Saltpetre | 16 | oz. |
Meal-powder | 4 | oz. |
Charcoal | 8 | oz. |
When the materials are well mixed, a piece of silk paper is prepared in a round shape, by pressing it on the end of a roller, in the same manner as the ordinary cases. About one ounce of the composition is put into it, on which is placed very lightly two drachms of meal-powder. A double quick-match is now put on the meal-powder, and the paper is closed by pressing it between the fingers. It is then tied with twine. The quick-match is left sufficiently long to pass through the hole at the apex of the cone, in which is introduced the puff, being pressed a little at the bottom. The excess of the quick-match, should there be any, is cut off within an inch of the extremity of the funnel. When used, it is inflamed by a lance or port fire. The effect of the puff, in the first place, is to throw out of the funnel, by the meal-powder, a volume of fire, which will cause the appearances before mentioned.
Sec. II. Of Eruptions.
If the appearance of a volcano, or the effect of a mine is required in a piece, the following method is commonly followed: a tin, sheet-iron, or brass box is provided, either round or square, of nine inches in height, and three inches and a half in diameter, and placed on a wooden stand, sufficiently large to prevent it from overturning.
Three, four, or five ounces of the composition, mentioned in Sec. i. of this chapter, is put into it, according to the effect intended to be produced. The composition is pressed a little with the hand, and a piece of quick-match is used. This
When the fire is presented to the quick-match, it communicates with rapidity to the inside of the box, or case, which produces an eruption, from twelve to fifteen feet in height. The effect may be made more or less great, by making the boxes of a proportional size, or by using several of them at the same time.
If a mine is the subject of representation, it is necessary to employ some large marrons, which should communicate with the boxes, and in such a manner, as that they may operate at the same time.
This exhibition, it is obvious, may be varied according to circumstances, either by employing a larger quantity of the composition in several cases, or by using one or more marrons, or some other descriptions of fire-works, the effect of which is calculated to increase the flame, and to produce the necessary variations.
Sec. III. Of the Flames.
If a flame is to be represented, as for example, the effect of an incendiary, and its appearance is to be prolonged, the fire from tow being too transient, small iron kettles, of four inches in diameter, and depth, may be used. In these are put three or four ounces of the composition of the lances of service, which is moistened with the oil or spirit of turpentine. When set on fire, they will produce a blaze three or four feet in height, and one and a half in diameter. Several may be used, according to the effect required. See the composition for the lances of service.
Sec. IV. Of the Fire-rain.
A variety of compositions for fire-rain are used, which will be noticed, when we speak of the garnishing of rockets, and other fire-works.
Cases are prepared of seven-twelfths of an inch in diameter, and ten inches long, which are choaked in such a manner, as that the hole of communication should be one-third of the diameter of the interior case. They are then charged with the following composition:
Composition of the fire-rain.
Saltpetre | 8 | ounces. |
Sulphur | 4 | do. |
16 | ounces. | |
Charcoal of oak | 2½ | do. |
Pitcoal | 2½ | do. |
When the cases are charged and primed, they are tied upon a rod, having a groove cut in its length. In the inside of the groove, is a port-fire, or leader, which is tied to the cases with twine, and the groove is then covered with several pieces of paper, in the shape of a band.
This precaution is thus taken for the theatre, in order to prevent the inflamed port-fire from falling on the stage.
Sec. V. Of other Compositions for Fire-rain, in Chinese fire.
The composition of Chinese fire, which we will have occasion to mention more fully hereafter, is calculated to exhibit a more brilliant fire, with a steady and uniform effect. It is used principally on the French stage, in large operas. It is charged and used, in all respects, like the preceding.
Composition of Chinese Fire.
Saltpetre, | 8 | ounces |
Meal powder, | 16 | |
Sulphur, | 4 | |
Charcoal, | 2 | |
Powdered cast iron, | 10 |
The elegance of the flame, produced by this mixture, depends entirely upon the effect, which cast iron possesses; and, by its combination with charcoal, sulphur, meal powder, and nitre, while an oxide of iron results from the combustion, we have, likewise, other products, arising from the decomposition of the nitre, and the union of carbon and sulphur respectively with a part of the oxygen of the nitric acid of the nitre. The gunpowder decomposes itself by reason of the nature of its own composition; but the sulphur, charcoal, and iron, decompose the nitric acid of the nitre, in the act of combustion. So that, to produce the effect, an additional quantity of nitre to that which is in the gunpowder, is required in this preparation.
Sec. VI. Of Thunderbolts. (Foudres F.)
The thunderbolts are charged in cases of two-thirds of an inch in diameter, in the same manner as cases for wheels and rockets. They are primed, whitened, well pasted, and left
Composition of Thunderbolts.
Meal powder, | 6 | ounces. | |
Saltpetre, | 6 | —— | |
Sulphur, | 3 | —— | |
Antimony, | 4 | drachms. |
Sec. VII. Of Dragons and other Monsters.
In certain pieces, exhibitions of this kind are made. They are formed in such a way, as to make them throw fire from the mouth, nose, and ears, which is blown out into the air. Cases, charged with brilliant fire, are so arranged that their fire may act all at the same time. Puffs may also be produced to go out at the mouth, by means of a tube or funnel, placed behind the monster. These preparations and exhibitions are so susceptible of variations, that, having a previous knowledge of the composition and effect of the fire-work, it may be so arranged as to produce a variety of appearances.
Sec. VIII. Of Lightning.
The effect of lightning may be shown by several preparations. Lycopodium, or puff-ball, is the substance most commonly employed. When it cannot be procured, rosin may be substituted; and, generally, as the latter is cheaper, it is used. Rosin, reduced to an impalpable powder, and thrown upon a flame, will produce the effect in a remarkable degree, and when blown through a tube, the effect is more striking.
Several fluid substances, when ejected from a syringe on a lighted candle, have the same appearance. Alcohol has this effect. The difficulty of preparing and employing them, has given the lycopodium a preference.
A tin or brass tube, larger at one end than the other, and covered at the former end, with a cover, perforated with holes, similar to the branch of a watering pot, is used for holding the composition, or substance made use of. Through this cover, or lid, a cotton wick is put, which, before lighting, is well soaked in alcohol or spirits of wine. When lighted, the torch or tube, containing the lycopodium, or rosin, is shaken at the smaller extremity; when these substances will pass through the holes in small quantities, and be successively inflamed.
Sec. IX. Of the Artifice of Destruction.
When, in any exhibition, palaces, castles, or forts are to be demolished, or thrown down, there are about twenty petards fixed on rods. Petards, for this use, are made with cases, and sometimes with wheels. The cases are generally three-quarters of an inch in diameter, charged with grain powder, and choaked at both ends. They are arranged in a zigzag direction.
This series of crackers has a fine effect. It is obvious, that, in all these exhibitions, intelligent artizans may employ various descriptions of artificial fire, where, in particular, it often seems, that there is something yet to be wished for.
Sec. X. Of the Spur-fire.
The spur-fire is so called, because its fire or sparks resemble the rowel of a spur. It is used in theatres and in rooms. It is the most beautiful of any yet known, and was invented by the Chinese, but greatly improved in Europe.
It requires great care to make it properly. Care ought to
As the beauty of this composition cannot be seen at so great a distance as brilliant fire, it has a better effect in a theatre or room, than in the open air; and may be fired in a chamber, without danger. Its effect is of so innocent a nature, that it has been called cold fire; and so extraordinary is the fire produced from this composition, that if well made, the sparks will not burn a handkerchief when held in the midst of them. The hand, brought in contact with the spark, will feel only a sensation similar to that occasioned by the falling of rain. When any of these spurs are fired singly, they are called artificial fire-pots; but some of them, placed round a transparent pyramid of paper, and fired in a large room, make a very elegant appearance.
Composition of Spur-Fire.
1. | Saltpetre, | 4½ | lbs. |
Sulphur, | 2 | lbs. | |
Lampblack, | 1½ | lbs. or, | |
2. | Saltpetre, | 1 | lb. |
Sulphur, | ½ | lb. | |
Lampblack, | 4 | quarts. |
The saltpetre and sulphur must be first mixed together, and sifted, and then put into a marble mortar, and the lampblack with them, which are to be worked by degrees, with a wooden pestle, till all the ingredients appear of one colour, which will be a gray, approaching to black. It is then to be tried by driving a little of it into a case, and fired in a dark place; and if the sparks, which are called stars, or pinks, come out in clusters, and afterwards spread well, without any other sparks, it is a criterion of its goodness. If any drossy sparks appear, and the stars are not full, it is then not mixed sufficiently: but, if the pinks are very small, and soon break, it is a proof that it has been rubbed too much; for, in this case, few stars will appear. When, on the con
The peculiar effect of this composition is owing to the carbon of the lampblack, one part of which is inflamed, its combustion being supported by the oxygen gas of the atmosphere.
We have already remarked, in treating of alcohol, that its flame may be changed of various colours, by using certain native substances. See Alcohol.
Alcohol, thus mixed, or combined with substances, may be exhibited on certain occasions; for even cotton, when immersed in it, and set on fire, will show the same appearances. Morel remarks, that, if vinegar, a small portion of crude tartar, and common salt, and a still smaller quantity of saltpetre, be mixed together, and distilled, a liquid will be obtained, which burns with great brilliancy. It is doubtful, however, if we judge from analogy, whether either tartar, the salt, or saltpetre, will communicate any peculiar property to the distilled vinegar; for these saline substances will remain unaltered in the distilling vessel. The vinegar, nevertheless, may be obtained in a more concentrated state, being deprived of its colouring and other matter, and the greater part of its water, and, therefore, approach to the state of acetic acid.
With respect to alcohol, it is known to dissolve a variety of saline substances, most of which have the property of changing the colour of its flame. Although we have not made any experiments with the spirits of turpentine, yet we are of opinion, that it may be used with resins, &c. in the same manner. In all cases, it is evident, that the fluid made use of must be inflammable.
Macquer (Memoirs of the Turin Academy) made a number of experiments on the solubility of salts in alcohol, and on the different coloured flames, which they produced. The principal results of his experiments, are the following:
Quantity in grains. | Salts soluble in 200 grains of spirit. | Peculiar phenomena of the flame. | ||
{ | Flame, larger, higher, | |||
4 | Nitrate of potassa, | { | more ardent, yellow, | |
{ | and luminous. | |||
5 | Muriate of potassa, | { | Large, ardent, yellow, | |
{ | and luminous. | |||
0 | Sulphate of soda, | Considerably red. | ||
15 | Nitrate of soda, | { | Yellow, luminous, | |
{ | detonating. | |||
0 | Muriate of soda, | { | Larger, more ardent, | |
{ | and reddish. | |||
0 | Sulphate of ammonia, | None. | ||
108 | Nitrate of ammonia, | Whiter, more luminous. | ||
24 | Muriate of ammonia, | None. | ||
288 | Nitrate of lime, | { | Larger, more luminous, | |
{ | red, and decrepitating. | |||
288 | Muriate of lime, | { | Like that of nitrate of | |
{ | lime. | |||
84 | Nitrate of silver, | None. | ||
204 | Muriate of mercury, | { | Large, yellow, luminous, | |
{ | and decrepitating. | |||
4 | Nitrate of iron, | Red and decrepitating. | ||
36 | Muriate of iron, | { | More white, luminous, | |
{ | and sparkling. | |||
{ | More white, luminous, | |||
48 | Nitrate of copper, | { | and green, much smoke. | |
{ | The saline residuum | |||
{ | became black and burnt. | |||
48 | Muriate of copper, | { | Fine green, white | |
{ | and red fulgurations. |
The alcohol, he employed, had a specific gravity of 0.840.
Sec. XII. Of Red fire.
Dr. Ure (Chemical Dictionary) informs us, that the beautiful red, which is now frequently used at the theatres, is composed of the following ingredients: 40 parts of dry nitrate of strontia; 13 parts of finely powdered sulphur; 5 parts of chlorate (hyperoxymuriate) of potassa, and 4 parts of sulphuret of antimony. The chlorate of potassa and sulphuret of antimony, should be powdered, separately, in a mortar, and then mixed together on paper; after which they may be added to the other ingredients, previously powdered and
Sec. I. Of exhibitions on Tables.
Fire-works, it is obvious, may be employed in a variety of ways, either large or small, in the open air, or in apartments, according to circumstances. Fire-tables are composed of a great many works, the same as is exhibited upon a large scale; but of a size corresponding with small exhibitions. As fire-tables are used only in apartments, and the works are shown from tables, on which they are arranged, it is necessary that the cases which contain them should be of a small caliber, and their fire less extensive.
The cases or cartridges are made of one-eighth of an inch in diameter, and charged with the best pistol powder, which produces less smoke than cannon powder. These small works are usually exhibited on pasteboard, differently arranged.
Among the works are frequently figures, resembling fruit contained in gerbes and even small caprices. Pinks, which are also used, are generally modified, or accompanied with other decorations, and furnished with illuminated suns. Fire-pots of one inch in diameter, filled with small bombs and various devices, are employed, when a surprise is intended. The fire-table is arranged, although upon a small scale, in the same manner as other works. Their arrangement, therefore, is the same as for other kinds of fire-works, only proportioning them accordingly.
Brilliant fire. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 | oz. |
Fine filings of steel. | 2½ | do |
Jessamine. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 | oz. |
Saltpetre, | ½ | — |
Sulphur, | ½ | — |
Fine steel filings, | 2½ | — |
Aurora. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 | oz. |
Gold powder, | 2 | — |
White. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 | oz. |
Saltpetre, | 6 | — |
Sulphur, | 10 | — |
Rays. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 | oz. |
Needle filings, (or filings of the best steel,) | 1½ | — |
Silver rain. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 | oz. |
Saltpetre, | ½ | — |
Sulphur, | ½ | — |
Needle filings, (or filings of the best steel,) | — | |
Chinese silver rain. | ||
Meal powder, | 18 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 2 | — |
Saltpetre, | 1 | — |
Powder of cast iron, of the best, | 5 | — |
As to aquatic fire-works, some of which are frequently shown in rooms, the reader will find in the article on that subject, a full account of the manner of forming them. He may also consult a treatise on Artificial fire-works by Perrint D'Orval, published in 1745. This work gives ample instructions for performing all kinds of fire-work on water.
In the article alluded to will be found several formulÆ for preparing odoriferous fire, which may be used for exhibitions on the table. The succeeding chapter, however, is sufficiently comprehensive on that subject.
Table rockets are not calculated for exhibition. They are designed merely to show the truth of driving, and the judgment of a fire-worker. They have no other effect, when fired, than spinning round in the same place where they began, till they are burnt out, and showing a horizontal circle of fire. The method of making these rockets, is the following: Have a cone, turned out of solid wood, 21/2 inches in diameter, and of the same height, and, round its base, draw a line. On this line, fix four spokes, two inches long each, so as to stand one opposite the other; then fill four nine-inch one pound cases with any strong composition, within two inches of the top. These cases are made like tourbillons, and must
All the vents in the under sides of the cases, must be lighted at once; and the sharp point of the cone cut off, at which place, it is to be made spherical.
Sect. III. Of the Transparent Illuminated Table Star.
The table star is usually twelve feet in diameter, and, from the nearest extremity to the frame, four feet. This proportion, observed on each side, will make the centre frame four feet square. In this square, a transparent star is fixed. This star may be painted blue, and its rays made like the flaming stars. The wheels for this star may be composed of different coloured fires, with a charge or two of slow fire. The wheels, on the extremities, may be clothed with any number of cases; so that the star-wheel consists of the same. The illuminated fires, which must be placed very near each other on the frames, in order to have a proper effect, ought to burn as long as the wheels, and be lighted at the same time.
We have noticed various fulminating preparations in different parts of our work, such as the ordinary fulminating powder, Higgins's fulminating powder, fulminating oil, and several metallic powders. We have also given some preparations made with fulminating silver, the making of which we have noticed.
Besides the torpedo, &c. prepared with fulminating silver, there are some other preparations made with the same substance, which we purpose to give in this place.
No. 1. | Glass. | S. | Glass. | No. 2. |
Take some of the glass composition, and lay it across the paper as in the pattern, and put about a quarter of a grain of fulminating silver in the place marked S.; and, while the glass composition is moist, put the paper, marked No. 2, over the farthest row of glass. Over all, paste, twice over the part that covers the silver, a piece of paper; let it dry. By pulling both ends apart, the friction by the glass, will cause the fulminating silver to explode.
Detonating Girdle. Procure a piece of girth, from 12 to 18 inches in length. Double it, and fold it down about 11/2 inches, similar to the fold of a letter, and then turn back one end of the girth, and it will form two compartments. Then dissolve some gum arabic in water, and thicken it by adding coarsely powdered glass. Place two upright rows of the glass composition, in the inside of one of the folds, about a quarter of an inch in width, and, when they are dry, sow the first fold together on the edge, and then the second at the opposite end; so that one end may be open. Then in the centre of the two rows, put about a grain of fulminating silver, and paste a piece of cotton or silk over it. Make a hole at each end of the girdle, and hang it to a hook in the door post, and the other hook on the door; observing to place the silk part, so that it may come against the edge of the door upon being opened, which will occasion a report.
Detonating Tape. This is made of binding, about 3/8ths of an inch in width. The same directions are to be attended to, as those we have just given for making the girdle. It may be exploded by taking hold of each end, and rolling the ends from each other sharply, or by two persons pulling at opposite ends.
Detonating Balls. These are made in several ways, either by enclosing a shot in paper with fulminating silver, which is exploded by throwing it on the ground, or made of small glass globes. For the latter, procure some small glass globes, between the size of a pea and a small marble, in which there must be a small hole; put into it half a grain of fulminating silver, and paste a piece of paper over the hole. When this ball is put on the ground, and trod upon, it will go off with a loud noise. If put under the leg of a chair, and pressed by the weight of the body, the same effect will take place.
Detonating Cards. Take a piece of card, about three fourths of an inch in breadth and 12 in length; slit it at one end, and place in the opening a quarter of a grain of fulminating silver, close the end down with a little paste, and when dry light the end in a candle.
Fulminating silver may be used in several other ways, affording a variety in the effect, as the following: Fold a letter in the usual manner, and along with the wafer introduce the fulminating silver mixed with some glass: when the wafer is broken, in the act of opening the letter, a violent explosion will take place.
By placing a quarter of a grain of the powder in the midst of some tobacco in a pipe, or between the leaves of a segar, and closing the end again to prevent the powder from falling out; it need hardly be stated, that on lighting it, an explosion ensues. Such experiments should be made with caution.
One-third of a grain of fulminating silver, folded in a small piece of paper, and wrapped in another piece, then pasted round a pin, which is to be stuck in the wick of a candle, will make a loud report.
As fulminating silver explodes by heat, or friction, it is obvious, that various contrivances may be used for this purpose. If, for instance, half a grain be put on a piece of glass paper, (paper covered with a mixture of powdered glass and gum), then inclosed in a piece of tin foil, and put in the bottom or side of a drawer; on opening or shutting it, the powder will immediately explode. The same effect takes place by putting a quarter of a grain into a piece of paper, and placing it in the snuffers. When the candle is snuffed, it will go off.
Two figures, one of which blows out and the other relights a candle, are sometimes exhibited in rooms. This is performed by making two figures of any shape or material, and inserting in the mouth of one, a small tube, at the end of which is a piece of phosphorus, and in the mouth of the other, a tube containing at the end a few grains of gunpowder; observing that each be retained in the tube by a piece of paper. If the second figure be applied to the flame of a taper, it will extinguish it, by reason of the gunpowder, and the first will light it again.
Candle bombs. These are usually called candle crackers, and are made of glass. They are blown in small bubbles, having a neck about half an inch long, with very slender bores, by means of which a small quantity of water or spirit of wine is introduced. The orifice is then closed. When
Detonations by Electricity. The electric fluid, it is known, will inflame combustible bodies, and, for the purpose of experiment, several contrivances have been used. That of placing the substance, gunpowder for instance, on a small insulated stand, and passing the spark through it by means of conductors, will cause its inflammation. The electrical house is also an exemplification of the effect of the electric fluid.
Detonations by Galvanism. Substances, placed on a glass plate, and brought in contact with the positive and negative poles of a galvanic battery, are readily inflamed. Hence phosphorus, gunpowder, the metals, &c. may be inflamed in this manner. The deflagrator of professor Hare of the University of Pennsylvania, is a powerful apparatus for the purpose; for the construction of which, and the details of its effects, see the American Journal of Science by professor Silliman, of Yale College.
Among the means of producing heat that of compression is well known. The common condensing syringe, for inflaming spunk or touch paper, is on this principle.
This syringe is now made very portable, not more than six inches in length and about three-eighths of an inch in diameter. The end of the piston, which fits tight in the cylinder, has a small cavity, in which the spunk is put, so that, when the piston is suddenly compressed, the air is condensed, and a temperature produced, sufficient to inflame it. The air, in the cylinder, is condensed in the ratio of about one to forty. The calculations on the degree of compression, which atmospheric air must undergo to produce fire by this kind of percussion, with observations on the subject, may be seen in M. Biot, (TraitÉ de Physique Experimentale, &c. tome ii, p. 17), with other remarks concerning the sources of caloric.
To account for certain phenomena in the atmosphere, some of which are accompanied with detonations, Mr. Nicholson (Chemical Dictionary, article Air, atmospherical), conceives that the lower atmosphere consists chiefly of oxygen and nitrogen, together with moisture, and the occasional vapours or exhalations of bodies. The upper atmosphere seems to be composed of a large proportion of hydrogen, a fluid of so much less specific gravity than any other, that it must naturally ascend to the highest place; where, being occasionally set on fire by electricity, it appears to be the cause of the aurora borealis and fire-balls. It may easily be understood, that this will only happen on the confines of the re
Detonations frequently accompany combustion. There are many interesting experiments on this subject, some of which we will notice in this place, viz.
Experiment 1. If a small portion of fulminating powder be placed on a fire-shovel over a hot fire, it will become brown, then melt, and swell up, and finally explode. See Fulminating powder.
Experiment 2. Iron filings and sulphur, made into a paste with water, and buried in the ground for a few hours, will unite, decompose the water, and inflame; throwing up the earth with violence and noise. See Artificial Volcano.
Experiment 3. If nitrate of copper be spread on tin foil and wetted, and the foil immediately wrapped up, scintillations of fire will follow, accompanied with slight detonations.
Experiment 4. Five or six grains of sulphuret of antimony, with half its weight of chlorate of potassa, when struck with a hammer will cause a loud detonation.
Experiment 5. Two grains of chlorate of potassa, and one grain of flowers of sulphur, when rubbed together, will produce a detonating noise; and the same mixture, struck with a hammer, will give a loud report. See Chlorate of Potassa.
Experiment 6. One grain of phosphorus and two grains of chlorate of potassa, struck in the same manner, will produce a violent explosion. See Phosphorus.
Experiment 7. Mix ten grains of chlorate of potassa with one grain of phosphorus, and drop the mixture into sulphuric acid; detonation and flame will be the consequence.
Experiment 8. Make a mixture of arsenic and chlorate of potassa. On presenting a lighted match, combustion, accompanied with a detonation, will ensue; and, if a train of gunpowder be laid, and both inflamed at the same time, the arsenical mixture will burn with the rapidity of lightning, while the other burns with comparative slowness.
Experiment 9. If one grain of dry nitrate of bismuth be
Experiment 10. If a globule of potassium be thrown upon water, an instantaneous explosion will be produced.
Experiment 11. A grain of fulminating gold, struck gently with a hammer, will produce a loud explosion.
Experiment 12. A few grains of fulminating mercury, struck in the same manner, will produce a loud detonation.
Experiment 13. When a grain or two of potassium are mixed with the same quantity of sodium, no effect will take place; but if the mixture be brought in contact with a globule of mercury, and agitated, combustion, with a slight detonation, will follow, showing the vivid combustion of three metals, when brought in contact with each other.
Experiment 14. If to six grains of chlorate of potassa, we add three grains of pulverized charcoal, and rub the two in a mortar, no effect will ensue; but if we add to this mixture two grains of sulphur, and continue the rubbing, inflammation, accompanied with a report, will take place. See Gunpowder of chlorate of potassa.
Experiment 15. Chlorate of potassa and sulphur, rubbed in a mortar, will produce a crackling noise, similar to that of a whip. These reports will follow in succession as the pestle is pressed on the mixture.
Experiment 16. Combustion, with a slight detonation, takes place during the melting of coin in a nut-shell. For this purpose, make a mixture of three parts of nitre, one part of sulphur, and one of very fine dry saw dust; press a small portion of this powder into a walnut shell, and put on it a small silver or copper coin, rolled up, and fill the shell with the mixture. If the mixture be now inflamed, it will melt the coin in a mass, while the shell will be only blackened.
