Ab-do´men. [L. abdo, to hide.] That part of the body which lies between the thorax and the bottom of the pelvis. Ab-dom´in-is. Pertaining to the abdomen. A-ce-tab´u-lum. [L. acetum, vinegar.] The socket for the head of the thigh-bone; an ancient vessel for holding vinegar. A-ce´tic. [L. acetum, vinegar.] Relating to acetic acid. This is always composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, in the same proportion. A-chil´lis. A term applied to the tendon of two large muscles of the leg. A-cro´mi-on. [Gr. a????, akros, highest, and ???, omos, shoulder.] A process of the scapula that joins to the clavicle. Ad-duc´tor. [L. adduco, to lead to.] A muscle which draws one part of the body toward another. Al-bu-gin´e-a. [L. albus, white.] A term applied to white textures. Al-bu´men. [L. albus, white.] An animal substance of the same nature as the white of an egg. A-lu´min-um. [L.] The name given to the metallic base of alumina. Al´ve-o-lar. [L. alveolus, a socket] Pertaining to the sockets of the teeth. Am-mo´ni-a. An alkali. It is composed of three equivalents of hydrogen and one of nitrogen. A-nas´to-mose. [Gr. a?a, ana, through, and st?a, stoma, mouth.] The communication of arteries and veins with each other. An-a-tom´i-cal. Relating to the parts of the body, when dissected or separated. A-nat´o-my. [Greek a?a, ana, through, and t??, tome a cutting.] The description of the structure of animals. The word anatomy properly signifies dissection. An´gu-li. [L. angulus, a corner.] A term applied to certain muscles on account of their form. An-i-mal´cu-lÆ. [L. animalcula, a little animal.] Animals that are only perceptible by means of a microscope. An´nu-lar. [L. annulus, a ring.] Having the form of a ring. An-ti´cus. [L.] A term applied to certain muscles. A-ort´a. [Gr. a??t?, aorte; from a??, aer, air, and t??e?, tereo, to keep.] The great artery that arises from the left ventricle of the heart. Ap-o-neu-ro´sis. [Gr. ap?, apo, from, and ?e????, neuron, a nerve.] The membranous expansions of muscles and tendons. The ancients called every white tendon neuron, a nerve. Ap-pa-ra´tus. [L. apparo, to prepare.] An assemblage of organs designed to produce certain results. Ap-pend´ix. [L., an addition.] Something appended or added. A´que-ous. [L. aqua, water.] Partaking of the nature of water. A-rach´noid. [Gr. a?a???, arachne, a spider, and e?d??, eÎdos, form. Resembling Ar´bor. [L.] A tree. Ar´te-ry. [Gr. a??, aer, air, and t??e?, tereo, to keep; because the ancients thought that the arteries contained only air.] A tube through which blood flows from the heart. A-ryt-e´noid. [Gr. a??ta??a, arutaina, a ewer, and e?d??, eÎdos, form.] The name of a cartilage of the larynx. As-cend´ens. [L.] Ascending; rising. As-phyx´i-a. [Gr. a, a, not, and sf????, sphyxis, pulse.] Originally, want of pulse; now used for suspended respiration, or apparent death. As-trag´a-lus. [Gr.] The name of a bone of the foot. One of the tarsal bones. Aud-i´tion. [L. audio, to hear.] Hearing. Aud-it-o´ri-us. [L.] Pertaining to the organ of hearing. Au´ri-cle. [L. auricula, the external ear; from auris, the ear.] A cavity of the heart. Au-ric´u-lar. [L. auricula.] Pertaining to the auricle. Ax-il´la. [L.] The armpit. Ax´il-la-ry. Belonging or relating to the armpit. A-zote´. [Gr. a, a, not, and ???, zoe, life.] Nitrogen. One of the constituent elements of the atmosphere. So named because it will not sustain life. Ben-zo´ic. Benzoic acid. A peculiar vegetable acid, obtained from benzoin and some other balsams. Bi´ceps. [L. bis, twice, and caput, a head.] A name applied to muscles with two heads at one extremity. Bi-cus´pids. [L. bis and cuspis, a point.] Teeth that have two points upon their crown. Bile. [L. bilis.] A yellow, viscid fluid secreted by the liver. Bi-pen´ni-form. [L. bis and penna, a feather.] Bipenniform muscle. Having fibres on each side of a common tendon. Brach´i-al. [L. brachium.] Belonging to the arm. Bre´vis. [L.] Brevis, short; Bronch´i-a, -Æ. [L.] A division of the trachea that passes to the lungs. Bronch´i-al. Relating to the bronchia. Bronch-i´tis. [L.] An inflammation of the bronchia. Buc-ci-na´tor. [L. buccinum, a trumpet.] The name of a muscle of the cheek, so named because used in blowing wind instruments. Bur´sÆ Mu-co´sa. [L. bursa, a purse, and mucosa, viscous.] Small sacs, containing a viscid fluid, situated about the joints, under tendons. CÆ´cum. [L.] Blind; the name given to the commencement of the colon. Calx, Cal´cis. [L.] The heel-bone. Cal´ci-um. [L.] The metallic basis of lime. Cap´il-la-ry. [L. capillus, a Cap´su-lar. Pertaining to a capsule. Cap´sule. [L. capsula, a little chest.] A membranous bag, enclosing a part. Ca´put. [L.] The head. Caput coli. The head of the colon. Car´bon. [L. carbo, a coal.] Pure charcoal. An elementary combustible substance. Car-bon´ic. Pertaining to carbon. Car´di-ac. [Gr. ?a?d?a, kardia, heart.] Relating to the heart, or upper orifice of the stomach. Car´ne-a, -Æ. [L. caro, carnis, flesh.] Fleshy. Ca-rot´id. [Gr. ?a???, karos, lethargy.] The great arteries of the neck that convey blood to the heart. The ancients supposed drowsiness to be seated in these arteries. Car´pal. [L. carpus, the wrist.] Relating to the wrist. Car´pus, -i. [L.] The wrist. Car´ti-lage. [L. cartilago.] Gristle. A smooth, elastic substance, softer than bone. Car-ti-lag´in-ous. Pertaining to cartilage. Cau-ca´sian. One of the races of men. Ca´va. [L.] Hollow. Vena cava. A name given to the two great veins of the body. Cel´lu-lar. [L. cellula, a little cell.] Composed of cells. Cer-e-bel´lum. [L.] The hinder and lower part of the brain, or the little brain. Cer´e-bral. Pertaining to the brain. Cer´e-brum. [L.] The front and large part of the brain. The term is sometimes applied to the whole contents of the cranium. Cer´e-bro-Spi´nal. Relating to the brain and spine. Cer´vix. [L.] The neck. Cer´vi-cal. Relating to the neck. Chest. [Sax.] The thorax; the trunk of the body from the neck to the abdomen. Chlo´rine. [Gr. ??????, chloros, green.] Chlorine gas, so named from its color. Chor´da, -Æ. [L.] A cord. An assemblage of fibres. Cho´roid. [Gr. ??????, chorion.] A term applied to several parts of the body that resemble the skin. Chyle. [Gr. ?????, chulos, juice.] A nutritive fluid, of a whitish appearance, which is extracted from food by the action of the digestive organs. Chyl-i-fi-ca´tion. [chyle and L. facio, to make.] The process by which chyle is formed. Chyme. [Gr. ????, chumos, juice.] A kind of grayish pulp formed from the food in the stomach. Chym-i-fi-ca´tion. [chyme and L. facio, to make.] The process by which chyme is formed. Cil´ia-ry. [L. cilia, eyelashes.] Belonging to the eyelids. Cin-e-ri´tious. [L. cinis, ashes.] Having the color of ashes. Clav´i-cle. [L. clavicula, from clavis, a key.] The collar-bone; so called from its resemblance in shape to an ancient key. Clei´do. A term applied to some muscles that are attached to the clavicle. Co-ag´u-lum. [L.] A coagulated mass, a clot of blood. Coc´cyx. [Gr.] An assemblage of bones joined to the sacrum. Coch´le-a. [Gr. ?????, kochlo, to twist; or L. cochlea, a screw.] A cavity of the ear resembling in form a snail shell. Co´lon. [Gr.] A portion of the large intestine. Co-lum´na, -Æ.[L.] A column or pillar. Com-mu´nis. [L.] A name applied to certain muscles. Com-plex´us. [L. complector, to embrace.] The name of a muscle that embraces many attachments. Com-press´or. [L. con, together, and premo, pressus, to press.] A term applied to some muscles, that compress the parts to which they are attached. Con´dyle. [Gr. ???d????, kondulos, a knuckle, a protuberance.] A prominence on the end of a bone. Con-junc-ti´va. [L. con, together, and jungo, to join.] The membrane that covers the anterior part of the globe of the eye. Cop´per. A metal of a pale, red color, tinged with yellow. Cor-a´coid. [Gr. ???a?, korax, a crow, and e?d??, eÎdos, form.] A process of the scapula shaped like the beak of a crow. Co´ri-on. [Gr. ??????, chorion, skin.] The true skin. Corn´e-a. [L. cornu, a horn.] The transparent membrane in the fore part of the eye. Cos´ta. [L. costa, a coast, side, or rib.] A rib. Crib´ri-form. [L. cribrum, a sieve, and forma, form.] A plate of the ethmoid Cri´coid. [Gr. ??????, krikos, a ring, and e?d??, eÎdos, form.] A name given to a cartilage of the larynx, from its form. Crys´tal-line. [L. crystallinus, consisting of crystal.] Crystalline lens. One of the humors of the eye. It is convex, white, firm, and transparent. Cu´bi-tus, -i. [L. cubitus, the