617. The skin is a membrane which envelops the muscles and other parts of the system. In youth, and in females particularly, it is smooth, soft, and elastic. In middle age, and in males, it is firm and rough to the touch. In old age, in persons who are emaciated, and about the flexions of the joints, it is thrown into folds. The interior of the body, like the exterior, is covered by a skin, which, from the constantly moistened state of its surface, is called the mucous membrane. At the various orifices of the body, the exterior skin is continuous with the internal. ANATOMY OF THE SKIN.618. The SKIN, to the naked eye, appears composed of one membrane. But examination has shown that it consists of two layers of membrane, namely, the Cu´ti-cle, (scarf-skin,) and the Cu´tis Ve´ra, (true skin.) These layers are widely different from each other in structure, and perform very different offices in the animal economy. 619. The CUTICLE (sometimes called the ep-i-derm´is) is the external layer of the skin. This membrane is thin and 617. What is the skin? Mention its different appearances in its different conditions in the human frame. Is the interior of the body, as well as the exterior, covered by a skin? What is the interior membrane called? Why has it received this name? 618–636. Give the anatomy of the skin. 618. What is said of the skin? What is said relative to these layers of membrane? 619. Describe the cuticle. What name is sometimes applied to the cuticle? Experiment. Pass a pin through the portion of the cuticle that skirts the nails, or remove a thin shaving from the palm of the hand, and no painful sensation will be experienced unless the pin or knife penetrates deeper than the cuticle. 620. This membrane varies in thickness on different parts of the body,—from the thin, delicate skin upon the internal flexions of the joints, to the thickened covering of the soles of the feet. The greater thickness of the cuticle of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, is manifestly the intentional work of the Creator; for it is perceptible in infants, even at birth, before exercise can have had any influence. 621. The CUTIS VERA (sometimes called the co´ri-on) is composed of minute fibres, which are collected into small bundles or strands. These are interwoven with each other so as to constitute a firm, strong, and flexible web. In the superficial part of the true skin, the web is so close as to have the appearance of felt-cloth; but more deeply, the pores become progressively larger, and, upon the lower surface, have a diameter of about a line, or one twelfth of an inch. This gives the under surface the appearance of a coarse web. The strands of the under surface of the true skin are connected with the fibrous web, in which the sub-cutaneous fat of the body is deposited; while the upper surface gives Give the experiment. 620. What is said of the thickness of the cuticle in different parts of the body? 621. Describe the cutis vera. By what name is it sometimes called? What is the appearance of the upper surface of the cutis vera? Of the under surface? Observation. When the skins of animals are immersed in a strong solution of oak or hemlock bark, a chemical union takes place between the gelatin, of which the true skin is mostly composed, and the tannin of the bark. By this process leather is formed, and its peculiar markings are owing to the papillary layer. Fig. 111. Fig. 111. An ideal representation of the papillÆ. 1, 1, The cutis vera. 2, 2, The papillary layer. 3, 3, The arteries of the papillÆ. 4, 4, The veins of the papillÆ. 5, 5, The nerves of the papillÆ. 622. The sensitive layer of the skin is thin, soft, uneven, pinkish in hue, and composed of blood-vessels, which confer its various tints of red; and of nerves, which give it the faculty of sensation. The unevenness of this layer is produced by small, elongated, conical prominences, called Pa-pil´lÆ. 623. Each PAPILLA is composed of a minute artery, vein, and nerve. Some of the prominences are arranged in concentric How is leather formed? 622. What is the appearance of the sensitive layer? What causes the unevenness of this layer? Explain fig.111. 623. Describe the papillÆ. 624. The cutis vera contains not only Arteries, Veins, and Nerves but Lymphatics, Oil-Glands and Tubes, and Perspiratory Glands and Tubes. Fig. 112. Fig. 112. The arteries and veins of a section of the skin. A, A, Arterial branches. B, B, Capillary, or hair-like vessels, in which the large branches terminate. C, The venous trunk, collecting the blood from the capillaries. 