Experiment 17. Introduce, into an inflammable air pistol, a mixture of hydrogen gas with oxygen gas, or, in the place of the latter, atmospheric air, and apply a lighted taper: a violent detonation will be produced. See Inflammable air works.
Experiment 18. Mix some fine musket powder with pulverized glass, and strike the mixture with a hammer on an anvil; the gunpowder will explode. See Gunpowder.
Experiment 19. Take a small portion of fulminating platinum, and place it on the end of a spatula, or on the blade of a knife, and hold it over the flame of a candle; a sharp explosion will take place. See Fulminating platinum.
Experiment 20. If soap bubbles be formed of a mixture of
Experiment 21. If a portion of detonating oil, (Chloride of azote) be heated to 212°, a violent explosion will ensue; or,
Experiment 22. If a portion of the same oil, of the size of a pin-head, be brought in contact with olive oil, the effect will be still more violent. See Detonating oil.
Experiment 23. Take ten or fifteen grains of Higgins's fulminating powder, and expose it to heat on a shovel: detonation will follow. See Higgins's Fulminating powder.
Experiment 24. If oxalate of mercury, to the amount of three or four grains, be struck with a hammer, a detonation will ensue, in the same manner as with the nitrous etherized oxalate of mercury, or Howard's fulminating mercury. See Mercury.
Experiment 25. Take some of the detonating powder, prepared from indigo, and wrap it up in paper, and strike the paper with a hammer: an explosion will ensue. See Detonating powder from indigo.
Experiment 26. If some gunpowder be placed on the stand of an electrical discharger, and the electric spark passed through it, combustion, with a detonation, will be produced.
Experiment 27. If some gunpowder be wrapped in tin foil, and placed on a glass plate, and the two wires of a galvanic battery brought in contact with the foil; the foil will inflame and explode the powder.
Experiment 28. Mix in a mortar one part of sulphuret of potassa with two parts of nitrate of potassa, and expose the mixture to the action of heat in the same manner as fulminating powder: a violent detonation will take place. The sulphuret of potassa is recommended, in lieu of potassa and sulphur in a separate state; and although called Bergman's fulminating powder, this compound is in fact, according to the theory of its explosion, the same as the ordinary fulminating powder.
Experiment 29. If, says Morey, (Silliman's Journal ii, 21), a given quantity of strongly compressed boiling water, be suddenly discharged into about an equal quantity of oil or rosin, at or near the boiling point, it will explode, to every appearance, as quickly and violently as gunpowder.
Experiment 30. If zinc or iron filings, or pulverized antimony, be mixed with chlorate of potassa, and struck with a hammer, violent detonations will ensue. If sulphuret of iron be used, the same effect will ensue. See MM. Four
Experiment 31. If oxide of mercury, obtained from its solution in nitric acid by means of caustic potassa, be dried, and mixed with flowers of sulphur, and struck with a hammer, a detonation will be produced. (See Journal de Physique, 1779.)
Experiment 32. If alcohol or ether be mixed with chlorate of potassa, into a thick paste, and the mixture struck with a hammer, an explosion will be the consequence: or,
Experiment 33. If, instead of alcohol or ether, we make use of fixed or volatile oils, and proceed in the same manner, the same effect will ensue.
Experiment 34. If a small portion of chloride of azote (Detonating oil) be dropped into a solution of phosphorus in ether or alcohol, a violent explosion will take place: or,
Experiment 35. If in the place of phosphorized ether, other oils, as camphorated oil, palm oil, whale oil, linseed oil, sulphuretted oil, oil of turpentine, naphtha, &c. be brought in contact, the same effect will ensue.
Experiment 36. Chloride of azote will also detonate with sundry gaseous and solid substances, as supersulphuretted hydrogen, sulphuretted hydrogen, phosphuretted hydrogen, nitrous gas, aqueous ammonia, phosphuret of lime, ambergris, fused potassa, and sundry metallic soaps. Messrs. Porret, Wilson, and Kirk, brought one hundred and twenty-five substances in contact with it, and twenty-eight of the number produced detonations. (Nicholson's Journal, vol. 34.)
Experiment 37. If a small quantity of ammoniacal nitrate of copper be wrapped in paper, or in a piece of tin foil, and struck with a hammer, a detonation will ensue.
Experiment 38. If a small portion of arsenic and chlorate of potassa be mixed, and smartly struck, a flame will be produced, accompanied with an explosion; or,
Experiment 39. If the same mixture be touched with a lighted match, it will burn with considerable rapidity; or,
Experiment 40. If it be thrown into concentrated sulphuric acid, at the instant of contact, a flame will rise into the air like a flash of lightning.
Experiment 41. Heat a portion of deutoxide of chlorine: when the temperature arrives at 212°, an explosion will take place, and chlorine and oxygen be evolved.
Experiment 43. If a mixture of equal parts of nitrate of potassa, and titanium, be thrown into a red-hot crucible, detonation will follow.
Experiment 44. Melt some nitrate of potassa in a crucible, and bring it to the state of ignition: now throw in a small quantity of pulverized zinc, and a very violent detonation will take place.
Experiment 45. If one part of zinc filings and two parts of dry arsenic acid be distilled in a retort, or exposed to heat in a crucible, the moment it becomes red, a detonation will be produced.
Experiment 46. If a few drops of deutoxide of hydrogen, or the oxygenized water of Thenard, be let fall on dry oxide of silver, a violent action will follow, accompanied with an explosion. Several other oxides have the same effect.
Experiment 47. If a portion of black wadd, an ore of manganese found in Derbyshire, England, be brought in contact with linseed oil; the oil will take fire, producing sometimes slight detonations.
Experiment 48. Take a portion of the brown oxide of tungsten, formed by transmitting hydrogen gas over tungstic acid, in an ignited glass tube; mix it with chlorate of potassa, and strike the mixture with a hammer: a loud detonation will ensue; or,
Experiment 49. Heat some of the brown oxide in the air. It will take fire, and burn like tinder, passing to the state of the yellow oxide, or tungstic acid.
Experiment 50. If one measure of oxygen gas, and two measures of hydrogen gas be mixed in the explosive eudiometer, and the electric spark passed through them, a detonation will ensue, and a complete condensation take place.
Experiment 51. When equal volumes of protoxide of azote, or gaseous oxide of azote, (called also nitrous oxide), and hydrogen gas, are treated in the same manner, the mixture will explode, leaving a residuum, consisting of azotic gas.
Experiment 52. If two measures of carbonic oxide or gaseous oxide of carbon, and one measure of oxygen, be submitted to the action of the electric spark, a detonation will ensue, and the carbonic oxide will be changed into carbonic acid.
Experiment 53. If one measure of carburetted hydrogen
Experiment 54. If one measure of cyanogen, (carburet of azote), be mixed with two and a half measures of oxygen gas, and treated with the electric spark, the mixed gases will explode very loudly. The cyanogen burns, in this case, with a blue flame; although it is usually of a purple colour. The products of combustion are carbonic acid and azote. (See Experiment 42.)
Experiment 55. If one measure of arsenuretted hydrogen gas, (obtained from an alloy of three parts of tin and one of arsenic, by treating it with muriatic acid), and two measures of oxygen gas are mixed together, and the electric spark is passed through the mixture; a detonation will ensue, and water and arsenious acid be formed.
Experiment 56. If potassium be made to act upon a compound of chlorine and sulphur, called chloride of sulphur, an explosion will immediately ensue; but,
Experiment 57. If potassium be dropped into chlorine gas, inflammation only will take place, accompanied with a vivid light, forming chloride of potassium, (dry muriate of potassa.)
Experiment 58. If sulphuret of potassium be heated in the air, it will burn with great brilliancy, forming sulphate of potassa; but, if mixed with chlorate of potassa, and struck with a hammer, a violent detonation will be produced.
Experiment 59. If potassium be heated in sulphuretted hydrogen gas, it takes fire, and burns with a vivid flame, and pure hydrogen is set free; thus proving that sulphuretted hydrogen gas, although inflammable itself in oxygen gas, is a supporter of combustion for potassium.
Experiment 60. If phosphuret of potassium be exposed to the air, it will inflame spontaneously, forming phosphate of potassa; but if it be dropped into water, it will produce a violent explosion, in consequence of the immediate disengagement of phosphuretted hydrogen gas.
Experiment 61. If potassium be moderately heated in the air, it inflames, burns with a red light, and emits alkaline fumes.
Experiment 62. If potassium be thrown upon water, it acts with great violence, burning with a beautiful light, of a
Experiment 63. When sodium is heated strongly in oxygen or chlorine, it burns with great brilliancy; but it does not inflame, when thrown into water. It is converted, however, into soda. If it be heated in oxygen gas in excess, it burns, and is converted into the peroxide of sodium, which, when mixed with combustible bodies, and exposed to the action of heat, deflagrates with violence, giving off its excess of oxygen, and becoming changed into soda, or protoxide of sodium.
Experiment 64. When sulphuret of sodium is mixed with chlorate of potassa, and struck with a hammer, a detonation will ensue; and when sodium is heated nearly to fusion, in contact with sulphuretted hydrogen gas, it will unite with the sulphur; flame will be produced, and hydrogen gas set at liberty. A sulphuret of sodium is thus formed, which is usually combined with some sulphuretted hydrogen.
Experiment 65. When a mixture of ammoniacal gas, in a dry state, and oxygen gas, is submitted to the influence of the electric spark, in the explosive eudiometer, explosion will take place, and water and azotic gas result.
Experiment 66. If potassium or sodium be heated in fluoric gas, a rapid combustion takes place, in all respects as brilliant as in oxygen gas.
Experiment 67. If gallic acid be placed on a red-hot iron, it burns with flame, and emits an aromatic smell, similar to that of benzoic acid; but, if mixed with chlorate of potassa and struck with a hot hammer, a detonation will ensue. Various vegetable acids, as the benzoic, which is highly inflammable, produce similar effects.
There is a variety of scented fires, all partaking, in a greater or lesser degree, of a peculiar flavour, according to the substances, which enter into their composition. It is a fact, that, in the ordinary odoriferous fire, into which, either the so called scented gums, or essential oils, enter as a component part, these substances are not only decomposed in the act of combustion, but evolve, during that process, a part of
Scented fires are various both in their nature and composition, and may always be so modified, as, in their effect, to produce, not only the particular flame, or appearance of the fire, but the extrication, along with the gaseous products, of the odour of the essential oil, or other substance made use of.
LinnÆus, in a dissertation on the odours of different substances, endeavoured to classify them. M. Lorrey (MÉmoires de la SociÉtÉ Royale de Medicine 1784) divided them into five classes; viz. camphors, narcotics, ethers, volatile acids, and alkalies; but it is obvious, that it is an impossibility to class all the odours which exist, and may be formed by the mixture, or combination of various substances. We may consider them either pleasant, or unpleasant to the sense of smelling. But as we recognize bodies very frequently by their odour, with which we become familiar, as camphor and assafoetida, for instance; so the olfactories may be affected by other odours. Aromatic and fetid odours are opposite to each other. Some of the gases, as the olefiant, have a fragrant smell, and others, as hydrogen, and sulphuretted hydrogen, either alone or mixed, are extremely unpleasant. The intestinal gas (gas intestinaux of the French) is a particular instance of the odour of a compound gas, or mixture of gaseous fluids. The experiments of M. Jurine of Geneva, of MM. Chevreul and Magendie, (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. t. ii, 294), of M. Vauquelin, (Journal de Pharmacie, t. iii, p. 205), and of MM. Lameyran and Fremy, (Bulletin de Pharmacie, t. 1, p. 358), are interesting on this subject. Intestinal gas differs in its composition. It always contains carbonic acid gas, and azotic gas, and hydrogen gas, either pure, or combined with carbon and sulphur. Thenard (TraitÉ de Chimie, iii, p. 576) contains some observations on this subject.