elbow.] One of the bones of the forearm, also called the ulna. Cu´boid. [Gr. ????, kubos, a cube, and e?d??, eÎdos, form.] Having nearly the form of a cube. Cu-ne´i-form. [L. cuneus, a wedge.] The name of bones in the wrist and foot. Cus´pid. [L. cuspis, a point.] Having one point. Cu-ta´ne-ous. [L. cutis, skin.] Belonging to the skin. Cu´ti-cle. [L. cutis.] The external layer of the skin. Cu´tis Ve´ra. [L. cutis, and vera, true.] The internal layer of the skin; the true skin. Del´toid. [Gr. de?ta, delta, the Greek letter ?, and e?d??, eÎdos, form.] The name of a muscle, that resembles in form the Greek letter ?. Dens. [L.] A tooth. Dent´al. [L. dens, tooth.] Pertaining to the teeth. De-press´or. [L.] The name of a muscle that draws down the part to which it is attached. Derm´oid. [Gr. de?a, derma, the skin, and e?d??, eÎdos, form.] Resembling skin. De-scend´ens. [L. de and scando, to climb.] Descending, falling. Di´a-phragm. [Gr. d?af?aa, diaphragma, a partition.] The midriff; a muscle separating the chest from the abdomen. Di-ar-rhoe´a. [Gr. d?a??e?, diarrheo, to flow through.] A morbidly frequent evacuation of the intestines. Di-as´to-le. [Gr. d?aste???, diastello, to put asunder.] The dilatation of the heart and arteries when the blood enters them. Di-ges´tion. [L. digestio.] The process of dissolving food in the stomach, and preparing it for circulation and nourishment. Dig-i-to´rum. [L. digitus, a finger.] A term applied to certain muscles of the extremities. Dor´sal. [L. dorsum, the back.] Pertaining to the back. Du-o-de´num. [L. duodenus, of twelve fingers’ breadth.] The first portion of the small intestine. Du´ra Ma´ter. [L. durus, hard, and mater, mother.] The outermost membrane of the brain. Dys´en-ter-y. [Gr. d??, dus, bad, and e?te??a, enteria, intestines.] A discharge of blood and mucus from the intestines attended with tenesmus. Dys-pep´si-a. [Gr. d??, dus, bad, and pept?, pepto, to digest.] Indigestion, or difficulty of digestion. En-am´el. [Fr.] The smooth, hard substance which covers the crown or visible part of a tooth. Ep-i-derm´is. [Gr. ep?, epi, upon, and de?a, derma, the skin.] The scarf-skin; the cuticle. Ep-i-glot´tis. [Gr. ep?, epi, upon, and ???tta, glotta, the tongue.] One of the cartilages of the glottis. Eu-sta´chi-an Tube. A channel from the fauces to the middle ear, named from Eustachius, who first described it. Ex´cre-ment. [L. excerno, to separate.] Matter excreted and ejected; alvine discharges. Ex-cre-men-ti´tial. Pertaining to excrement. Ex´cre-to-ry. A little duct or vessel, destined to receive secreted fluids, and to excrete or discharge them; also, a secretory vessel. Ex-ha´lant. [L. exhalo, to send forth vapor.] Having the quality of exhaling or Ex-tens´or. [L.] A name applied to a muscle that serves to extend any part of the body; opposed to Flexor. Fa´cial. [L. facies, face.] Pertaining to the face. Falx. [L. falx, a scythe.] A process of the dura mater shaped like a scythe. Fas´ci-a. [L. fascia, a band.] A tendinous expansion or aponeurosis. Fas-cic´u-lus, -li. [L. fascis, a bundle.] A little bundle. Faux, -ces. [L.] The top of the throat. Fem´o-ral. Pertaining to the femur. Fem´o-ris. A term applied to muscles that are attached to the femur. Fe´mur. [L.] The thigh-bone. Fe-nes´tra, -um. [L. fenestra, a window.] A term applied to some openings into the internal ear. Fi´bre. [L. fibra.] An organic filament, or thread, which enters into the composition of every animal and vegetable texture. Fi´brin. A peculiar organic substance found in animals and vegetables; it is a solid substance, tough, elastic, and composed of thready fibres. Fi´brous. Composed or consisting of fibres. Fi´bro-Car´ti-lage. An organic tissue, partaking of the nature of fibrous tissue and that of cartilage. Fib´u-la. [L., a clasp.] The outer and lesser bone of the leg. Fib´u-lar. Belonging to the fibula. Fil´a-ment. [L. filamenta, threads.] A fine thread, of which flesh, nerves, skin, &c., are composed. Flec´tion. [L. flectio.] The act of bending. Fol´li-cle. [L. folliculus, a small bag.] A gland; a little bag in animal bodies. Fore´arm. The part of the upper extremity between the elbow and hand. Fos´sa. [L., a ditch.] A cavity in a bone, with a large aperture. FrÆ´num. [L., a bridle.] FrÆnum