Acoi Here.
Adrey Into.
Ajaw So.
Auv acoi Come here.
Av Come.
Avali Yes.
Bar A pound.
Baulo A pig.
Bershor Years.
Betie Tiny, small.
Bis Twenty.
Bokkra A sheep.
Boro gav Big city—London.
Boronashemescrutan Epsom race-course.
Bosh Fiddle.
Boshomengro Fiddler.
Buddigur A shop.
Buddigur divvus

Shopping day, usually Saturday. The term is sometimes used for Monday, but this day is more frequently called “toving divvus,” or washing day.

Camipen-lil Love-letter.
Chavo Child, boy.
Chies Girls.
Chiklo, chickly Dirty.
Chin To cut.
Chin a ran Cut a tent rod.
Chiv Put.
Chivving tulipen prey the chokkars Greasing the shoes.
Chokkars Shoes.
Choom A kiss.
Chor’d Stole.
Chorodies Dirty outcasts.
Chovahani Witch.
Churi Knife.
Chuvvel Coat.
Coru Pot.
Cosh Stick, or wood.
Cour To fight.
Covar Any article, thing.
Des Ten.
Dick To look.
Dickoi Look here.
Diddecoy Local term for Chorodies.
Dinlo, Dinnelo A fool.
Divvus Day.
Dordi Oh dear.
Drab-engro Doctor (Poison man).
Drom Way, or road.
Dui Two.
Dukkerin Fortune telling.
Escunye-mengro A skewer-maker.
Gav Town.
Gav mush Policeman.
Gorgio One who is not a gypsy.
Gry Horse.
Hev Hole.
Hoquepen A lie, falsehood.
Horry Pence.
Hotchi Hedgehog.
Jal To go.
Jal a moskeying Go a-spying.
Jalled Went.
Jib To live.
Jib Tongue (speech).
Jibben Life.
Jinned Knew, understood.
Juggal A dog.
Kai Where.
Kairengro One who lives in a house.
Kaulo Black.
Kaulo gav Black town (Birmingham).
Kek No, not, etc.
Kekkeno mush’s poov A common.
Kekko It is not, etc.
} Kettle.
Kekauvisky saster Kettle iron.
Kek komi No more.
Kitchema Public-house.
Komi More.
Korauna A crown (money).
Kushti Good.
Kushti divvus Good day.
Kushti rardi Good night.
Lelled Took, or taken.
Leste Him, of him.
Lil A book, letter or note.
Loo Corruption of “lee.”
Mande Me, mine.
Mas Meat.
Moomli Candle.
Mui Face.
Mullo mas Dead meat.
Mumpers Vagrants who live as gypsies.
Mumply gorgio A term of reproach. See mumpers and gorgio.
Mush Man.
Nevi Wesh New Forest.
O The.
OprÉ Upon, above.
Pal Brother.
Panee, Pani Water.
Pani-mengri A vessel for water, a pail.
Pani-mush Sailor, waterman.
Pantsch Five.
Paracrow tute Thank you.
Pasherro A halfpenny.
Patrin Trail, or sign.
Pawnugo hev Well, or water hole.
Pen Sister.
Penned Said.
Pens Says.
Petulengro Romany for the surname “Smith.”
Plastra Run.
Poggado Broken.
Poggado jib Broken tongue, jargon.
Poov Earth, field, etc.
Poov the gry

Literally, field the horse, but it is always understood to mean—to put a horse in a field, at night.

Por-engro A writer.
Posh Half.
Posh korauna Half a crown.
Posh ta posh Half and half.
Praio Upper.
Prala Brother.
Pukker To speak.
Pukkering cosh

Literally, talking wood,—Finger-post, sign-post. A better term, but not so commonly used, is—Drom sikkering engri,—a thing for showing the way.

Putsi Pocket.
Rawnie Lady.
Rinkeny Handsome.
Rokkra To speak.
Romadi Wife.
Romany Gypsy language.
Romany chal, chi Gypsy lad, lass.
Romany jib Gypsy language.
Romany Rye Gypsy gentleman.
Romipen Marriage.
Rommado Husband.
Romm’d Married.
Rye Gentleman.
Sho Six.
Shohaury, Shockhorry Sixpence.
Shok Cabbage.
Shoon Hear.
Shoshoi Rabbit.
Si Is, it is.
Sore All.
So si What is.
Stardo Imprisoned.
Staripen Prison.
Stiggur Gate.
Stor Four.
Tachey, Tatcho True.
Tachipen Truth.
Tan Place, or tent.
Tatchey Romany Gypsy of pure blood.
Tatcho pal True brother.
Tatto Hot.
Tatto yeck A stinging blow.
Tem Country.
Tickno Child.
Tippoty Spiteful.
Trin Three.
Tuley Below.
Tulipen Grease, fat.
Tuti, or tute Thou, or you.
Tuv Tobacco, cigarette.
Vardo Cart, wagon, caravan.
Wardoe See Vardo.
Woddrus Bed.
Yag Fire.
Yeck One.
Yocks Eyes.
Yog Fire (more frequently used).



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