In the camphor odour, Lorrey includes not only camphor itself, but various species of laurel, myrrh, and turpentine. In the narcotic odour, he embraces opium, various gum-resins, roses, lillies, jessamine, &c. and musk, amber, and cas
It is evident, that perfumes, so called, owe their peculiar fragrance to an essential oil, which characterizes each kind; for the essential oil obtained by distillation, partakes of the odour of the plant. Hence the oils of mint, roses, thyme, cinnamon, cloves, &c. &c. all of which are peculiar in this respect. Odoriferous fire-works owe their particular properties to the presence of some gum, resin, or oil. As to the expansibility, or rather the divisibility of odour, several interesting facts are known. In a work, entitled l'Existence de Dieu, par les merveilles de la Nature, we are informed, that, if we take the one-fourth of a drachm of benzoin, and place it in the four corners of a room, the odour will be recognised in an instant. The chamber in which the experiment was made, the author states, was 24 feet by 16, and contained 9212 cubic feet of air, which, multiplied by 1000, would give 9216000 inches, and 1000000 parts of an inch were rendered appreciable. Therefore, he infers, that 9216000000000 are equally perceptible in the chamber. Prevot (Bulletin de la SociÉtÉ Philomatique, an. 6) has some observations of the same nature, respecting camphor. If such are the effects with benzoin, what, we may ask, would be those of the more powerful perfumes, such as musk? One grain, or perhaps the tenth part of a grain of musk, would scent the atmosphere of a room very perfectly.
De Laval (Description of the Maldiva Islands) mentions the use of scented fire by the inhabitants, in the celebration of their festivals. On the day of every new moon, they place at the entrance of the churches, and the gates of their houses, cocoa shells cut in the middle, and filled with white sand and burning coals, upon which they burn, almost all night, sweet scented gums and woods; and at the nocturnal festival, called maulude, the night on which Mahomet died, their halls are illuminated with a multitude of lamps, and the air is filled with the smoke of perfumes. The use of scented fire appears to form a principal part of their devotional exercises. Perfumes are even burnt on the graves of deceased persons.
Having mentioned the use of odoriferous plants in scented
The qualities of plants are said to be similar, when they have the same taste and odour. The odours of plants, Richard divides into 1. Fragrant, 2. Aromatic, 3. Ambrosiac, or resembling amber, 4. Alliaceous, or resembling garlic, 5. Fetid, 6. Nauseous. The three first are innoxious.
In the composition of scented fire-works, it is also to be observed, that gunpowder does not always form a part; and hence their character is various, according to the purposes they are applied to, or their uses.
In the odoriferous water balloons, (for which, see
Scented fires are, however, little used. Their effect is nevertheless agreeable in close rooms; but in the open air they lose this property, or rather it is not perceptible, owing to its extreme division.
The vases of scent were greatly employed in the public feasts and ceremonies at Rome, Athens, and, above all, in Egypt. In temples, palaces, &c. they were mostly used. The vessels, which contained the composition, were placed by the Athenians in sculptured or painted vases, as well to hide their appearance, as to serve for ornament.
Sec. I. Of Pastilles.
Pastilles, or fire crayons, are small conical troches, in the form of a loaf, of one and a quarter inches in height, and about an inch thick. They are made of the following composition, which is moistened with rose-water, having some gum arabic previously dissolved in it. The paste is made neither too thick nor too thin, but of a sufficient consistence to work with the hand.
Composition of Pastilles.
Storax calamite, | 2 | oz. |
Benzoin, | 2 | — |
Gum Juniper, | 2 | — |
Olibanum, | 1 | — |
Mastich, | 1 | — |
Frankincense, | 1 | — |
White or yellow Amber, | 1 | — |
Camphor, | 1 | — |
Saltpetre, | 3 | — |
Charcoal of the linden, or willow, | 4 | — |
The pastilles are burnt upon a plate, and communicate to the air an agreeable odour.
Odoriferous paste.
Gum Benzoin, | ½ | oz. |
Storax calamite, | 4 | scruples. |
Peruvian balsam, (dried) | ¼ | oz. |
Cascarilla, | 4 | scruples. |
Cloves, | ½ | drachm. |
Charcoal, | 1½ | oz. |
Nitre, | 1 | drachm. |
Oil of Lemon, | ½ | do. |
Tincture of Amber, | ½ | do. |
The dry substances are pulverized very fine, and mixed intimately together, and the oil of lemon and tincture of amber then added. The whole is then made into a thick paste with common mucilage, and formed into pieces as before mentioned. These pieces ought to be conical. When used, they are placed on a stone, or a piece of metal, and inflamed. This composition is said to burn with scintillations, and to exhale a very fragrant and agreeable odour. See Dictionnaire de l'Industrie.
Perfume for Apartments.
Orrisroot, | 1 | oz. |
Benzoin, | ½ | — |
Charcoal, | ¼ | — |
Ess. Bergamot, | 1 | drachm. |
These ingredients are mixed into a paste in the usual manner, with orange flower water, and a small quantity of gum. A small portion, when dry, thrown on ignited coals, will exhale an agreeable odour.—Ibid.
M. Brillat-Savarin (Archives des DÉcouvertes iii, p. 328) has invented a machine, which he calls the irrorateur, for
Sec. II. Of Vases of Scent.
We observed, that these vases were much in use at the public feasts and ceremonies of the Athenians, Romans, and Egyptians.
Composition for the Vases.
Storax, | 4 | oz. |
Benzoin, | 4 | — |
Frankincense, | 4 | — |
Camphor, | 2 | — |
Gum Juniper, | 1 | — |
Charcoal of the willow, | 1 | — |
These substances are pulverized, and intimately mixed, and oil of juniper is added. The mixture is put in an earthen vessel, having a cotton, similar to a wick, supported by means of a wire. Among the ancients, the earthen vessels were afterwards placed in sculptured, or otherwise ornamented vases. By using stone-ware vessels, and mixing the composition with the spirit or oil of turpentine, the combustion will be more rapid, and the flame more enlarged.
Sec. III. Remarks on Spontaneous Accension.
The spontaneous accension of spirit of turpentine by the addition of nitric acid, might furnish also a means of preparing a scented fire extemporaneously; by putting into the vessel, previously to the spirit of turpentine, the composition above mentioned. See
An extemporaneous fire may also be prepared, by placing, on the scented mixture, the following composition, namely, chlorate, or hyperoxymuriate, of potassa and sugar, and touching the mixture with a glass rod dipped in sulphuric acid, or oil of vitriol. The fire will then communicate to the other materials. See
Camphor, which imparts an agreeable odour, may be readily inflamed in this manner, and the experiment even be made on snow or ice. See Camphor.
Sec. IV. Of Torches, and Odoriferous Flambeaux.
Flambeaux are usually wax torches. Odoriferous flambeaux may be formed by melting with the wax, camphor and frankincense, and mixing with the whole, when fluid, some of the essence of bergamot. Although there are no directions given on that subject; yet, judging from analogy, a mixture of that kind would be an improvement on the flambeau, when it is to be used in rooms or for particular occasions. They may be made either large or small, with a wick of a proportionate size.
Torches are principally used for military purposes, to give light, when an army is marching at night, during sieges, &c. They ought not to be extinguished by wind or rain. The Torches inextinguibles, of the French, are of this character.
Torches are made in the following manner: Take four large cotton matches, three or four feet long; boil them in a solution of saltpetre, and arrange them round a pine stick. Afterwards, cover them with priming powder and sulphur, made into a thin paste with brandy. When dry, they are to be covered with the following composition:
Composition for torches.
Yellow wax, | 2 | lbs. |
White turpentine, | 2 | — |
Sulphur | 12 | oz. |
Camphor, | 6 | — |
Pitch, | 4 | — |
Ibid. | ||
White pitch, | 32 | parts. |
Hard turpentine, | 4 | do. |
Yellow wax, | 32 | do. |
Sulphur, | 12 | do. |
Camphor, | 6 | do. |
Ibid. | ||
Black pitch, | 24 | parts. |
White pitch, | 24 | do. |
Turpentine, | 4 | do. |
The second composition is that which is used in France, and, therefore, in all likelihood, is the best formula. The flame may be more or less scented, by using, at the same time, some of the aromatic substances before noticed. This, however, is unnecessary for common purposes. See Fire-works used in war. The flambeau, invented by Petitpierre,
Fire-works may be made extremely unpleasant to the olfactory nerves, by mixing with their compositions, sundry substances of an opposite quality to odoriferous oils and aromatic gums. It will be sufficient, however, to remark, that this effect is communicated more particularly, as in the stink-balls of service, by using sulphur, rasped horses' and asses' hoofs, burnt in the fire, assafoetida, seraphim gum, and sundry fetid herbs or plants. The addition of the acid of amber, called succinnic acid, and, in the shops, the salt of amber, will give to the atmosphere in the vicinity of the fire, the peculiar property of causing a continual sneezing and coughing. Such are some of the opposite effects, which different substances produce in conjunction with fire-works. Some of these substances, it is obvious, would, if used in too large a proportion, retard, if not entirely prevent the combustion; and for that reason, they bear only a given proportion to the powder, nitre and charcoal, which forms the basis of some, as, for instance, the stink-ball composition. But in such cases, the combustion being in itself rapid, and the degree of heat consequently proportionate, these fixed, and otherwise incombustible bodies, in a general sense, are acted upon by the fire, already created; and, therefore, the smoke that results must necessarily possess, and partake of the fetid qualities of the substances employed. On the same principle, we may account for the effect of the scented paste, and the scented vases; but with this difference, that many of those substances are themselves inflammable, and, during their decomposition, emit the odour peculiar to each of them. We know, that the elementary principles of these bodies are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, variously combined, some of which are, and some are not inflammable; and that, in combustion, when it takes place, they are decomposed and new products necessarily ensue from a new arrangement of the elementary principles.
It is difficult, however, to give the precise order in which decompositions by fire result; since the substances made use of are numerous and employed in given proportions; and since their action upon each other, depends frequently on external agents, anomalous circumstances, and causes which do not follow at all times the same order of succession.
There is no doubt, that, by the action of fire on fetid, and particularly animal, substances, as hoofs, &c. products may be formed in the very act of combustion, which would increase the fetid properties of the smoke. Zimome, obtained from the gluten of wheat by alcohol, which takes up the gliadine, when thrown upon red-hot coals, exhales an odour, similar to that of burning hair or hoofs, and burns with flame. The pyro-products are the immediate consequences of the decomposition of the substance; the elements of which either separate entirely, or recombine under some other form, as we find in the process of destructive distillation.
Bones, and other hard parts of animals, when subjected to distillation, furnish several products, as impure ammonia, animal oil, and the like. Wood also, we remarked, when treating of its carbonization for the formation of coal, produces, besides gaseous and other volatile products, the result of its decomposition, a quantity of acid liquor, formerly called the pyroligneous, but now the pyroacetic acid. By separating the empyreumatic flavour, which at first constitutes a part of the acid, the acetic acid is obtained in a state of purity. The pyro-tartaric acid is also the result of the action of heat; and we know, when animal substances are calcined with potash, they produce cyanogen, the basis of the hydrocyanic and ferrocyanic acids, the latter of which when united with the peroxide of iron, forms the perferrocyanate of iron, commonly called Prussian blue. Caromel also, that peculiar substance which is disengaged from sugar and various saccharine substances, when submitted to the action of heat, is a product, resulting from the decomposition of the sugar. The empyreumatic, or burnt flavour of certain distilled liquors, which is corrected by redistillation with charcoal, or passing the liquor through a filter of charcoal, is owing to the same cause. The changes, that bodies undergo by partial roasting, are familiar to every one; as, for instance, the torrefaction of barley, after germination, in the preparation of malt, the degree of which determines the colour and taste of the beer; the roasting of rye and coffee, before they can be employed to form a beverage; and the torrefaction of the cocoa, before it can be made into chocolate, the sweet taste
We purpose, in the fourth part of our work, to go into the detail of the manufacture of various kinds of matches, which belong more particularly to military pyrotechny, adding, at this time, that fire matches are differently formed, and are called the quick and slow match. The former is commonly made of three cotton strands, drawn into lengths, and put into a kettle, and just covered with vinegar, (usually white wine vinegar), a quantity of saltpetre and meal powder being added, and the whole boiled together. Some put only saltpetre into water, and, after soaking the cotton, place it, while hot, in a trough with some meal powder, moistened with some spirits of wine, or brandy, which are thoroughly worked into the cotton, by rolling it backwards, and forwards with the hands. When this is done, they are taken out separately, and, after being drawn through meal powder, dried upon a line. Another mode is to steep the cotton first in vinegar, and then rub into it the following composition:
Composition for quick-match.
Vinegar in which matches are soaked, | 2 | quarts. |
Brandy, | 1 | do. |
Saltpetre, | ½ | lb. |
Priming powder, | 1 | do. |
As much cotton as will take up all the above, which will be about, | 1 | do. |
To the proportions of one pound and three-quarters of cotton, one pound of saltpetre, two quarts of spirits of wine, one pound of meal powder, and three quarts of water, some recommend the addition of four ounces of isinglass, dissolved in three pints of water.
Another method is to steep the matches in brandy, and then rub them well with priming powder.