linguÆ. The bridle of the tongue. Func´tion. [L. fungor, to perform.] The action of an organ or system of organs. Fun´gi-form. [L. fungus and forma.] Having terminations like the head of a fungus, or a mushroom. Gan´gli-on, -a. [Gr.] An enlargement in the course of a nerve. Gas´tric. [Gr. ?ast??, gaster, the stomach.] Belonging to the stomach. Gas-troc-ne´mi-us. [Gr. ?ast??, gaster, the stomach, and ????, kneme, the leg.] The name of large muscles of the leg. Gel´a-tin. [L. gelo, to congeal.] A concrete animal substance, transparent and soluble in water. Gle´noid. [Gr. ?????, glene, a cavity.] A term applied to some articulate cavities of bones. Glos´sa. [Gr.] The tongue. Names compounded with this word are applied to muscles of the tongue. Glos´so-Pha-ryn´gi-al. Relating to the tongue and pharynx. Glot´tis. [Gr.] The narrow opening at the upper part of the larynx. Glu´te-us. [Gr.] A name given to muscles of the hip. Hem´or-rhage. [Gr. ??a, haima, blood and ??????, regnuo, to burst.] A discharge of blood from an artery or vein. Hu´mer-us. [L.] The bone of the arm. Hy´a-loid. [Gr.] A transparent membrane of the eye. Hy´dro-gen. [Gr. ?d??, water, and ?e??a?, to generate.] A gas which constitutes one of the elements of water. Hy´gi-ene. [Gr. ???e????, hugieÎnon, health.] The part of medicine which treats of the preservation of health. Hy´oid. [Gr. ? and e?d??, eÎdos, shape.] A bone of the tongue resembling the Greek letter upsilon in shape. Hy-oid´e-us. Pertaining to the hyoid bone. Hy´po-glos´sal. Under the tongue. The name of a nerve of the tongue. Il´e-um. [Gr. e???, eilo, to wind.] A portion of the small intestines. Il´i-ac. [From the above.] The flank; pertaining to the small intestine. Il´i-um. The haunch-bone. In-ci´sor. [L. incido, to cut.] A front tooth that cuts or divides. In´dex. [L. indico, to show.] The fore-finger; the pointing finger. In-nom-i-na´ta. [L. in, not, and nomen, name.] Parts which have no proper name. In-os´cu-late. [L. in and osculatus, from osculor, to kiss.] To unite, as two vessels at their extremities. In´ter. [L.] Between. In-ter-cost´al. [L. inter, between, and costa, a rib.] Between the ribs. In-ter-no´di-i. [L. inter, between, and nodus, knot.] A term applied to some muscles of the forearm. In-ter-sti´tial. [L. inter, between, and sto, to stand.] Pertaining to or containing interstices. In-tes´tines. [L. intus, within.] The canal that extends from the stomach to the anus. I´ris. [L., the rainbow.] The colored circle that surrounds the pupil of the eye. I´vo-ry. A hard, solid, fine-grained substance of a fine white color; the tusk of an elephant. Je-ju´num. [L., empty.] A portion of the small intestine. Ju´gu-lar. [L. jugulum, the neck.] Relating to the throat. The great veins of the neck. La´bi-um, La´bi-i. [L.] The lips. Lab´y-rinth. [Gr.] The internal ear, so named from its many windings. Lach´ry-mal. [L. lachryma, a tear.] Pertaining to tears. Lac´te-al. [L., lac, milk.] A small vessel or tube of animal bodies for conveying chyle from the intestine to the thoracic duct. Lam´i-na, -Æ. [L.] A plate, or thin coat lying over another. Lar´ynx. [Gr. ?a????, larunx.] The upper part of the windpipe. Lar-yn-gi´tis. Inflammation of the larynx. La-tis´si-mus, -mi. [L., superlative of latus, broad.] A term applied to some muscles. Le-va´tor. [L. levo, to raise.] A name applied to a muscle that raises some part. Lig´a-ment. [L. ligo, to bind.] A strong, compact substance serving to bind one bone to another. Lin´e-a, -Æ. [L.] A line. Lin´gua, -Æ. [L.] A tongue. Liv´er. The name of one of the abdominal organs, the largest gland in the system. It is situated below the diaphragm, and secretes the bile. Lobe. A round projecting part of an organ. Lon´gus, Lon´gi-or. [L., long, longer.] A term applied to several muscles. Lum´bar. [L. lumbus, the loins.] Pertaining to the loins. Lymph. [L. lympha, water.] A colorless fluid in animal bodies, and contained in vessels called lymphatics. Lym-phat´ic. A vessel of animal bodies that contains or conveys lymph. Mag-ne´si-um. The metallic base of magnesia. Mag´nus, -na, -num. [L., great.] A term applied to certain muscles. Ma´jor. [L., greater.] Greater in extent or quantity. Man´ga-nese. A metal of a whitish gray color. Mar´row. [Sax.] A