| Page | Mlle. Henriette Cuvru-Magot, from a Recent Portrait | Frontispiece | The Mareuil Road from Voisins to the Marne, the Ancient PavÉ-des-Roizes | 10 | Terrace of the Actors' Home at Couilly, established by Coquelin, who died here | 20 | Voisins-Quincy. Rue de CondÉ | 32 | Miss Mildred Aldrich | 36 | The Junction of the Marne and the Canal de Chalifert | 42 | Route national from Couilly to the Demi-Lune | 52 | The Road leading away from the ChÂteau de CondÉ, across the Grand Morin | 66 | Wounded Soldiers at the Hospital of Quincy | 76 | Voisins-Quincy. Rue de CondÉ | 86 | ChÂteau in the Park of the Actors' Home at Couilly | 96 | Tomb of Coquelin | 100 | On the Banks of the Marne | 104 | The Home of Mlle. Henriette Cuvru-Magot | 106 |