Slow match is made of hemp, or tow, spun on a wheel like cord, but very slack, and is composed of three twists, which are afterwards again covered with tow, so that the twists do not appear. It is finished by boiling in the lees of old wine. This, when lighted at the end, burns gradually, without going out.
There are several modes of preparing slow match. There is also, a kind of slow match, which is slower in carrying fire than the preceding quick match. The quick match, for this purpose, is drawn through the following composition, which is melted, and the operation is continued until it attains the size of a small candle; it is then hung up to dry.
Composition for a slow match.
Gum mastich, | 1 | lb. |
Saltpetre, | 1 | lb. |
Rosin, | ½ | lb. |
Yellow wax, | ½ | lb. |
Charcoal, | 2 | oz. |
When these matches are used, they are to be lighted, and then blown out. If well made, they will burn a long time. They may be used for communicating fire from one work to another. Another slow match, used for common purposes, is made by soaking hempen cord in the following ley:
Lixivium for slow match.
Oak ashes, | 3 | lbs. | |
Quicklime, | 1 | lb. | |
Liquor of horse dung, | 2 | lbs. | |
1 | lb. | ||
Water, | a sufficient quantity. |
The cords are put into a pot, and boiled for two or three days, renewing the lixivium from time to time, as it evaporates. They are then taken out and dried. Good match makes a hard coal. Its duration depends upon the quality of the materials; but, generally, four inches will last an hour.
Further remarks on this subject, will be found in the fourth part of this work, in which the various modern improvements are given.
The preparation of touch paper, for capping of serpents, crackers, &c. may be here noticed. The directions of artists are: To dissolve in spirits of wine, or vinegar, a little saltpetre, and immerse into the solution, some purple or blue paper, and dry it for use. There is no advantage gained by using either spirits of wine, or vinegar: for the simple solution of the saltpetre in water, will be sufficient. In the former case, it may dry sooner, but neither of these fluids can add to the effect of the saltpetre.
In using this paper, care must be taken to prevent the paste which is made use of, from touching any part, that is to burn. The method of using it, is by cutting it into slips, sufficiently long to go once round the mouth of a serpent, cracker, &c. When they are pasted on, be careful to leave a little above the mouth of the case not pasted; then prime with meal powder, and twist the paper to a point.
The mode of threading and joining leaders, and placing them on different works, we shall here describe. The observations of a writer in the Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. xv, p. 713, are pointed on this subject, which we will briefly notice. Joining and placing leaders, is a very essential part of fire-works; as it is on the leaders that the performance of all complex works depends. The works being prepared, and ready to be clothed, the pipes must be cut of a sufficient length to reach from one case to the other; and then put in the quick match, which must always be made to go in very easy. When the match is in, cut it off within about an inch of the end of the pipe, and let it project as much at the other end; then fasten the pipe to the mouth of each case, with a pin, and put the loose ends of the match into the mouths of the cases, with a little meal powder. This being done, paste over the mouth of each case, two or three bits of paper. This method is used for large cases.
The practice adopted for small cases, and for illuminations, is the following: First, thread a long pipe; then lay
When a great length of pipe is required, it must be made by joining several pipes, in the following manner: Having put on one length of match, as many pipes as it will hold, paste paper over every joint; but, if a still greater length is required, more pipe must be joined, by cutting about an inch off one side of each pipe near the end, laying the quick-match together, and tying them fast with a small twine; after which, cover the joining with pasted paper.
Leaders, or pipes of communication, are formed of paper, which is cut into slips three or four inches broad, so that, when it is rolled on the mandril or form, it may go three or four times round. When they are very thick, they are too strong for the paper which fastens them to the works, and will sometimes fly off without leading the fire. The forms for these leaders are made from two to six-sixteenths of an inch in diameter; but four-sixteenths is the size generally made use of. The forms are made of smooth brass wire; and, when used, they are to be rubbed over with grease, or wet with paste, to prevent their sticking to the paper, which must be pasted all over. In rolling of pipes, make use of a rolling board, but press it lightly. Having rolled a pipe, draw out the form with one hand, holding the pipe as light as possible with the other, and avoiding any unnecessary pressure. Leaders are made of different lengths; and, in cutting them, as is often the case, care must be taken to do it with as little waste as possible. Leaders for marron batteries must be made of strong cartridge paper.
The Etoupille of the French is the same as the former
The cotton, which is used for this purpose, is the same as that for candle wick, and, with respect to thickness, may be from one to six threads, according to the pipe, it is intended for. The pipe must always be large enough for the match, so that the match may be pushed in easily without breaking it. After it is doubled into as many strands as required, it is usually put into a flat bottomed copper, or earthen pan, and there boiled in a solution of saltpetre. It is then taken out, and coiled into another pan, and the remaining solution is poured on. Meal-powder is then put in, and pressed down, till it is quite wet. It is then wound upon a reel, keeping the hands moistened with the powder and fluid of the last kettle, and suffered to remain a short time; when it is taken down, and meal-powder sifted on both sides of it, till it appears quite dry. When dry, it is cut, and secured in skins.
There is one advantage in this process, that the cotton in the first place is saturated with nitre; and, in the second place, while still wet, is combined mechanically with the meal-powder. The match I apprehend, is in all respects equal to the etoupille of the French.
The priming paste, as it is called, consisting of meal-powder and brandy, may be preserved in close vessels for a length of time; and, when used, may be brought to a proper degree of consistency, to be worked, by the addition of more brandy.
The preparation of the etoupille, or match for communicating fire, will be given at large, when we treat of military fire-matches. It will be sufficient to remark, that its preparation, according to Bigot, (TraitÉ d'Artifice de Guerre, p. 74), consists in macerating the cotton in vinegar, then pressing it, and steeping it in brandy, and afterwards working it in a paste, composed of meal-powder, gum arabic, camphor, and brandy, and then rolling it on a table with meal-powder.
In preparing all kinds of matches, we may increase or lessen their effect by increasing or diminishing the quantity of gunpowder. By combining powder and sulphur with one or more parts of melted wax and rosin, in the manner before mentioned, and immersing the cotton into it, a match will be formed, which, for some purposes, is considered preferable to the ordinary kind.
The following proportions are given for preparing 100,000 priming fusÉes, or matches:
Cotton, | 50 | lbs. |
Meal-powder, | 30 | lbs. |
Vinegar, | 12 | galls. |
Brandy, | 7 | galls. |
Gum arabic, | 2 | lbs. |
Camphor, | 1 | lb. |
By the term garniture, used by the French, we understand the furniture, equipage, embellishments, or decorations for sundry fire-works, as rockets, bombs, batteries, fire-pots, &c.
Sec. I. Of Serpents.
The directions, given for the formation of serpents, are the same in Morel and Bigot. Paper is rolled lengthwise on a mandril, or form, which is a quarter of an inch in diameter, of three thicknesses, according as it is stout, and the last turn of the paper is pasted. They are made tight and strong, and strangled first at one end. They are then put upright in a square or round box, called a bushel, for the purpose of charging them. For this end we must have a small mallet, and a rammer of brass, of a smaller diameter than the form. The composition is put in and rammed, proportioning the number and force of the blows to the size of the case. The petard is formed, with extremely fine powder, then rammed, and the case choaked. To prime them, we open the ends with a piercer, and by means of a spatula introduce a portion of priming paste, or priming powder, in order that the fire may communicate.
We may here remark, that large cases for serpents, as well as wheel cases, are driven solid. There is usually a mould, in which is a nipple, with a point at top, that serves, when the case is filling, to stop the neck, and prevent the composition from falling out. The air, in that event, would get into the case, and cause it to burst. These sorts of moulds are made of any length or diameter, as the cases are required; but the diameter of the form must be equal to half the caliber, and the rammers solid.
Lardons are of much the same nature as serpents, but are
Composition of ordinary serpents.
1st proportion, | 2nd proportion. | |||||
Meal powder, | 16 | parts. | ||||
Saltpetre, | 3 | do. | 15 | parts. | ||
Sulphur, | 2 | do. | 4 | do. | ||
Charcoal, | ½ | do. | 2½ | do. |
Mine pots, or Serpents. | ||
Meal powder, | 1 | lb. |
Charcoal, | 1 | oz. |
Ibid. | ||
Meal powder, | 9 | oz. |
Charcoal, | 1 | — |
Serpents for Pots de Brins. | ||
Meal powder, | 1½ | lbs. |
Saltpetre, | 12 | oz. |
Charcoal, | 2 | — |
The serpents or snakes for pots of aigrettes, small mortars, skyrockets, &c. are made from two and a half inches, to seven inches long. Their formers are from three-sixteenths to five-eighths of an inch in diameter; but the diameter of the cases must always be equal to two diameters of the former. They are rolled and choaked like other cases, and filled with composition, five-eighths of an inch to one and a half inches high, according to the size of the mortars or rockets, they are designed for. The remainder of the cases are charged or bounced with grained powder, and their ends pinched and tied close. Before they are used, their mouths must be primed with wet meal powder or priming paste as before-mentioned.
Serpents, or snakes, in fire-works, are so called from the particular appearance, and the effect which ensues, namely, a hissing and spitting. This peculiar character is given by the charcoal; for, while one part is actually consumed, in immediate contact with the substances that enter into the composition; another part is thrown out with violence in the state of ignition, in the form of sparks, and receives, for the support of its combustion, the oxygen of the air, in consequence of which carbonic acid is produced.
Sec. II. Of Crackers.
Crackers are made in the following manner; cut some cartridge paper into pieces, three and a half inches broad, and one foot long. One edge of each paper fold down lengthwise, about three-quarters of an inch broad. Then fold the double edge down one quarter of an inch, and turn the single edge back half over the double fold. Open it, and lay all along the channel, which is formed by the folding of the paper, some meal powder. It must now be folded over and over till all the paper is doubled up, rubbing it at every turn. It is now to be bent backwards and forwards, two and a half inches or more, as often as the paper will allow. These folds are to be held flat and close; and, with a small pinching cord, give one turn round the middle of the cracker, and pinch it close. Bind, as usual, with pack thread, in the place where it was pinched. Prime one end of it, and cap it with touch paper. When these crackers are fired, they will give a report at every turn of the paper. If there are to be a great number of bounces, the paper must be cut longer, or be joined after they are made. If, however, they are made very long before they are pinched, there must be a piece of wood, having a groove sufficiently deep to let in half the cracker, which will hold it straight, while it is pinching.
The report, produced by crackers, is on the same principle as the report of a gun. The reports, which succeed each other, in crackers, formed in this manner, depends, as we remarked, on the turn of the paper, each turn producing that effect. Every part of the cracker, by this division, represents in fact a gun; and hence, as the combustion of one part necessarily succeeds that of another, we have, according to the number of turns, successive explosions.
Crackers, formed in this way, may furnish a variety in exhibitions. They may be either hung on a board, or set off on the ground. As to the report itself, it may be increased or diminished by enlarging or diminishing the size of each cracker, or division.
Crackers, as they are usually called, are nothing more than small cases charged with gunpowder. The Chinese squibs are crackers of this description. Some are four ounce cases; but the squibs, so named, hold about half a thimble full of powder. A piece of twisted match paper is inserted in the mouth of each of them. They are made of five or six turns of paper, and the last one is pasted and formed of red paper. The interior diameter is about a quarter of an inch.
Sec. III. Of Single Reports.
Cases for reports are generally rolled on one or two ounce formers, and seldom made larger, except on particular occasions. They are from two to four inches in length, and are formed of thick paper. Having rolled a case, pinch one end, quite close, and drive it down. Then fill the case with grain powder, leaving sufficient room to pinch at the top. Before it is pinched, a piece of paper is to be put on the powder at the top. Reports are fired by a vent bored in the middle, or at one end. Among the portable Chinese fire-works, reports form usually a large number. They are closed with clay, which is perforated to admit the match and priming.
There are a variety of compositions, used to produce the appearance of stars. Thus, there are stars of different colours, which also produce tails of sparks, scintillations, more or less vivid, &c. and are calculated for particular exhibitions. The serpent stars, however, have a different object, namely, to imitate a star at first, and afterwards a serpent.
The cases for serpent stars are choaked half an inch lower than the common kind; and, after filling the hole with meal powder, the following composition is put in. It is finished, but without the operation of choaking, by adapting a piece of quickmatch, and adding more priming powder.
Composition for serpent stars.