soft, oleaginous substance, contained in the cavities of bones. Mas-se´ter. [Gr. assa?a?, massaomai, to chew.] The name of a muscle of the face. Mas´ti-cate, Mas-ti-ca´tion. [L. mastico.] To chew; the act of chewing. Mas´toid. [Gr. ast??, mastos, breast, and e?d??, eÎdos, form.] the name of a process of the temporal bone behind the ear. Mas-toid´e-us. A name applied to muscles that are attached to the mastoid process. Max-il´la. [L.] The jaw-bone. Max´il-la-ry. Pertaining to the jaw. Max´i-mus, -um. [L., superlative of magnus, great.] A term applied to several muscles. Me-a´tus. [L. meo, to go.] A passage or channel. Me-di-as-ti´num. A membrane that separates the chest into two parts. Me´di-um, -a. [L.] The space or substance through which a body passes to any point. Med´ul-la-ry. [L., medulla, marrow.] Pertaining to marrow. Me-dul´la Ob-lon-ga´ta. Commencement of the spinal cord. Me-dul´la Spi-na´lis. The spinal cord. Mem´bra-na. A membrane; a thin, white, flexible skin formed by fibres interwoven like net-work. Mem´bra-nous. Relating to membrane. Mes´en-ter-y. [Gr. es??, mesos, the middle, and e?te???, enteron, the intestine.] The membrane in the middle of the intestines, by which they are attached to the spine. Mes-en-ter´ic. Pertaining to the mesentery. Met-a-car´pal. Relating to the metacarpus. Met-a-car´pus. [Gr. eta, meta, after, and ?a?p??, karpos, wrist.] The part of the hand between the wrist and fingers. Met-a-tar´sal. Relating to the metatarsus. Met-a-tar´sus. [Gr. eta, meta, after, and ta?s??, tarsos, the tarsus.] The instep. A term applied to seven bones of the foot. Mid´riff. [Sax. mid, and hrife, the belly.] See Diaphragm. Min´i-mus, -i. [L.] The smallest. A term applied to several muscles. Mi´nor. [L.] Less, smaller. A term applied to several muscles. Mi´tral. [ Mo-di´o-lus. [L. modus, a measure.] A cone in the cochlea around which the membranes wind. Mo´lar. [L. mola, a mill.] The name of some of the large teeth. Mol´lis. [L.] Soft. Mo´tor, -es. [L. moveo, to move.] A mover. A term applied to certain nerves. Mu´cous. Pertaining to mucus. Mu´cus. A viscid fluid secreted by the mucous membrane, which it serves to moisten and defend. Mus´cle. A bundle of fibres enclosed in a sheath. Mus´cu-lar. Relating to a muscle. My-o´des. A term applied to certain muscles of the neck. Na´sal. Relating to the nose. Na´sus. [L., the nose.] The nostrils. Nerve. An organ of sensation and motion in animals. Nerv´ous. Relating to the nerves. Neu-ri-lem´a. [Gr. ?e????, neuron, a nerve, and ?ea, lema, a sheath.] The sheath or covering of a nerve. Ni´grum. [L.] Black. Ni´tro-gen. That element of the air which is called azote. Nu-tri´tion. The art or process of promoting the growth, or repairing the waste of the system. Oc-cip-i-ta´lis. Pertaining to the back part of the head. Oc´ci-put. [L. ob and caput, the head.] The hinder part of the head. Oc-u-lo´rum. Of the eyes. Oc´ulus, -i. [L.] The eye. Œ-soph´a-gus. [Gr. ???, oio, to carry, and fa??, phago, to eat.] The name of the passage through which the food passes from the mouth to the stomach. O-lec´ra-non. [Gr. ??e?e, olene, the cubit, and ??a???, kranon, the head.] The elbow; the head of the ulna. Ol-fact´o-ry. [L. oleo, to smell, and facio, to make.] Pertaining to smelling. O´mo. [Gr. ???, omos, the shoulder.] Names compounded of this word are applied to muscles attached to the shoulder. Oph-thal´mic. [Gr. ?f?a???, ophthalmos, the eye.] Belonging to the eye. Op´ti-cus, Op´tic. [Gr. ?pt?a?, optomai, to see.] Relating to the eye. Or-bic´u-lar. [L. orbis, a circle.] Circular. Or-bic-u-la´ris. A name applied to several muscles. Or´gan. A part of the system destined to exercise some particular function. Or´i-gin. Commencement; source. Os. [L.] A bone; the mouth of any thing. O´ris. [L. os, oris.] Of the mouth. Os Hy-oid´es. [Gr. See Hyoid.] The name of the bone at the base of the tongue. Os´ma-zome. [Gr. ?s?, osme, smell, and ????, zomos, broth.] A principle obtained from animal fibre which gives the peculiar taste to broth. Os´sa. [L., plural of os, bone.] Bones. Os´se-ous. Pertaining to bones. Os-si-fi-ca´tion. The formation of bones in animals. Os´si-fy. [L. ossa, bones, and facio, to make.] To convert into bone. Os´sis. Of a bone. O-va´le. [L.] The shape of an