[102] Vel si Zwinglius ipse prÆdicaturus sit.—(Corp. Ref. ii. p. 910.) [255] Quem omnes sperassemus mitiorem, interdum videbatur paulo morosior, sed citra contumeliam.—(Zw. Opp. iv. p. 201.) [407] Wo Sachsen, Hessen, und andere Lutherische nit hie wÄren.—(Corp. Ref. ii. p. 89.) [560] Ad unam veram concordem religionem, sicut omnes sub uno Christo sumus et militamus.—(Confessio, PrÆfatio. Urkunden. i. p. 474.) [713] Cui (CÆsari) ingentem vim pecuniÆ in hoc sacrum bellum contra hÆreticos Anglus promisisse fertur. (Zw. Epp. ii. p. 484.) [866] CommenÇa de se tempester; in the narrative he gives of this adventure to the nuns of Vevay. (Neuchatel MS.) [1015] Socrates v. 16. [1165] Klagtend sich allent halben wyt und breit. (Bull. ii. p. 397.) Transcriber's notes: Variations in spelling, punctuation and hyphenation have been retained except in obvious cases of typographical error. Page 26 - The transcriber has changed "nullumpue" to "nullumque". |