Saltpetre, | 16 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 8 | — |
Meal powder, | 4 | — |
Antimony, | 1 | — |
This is the formula, given by Morel; but the formulÆ of Bigot are in some respects different, namely:
1. | Saltpetre, | 16 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 8 | — | |
Meal powder, | 5 | — | |
Antimony, | 2 | — | |
2. | Saltpetre, | 19¾ | — |
Sulphur, | 8? | — | |
Antimony, | 2 | — | |
Charcoal, | 0? | — |
Serpent stars are of two kinds. The one is intended as the furniture for rockets, &c. and the other, when moulded, to be employed in the Roman candles.
When required to be moulded, or made into cakes, the composition is mixed with gum and brandy, into a paste, which is spread upon a table, having previously covered the table with meal powder. Small cubical or other shaped pieces are cut out, sprinkled with meal powder, and dried in the shade. The meal powder serves as a priming, so that they may all take fire at the same time. The composition may be formed into balls.
Serpent stars, being designed to produce a combined effect, it appears, that, while charcoal, (and, in some instances, the sulphur, according to the formula, but more especially the charcoal), imparts the serpentlike appearance, the antimony, in its turn, diversifies the flame by giving to it an asteroid character. The antimony, used in these compositions, is not the regulus, but the crude, or common sulphuret. Metallic antimony, however, would produce the effect in a greater degree: but as sulphur enters into their composition, and also into the crude antimony, there would be but little, if any, advantage, gained in the use of the regulus.
Besides the ordinary products of the combustion of gunpowder, or similar products, by employing nitre, charcoal, and sulphur, the antimony, by its combustion, would be changed into an oxide, or, if the combustion is sufficiently rapid, and the quantity of oxygen absorbed proportionate thereto, it would form the antimonic acid. That it is oxidized, however, and that during its oxidizement, the appearance we have mentioned takes place, there can be no doubt.
Sec. V. Of Whirling Serpents.
Serpents, prepared in the following manner, have a peculiar effect, by which they are characterized. They form in the air a kind of whirling sun; and, as they revolve by reason of their fire issuing out at the opposite sides of their extremities, they resemble the sun turning on its axis.
Barker's hydraulic machine, described in Gregory's Mechanics, which is put in motion by two opposite currents of water, acting from the two extremities of an oblong box, supported by a perpendicular hollow shaft, through which the water first passes, acts upon the same principle as this revolving sun. The ascension of rockets is also to be accounted for in the same way. See General Theory of Fire-works.
The whirling serpents are charged entirely with composition. No grain powder is used. A small paper stopper is rammed on the top of the composition. Near the two chokes,
Sec. VI. Of Chinese Flyers.
Somewhat similar to whirling serpents are the Chinese flyers. Cases for flyers may be made of different sizes, from one to eight ounces. They are formed of thick paper, and are eight interior diameters long. They are rolled in the same manner as tourbillons, with a straight pasted edge, and pinched close at one end.
The case, being put in a mould, whose cylinder, or foot, must be flat at top, without a nipple, is to be filled within half a diameter of the middle. Then ram in half a diameter of clay, and, on that, as much composition as before; and again put in half a diameter of clay. Pinch the case then close, and drive it down flat, and afterwards bore a hole exactly through the centre of the clay in the middle. In opposite sides, at both ends, make a vent, and, in that side, intended to be fired first, a small hole to the composition, near the clay in the middle, from which carry a quickmatch, covered with a single paper, to the vent at the other end. Then, when the charge is burnt on one side, it will, by means of the quickmatch, communicate to the charge on the other, which may be of a different sort.
The flyers being thus prepared, put an iron pin, that must be fixed in the work, in which they are to be fired, and on which they are to run, through the hole in the middle. On the end of this pin, must be a nut to secure it. If they are required to turn back again, after they are burnt, make both the vents at the ends in the same side, which will alter its course the contrary way.
These flyers are intended to revolve on an axis, and to discharge at different periods. For this purpose, a communication is made from one vent to the other. It is evident, that the clay, which occupies the middle of the case, is intended to prevent any communication of fire, in the tube, from one end to the other, as this is effected on the outside.
Sec. VII. Of Simple Stars.
The stars, which are not made upon the former, or roller, serve to furnish bombs and rockets. They are made in the following manner: The composition being well mixed, and passed through a fine sieve, is made into a paste, with gum arabic
Composition for Simple Stars.
Saltpetre, | 2 | lbs. |
Sulphur, | 1 | — |
Meal-powder, | ½ | — |
Antimony, | 3/16 | — |
This is the general composition, however, for stars.
Sec. VIII. Of Rolled Stars.
It will be sufficient to remark, that rolled stars are formed of the same composition as the simple stars. The composition is mixed with gum and brandy, formed into a paste, spread upon a table, and cut, by a circular instrument, into pieces of the size of the Roman candle, of which we shall speak hereafter. They are primed with the best pistol powder, and dried in the shade. See Roman Candle.
Sec. IX. Of Cracking Stars.
Cracking stars are nothing more than small marrons. They are primed, and covered afterwards with star-paste, in the same manner as meteors. They are employed as furniture for serpents and stars. They are rolled in meal-powder, before they are used. They are the Étoiles À pet of the French.
Sec. X. Of Sundry Compositions for Stars designed for Various Purposes.
We purpose, in this section, to present a connected view of the different star-compositions, by merely introducing the formulÆ for their preparation. Their application will claim our attention hereafter, when we treat of rockets and other works.
Rocket Stars.
White. | Meal-powder, | 4 | oz. |
Saltpetre, | 12 | — | |
Sulphur vivum, | 6 | — | |
Oil of spike, | 2 | — | |
Camphor, | 5 | — | |
Meal-powder, | 8 | oz. | |
Saltpetre, | 4 | — | |
Sulphur, | 2 | — | |
Spirit of wine, | 2 | — | |
Oil of spike, | 2 | — | |
Variegated. | Meal-powder, | 8 | drachms. |
Saltpetre, | 4 | oz. | |
Sulphur vivum, | 2 | — | |
Camphor, | 2 | — | |
Brilliant. | Saltpetre, | 3½ | — |
Sulphur, | 1½ | — | |
Meal powder, | ¾ | — | |
Worked up with spirit of wine only. | |||
Common. | Saltpetre, | 1 | lb. |
Sulphur, | ¼ | — | |
Antimony, | 4¾ | oz. | |
Isinglass, | ½ | — | |
Camphor, | ½ | — | |
Spirit of wine, | ¾ | — | |
Tailed. | Meal-powder, | 3 | oz |
Sulphur, | 2 | — | |
Saltpetre, | 1 | — | |
Charcoal, coarsely ground, | ¾ | — | |
Drove. 1. | Saltpetre, | 3 | lbs. |
Sulphur, | 1 | — | |
Brass filings, fine, | ¾ | — | |
Antimony, | 3 | oz. | |
Or 2. | Saltpetre, | 1 | lb. |
Antimony, | ¼ | — | |
Sulphur, | ½ | — | |
Fixed pointed. | Saltpetre, | 8½ | oz. |
Sulphur, | 2 | — | |
Antimony, | 1 | oz. 10 dr. | |
Fine colour. | Sulphur, | 1 | oz. |
Meal-powder, | 1 | — | |
Saltpetre, | 1 | — | |
Camphor, | ½ | — | |
Spirits of Turpentine, | ½ | — | |
Composition of stars of different colours. | |||
1. | Meal-powder, | 4 | oz. |
Saltpetre, | 2 | — | |
Sulphur, | 2 | — | |
Steel-filings, | 1½ | — | |
½ | oz. | ||
White amber, | ½ | — | |
Corrosive sublimate, | ½ | — | |
Antimony, | ½ | — | |
2. | Roche-petre, | 10 | oz. |
Sulphur, | ¾ | — | |
Charcoal, | ¾ | — | |
Antimony, | ¾ | — | |
Meal-powder, | ¾ | — | |
Camphor, | ¾ | — | |
Oil of Turpentine, sufficient to moisten them. | |||
These compositions are made into stars, by being first worked into a paste with brandy, in which has been dissolved some gum, usually gum arabic, or gum tragacanth. After being rolled in powder, a hole is made through the middle of each, and they are then strung on quick-match, leaving about two inches between each. | |||
3. | Saltpetre, | 8 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 2 | — | |
Amber, | 1 | — | |
Antimony, | 1 | — | |
Meal-powder, | 3 | — | |
4. | Sulphur, | 2½ | oz. |
Saltpetre, | 6 | — | |
Frankincense, | 4 | — | |
Mastich, | 4 | — | |
Corrosive sublimate, | 4 | — | |
Meal-powder, | 5 | — | |
White and yellow amber, of each, | 1 | — | |
Camphor, | 1 | — | |
Antimony and orpiment, each, | ½ | — | |
5. | Saltpetre, | 1 | lb. |
Sulphur, | ½ | — | |
Meal-powder, | ½ | — | |
Oil of petroleum, sufficient to moisten them. | |||
6. | Meal-powder, | ½ | lb. |
Sulphur, | 4 | oz. | |
Saltpetre, | 4 | — | |
7. | Saltpetre, | 4 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 2 | — | |
Meal-powder, | 1 | — | |
The composition of stars, which carry tails of sparks, is the following: | |||
1. | Sulphur, | 6 | — |
Antimony, | 2 | oz. | |
4 | oz | ||
Rosin, | 4 | — | |
2. | Saltpetre, rosin, and charcoal, of each, | 2 | oz |
Sulphur, | 1 | — | |
Pitch, | 1 | — | |
These compositions are sometimes melted in a pan, and, before they are made into stars, mixed with chopped cotton match. They may be worked in the usual manner. | |||
The composition for stars, which yield some sparks, is the following. To be made into stars, it must be wetted in gum-water, and spirits of wine, that the whole may have the consistence of a thick fluid. One ounce of lint is put into the composition; where it remains, until it has taken up enough to be rolled into stars. | |||
1. | Camphor, | 2 | oz. |
Saltpetre, | 1 | — | |
Meal-powder, | 1 | — | |
2. | Saltpetre, | 1 | oz. |
Sal prunelle, | ½ | — | |
Camphor, | 2 | — | |
The composition for stars of a yellowish colour is to be incorporated, and made into stars after the common method. | |||
Composition for Yellow Stars. | |||
Gum arabic, finely pulverized, | 4 | oz. | |
Camphor, dissolved in brandy, | 2 | — | |
Saltpetre, | 1 | lb. | |
Sulphur, | ½ | — | |
Glass, in coarse powder, | 4 | oz. | |
White amber, | 1½ | — | |
Orpiment, | 2 | — | |
The composition for another kind of star, is the following: The ingredients to be well mixed, and then rolled into stars, proportionable to the rockets they are intended for. | |||
Camphor, dissolved in spirit of wine by heat, | 1 | lb. | |
Gum arabic, dissolved in water, | 1 | — | |
Saltpetre, | 1 | — | |
Sulphur, | 6 | oz. | |
Meal-powder, | 5 | — |
We will have occasion hereafter, to notice the different modes of fixing, and arranging stars; the formation of strung stars, rolled and drove stars, &c. Great care must be taken in making stars, that the several ingredients are reduced to a fine powder, and the composition is well worked and mixed.
What are called, in pyrotechny, the flaming stars, with brilliant wheels, the moon and seven stars, the transparent stars with illuminated rays, the transparent table star, the projected star, and the illuminated star wheel, are all particular exhibitions, which are produced by disposing the works in a certain form and order. They have, therefore, no relation to those preparations, or compositions, which produce stars. They will be considered, however, in their respective places, when we treat of the disposition and arrangement of fire-works.
As a general theory of stars, we may remark, that while combustion ensues, as in other fire-works, in the manner explained in our chapter on that subject, some substances are always employed, which have, for their object, two effects in particular; viz. that of modifying the appearance of the flame, by producing certain colours, and increasing or diminishing the degree of combustion, and that of throwing out, at the same time, scintillations or sparks. The latter effect, however, is not so great in stars, as in some other preparations, which are designed especially for the purpose. That certain substances have a particular effect, which uniformly ensues, under the same circumstances, is a fact obvious to
Sec. XI. Of the Fire-rain, (filamentous.)
Fire-rains are generally two inches long, and formed on a small copper, iron, or wooden roller, two and a half lines in diameter. Two turns of the paper are considered sufficient for them. They are twisted at their extremities, and struck afterwards on a table, to flatten and close them in the same manner as common cases. Using a small funnel, they are charged with the following composition, in the same manner as serpents. Grained powder, however, is not employed. When charged, they are primed with paste, having also, a piece of cotton-match attached to them.
