2 August, 1914.
WAR is declared! Up to the last minute I would not believe it. Is such a thing still possible in this century? Alas, yes! There is no denying the facts.

Even these last few days I felt perfectly confident. We have been on the verge of war so many times before this, but the danger has always been averted by means of diplomatic parleys. I thought that in our day and generation disputes were settled in that way, without bloodshed, as a matter of course. But now! It seems to me we have just gone backward several centuries!

I did not realize the truth until a little while ago when I took my brother to the station at Esbly. He is on his way to Paris to get his mobilization orders. How I wish I were a man and could go with him! This is the first time in our lives we have ever been separated, and under what circumstances! How sad it is to think that in every town and village in France there is the same anguish of farewells.

The pealing of the tocsin is a funeral knell that strikes terror to every mother's heart.

The great grief that has stricken the earth is borne from village to village on the church bells like a single long sob.



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