PART I. | CHAPTER I. | | | | Page. | Pyrotechny in General, | 1 | Sec. | i. | Definition of Pyrotechny, | ib. | | ii. | General Theory of Pyrotechny, | ib. | | iii. | Remarks on the Nature of Particular Compositions, | 9 | | iv. | Of Illuminations, | 23 | | v. | Of some of the Feats or Performances by Fire, | 26 | | CHAPTER II. | Of the Substances used in the Formation of Fire-works, | 48 | Sec. | i. | Of Nitrate of Potassa, or Saltpetre, | ib. | | ii. | Of Nitrate of Soda, | 73 | | iii. | Of Chlorate of Potassa, | 74 | | iv. | Of Sulphur, | 78 | | v. | Of Phosphorus, | 84 | | vi. | Of Charcoal, | 87 | | vii. | Of Gunpowder, | 97 | | viii. | Of Lampblack, | 144 | | ix. | Of Soot, | 145 | | x. | Of Turpentine, Rosin, and Pitch, | 146 | | xi. | Of Common Coal, or Pitcoal, | 149 | | xii. | Of Naphtha, Petroleum, and Asphaltum, | 153 | | xiii. | Of Oil of Spike, | 156 | | xiv. | Of Amber, | ib. | | xv. | Of Camphor, | 157 | | xvi. | Of Gum Benzoin, and Benzoic Acid, | 161 | | xvii. | Of Storax Calamite, | 162 | | xviii. | Of Essential Oils, | 163 | | xix. | Of Mastich, | ib. | | xx. | Of Copal, | 164 | | xxi. | Of Myrrh, | ib. | | xxii. | Of Sugar, | 165 | | xxiii. | Of Sal Prunelle, | 167 | | xxiv. | Of Alcohol, | 168 | | xxv. | Of Fulminating Mercury, | 171 | | xxvi. | Of Fulminating Silver, | 173 | | xxvii. | Of Fulminating Gold, | 175 | | xxviii. | Of Fulminating Platinum, | 176 | | xxix. | Of Detonating Powder from Indigo, | 177 | | xxx. | Of the Fulminating Compound, called Iodide of Azote, | ib. | | xxxi. | Of Detonating Oil, or Chloride of Azote, | 179 | | xxxii. | Of Pyrophorus, | 180 | | xxxiii. | Of Sal Ammoniac, | 184 | | xxxiv. | Of Corrosive Sublimate, | 186 | | xxxv. | Of Orpiment, | 329 | | iii. | Of the Heading of Rockets, | 334 | | iv. | Of the Decorations for Rockets, and the Manner of filling their Heads, | 335 | | v. | Of the Dimensions, and Poise of Rocket-Sticks, | 336 | | vi. | Of the Mode of Discharging Rockets, | 337 | | vii. | Of the Appendages, and Combinations of Rockets, | 340 | | viii. | Of Swarmers or Small Rockets, | 343 | | ix. | Of Scrolls for Sky-Rockets, and of Strung, Tailed, Drove, and Rolling Stars, | 344 | | x. | Of Line-Rockets and their Decorations, | 345 | | xi. | Of Signal Sky-Rockets, | 347 | | CHAPTER VIII. | Of Sundry Fire-works, denominated Air-works, | 347 | Sec. | i. | Of the Composition, and Mode of Forming large and small Gerbes, | 348 | | ii. | Of Paper Mortars, | 349 | | iii. | Of Mortars to throw Aigrettes, &c. | 350 | | iv. | Of Making Balloon Fuses, | 357 | | v. | Of the Mosaic and Common Tourbillon, | 358 | | vi. | Of Mortars for throwing Aigrettes, and the Manner of Loading and Firing them, | 363 | | vii. | Of Making, Loading, and Firing Pots des Brins, | 364 | | viii. | Remarks respecting Fire Pots, | 365 | | CHAPTER IX. | Of Particular Compositions, | 367 | Sec. | i. | Of Fire-Jets, or Fire-Spouts, | ib. | | ii. | Of Priming and Whitening Cases, and Remarks concerning Spunk and Touch Paper, | 370 | | iii. | Of Chinese Fire, | 371 | | iv. | Of Bengal Lights, | 377 | | v. | Of Roman Candles, | 380 | | vi. | Of Mosaic Simples, | 381 | | vii. | Of Mosaic Tourbillons, | 382 | | viii. | Of Hydrogen Gas in Fire-works, | 383 | | CHAPTER X. | Of the Manner of fixing and arranging Fire-works in General for Exhibition, | 387 | Sec. | i. | Of the Composition of Wheel-Cases, Standing and Fixed, | 388 | | ii. | Of Single, Vertical, Horizontal, Spiral, and other Wheels, | 391 | | iii. | Of Revolving Suns, | 395 | | iv. | Of Fixed Suns, | 397 | | v. | Of Fixed Suns with Transparent Faces, | 398 | | vi. | Of the Rose-Piece and Sun, | 399 | | vii. | Of the Manner of changing a Horizontal to a Vertical Wheel, and representing a Sun in front, | ib. | | viii. | Of Caprices and Fire-Wands, | 400 | | ix. |
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