Abdomen, 34
Absorption, 181
——, Varieties of, 183
——, Cutaneous, 185
Acetabulum, 38
Acids, Acetic, 28
——, Benzoic, 28
——, Muriatic, 440
——, Nitric, 440
——, Oxalic, 28, 440
——, Sulphuric, 440
Air, Composition of the, 223
——, Influence of, on the Muscles, 90
——, Quality of the, 223, 318
——, Quantity inhaled, 222
——, Quantity exhaled, 228
——, Impure Air, the Effects of, 232
Air Vesicles, 212
Albumen, 27
Animal Heat, 252
Aorta, 159
——, Valves of the, 157
Apparatus, 18
Arteries, Structure of the, 158
——, Cutaneous, 285
——, Pulmonary, 158
Attitude, Effects of, on Digestion, 152
——, Effects of, on the Voice, 274
——, Effects of, in Respiration, 245
Auricles of the Heart, 156
Asphyxia, from Drowning, 249
——, from Electricity, 250
——, from Hanging, 250
——, from Carbonic Gas, 251
Azote, 26
Bathing, Necessity of, 311
——, Methods of, 313
——, Proper Time for, 316
——, Influence of, on the System, 316
——, Frequency of, 317
Beds, 309
Bile, 122
Blood, Composition of, 154
——, Color of, 204
——, Quantity of, 171
——, Change of, 225
——, Impure, Effects of, 205
Bones, Anatomy of the, 29
——, Physiology of the, 48
——, Hygiene of the, 53
——, of the Head, 32
——, of the Trunk, 34
——, of the Upper Extremities, 39
——, of the Lower Extremities, 42
——, Composition of, 29
——, Ossification of, 30
——, Union of fractured, 62
——, Influence of Position on the, 55
Brain, 329
——, Functions of the, 346
——, Effects of Impure Blood on the, 360
——, Effects of inadequate Mental Exertion, 361
——, Effects of excessive Mental Exertion, 363
——, Directions for exercising the, 368
——, Membranes of the, 334
——, Injuries of the, 377
Bronchia, 212
Bronchitis, 214
Burns and Scalds, 319
BursÆ MucosÆ, 46
CÆcum, 118
Capillaries, 163
Carbon, 26
Carbonic Gas, where formed, 224
——, Effects of, when inhaled, 230
——, Effects of, on Combustion, 230
——, Effects of, on Respiration, 231
Carpus, 41
Cartilage, 45
—— of the Larynx, 269
Caul, 123
Cellular Tissue, 19
Cerebellum, 331
Cerebrum, 330
Chest, 35
——, Compression of the, 56
——, Influence of the Size of the, 239
Chilblains, 321
Chlorine, 27
Chyle, 126
Chyme, 126
Circulatory Organs, Anatomy, 154
——, Physiology of the, 164
——, Hygiene of the, 172
Clavicle, 39
Clothing, Kind of, 301
——, Amount of, 305
——, Cleanliness of, 308
Coccyx, 38
Colds, Treatment of, 248
Colon, 119
Consumption, how frequently produced, 247
Corns, Treatment of, 295
Cuticle, Structure of the, 282
——, Use of the, 293
Cutis Vera, Structure of the, 283
Definitions, General, 13
Diaphragm, 73, 215
Digestive Organs, Anatomy of the, 113
——, Physiology of the, 124
——, Hygiene of the, 129
——, Influence of the Mind on the, 148
——, Influence of Pure Air on the, 151
——, Influence of Position on the, 152
Drinks, how taken, 145
Drowned Persons, Treatment of, 249
Duodenum, 117
Ear, Bones of, 34, 415
Epiglottis, 125, 270
Exhalants, 192
Exercise, how it should be taken, 91
——, Influence of, on the Bones, 53
——, Influence of, on Muscles, 85
——, Influence of, on the Circulation, 173
Eye, 394
Expiration, how effected, 220
Face, Bones of the, 34
Fascia, 66
Fat, 67, 195
Femur, 42
Fibre, 18
Fibrin, 27
Fibula, 42
Filament, 18
Flannel, Use of, 302
Fluids, Use of, 17
Follicle, 192
Food, Quantity of the, 129
——, Quality of the, 134
——, Manner in which it is taken, 142
——, Condition of the system, when taken, 146
Foot, Bones of the, 44
Frozen Limbs, Treatment of, 320
Gastric Juice, 125
Gelatin, 27
Glands, 193
——, Gastric, 116
——, Lachrymal, 402
——, Lymphatic, 183
——, Mesenteric, 121
——, Oil, 288
——, Perspiratory, 290
——, Salivary, 114
Glottis, 271
Hair, 322
Heart, 154
——, Auricles of the, 156
——, Ventricles of the, 156
Heat, Animal, 252
——, Hygiene of, 261
Hearing, Anatomy of the Organs of, 414
——, Physiology of the Organs of, 420
——, Hygiene of the Organs of, 422
Humerus, 39