egg. Ox-al´ic. Pertaining to sorrel. Oxalic acid is the acid of Ox´y-gen. A permanently elastic fluid invisible and inodorous. One of the components of atmospheric Pa-la´tum. [L.] The palate; the roof of the mouth. Pal-pe-bra´rum. [L. palpebra, the eyelid.] Of the eyelids. Pal´mar. [L. palma, the palm.] Belonging to the hand. Pal-ma´ris. A term applied to some muscles attached to the palm of the hand. Pan´cre-as. [Gr. pa?, pan, all, and ??ea?, kreas, flesh.] The name of one of the digestive organs. Pan-cre-at´ic. Belonging to the pancreas. Pa-pil´la, -Æ. [L.] Small conical prominences. Pa-ral´y-sis. Abolition of function whether of intellect, sensation, or motion. Pa-ren´chy-ma. [Gr. pa?e??e?, parengcheo, to pour through.] The substance contained between the blood vessels of an organ. Pa-rot´id. [Gr. pa?a, para, near, and ?t??, otos, the gen. of ???, ous, the ear.] The name of the largest salivary gland. Pa-tel´la, -Æ. [L.] The knee-pan. Pa-thet´i-cus, -ci. [Gr. pa???, pathos, passion.] The name of the fourth pair of nerves. Pec´tus. [L.] The Pec´to-ral. Pertaining to the Pec-to-ra´lis. Belonging to the chest. Pe´dis. [L., gen. of pes, the foot.] Of the foot. Pel´i-tongs. A term applied to masses of fat. Pel´li-cle. [L., dim. of pellis, the skin.] A thin skin or film. Pel´vic. Relating to the pelvis. Pel´vis. [L.] The basin formed by the large bones at the lower part of the abdomen. Pen´ni-form. [L. penna, a feather.] Having the form of a feather, or quill. Per-i-car´di-um. [Gr. pe??, peri, around, and ?a?d?a, kardia, the heart.] A membrane that encloses the heart. Per-i-chon´dri-um. [Gr. pe??, peri, around, and ???d???, chondros, cartilage.] A membrane that invests cartilage. Per-i-cra´ni-um. [Gr. pe??, and ??a????, kranion, the cranium.] A membrane that invests the skull. Per´ma-nent. Durable; lasting. Per-i-stal´tic. [Gr. pe??ste???, peristello, to involve.] A movement like the crawling of a worm. Per-spi-ra´tion. [L. per, through, and spiro, to breathe.] The excretion from the skin. Phal´anx, -ges. [Gr. fa?a??, phalanx, an army.] Three rows of small bones forming the fingers or toes. Pha-lan´gi-al. Belonging to the fingers or toes. Pha-ryn´ge-al. Relating to the pharynx. Phar´ynx. [Gr. fa????, pharunx.] The upper part of the oesophagus. Phos´phor-us. [Gr. f??, phos, the light, and fe??, phero, to bear.] A combustible substance, of a yellowish color, semi-transparent, resembling wax. Phren´ic. [Gr. f???, phren, the mind.] Belonging to the diaphragm. Phys-i-ol´o-gy. [Gr. f?s??, phusis, nature, and ?????, logos, a discourse.] The science of the functions of the organs of animals and plants. Pi´a Ma´ter. [L., good mother.] The name of one of the membranes of the brain. Pig-men´tum. [L.] Paint; a preparation of colors. Pin´na. [L., a wing.] A part of the external ear. Pla-tys´ma. [Gr. p?at??, platus, broad.] A muscle of the neck. Pleu´ra, -Æ. [Gr. p?e??a, pleura, the side.] A thin membrane that covers the inside of the thorax, and also forms the exterior coat of the lungs. Pleu´ral. Relating to the pleura. Plex´us. [L. plecto, to weave Pneu-mo-gas´tric. [Gr. p?e???, pneumon, the lungs, and ?ast??, gaster, the stomach.] Belonging to both the stomach and lungs. Pol´li-cis. [L.] A term applied to muscles attached to the fingers and toes. Pons. [L.] A bridge. Pons varolii. A part of the brain formed by the union of the crura cerebri and cerebelli. Pop-lit-e´al. [L. poples, the ham.] Pertaining to the ham or knee-joint. A name given to various parts. Pos´ti-cus. [L.] Behind; Por´ti-o Du´ra. [L., hard portion.] The facial nerve; 8th pair. Por´ti-o Mol´lis. [L., soft portion.] The auditory nerve; 7th pair. Po-tas´si-um. [L.] The metallic basis of pure potash. Pro-bos´cis. [Gr. p??, pro, before, and ?s??, bosko, to feed.] The snout or trunk of an elephant or other animal. Proc´ess. A prominence or projection. Pro-na´tor. [L. pronus, turned downward.] The muscle of the forearm that moves the palm of the hand Pso´as. [Gr. ??a?, psoai, the loins.] The name of two muscles of the leg.
