414. In the human body are found many fluids and solids of dissimilar appearance and character. These are produced by the action of organs, some of which are of simple structure, while others are very complicated in their arrangement. These organs are called Se-cre´to-ry. ANATOMY OF THE SECRETORY ORGANS.415. The SECRETORY ORGANS are the Ex-ha´lants, 416. The EXHALANTS were supposed to be terminations of arteries or capillaries. The external exhalants terminate on the skin and mucous membranes; the internal in the cellular and medullary tissues. (Appendix I.) Fig. 86. Fig. 86. A secretory follicle. An artery is seen, which supplies the material for its 417. The FOLLICLES are small bags, or sacs, situated in the true skin, and mucous membrane. The pores seen on the skin are the outlets of these bodies. 414. How are the fluids and solids of the body produced? 415–419. Give the anatomy of the secretory organs. 415. Name the secretory organs. 416. Describe the exhalants. What is represented by fig.86? 417. Define follicles. 418. The GLANDS are soft, fleshy organs, and as various in their structure, as the secretions which it is their function to produce. Each gland is composed of many small lobules united in a compact mass, and each lobule communicates by a small duct with the principal outlet, or duct of the organ. Every gland is supplied with arteries, veins, lymphatics, and nerves. These, with the ducts, are arranged in a peculiar manner, and connected by cellular membrane. 419. There are two classes of glands, one for the modification of the fluids which pass through them, as the mesenteric and lymphatic glands; and the other for the secretion of fluids which are either useful in the animal economy, or require to be rejected from the body. Fig. 87. Fig. 87. 1, 1, A secretory gland. 2, 2, Minute ducts that are spread through the glands. These coalesce to form the main duct, 3. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE SECRETORY ORGANS.420. Secretion is one of the most obscure and 418. Give the structure of the glands. 419. How are the glands arranged? 420–431. Give the physiology of the secretory organs. 420. What is 421. The secreted fluids do not exist in that form in the blood, but most of the elements of which they are made do exist in this fluid, and the “vessels by which it is accomplished may well be called the architects and chemists of the system; for out of the same material—the blood—they construct a variety of wonderful fabrics and chemical compounds. We see the same wonderful power possessed, also, by vegetables; for out of the same materials the olive prepares its oil, the cocoa-nut its milk, the cane its sugar, the poppy its narcotic, the oak its green pulpy leaves, and its dense woody fibre. All are composed of the same few, simple elements, arranged in different order and proportions.” 422. “In like manner we find the vessels, in animated bodies, capable of forming all the various textures and substances which compose the frame; the cellular tissue, the membranes, the ligaments, the cartilages, the bones, the marrow, the muscles with their tendons, the lubricating fluid of the joints, the pulp of the brain, the transparent jelly of the eye; in short, all the textures of the various organs of which the body is composed, consist of similar ultimate elements, and are manufactured from the blood.” 423. Of the agents that produce or direct the different secretions, we have no very accurate knowledge. Some have supposed this function to be mechanical, others a chemical process, but experiments prove that it is dependent on nervous influence. If the nerves are divided which are distributed to 421. What is said respecting secreted substances? Do vegetables possess the property of secretion? 422. From what are the various textures formed? 423. Have we accurate knowledge of the agents that produce secretion? 424. Secretions are constantly maintained, during life, from the serous membrane, by the action of the internal exhalants. The fluid which is exhaled bears some resemblance to the serum of the blood. Its use is to furnish the organs, which are surrounded by this membrane, with a proper degree of moisture, and thus enables them to move easily on each other, as those within the chest and abdomen. 425. The cellular tissue exhales a serous fluid, and when it becomes excessive in quantity, general dropsy is produced. Fat is another secretion, which is thrown out, in a fluid state, from the cellular membrane. It is deposited in little cells, and exists in the greatest abundance between the skin and the muscles. Its use seems to be, to form a cushion around the body for its protection; to furnish nutriment for the system when food cannot be taken; to supply the carbon and hydrogen necessary to sustain the generation of heat, when these articles of combustion are not otherwise furnished. The med´ul-la-ry substance, (marrow,) in the cavities of the long bones, is very much like fat. Observation. During sickness, if there is not emaciation or absorption of this secretion, it is considered an unfavorable symptom, because it indicates a want of power in the absorbing system, which is among the last to be affected. How is it proved that secretion depends on nervous influence? 424. What is said of the secretions from the serous membrane? 425. From what tissue is a serous fluid exhaled? What is the effect when this fluid becomes excessive in quantity? What is fat? Its use? What is marrow? 426. The mucous secretion is a transparent, viscid fluid which is secreted by those membranes that line the cavities of the body, which have an external communication, as the trachea and alimentary canal. This secretion serves to protect these parts from the influence of the air, and concurs, by means of its peculiar properties, in the performance of their functions. 