Meal-powder, | 16 | oz. |
Fine oak charcoal, | 3 | — |
Six ounces of charcoal to a pound of powder, is the formula of Bigot. The one given is that of Morel.
Sec. XII. Of Sparks.
The second kind of rain-fire, called sparks, is made in the following manner: The composition is formed into a thick liquid paste with brandy; and eight ounces of flax are immersed in it, and kept there for some time. The flax is then rolled into small balls, about the size of peas. They are then rolled in dry meal-powder, and hung up in the open air, in the shade to dry.
Saltpetre, | 8 | oz. |
Meal-powder, | 8 | — |
Camphor, | 16 | — |
Flax, | 8 | — |
Sec. XIII. Of Gold Rain.
We purpose to enumerate, in the following section, all the compositions which have been used for forming gold, as well as silver rain. The recipe here given, it may be proper to remark, appears to have been preferred to all others; as some French authors, and particularly Morel, have given it a distinct place.
Composition for Gold Rain.
Meal-powder, | 8 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 1½ | — |
Gum arabic, | ½ | — |
Pulverized soot, | ½ | — |
Lampblack, | ½ | — |
Saltpetre, | ½ | — |
These substances are mixed, treated, cut, and primed in the same way as simple stars. They must be cut all of the same size. In the furnishing of rockets and bombs, the effect they produce, is very striking. With respect to the scintillated rain-fire, or that which appears in sparks, the effect is owing to the flax, which, being soaked in a mixture of meal-powder, saltpetre, camphor, and brandy, in the same manner as before stated, produces, when inflamed, a succession of fire, under the form we have mentioned. The camphor seems to add to the brilliancy of the flame. There is no doubt but a part, at least, if not the whole, is burnt, in consequence of the oxygen of the air, the inflammation of the gunpowder bringing it to the state of ignition. The powder itself produces at first the combustion. The flax is, therefore, consumed, which seems to be the last of the process, filaments, at the same time, being produced, and the combustion accelerated by the nitre.
The fire-rain owes its effect to the charcoal, which is thrown out in the state of ignition. In the gold fire, the effect is owing to the presence of lampblack, soot, and nitre. There are several methods of producing both gold and silver rains, which we will notice in the following section.
Sec. XIV. Of Rains in General, for Sky-Rockets, &c.
The following compositions are also used in the formation of fire-rain;
Gold rain, | 1. | Saltpetre, | 1 | lb. |
Meal powder, | 4 | oz. | ||
Sulphur, | 4 | — | ||
Brass filings, | 1 | — | ||
Sawdust, | 2¼ | — | ||
Pulverized glass, | ¾ | — | ||
2. | Meal powder, | 12 | oz. | |
Saltpetre, | 2 | — | ||
Charcoal, | 4 | — | ||
3. | Saltpetre, | 8 | oz. | |
Sulphur, | 2 | — | ||
Glass dust, | 1 | — | ||
Antimony, | ¾ | — | ||
Brass filings, | ¼ | — | ||
Sawdust, | 1½ | — | ||
Silver-rain. | 1. | Saltpetre, | 4 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 2 | — | ||
Meal-powder, | 2 | — | ||
Antimony, | 2 | — | ||
Sal prunelle, | ½ | — | ||
2. | Saltpetre, | ½ | lb. | |
Sulphur, | 2 | oz. | ||
Charcoal, | 4 | — | ||
3. | Saltpetre, | 1 | lb. | |
Sulphur, | ¼ | — | ||
Antimony, | 6 | oz. | ||
4. | Saltpetre, | 4 | oz. | |
Sulphur, | 1 | — | ||
Powder, | 2 | — | ||
Steel dust, | ¾ | — | ||
For Calibers above two-thirds of an inch. | ||||
5. | Meal-powder, | 16 | parts. | |
Saltpetre, | 1 | —— | ||
Sulphur, | 1 | —— | ||
Steel filings, | 4½ | —— |
Sec. XV. Of Rain-Falls, and Stars, double and single.
The cases which contain the gold and silver rain compo
There are two kinds of double rain-falls described: some appear first like a star, and then as rain; and some appear first as rain, and then like a star. These different appearances may be produced in the following manner: When stars are to be formed first, the cases must be filled within half an inch of the top, with rain composition, and the remainder with star composition; but when it is intended that the rain should be first, we must drive the case half an inch with star composition, and the rest with rain. By this method, they may make many changes of fire; for in large rockets, they may be made to burn first as stars, then as rain, and again as stars; or, they may first show rain, then stars, and finish with a report. When they are thus managed, cut open the first rammed end, after they are filled and bounced, at which place they are to be primed. The star composition for this purpose, must be a little stronger than that for rolled stars.
Sec. XVI. Of Substances which show in Sparks.
There are many substances, which show in sparks, when rammed in choaked cases. The set colours are produced by regular charges. Other charges are called compound and
With respect to compound and brilliant charges, the former is composed of many ingredients; such as meal-powder, saltpetre, sulphur, charcoal, sawdust, sea-coal, antimony, glass-dust, brass-dust, steel dust, cast-iron, tanner's dust, &c. or any thing that will yield sparks; all which must be managed with discretion, or judgment. Brilliant charges, on the contrary, are composed of meal-powder, saltpetre, sulphur, and steel-filings, or of meal-powder and steel-filings only, and sometimes of Chinese fire.
Sec. XVII. Of Italian Roses, or Fixed Stars.
We prepare cases for these works, in the same manner as described in the article respecting fixed stars. Half a spoonful of clay is put into them, which is rammed tightly, with twelve blows of a mallet of a moderate size. The height of the clay is then marked upon the case, which is then charged with four spoonfuls of the composition, ramming each spoonful with twelve blows of the mallet. These four charges should occupy about two fingers in height. After this we add another spoonful of earth; and divide, on the outside of the case, from the point we marked, five equal parts. We then apply the quick-match and paste. One end of the match is of a sufficient length, in order that it may turn round, and come out above the other choke. We afterwards roll the case in white paper, which must go twice round, and extend beyond each extremity about one and a half inches. This is called the covering. The lower end is twisted. The other end, the side of which is twisted, resembles a goblet, and serves to inflame the rose.
The composition of the rose is given in the table for those of revolving and fixed pieces. Their effect is, that they will produce as many streams of flames as there are holes, and consequently form the roses or stars. The composition is six parts of powder, eight saltpetre, five sulphur, and half a part of antimony; or two powder, four saltpetre, and one sulphur.
Sec. XVIII. Of Lances of Illumination, white, blue, and yellow.
We have already given the caliber, and the manner of forming the lances. They are charged by using the funnel and rammer, in the same manner as serpents, but without any grain-powder. They are filled within two-twelfths of their end, and primed with the paste without the match. The blue and yellow lances are loaded in the same manner. The yellow are made one-third of an inch in diameter, and one inch and a third in length; so as not to be of a longer duration in burning than the others.
Composition of lances.
White lances. | Blue lances. | Yellow lances. | ||||||
Saltpetre | 16 | oz. | Saltpetre | 16 | oz. | Saltpetre | 16 | oz. |
Sulphur | 8 | oz. | Antimony | 8 | oz. | Sulphur | 16 | oz. |
Powder | 4 | oz. | Powder | 8 | oz. | |||
Antimony | 1 | oz. | Amber | 8 | oz. |
Lances, or port-fires of illumination, may be made also without antimony, as follows:
Port-fire composition for Illuminations.
Saltpetre, | 1 | lb. |
Sulphur, | 6 | oz. |
Meal-powder, | 6 | oz. |
The composition of the lance À feu of the French, which is used chiefly to throw occasional light across the platform, whilst artificial fire-works are preparing, and like port-fires and matches, to communicate fire, is given as follows: (Œuvres Militaires, tom xi, p. 208.)
Composition of the lance À feu.
Saltpetre, | 3 | parts. |
Sulphur, | 2 | —— |
Antimony, | 2 | —— |
The lance À feu puant is of a different kind. It is the stink-fire lance, used for military purposes, and prepared in the
Sec. XIX. Of Slow White-flame Lances.
The composition of this lance, or port-fire, is such, that it will burn longer than the ordinary lance. There are two formulÆ given for it. Both compositions, when driven one and a quarter inches in an ounce case, will burn one minute, which is considered by some a much longer time than an equal quantity of any composition, yet known, will last.
Composition of slow Fire.
1. | Saltpetre, | 2 | lbs. | 2. | Saltpetre, | 3½ | lbs. |
Sulphur, | 3 | lbs. | Sulphur, | 2½ | lbs. | ||
Antimony, | 1 | lb. | Meal-powder, | 1 | lb. | ||
Antimony, | ½ | lb. | |||||
Glass-dust, | ¼ | lb. | |||||
Brass-dust, | 1 | oz. |
Sec. XX. Of Lights.
We purpose hereafter to treat particularly of the Chinese lights, Bengal lights, amber lights, blue lights, &c. We will merely mention in this place, the composition of some of them.
Composition for Lights.
1. | Saltpetre, | 3 | lbs. | |
Sulphur, | 1 | lb. | ||
Meal-powder, | 1 | lb. | ||
Antimony, | 10½ | oz. | ||
Oil of Spike, | sufficient to mix them. |
Composition for common fire.
Saltpetre, | 3 | lbs. |
10 | oz. | |
Sulphur, | 2 | oz. |
Composition for red Fire. | ||
Meal-powder, | 3 | lbs. |
Charcoal, | 12 | oz. |
Sawdust, | 8 | oz. |
Common fire for a caliber of one-third of an inch. | ||
Meal-powder, | 16 | parts. |
Charcoal, pulverized, | 3 | —— |
Idem, for a caliber half an inch. | ||
Meal-powder, | 32 | parts. |
Charcoal, | 7 | —— |
Idem, for a caliber above half an inch. | ||
Meal-powder, | 4 | parts. |
Charcoal, | 1 | —— |
Brilliant fire for ordinary calibers. | ||
Meal-powder, | 4 | parts. |
Iron-filings, | 1 | —— |
Idem, more brilliant. | ||
Meal-powder, | 4 | parts. |
Steel-filings, | 1 | —— |
Brilliant fire for all calibers. | ||
Meal-powder, | 9 | parts. |
Sulphur, | 1 | —— |
Steel, | 2½ | —— |
Grand brilliant fire, for calibers of three-quarters of an inch, and upwards. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 | parts. |
Sulphur, | 1 | —— |
Saltpetre, | 1 | —— |
Steel filings, | 7 | —— |
Idem, clear and brilliant for any caliber. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 | parts. |
1 | part. | |
Filings of the best steel, | 3 | —— |
Idem, large jessamine for any caliber. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 | parts. |
Saltpetre, | 1 | —— |
Sulphur, | 1 | —— |
Best steel, | 6 | —— |
Idem, small jessamine for any caliber. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 | parts. |
Saltpetre, | 1 | —— |
Sulphur, | 1 | —— |
Best steel, | 5 | —— |
White fire for any caliber. | ||
Meal powder, | 8 | parts. |
Saltpetre, | 4 | —— |
Sulphur, | 1 | —— |
Meal powder | Salt- petre | Sul- phur | Char- coal | Filings &c. | ||
White fire for any caliber, | 16 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | |
Blue, for parasols and cascades, | 4 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 3 | Zinc. |
Do. for calibers, half an inch and above, | 4 | 8 | 4 | 0 | 17 | Zinc. |
Do. for any caliber, | 6 | 2 | 8 | 0 | 0 | |
Sparkling, or shining fire for any caliber, | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | Brass. |
Green fire, for any caliber, | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3¼ | Brass. |
Aurora colour, | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | Gold powder. |
Chinese fire, for calibers under an inch, | 8 | 8 | 2 | 2 | 7 | Ct.iron |
Do. for calibers above an inch, | 16 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Do. |
Do. for palmtrees and cascades, | 8 | 6 | 4 | 2 | 5 | Do. |
Do. in white for two-thirds and five-sixths of an inch cal., | 8 | 8 | 4 | 0 | 6 | Do. |
Do. for gerbes, of ten, eleven, and twelve lines in diam., | 8 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 | Do. |
Bengal lights, | 0 | 32 | 9 | 0 | 5 | Ant'y. |
Amber lights, | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | Amber. |
Water squibs, | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
Do. | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0½ | 0 |
Sec. XXI. Of Lances for Petards.
Lances for petards are a kind of port-fire, used in war, but not very often. As they will be noticed hereafter, it may be sufficient to remark, that they are formed of cartridge paper, and the case is strangled in the usual manner; that a small portion of bran is put in, and then about as much good priming pistol powder in grains; that the case is then strangled, or choaked, about two-thirds of its length, the remaining one-third serving for a handle; and, in using it, that the twisted end is cut off, so that the fire may communicate to the petard.