625. The ARTERIES AND VEINS of the skin are very numerous. The larger branches of the arteries pass through the open meshes of the true skin, and are subdivided into a myriad of minute capillary vessels, which form a beautiful net-work on the upper surface of the true skin. This vascular net sends a branch to each of the papillÆ, which opens into and terminates in a minute vein. The capillary veins are 624. What vessels are found in the cutis vera? Explain fig.112. 625. What is said of the cutaneous arteries? Of the cutaneous veins? 626. The NERVES that are spread over every part of the sensitive layer of the true skin, proceed from the spinal cord. As a proof of the great number of nervous filaments in the skin, no part of this tissue can be punctured with a fine needle without transfixing a nerve, and inducing pain. In some parts of the system, however, the nerves are more abundant than in others; where the sense of feeling is most acute, we find the greatest number of nerves, and those of the largest size. Those parts that are most exposed to injury are most sensitive. Examples. 1st. The conjunctiva, or skin of the eye, is pained by the presence of a particle of dust, because it would render vision imperfect. 2d. The lungs, also, would be injured by the smallest particle of matter; they are therefore protected by the exquisite sensitiveness of the lining membrane of the trachea, so that a particle of food or dust is ejected by a convulsive cough before it reaches the lungs. 627. The nerves are more numerous in the upper than lower extremities; in greater numbers upon the palm than the back of the hand. They are, likewise, more abundant and larger at the extremities of the fingers, and in the lips, than in any other part of the skin. Observation. The proboscis of the elephant, the extremities of the tails of certain species of monkeys, and the tentacula of some kinds of fish, receive a more abundant supply of sensitive nerves than other parts of their systems. 626. Where do the nerves of the skin proceed from? Are they numerous in this membrane? How is it proved? What is said of those parts most exposed to injury? Give example 1st. Example 2d. 627. Mention the difference in the distribution of the nerves in various parts of the body. Is this difference found in the lower order of animals? 628. In the small papillÆ, the nerve forms a single loop, while in papillÆ of larger size, and endowed with a power of more exalted sensation, the nerve is bent several times upon itself previous to completing the loop. These little loops spring from a net-work of nerves, imbedded in the upper porous layer of the true skin, at the base of the papillÆ. This net-work of nerves receives its influence through nerves which take their winding course through the fat distended openings of the deeper layers of the true skin. Fig. 113. Fig. 113. 1, 1, The cuticle. 2, 2, The colored layer of the cuticle. 3, 3, The papillary layer, exhibiting the nerves as they form loops. 4, 4, The net-work of nerves. 5, 5, The true skin. 6, 6, 6, Three nerves that divide to form the net-work (4, 4.) 7, 7, 7, The furrows between the papillÆ. 8, 8, 8, Three papillÆ magnified fifty diameters. 629. The LYMPHATICS are found in great numbers in the true skin, and they are so minute that they cannot be seen with the naked eye; but when these hair-like vessels are injected with quicksilver, (a work of great difficulty,) the surface injected 628. How are the nerves of the small papillÆ arranged? How in the large papillÆ? What does fig.113 represent? 629. What is said of the cutaneous lymphatics? How is their existence proved? Fig. 114. Fig. 114. A plexus of lymphatic vessels in the skin, considerably magnified from an injected preparation. 630. The OIL-GLANDS are small bodies imbedded in the true skin. They connect with the surface of the skin by small tubes, which traverse the cuticle. In some parts, these glands are wanting; in others, where their office is most needful, they are abundant, as on the face and nose, the head, the ears, &c. In some parts, these tubes are spiral; in others, straight. These glands offer every shade of complexity, from the simple, straight tube, to a tube divided into numberless Of what are they a part? 630. Describe the oil-glands. With what do they connect? Do they exist in every part of the body? Of what form are their tubes? 631. In a few situations, these small glands are worthy of particular notice, as in the eyelids, where they possess great elegance of distribution and form, and open by minute pores along the lids; in the ear-passages, where they produce that amber-colored substance, known as the ce-ru´men, (wax of the ears,) and in the scalp, where they resemble small clusters of grapes, and open in pairs into the sheath of the hair, supplying it with a pomatum of Nature’s own preparing. The oil-tubes are sometimes called the se-ba´ceous fol´li-cles. Fig. 115. Fig. 115. 