427. There are two external secretions, namely, one from the skin, called perspiration, and the other from the lungs. The cutaneous exhalation, or transpiration 428. The follicles are found only in the skin and mucous membrane. They secrete an oily, unctuous substance, which mixes with the transpiration, and lubricates the skin. At the root of each hair there is a minute follicle, which secretes the fluid that oils the hair. The wax in the passage of the ear is secreted from these bodies. 429. All the blood distributed to the different glands is similar in composition and character; but the fluids secreted by them, vary in appearance in a remarkable degree. The office of the glands appears to be principally to form different secretions. Thus the salivary glands secrete the insipid saliva; the lachrymal glands, the saline tears; the liver, the yellow, ropy bile; and the kidneys, the acrid urine. 426. What is said relative to the mucous secretion? 427. Name the external secretions. 428. Give the office of the follicles. 429. What appears to be the principal office of the glands? 430. Mention a secretion produced in a particular emergency. 430. Some secretions are evidently produced only in particular 431. When any substance which is not demanded for nutrition, or does not give nourishment to the system, is imbibed by the lymphatic vessels, and conveyed into the blood, it is eliminated in the secretions. Illustration. A few years since, a poor inebriate was carried to a London hospital in a state of intoxication. He lived but a few hours. On examining his brain, nearly half a gill of fluid, strongly impregnated with gin, was found in the cavities of this organ. This was secreted from the vessels of the brain. HYGIENE OF THE SECRETORY ORGANS.432. Unless the secretions are regularly maintained, disease will be the ultimate result. Let the secretions from the skin be suppressed, and fever or some internal inflammation will follow. If the bile is impeded, digestion will be impaired. If any other secretion is suppressed, it will cause a derangement of the various internal organs. Observation. Ardent spirits derange the secretions, and change the structure of the brain. This is one reason why inebriates do not generally live to advanced age. 433. The quantity of blood influences the character of the secretions. If it is lessened to any great extent, the secretions will be lessened as well as changed in character. Illustration. When a person has lost a considerable quantity of blood, there is a sensation of thirst in the fauces, attended with a cold, pale, dry skin. When reaction comes 431. What becomes of those substances imbibed by the lymphatics that do not give nourishment to the body. 432–437. Give the hygiene of the secretory organs. 432. What effect on the system when the secretions are not regularly maintained? 433. Does the quantity of blood influence the secretions? Give an illustration. 434. The secretory organs require the stimulus of pure blood. If this fluid is vitiated, the action of the secretory organs will be more or less modified. Either the quantity will be affected or the quality will be altered. Observation. The impurity of the blood arising from the inhalation of the vitiated air of sleeping rooms, diminishes and changes the character of the secretions of the mouth and stomach. This accounts for the thirst, coated tongue, and disagreeable taste of the mouth when impure air is breathed during sleep. The disease it induces, is indigestion or dyspepsia. 435. The amount of action modifies the condition of the secretory organs. When a secretory organ is excessively stimulated, its vigor and energy are reduced. The subsequent debility may be so great as to suppress or destroy its functional power. Illustrations. 1st. In those sections of the country where flax is spun on a “foot-wheel,” it is not unfrequent that the spinners moisten the thread with the secretions of the mouth. This seems to operate economically for a time, but debility of the salivary organs soon follows, which incapacitates them from supplying saliva sufficient to moisten the food, producing in a short time disease of the digestive organs. 2d. The habit of continual spitting, which attends the chewing of tobacco and gums, and other substances, between meals, induces debility, not only of the salivary glands, but of the system generally. 436. One secretory organ may do the office of another. This increased action of a secretory organ may be sustained 434. What is the effect of impure blood on the secretory organs? 435. What results from stimulating excessively a secretory organ? How is this illustrated? 436. What is the effect when one secretory organ performs the office of another? Observation. In the evenings of the warm season, a chill upon the impressible skin, that suppresses the perspiration, is frequently followed by a diarrhoea, dysentery, or cholera morbus. These can be prevented by avoiding the chill. An efficient means of relief, is immediately to restore the skin to its proper action. 437. The secretions are much influenced by the mind. How this is effected, it is difficult to explain; but many facts corroborate it. Every one has felt an increased action of the tear-glands from distressing feelings. Cheerfulness of disposition and serenity of the passions are peculiarly favorable to the proper performance of the secretory function. From this we may learn how important it is to avoid such things as distract, agitate, or harass us. Observation. In fevers and other diseases, when the skin, mouth, and throat are dry from a suppression of the secretions, let the mind of the patient be changed from despondency to hope, and the skin and the membrane that lines the mouth and throat will exhibit a more moist condition, together with a general improvement of the vital organs of the system. Consequently, all just encouragement of the restoration to health should be given to a sick person. Give examples of morbid secretions. What is one cause of dysentery and cholera morbus? How can these affections he relieved? 437. Show the influence of the mind on the secretions. Mention instances of its influence. |