Hemorrhage, Means of arresting, 175
Hydrogen, 26
Ileum, 118
Intestines, 117
Innominatum, 37
Inspiration, how effected, 219
Iron, 25
Jejunum, 118
Joints, Structure of the, 45
Lacteals, 120, 181
LaminÆ, 17
Larynx, 268
Laryngitis, 276
Ligaments, 23, 47
——, Use of, 50
——, Capsular, 40
Light, Influence on the Skin, 318
Lime, 25
Liver, 122
Lungs, 209
Lymph, 30
Lymphatics, Anatomy of the, 181
——, Physiology of the, 183
——, Hygiene of the, 188
——, Cutaneous, 287
Magnesia, 25
Marrow, Uses of, 24
Mediastinum, 211
Medulla Oblongata, 333
Membrane, 19
——, Adipose, 20
——, Cellular, 19
——, Dermoid, 22, 282
——, Mucous, 21
——, Muscular, 24
——, Serous, 21
Mesentery, 120
Metacarpus, 41
Mouth, Structure of, 113
Mucus, 28
Muscles, Anatomy of, 64
——, Physiology of, 76
——, Hygiene of, 85
——, Compression of, 93, 276
——, Exhaustion of, 87, 101
——, Effects of Pure Blood on, 89
——, Effects of Pure Air on the, 90
——, Effects of Light on the, 90
——, Influence of the Mind on, 93
——, Influence of Position on, 90
——, Intercostal, 216
——, Respiratory, 216
Nails, 324
Nerves, Cranial, 335, 350
——, Cutaneous, 286
——, Respiratory, 340, 352
——, Spinal, 341, 351
——, Sympathetic, 343, 356
Nervous System, Anatomy of, 327
——, Physiology of, 346
——, Hygiene of, 358
Nitrogen, 26
Nose, Structure, 389
Nurses, Directions for, 433
Nutrition, 200
——, Hygiene of, 205
Oil-Glands, Structure of the, 288
——, Use of the, 297
Omentum, 123
Organ, 18
Organic and Inorganic Bodies, Difference between, 14
Orifice, Cardiac, 116
——, Pyloric, 116
Osmazome, 28
Oxygen, 26
——, Quantity at each Inspiration, 222
Papilla, 284
Pancreas, 122
Parotid Gland, 114
Patella, 42
Pericardium, 155
Perichondrium, 31
Pericranium, 31
Periosteum, 31
Pelvis, Bones of the, 37
Perspiratory Apparatus, 290
—— Use of, 298
Phalanges, 42, 45
Pharynx, 115
Phosphorus, 26
Pleura, 211
Poisons, and their Antidotes, 439
Potash, 25
Preservation of Health, 425
Radius, 41
Reading, Proper Position in, 275
Rectum, 120
Removal of Disease, 426
Respiratory Organs, Anatomy of, 209
——, Physiology of, 217
——, Hygiene of, 228
Retina, 397
Ribs, 35
Rooms, Ventilation of, 233
——, Warming of, 238
Sacrum, 38
Saliva, Its Use, 124
Scapula, 39
Secretory Organs, Anatomy of, 192
——, Physiology of, 193
——, Hygiene of, 197
Senses, 378
Sick-Room, Ventilation of, 236
Sitting, Proper Position in, 99
Skeleton, 29
Skin, Anatomy of the, 282
——, Physiology of the, 293
——, Hygiene of the, 301
Skull, Structure of, 32
Sleep, Necessity of, 92
Sleeping-Rooms, Ventilation of, 235
Smell, Anatomy of the Organs of, 389
——, Physiology of the Organs of, 391
Soda, 25
Solids, Arrangement of, 17
Sound, 273
Spinal Column, Structure of, 36
——, Curvature of, 57, 60
Spinal Cord, 36, 340
Spleen, 123
Sprains, 63
Stammering, how improved, 281
Sternum, 35
Stomach, 116
Sublingual Gland, 115
Submaxillary Gland, 115
Sulphur, 26
Sutures, 33
Synovial Membrane, 46
Synovia, 49
System, 18
Tarsus, 42
Taste, Anatomy of the Organs of, 384
——, Physiology of the Organs of, 386
Teeth, Anatomy of the, 105
——, Physiology of the, 109
——, Hygiene of the, 110
Tendons, 23, 65
Thoracic Duct, 120
Thorax, 35
Throat, Extraneous Bodies in, 281
Tibia, 42
Tissue, 18
——, Adipose, 20
——, Cartilaginous, 23
——, Fibrous, 22
——, Osseous, 23
——, Nervous, 24
Touch, Sense of, 378
——, Hygiene of the, 379
Trachea, 212
Ulna, 40
Uvea, 396
Valves of the Heart, 157
——, Use of the, 164
——, of the Veins, 162
Veins, 160
——, Cutaneous, 285
Ventilation, 233
Ventricles of the Heart, 156
Vertebra, 36
Vision, Anatomy of the Organs of, 394
——, Physiology of the Organs of, 404
——, Hygiene of the Organs of, 410
Vocal Organs, Anatomy of the, 268
——, Physiology of the, 272
——, Hygiene of the, 274
Vocal Cords, 270
Watchers, Directions for, 136
Wounds, Treatment of, 178
Writing, Proper Position when, 103