

route to Shingle Springs, 141;

route to Ogden, 140;

route to Washoe, 8

Sacramento River bridge to Davisville, 111, 112

Sacramento Union, 215

Sacramento Valley Railroad (See “Placerville and Sacramento Valley Railroad”)

Salinas Valley, 141

Salt Lake, contemplated railroad to, 318

San Benito Valley, 125

San Diego, 127, 223

San Fernando tunnel, 131

San Francisco, 140, 223, 321;

meeting at, to object to refunding bill, 402;

opposes to government aid, 31-40;

port of, 223;

rates, 281, 317;

terminal facilities in, in 1869, 85;

water-front grants, 94-103

San Francisco and Great Salt Lake Railroad Company, 318

San Francisco and Marysville Railroad, 29

San Francisco, Oakland and Alameda Railroad, purchased by Huntington and associates, 103, 140

San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railroad, 44, 81, 140, 317-346;

China Basin lease, 335-338

San Francisco and San JosÉ Railroad, 48, 84, 120, 121, 123

San Francisco to Great Salt Lake, 318;

to Soledad, 141

San Francisco Bulletin, 98, 101, 182, 306

San Francisco Chronicle, 215, 219, 264

San Francisco Examiner, 328, 403

San Francisco Stock Exchange, Central Pacific stock listed, 171

San Francisco Times, 98

San Joaquin Valley, 119, 140

San Joaquin Valley Railroad (See “San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railroad”)

San JosÉ, 141

San Pablo and Tulare Railroad, 141

San Pedro, 223

Santa Ana, in 1870, 127

Santa Clara and Pajaro Valley Railroad, 123

Santa FÉ Railroad (See “Atchison, Topeka and Santa FÉ Railroad”)

Sargent, Congressman, 46, 47

Scott, Tom, 202, 208

Securities, advertised, 172;

first sale of, 177;

market for, 171

Shelby, P. P., 357

Shingle Springs, 141

Shipping statistics, New York to San Francisco, 1869-1884, 232

Ships, British vs. American, 294

Sierra Nevada Mountains, surveys of, 5, 59

Simmons Hardware Company, 282

Sinking funds, bond provisions, 376, 383;

court decisions, 410

Smith, Mr., Treasurer of the Southern Pacific, 163

Snow sheds, 67

Soledad, 141, 179

Southern Development Company, 135

Southern Pacific Company of Kentucky, 150

Southern Pacific Railroad acquires Los Angeles and San Pedro Railroad, 128;

bonds of, 370-424;

construction of, companies organized to build, 132-136;

early routes, 125-128;

controlled by Stanford and associates, 122;

earnings, 347-369;

El Paso route, 354;

in 1877, 140;

incorporated, 120-123;

grant by Los Angeles, 128;

growth of, 1871-1878, 141;

leases of, 143-153;

northern division, 141, 144;

operating characteristics, 347-369;

reorganization plan, 1884, 149, 1913, 436;

rivalry feared by Stanford, 119;

route, 123;

traffic diversion charged, 356;

Union Pacific gains control of, 428

Spanish lands in California, 62

Spence, Mr., 286, 356, 432

Speyer, James, and Company, contract to sell securities, 147, 177-180, 414, 417

Spreckels, Adolph, 326

Spreckels, Claus, 324-328, 332, 336

Spreckels, John D., 326, 329

Sproule, Mr., 356

Standard Oil Company, 245

Stanford, Leland, 22, 64, 145, 284;

acquires control California Pacific Railroad, 109-118;

against state regulation, 199;

agreement with California Pacific Railroad, 110;

biography, 11;

claim against federal government, 374;

director, Southern Pacific Railroad, 123;

finances T. D. Judah, 14;

lobbying methods, 204-221;

Oakland Water Front Company, 87, 89, 90, 91;

objects to freight rates of 1880, 192;

on rates, 239;

organizes Contract and Finance Company, 75;

resigns presidency of Southern Pacific, 218;

senator from California, 218;

shareholder of Central Pacific Railroad, 19;

shares of, 146-149;

statement regarding Southern Pacific, 122;

Thurman bill, 385

Stanford, Philip, 32

State aid, 30

State boards (see under names of states, California, Utah, etc.)

State regulation, arguments against, 199;

local control, 317;

railroad commission, 1880-1883, 181-198

Steinman, Mr., 189

Stetson, J. B., President, Traffic Association, 295, 297, 318, 359

Stock, Central Pacific Railroad, 1863-1869, 23;

county subscriptions, 29;

California Pacific Railroad Company, 109-118;

prices of, 365-369

Stock exchange listings, 171

Stockholders, 142, 146-149;

English, 367;

liability of, 406;

under reorganization plan, 420

Stockton, 17, 107, 140, 141, 223, 224, 272, 317, 320

Stockton and Copperopolis Railroad, 17, 141, 143

Stockton and Tulare Railroad, 44

Stockton and Visalia Railroad, 141

Stockton Independent, 182

Stoneman, George B., member, State Railroad Board, 1880-1883, 189-198

Strobridge, engineer, 68

Strong, Daniel W., 6, 284

Stubbs, J. C., General Traffic Manager, 244, 249, 250, 252, 253, 255, 256, 258, 292, 432

Subsidies (See “Government aid”)

Summit Station, 65

Supplies, for construction of Central Pacific, 68

Sutro, Adolph, 402

Sutton and Beebe, 304, 306


Taylor, General, 203

Tehama, 141

Temperature, affecting construction, 67

Terminal Central Pacific Railroad Company, 100

Terminals, China Basin lease, 335-338;

facilities in 1869, 85;

Oakland, 85-94;

rates, 281;

San Francisco, 94-103

Tevis, Lloyd, 88, 123, 162, 167

Texas Pacific Railroad, 125, 275

Thayer, S. H., 172, 173

Thurman act, 380-394, 408

Tilford, A. E., 245

Tilford, W. H., 245

Timber land, litigation over, 441-453

Towne, Mr., general superintendent, 115, 144, 249, 264

Tracy, 141

Traffic, operating characteristics, 347-369;

rates, 237-274;

transcontinental, 275-292;

Traffic Association of California, rate war, 293-316, 318-323, 365

Traffic Bureau of Utah, 284

Tres Pinos, 126, 141, 179

Truckee River, 8, 9, 19

Tulare, 141

Tuttle, Mr., 194


Union Pacific Railroad Company, 49, 230, 275;

gains control of Southern Pacific, 428;

reorganization, 1913, 436

United States v. Kansas Pacific Railway Company, 408

United States v. Southern Pacific, 444-448

United States Pacific Railway Commission, 80, 152, 209, 210


Vallejo, 107, 141, 224

Vancouver, 276

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 226

Van Sicklen, Mr., 323

Virginia and Truckee Railroad, 361

Virginia City, 361

Visalia, 141

Votes, purchasing of, 209


Washoe, 8, 9

Water routes to California, 222-236, 263, 303-316

Western Development Company, 132;

Colton interests in, 157, 158, 159, 165;

contract with Speyer, 178;

dividends, 160

Western Pacific Railroad, consolidation with Central Pacific Railroad, 84, 140;

constructed by Contract and Finance Company, 81;

litigation with San Francisco, 31-40;

receipts to December, 1869, 21

Whittier, Fuller and Company, 246

“Willamette,” steamer, 224

Wilmington, 141

Wilson, Mr., real estate transaction by, 195-197

Wilson, Sir Rivers, 367

Wilson, S. M., 164

Woodland to Tehama route, 141


Yuma, 140


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