

On the Subsidence of Strata, 333
Deluge, 334
Formation of Primitive Mountains, 335
On the Distribution of Boulder-Stones in Scotland, Holland, Germany, Switzerland and America, 344
On the Alluvial Land of the Danish Islands in the Baltic and on the Coast of Sleswigh, 354
On the Sand-Flood, 368
Sand-Flood in Morayshire, 369
Sand-Flood in the Hebrides, &c. 372
Moving Sands of the African Deserts, 375
Action of the Sea upon Coasts, 378
On the Growth of Coral Islands, 379
On the Level of the Baltic, 398
Fossil Remains of the Human Species, 406
Account of the displacement of that part of the Coast of the Adriatic which is occupied by the Mouths of the Po, 410
On the Universal Deluge, 417
On the action of Running Waters, 437
Connection of Geology with Agriculture and Planting, 453
Account of the Fossil Elk of Ireland, 486
Account of the Living Species of Elephant, and of the Extinct Species of Elephant or Mammoth, 508
Account of the Caves in which Bones of Carnivorous Animals occur in great quantities, 516
Cave containing Bones at Adelsberg, in Carniola, 540
Tabular View of the Genera of Fossil Mammifera, Cetacea, Aves, Reptilia, and Insecta,—with their Geognostical Number and Distribution, 547
Tabular View of the Classes, Orders, or Families of Animals, occurring in a Living or Fossil State, with their Geognostical Distribution, 550


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