| | PAGE | Introduction, | 9 | CATTLE | Importance of supplying Cattle with pure Water, | 15 | Remarks on feeding Cattle, | 17 | The Barn and Feeding Byre, | 21 | Milking, | 24 | Knowledge of Agricultural and Animal Chemistry important to Farmers, | 25 | On Breeding, | 30 | | The Bull, | 34 | | Value of different breeds of Cows, | 35 | Method of preparing Rennet, as practised in England, | 36 | Making Cheese, | 37 | | Gloucester Cheese, | 38 | | Chester Cheese, | 39 | | Stilton Cheese, | 40 | | Dunlop Cheese, | 41 | | Green Cheese, | 42 | Making Butter, | 44 | | Washing Butter, | 45 | | Coloring Butter, | 46 | Description of the Organs of Digestion in Cattle, | 47 | Respiration and Structure of the Lungs, | 53 | Circulation of the Blood, | 54 | | The Heart viewed externally, | 55 | Remarks on Blood-letting, | 58 | Efforts of Nature to remove Disease, | 67 | Proverbs of the Veterinary Reformers, | 70 | An Inquiry concerning the Souls of Brutes, | 72 | The Reformed Practice—Synoptical View of the Prominent Systems of Medicine, | 75 | Creed of the Reformers, | 79 | True Principles, | 80 | Inflammation, | 88 | Remarks, showing that very little is known of the Nature and Treatment of Disease, | 94 | Nature, Treatment, and Causes of Disease in Cattle, | 105 | Pleuro-Pneumonia, | 107 | Locked-Jaw, | 115 | Inflammatory Diseases, | 121 | | Inflammation of the Stomach, (Gastritis,) | 121 | | Inflammation of the Lungs, (Pneumonia,) | 122 | | Inflammation of the Bowels, (Enteritis.—Inflammation of the Fibro-Muscular Coat of the Intestines,) | 124 | | Inflammation of the Peritoneal Coat of the Intestines, (Peritonitis,) | 125 | | Inflammation of the Kidneys, (Nephritis,) | 268 | Frenzy, | 268 | Jaundice, | 269 | Soreness of the Feet, | 269 | Spaying, | 270 | Various Breeds of Swine, | 271 | | Berkshire Breed, | 271 | | Hamphire Breed, | 271 | | Shropshire Breed, | 272 | | Chinese Breed, | 272 | Boars and Sows for Breeding, | 272 | Rearing Pigs, | 273 | Fattening Hogs, | 275 | Method of Curing Swine's Flesh, | 277 | APPENDIX | On the Action of Medicines, | 279 | Clysters, | 281 | | Forms of Clysters, | 283 | Infusions, | 286 | Antispasmodics, | 287 | Fomentations, | 287 | Mucilages, | 289 | Washes, | 289 | Physic for Cattle, | 290 | | Mild Physic for Cattle, | 291 | Poultices, | 292 | Styptics, to arrest Bleeding, | 296 | Absorbents, | 296 | | Forms of Absorbents, | 297 | VETERINARY MATERIA MEDICA, embracing a List of the various Remedies used by the Author of this work in the Practice of Medicine on Cattle, Sheep, and Swine, | 299 | General Remarks on Medicines, | 312 | Properties of Plants, | 315 | Potato, | 316 | TREATMENT OF DISEASE IN DOGS—Preliminary Remarks, | 323 | Distemper, | 325 | Fits, | 326 | Worms, | 327 | Mange, | 328 | Internal Abscess of the Ear, | 329 | Ulceration of the Ear, | 329 | Inflammation of the Bowels, | 329 | Inflammation of the Bladder, | 330 | Asthma, | 331 | Piles, | 331 | Dropsy, | 332 |