1, An oil-tube and gland from the scalp. A, The gland. B, The tube slightly twisted. 2. An oil-tube and gland from the skin of the nose. The gland (A) is double, and communicates with the main tube (B) by means of two smaller tubes. 3. Another oil-tube and gland from the nose. A, The gland. B, The tube filled with the peculiar animalculÆ of the oily substances. Their heads are directed inward. 4. A small hair from the scalp, with its oil-glands. The glands (A) form a cluster around the shaft of the hair-tube, (C.) These ducts open into the sheath of the hair, (B.) All the figures, from 1 to 4, are magnified thirty-eight 631. What is said of these tubes in the eyelids? In the ear? In the scalp? What are these glands sometimes called? Observation. Among the inhabitants of cities, and especially in persons who have a torpid state of the skin, the contents of the oil-tubes become too dense and dry to escape in the usual manner. Thus it collects, distends the tube, and remains until removed by art. When this impacted matter reaches the surface, dust and smoke mix with it, then it is recognized by small, round, dark spots. These are seen on the forehead, nose, and other parts of the face. When this matter is pressed out, the tube gives it a cylindrical form. The parts around the distended tubes sometimes inflame. This constitutes the disease called, “ac´ne punc-ta´ta.” 632. The PERSPIRATORY APPARATUS consists of minute cylindrical tubes, which pass inward through the cuticle, and terminate in the deeper meshes of the cutis vera. In their course, each little tube forms a beautiful spiral coil; and, on arriving at its destination, coils upon itself in such a way as to constitute an oval-shaped, or globular ball, called the perspiratory gland. 633. The opening of the perspiratory tube on the surface of the cuticle, namely, “the pores,” is also deserving of attention. In consequence of its extremity being a section of a spirally-twisted tube, the aperture is oblique in direction, and possesses all the advantages of a valvular opening, preventing the ingress of foreign injurious substances to the interior of the tube and gland. 634. “To arrive at something like an estimate of the value of the perspiratory system, in relation to the rest of the organism, I counted the perspiratory pores on the palm of the hand, and found 3528 in a square inch. Now each of these pores being the aperture of a little tube about a quarter of an inch What is said of the retention of the unctuous matter in the oil-tubes? 632. Of what does the perspiratory apparatus consist? 633. What is peculiar in the opening of the perspiratory tubes on the surface of the cuticle? 634. How many perspiratory pores did Dr. Wilson count upon a square inch of skin on the palm of the hand? Fig. 116. Fig. 116. A perspiratory gland from the palm of the hand, magnified forty diameters. 1, 1, A twisted tube composing the gland. 2, 2, The two excretory ducts from the gland. These unite to form one spiral tube, that perforates the cuticle, (3,) and opens obliquely on its surface at 4. The gland is imbedded in cells filled with fat, which are seen at 5, 5. What does fig.116 represent? 635. “Could we need a stronger argument for enforcing the necessity of attention to the skin? On the pulps of the fingers, where the ridges of the sensitive layer of the true skin are somewhat finer than in the palm of the hand, the number of pores on a square inch a little exceeded that of the palm; and on the heels, where the ridges are coarser, the number of pores on the square inch was 2268, and the length of the tube 567 inches, 47¼ feet. 636. “To obtain an estimate of the length of tube of the perspiratory system of the whole surface of the body, I think that 2800 might be taken as a fair average of the number of pores in the square inch; and consequently, 700, the number of inches in length. Now, the number of square inches of surface in a man of ordinary height and bulk is 2500; the number of pores, therefore, 7,000,000; and the number of inches of perspiratory tube is 1,750,000; that is, 145,833 feet, or 48,611 yards, or nearly TWENTY-EIGHT miles!”—Wilson. Give other computations in this paragraph. 635. What is said of the number of these pores on the pulp of the fingers? On the heels? 536. What is an average number of pores and length of tube of the whole surface of the body? Give the summary of the number of pores, and number or inches of perspiratory tube. |