Pu´pil. A little aperture in the centre of the iris, through which the rays of light pass to the retina. Py-lor´ic. Pertaining to the pylorus. Py-lor´us. [Gr. p??????, puloros, a gate keeper.] The lower orifice of the stomach, with which the duodenum connects. Ra´di-us. [L., a ray, a spoke of a wheel.] The name of one of the bones of the forearm. Ra´di-ate. Having lines or fibres that diverge from a point. Ra´mus. [L.] A branch. A term applied to the projections of Rec-re-men-ti´tial. [L. re, again, and cerno, to secrete.] Consisting of superfluous matter separated from that which is valuable. Rec´tum. The third and last portion of the intestines. Rec´tus, -i. [L.] Straight; erect. A term applied to several muscles. Re-sid´u-al. Pertaining to waste matter. Re-sid´u-um. [L.] Waste matter. The fÆces. Res-pi-ra´tion. [L. re, again, and spiro, to breathe.] The act of breathing. Inspiring air into the lungs and expelling it again. Re-spi´ra-to-ry. Pertaining to respiration; serving for respiration. Ret´i-na. [L., rete, a net.] The essential organ of sight. One of the coats of the eye, formed by the expansion of the optic nerve. Ro-tun´dum, -a. [L.] Round; circular. Ru´ga, -Æ. [L.] A wrinkle; a fold. Sac´cu-lus. [L., dim. of saccus, a bag.] A little sac. Sa´cral. Pertaining to the sacrum. Sa´crum. [L., sacred.] The bone which forms the posterior part of the pelvis, and is a continuation of the spinal column. Sa-li´va. [L.] The fluid which is secreted by the salivary glands, which moistens the food and mouth. Sal´i-va-ry. That which belongs to the saliva. San´guin-e-ous. [L. sanguis, the blood.] Bloody; abounding with blood; plethoric. Sar-to´ri-us. [L. sartor, a tailor.] A term applied to a muscle of the thigh. Sca´la, -Æ. [L., a ladder.] Cavities of the cochlea. Sca-le´nus. [Gr. s?a?????, skalenos, unequal.] A term applied to some muscles of the neck. Scaph´oid. [Gr. s?af?, skaphe, a little boat.] The name applied to one of the wrist-bones. Scap´u-la. [L.] The shoulder-blade. Scap´u-lar. Relating to the scapula. Scarf-Skin. The outer, thin integument of the body; the cuticle. Sci-at´ic. [Gr., pertaining to the loins.] The name of the large nerve of the loins and leg. Scle-rot´ic. [Gr. s??????, skleros, hard.] A membrane of the eye. Se-ba´ceous. [L., sebum, tallow.] Pertaining to fat; unctuous matter. Se-cre´tion. The act of secerning; the act of producing from the blood substances different front the blood itself, as bile, saliva. The matter secreted, as mucus, bile, &c. Se-cre´to-ry. Performing the office of secretion. Se-cun´dus. Second. A term applied to certain muscles. Sem-i-cir´cu-lar. Having the form of a half circle. The name of a part of the ear. Sem-i-ten-di-no´sus. [L. semi, half and tendo, a tendon.] The name of a muscle. Se´rous. Thin; watery. Pertaining to serum. Se´rum. [L.] The thin, transparent part of blood. Ser-ra´tus. [L. serro, to saw.] A term applied to some muscles of the trunk. Sig´moid. [Gr.] Resembling the Greek s, sigma. Si-li´ci-um. A term applied to one of the earths. Si´nus. [L., a bay.] A cavity, the interior of which is more expanded than the entrance. Skel´e-ton. [Gr. s?e???, skello, to dry.] The aggregate of the hard parts of the body; the bones. So´di-um. The metallic base of soda Sphinc´ter. [Gr. sf????, sphingo, to restrict.] A muscle that contracts or shuts an orifice. Spi´nal Cord. A prolongation of the brain. Spi-na´lis. Relating to the spine. Spine. A thorn. The vertebral column; back-bone. Spi´nous. Belonging to the spinal column. Spleen. The milt. It is situated in the abdomen, and attached to the stomach. Splen´ic. Relating to the spleen. Sple´ni-us. The name of a muscle of the neck. Sta´pes. The name of one of the small bones of the ear. Ster´num. The breast-bone. The bone that forms the front of the chest from the neck to the stomach. Stom´ach. The principal organ of the digestive apparatus. Stra´tum. [L. sterno, to stew.] A bed; a layer. Sty´loid. [L. stylus, a pencil.] An epithet applied to processes that resemble a style, a pen. Sub-cla´vi-an. [L. sub, under, and clavis, a key.] Situated under the clavicle. Sub-li´mis. High in place. Sub-lin´gual. [L. sub, under, and lingua, the tongue.] Situated under the tongue. Sub-max´il-la-ry. [L. sub, under, and maxilla, the jaw-bone.] Located under the jaw. Sul´phur. A simple, mineral substance, of a yellow color, brittle, insoluble in water, but fusible by heat. Su-pe-ri-o´ris. A term applied to certain muscles. Su-pi-na´tor. [L.] A muscle that turns the