ROMANYORSLANG. | ENGLISH. | Acoi | Here. | Adrey | Into. | Ajaw | So. | Auv acoi | Come here. | Av | Come. | Avali | Yes. | Bar | A pound. | Baulo | A pig. | Bershor | Years. | Betie | Tiny, small. | Bis | Twenty. | Bokkra | A sheep. | Boro gav | Big city—London. | Boronashemescrutan | Epsom race-course. | Bosh | Fiddle. | Boshomengro | Fiddler. | Buddigur | A shop. | Buddigur divvus | Shopping day, usually Saturday. The term is sometimes used for Monday, but this day is more frequently called “toving divvus,” or washing day. | Camipen-lil | Love-letter. | Chavo | Child, boy. | Chies | Girls. | Chiklo, chickly | Dirty. | Chin | To cut. | Chin a ran | Cut a tent rod. | Chiv | Put. | Chivving tulipen prey the chokkars | Greasing the shoes. | Chokkars | Shoes. | Choom | A kiss. | Chor’d | Stole. | Chorodies | Dirty outcasts. | Chovahani | Witch. | Churi | Knife. | Chuvvel | Coat. | Coru | Pot. | Cosh | Stick, or wood. | Cour | To fight. | Covar | Any article, thing. | Des | Ten. | Dick | To look. | Dickoi | Look here. | Diddecoy | Local term for Chorodies. | Dinlo, Dinnelo | A fool. | Divvus | Day. | Dordi | Oh dear. | Drab-engro | Doctor (Poison man). | Drom | Way, or road. | Dui | Two. | Dukkerin | Fortune telling. | Escunye-mengro | A skewer-maker. | Gav | Town. | Gav mush | Policeman. | Gorgio | One who is not a gypsy. | Gry | Horse. | Hev | Hole. | Hoquepen | A lie, falsehood. | Horry | Pence. | Hotchi | Hedgehog. | Jal | To go. | Jal a moskeying | Go a-spying. | Jalled | Went. | Jib | To live. | Jib | Tongue (speech). | Jibben | Life. | Jinned | Knew, understood. | Juggal | A dog. | Kai | Where. | Kairengro | One who lives in a house. | Kaulo | Black. | Kaulo gav | Black town (Birmingham). | Kek | No, not, etc. | Kekkeno mush’s poov | A common. | Kekko | It is not, etc. | Kekauvi Kekaubi Kaubi | } | Kettle. | Kekauvisky saster | Kettle iron. | Kek komi | No more. | Kitchema | Public-house. | Komi | More. | Korauna | A crown (money). | Kushti | Good. | Kushti divvus | Good day. | Kushti rardi | Good night. | Lelled | Took, or taken. | Leste | Him, of him. | Lil | A book, letter or note. | Loo | Corruption of “lee.” | Mande | Me, mine. | Mas | Meat. | Moomli | Candle. | Mui | Face. | Mullo mas | Dead meat. | Mumpers | Vagrants who live as gypsies. | Mumply gorgio | A term of reproach. See mumpers and gorgio. | Mush | Man. | Nevi Wesh | New Forest. | O | The. | OprÉ | Upon, above. | Pal | Brother. | Panee, Pani | Water. | Pani-mengri | A vessel for water, a pail. | Pani-mush | Sailor, waterman. | Pantsch | Five. | Paracrow tute | Thank you. | Pasherro | A halfpenny. | Patrin | Trail, or sign. | Pawnugo hev | Well, or water hole. | Pen | Sister. | Penned | Said. | Pens | Says. | Petulengro | Romany for the surname “Smith.” | Plastra | Run. | Poggado | Broken. | Poggado jib | Broken tongue, jargon. | Poov | Earth, field, etc. | Poov the gry | Literally, field the horse, but it is always understood to mean—to put a horse in a field, at night. | Por-engro | A writer. | Posh | Half. | Posh korauna | Half a crown. | Posh ta posh | Half and half. | Praio | Upper. | Prala | Brother. | Pukker | To speak. | Pukkering cosh | Literally, talking wood,—Finger-post, sign-post. A better term, but not so commonly used, is—Drom sikkering engri,—a thing for showing the way. | Putsi | Pocket. | Rawnie | Lady. | Rinkeny | Handsome. | Rokkra | To speak. | Romadi | Wife. | Romany | Gypsy language. | Romany chal, chi | Gypsy lad, lass. | Romany jib | Gypsy language. | Romany Rye | Gypsy gentleman. | Romipen | Marriage. | Rommado | Husband. | Romm’d | Married. | Rye | Gentleman. | Sho | Six. | Shohaury, Shockhorry | Sixpence. | Shok | Cabbage. | Shoon | Hear. | Shoshoi | Rabbit. | Si | Is, it is. | Sore | All. | So si | What is. | Stardo | Imprisoned. | Staripen | Prison. | Stiggur | Gate. | Stor | Four. | Tachey, Tatcho | True. | Tachipen | Truth. | Tan | Place, or tent. | Tatchey Romany | Gypsy of pure blood. | Tatcho pal | True brother. | Tatto | Hot. | Tatto yeck | A stinging blow. | Tem | Country. | Tickno | Child. | Tippoty | Spiteful. | Trin | Three. | Tuley | Below. | Tulipen | Grease, fat. | Tuti, or tute | Thou, or you. | Tuv | Tobacco, cigarette. | Vardo | Cart, wagon, caravan. | Wardoe | See Vardo. | Woddrus | Bed. | Yag | Fire. | Yeck | One. | Yocks | Eyes. | Yog | Fire (more frequently used). | PRINTED BY WILLIAM BRENDON AND SON, LTD. PLYMOUTH, ENGLAND |