palm of the hand upward. Sut´ure. [L. suo, to sew.] The seam or joint that unites the bones of the skull. Syn-o´vi-a. [Gr. s??, sun, with, and ???, oon, an egg.] The fluid secreted into the cavities of joints for the purpose of lubricating them. Syn-o´vi-al. Pertaining to synovia. Sys´tem. An assemblage of organs composed of the same tissues, and intended for the same functions. Sys-tem´ic. Belonging to the general system. Sys´to-le. [Gr. s?ste???, sustello, to contract.] The contraction of the heart and arteries for expelling the blood and carrying on the circulation. Tar´sal. Relating to the tarsus. Tar´sus. [L.] The posterior part of the foot. Ten´don. [Gr. te???, teino, to stretch.] A hard, insensible cord, or bundle of fibres, by which a muscle is attached to a bone. Ten´di-na, -Æ. Pertaining to a tendon. Tens´or. A muscle that extends a part. Ten-tac´u-la, -Æ. [L. tento, to seize.] A filiform process or organ on the bodies of various animals. Ten-to´ri-um. [L. tendo, to stretch.] A process of the dura mater which lies between the cerebrum and cerebellum. Te´res. [L. teres, round.] An epithet given to many organs, the fibres of which are collected in small bundles. Tho´rax. [Gr.] That part of the skeleton that composes the bones of the chest. The cavity of the chest. Tho-rac´ic. Relating to the chest. Thy´roid. [Gr. ???e??, thureos, a shield.] Resembling a shield. A cartilage of the larynx. Tib´i-a. [L., a flute.] The large bone of the leg. Tib-i-a´lis, Tib´i-al. Relating to the tibia. Tis´sue. The texture or organization of parts. Ton´sil. [L.] A glandular body in the throat or fauces. Tra´che-a. [Gr. t?a???, trachus, rough.] The windpipe. Tra´che-al. Belonging to the trachea. Trans-verse´, Trans-ver-sa´lis. Lying in a cross direction. Tra-pe´zi-us. The name of a muscle, so called from its form. Tri´ceps. [L. tres, three, and caput, head.] Three. A name given to muscles that have three attachments at one extremity. Tri-cus´pid. [L. tres, three, and cuspis, point.] The triangular valves in the right side of the heart. Troch´le-a. [Gr. t???a??a, trochalia, a pulley.] A pulley-like cartilage, over which the tendon of a muscle of the eye passes. Troch-le-a´ris. The name of a muscle of the eye. Trunk. The principal part of the body, to which the limbs are articulated. Tu´ber-cle. [L. tuber, a bunch.] A small push, swelling, or tumor, on animal bodies. Tu-ber-os´i-ty. The state of being knobbed or protuberant. Tym´pan-um. [L.] The middle ear. Ul´na. [L.] A bone of the forearm. Ul´nar, Ul-na´ris. Relating to the ulna. U´ric. [Gr. ?????, ouron, urine.] An acid contained in urine, and in gouty concretions. U-ve´a. [L. uva, a grape.] Resembling grapes. A thin membrane of the eye. U´vu-la. A soft body, suspended from the palate, near the aperture of the nostrils, over the glottis. Vac´cine Vi´rus. [L. vacca, a cow, virus, poison.] Pertaining to cows; derived from cows. Valve. Any membrane, or doubling of any membrane, which prevents fluids from flowing back in the vessels and canals of the animal body. Val´vu-la, -Æ. A valve. Vas´cu-lar. [L. vasculum, a vessel.] Pertaining to vessels; abounding in vessels. Vas´tus. [L.] Great, vast. Applied to some large muscles. Veins. Vessels that convey blood to the heart. Ve´nous. Pertaining to veins. Ven´tri-cle. [L. venter, the stomach.] A small cavity of the animal body. Ven-tric´u-lar. Relating to ventricles. Ver-mic´u-lar. [L. vermiculus, a little worm.] Resembling the motions of a worm. Verm-i-form´is. [L. vermis, a worm, and forma, form.] Having the form and shape of a worm. Vert´e-bra, -Æ. [L. verto, to turn.] A joint of the spinal column. Vert´e-bral. Pertaining to the joints of the spinal column. Ves´i-cle. [L. vesica, a bladder.] A little bladder, or a portion of the cuticle separated from the cutis vera and filled with serum. Ves´ti-bule. [L.] A porch of a house. A cavity belonging to the ear. Vil´li. [L.] Fine, small fibres. Vi´rus. [L. poison.] Foul matter of an ulcer; poison. Vi´tal. [L. vita, life.] Pertaining to life. Vit´re-ous. [L. vitrum, glass.] Vo´lar. [L. vola, the hollow of the hand or foot.] Belonging to the palm of the hand. Vo´mer. [ Zyg-o-mat´i-cus. [Gr. ?????, zugos, a yoke.] A term applied to some muscles of the face, from their attachment. |