These lances serve for setting fire to works, &c. They are commonly made fifteen inches long, upon a former or roller, one-fourth of an inch in diameter. Four turns of the paper are sufficient for the case. They are charged in the same way as the petard lances, and also in the manner described for port-fires. They are primed with the match and paste.
Composition for the lances of service. | ||
Saltpetre, | 2 | lbs. |
Sulphur, | 1 | — |
Meal powder, | 5 | oz. |
Sec. XXIII. Of Marrons.
Marrons are made in several ways. We shall first describe those in cases. Formers for marrons are from three-fourths of an inch, to one and a half in diameter. The paper for the cases must be cut twice the diameter of the former; broad, and sufficiently long to make three revolutions. When a case is rolled, paste down the edge, and tie one end close; and to remove the wrinkles, and make it flat at bottom, put in the former and drive it down. The case is then to be charged with granulated powder, one diameter and a quarter high, and the rest of the case, folded down tight on the powder.
The marrons being thus made, wax some strong pack-thread with shoemaker's wax, and wind it up in a ball. Then unwind two or three yards of it, and that part, which is near the ball, make fast to a hook. Now take a marron, and stand as far from the hook as the pack-thread will reach, and wind it lengthwise round it, as close as possible, till it will
The method of firing marrons is by making a hole at one end with an awl, and putting in a piece of quickmatch. Then take a piece of strong paper, in which wrap the marron with two leaders, put down to the vent, and tie the paper tight round with small twine. These leaders are bent on each side, and their loose ends tied to other marrons, and nailed, in the middle, to the rail of the stand.
Marron batteries are made of several stands, with a number of cross rails for the marrons, which are regulated by leaders, by cutting them of different lengths, and nailing them tight or loose. This arrangement, however, is only intended for a certain purpose. For as marrons, if well managed, will keep time to a march or a piece of music; so, by regulating them in that way, that is to say, by cutting the leaders of different lengths and nailing them tight or loose, we may adjust the time of their explosion by the time of the music. In forming batteries with marrons, the large and small kinds must be used, and the nails for the leaders, or pipes of communication must have flat heads. The marrons for service are a different kind; they resemble the incendiary bombs. See Fourth Part of the work.
The other kind of marron for fire-works, as described by Morel, (TraitÉ Practique des Feux D'Artifice p. 37,) and Bigot, (TraitÉ d'Artifice de Guerre p. 141,) are of a cubical form and of a suitable size for the pot, in which it is to enter, or of any dimensions, if it be fired alone, or without being employed as a decoration. These cubes are filled with grain powder, and are covered with two layers of pack-thread, which is bound very tightly, and over this, a coat of pitch or tar. They are pierced to the powder, and a match is adapted in the usual manner. Port-fire has been used, but is considered to possess no advantages.
The cubical marrons are formed in the following manner: Divide a piece of strong pasteboard in such a manner, as that each division will form one of the sides of the cube, as represented in the following figure.
k | ||
k | k | |
d | ||
c | ||
b | ||
c b | (A) | b c |
b | ||
c |
Pasteboard, formed in the above manner, it is evident, when put together, will make a cube. (A) will be the base, and b c respectively, will form the sides, and d the top, k k k will come in contact with the edge of three sides. In d, (the cover), is a hole, in order to charge it, and, if necessary, to hold the match and priming. This, however, may be attached to either side. All the angles are well secured with paper pasted over them. The pack-thread must be well waxed with shoemakers' wax, before it is wound on it.
Shining marrons are cubes of an inch at least on each surface, and prepared in the same manner as the preceding. The excess of the match, which is cut off in the former marron, is sufficient for these smaller marrons. Cotton is macerated, or soaked in a paste of the star composition, in the usual manner, viz: by mixing the composition with brandy, and a small portion of gum, or a solution of isinglass. The marron is then covered, about a finger in thickness, with this cotton; or more may be used, according to circumstances. It is afterwards rolled in meal powder, which serves for priming, and then dried in the shade.
Shining marrons are used in furnishing bombs, fire-pots, and rockets. They produce a brilliant effect; a vivid white light, which finishes with a report.
Sec. XXV. Of Saucissons.
Saucissons differ from marrons only in form. They are intended, like them, for simple detonations. They are generally fired out of large mortars without chambers, the same as those for aigrettes, only somewhat stronger.
Saucissons are made of one or two-ounce cases, five or six inches long, and choaked in the same manner as serpents. Half the number which the mortar contains must be driven one and a half diameters with composition, and the other half, two diameters; so that, when fired, they may give two vollies of reports. But, if the mortars are very strong, and will bear a sufficient charge to throw the saucissons very high, there may be three vollies of reports, by dividing the number of cases into three parts, and making a difference in the height of the charge. After they are filled, pinch and tie them at the top of the charge, almost close; only leaving a small vent to communicate the fire to the upper part of the case, which must be filled with grain powder very near the top. The end then is to be pinched close and tied, and the case, bound very tightly with waxed pack-thread, from the choak, at the top of the composition, to the end of the case. This will strengthen the case, and cause the report to be very loud. Saucissons should be rolled a little thicker of paper than the common proportion. When they are to be put in the mortar, they must be primed in their mouths, and fired by a case of brilliant fire, fixed in their centre. The charge for these mortars should be 1/6th or 1/8th more than for pots d'aigrettes of the same diameter.
For flying saucissons, the French make use of cases of three-quarters of an inch in exterior diameter. They are charged, to the height of half an inch, with the composition for mosaic tourbillons, which see. They are then choaked and bound at this place, and four fingers of grain powder are put into each, which is then covered with a stopper of paper. They are then again choaked and bound, and the excess of the case is cut off. They are primed with a piece of match, using the priming paste at the same time. When the saucissons are required to make a louder report, the part of the case, in which the powder is, should be wrapped round with pack-thread, much in the same manner as already described, and then covered with glue or pitch. These saucissons are usually put in the pots of the mosaics, some times in the place of them, and are arranged for exhibition on the same frame. We may, if we wish to vary the effect,
Saucissons may either be used in the manner we have mentioned or thrown by hand. According to their size, and the strength of the case, so will be the report. They resemble a thick and short sausage, hence their name.
Fire-pumps are intended for a particular use, which we will describe hereafter. The composition is the following:
1. | Saltpetre, | 5 | lbs. | ||
Sulphur, | 1 | — | |||
Meal powder, | 1½ | — | |||
Glass-dust, | 1 | — | |||
2. | Saltpetre, | 5 | lbs. | 8 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 2 | — | |||
Meal powder, | 1 | — | 8 | — | |
Glass-dust, | 1 | — | 8 | — |
Cases for fire-pumps are made like those for tourbillons, except that they are pasted, instead of being rolled dry. In charging them, first put in a little meal powder, and then a star; then a ladleful or two of the above composition, which ram tightly; then a little meal powder, on that a star, and then composition again, and so on until the case is filled. Stars for fire-pumps should not be round; but must be made either square, or flat and circular, with a hole through the middle. The quantity of powder for throwing the stars must increase as we come near the top of the case; for, if much powder be put at the bottom, it will burst the case. The stars must differ in size in this manner: Let the star, which is first put in, be about one-fourth less than the caliber of the case; but let the next star be a little larger, and the third star a little larger than the second, and so on for the rest. Let them increase in diameter till within two of the top of the case, which two must fit in tight. As the loading of fire-pumps requires some skill, it will be necessary to make two or three trials before depending on their performance.
When a number of pumps are filled, care must be taken not to put in each an equal quantity of charge between the stars; so that, when they are fired, they may not throw up
The artificial earthquake, or volcano of Lemery, is formed by mixing into a paste with water, about equal parts of sulphur and steel or iron filings, and burying the mixture in the earth. The composition in a short time, will grow hot, and burst out; the earth will break, and open in several places.
BaumÉ mixed 100 pounds of iron filings and the same quantity of sulphur together, with water, and rammed the mixture into an iron pot. After ten hours, the mass swelled up and grew warm, aqueous vapours arose, and the mass burst. Ten hours afterwards, the heat, vapours, &c. greatly increased, and a flame issued forth, lasting only from 2 to 3 minutes. Finally, the mass became red-hot, and the burning and heat continued 40 hours longer; but without flame.
We may merely remark, that this effect is produced by the chemical union, which takes place between the sulphur and iron, forming a sulphuret of iron, analogous in composition to the native martial pyrites. The water is at the same time, decomposed, during which the mixture swells, becomes hot, and throws up the earth, producing at the same time a large quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. This gas is formed by the combination of a part of the sulphur with the hydrogen of the water; whilst the oxygen, the other element of the water, goes to oxidize the metal and to acidify the remaining sulphur. Hence sulphate of iron, or green vitriol is produced. The experiment may be made in a common basin.
It is a remarkable fact, that spontaneous combustion, which takes place without the application of an ignited body, ensues in a variety of instances; and new facts daily occur, which show, that cases of this kind are more numerous than we had reason to suspect. Besides the old and well known effect of quicklime, pyrites, pyritous schist, &c. in producing spontaneous combustion, it is found, that ashes and oil, oil and cotton, and a number of substances have set fire to cotton mills, and other works.
It is known, that, in the slaking of quicklime, a considerable degree of heat is produced. This is owing to the
Spontaneous combustion arises simply from a play of chemical affinities. The following general observations on this subject are given by Nicholson, (Chemical Dictionary); and an enumeration of the effects may lead to cautions of importance for preventing serious accidents: "If quicklime, in any quantity, be laid in contact with any combustible, as wood, and be wetted by accident, or to make it into mortar, a sufficient quantity of heat may be extricated to set fire to the wood. Animal or vegetable substances, laid together damp in large heaps, undergo a fermentation, which often excites combustion, as in the case of hay-ricks. Woollen cloth, not freed from the oil used in dressing it, and laid up damp in large heaps, has been known to take fire; and so has painted canvass. Flowers and herbs boiled in oil, as is done by druggists, and then laid in heaps, sometimes do the same. The mixture of linseed oil and lampblack, or of linseed oil and black wad, is very liable to inflame. Torrefied vegetables, as malt, coffee, or bran, put while hot, into coarse bags, are apt to take fire. The spontaneous combustion of phosphorus, and various pyrophori, is well known. It is suspected to be owing to the presence of one or other of these, that charcoal sometimes takes fire without any apparent cause; and the charcoal of peat is said to be particularly liable to this. Hyperoxygenated muriate of potassa, mixed with sulphur, or with sulphur and charcoal, is apt to detonate spontaneously.
"Many cases of spontaneous combustion taking place in the human body too are on record: and it has been observed, that all the persons, who thus suffered, were much addicted to the use of spirituous liquors."
Sec. XXVIII. Of the blue and green Match, for Cyphers Devices, and Decorations.
We had occasion to mention, that blue and green flame may be produced by employing sundry substances, which have the property of changing the colour of flame. This is effected in the present instance.
For the preparation of the match, we melt one pound of roll brimstone in a glazed earthen vessel, over a slow fire,
The matches are afterwards tied to a rod of iron, which is bent according to the design we purpose to form, and to which they are fastened with a very fine iron wire, called the carcase. They are covered with priming paste, and a quick match is tied along the whole length. They are then covered with bands of gray paper, and a piece of port-fire is fixed on the end, to communicate fire.
Sec. XXIX. Of the Purple or Violet Match.
The design is made, and the match is attached, in the same manner as described in the last section; but without bending it. The preparation is as follows: Make a decoction of jujubes, which have been peeled, and stoned, and thicken it by adding as much of the flour of sulphur, as will bring it to a proper consistence. The cotton is then covered with this mixture, in the manner before stated; its thickness to be determined, according to the time required for it to burn. While hot, the match is primed by rolling it in meal powder. It is then suffered to dry. The design, it is to be observed, ought to be supported at the distance of four or five inches from the rods which hold it, by small cross pieces of iron, to prevent it taking fire; a circumstance necessary to be guarded against.
Sec. XXX. Of Meteors.
Artificial fire-works, to resemble meteors in the atmosphere, have, if properly prepared and exhibited, a brilliant appearance. The composition must be projected to a great height, which is either done by rockets, or from mortars. Meteors are made in the same manner as shining marrons, which we have already described, except, however, that they are of a very large size and usually weigh ten pounds. The larger they are made the better, and the more grand is their effect. See Shining Marrons.
A rocket is a flying fusÉe, (FusÉes Volantes of the French), formed with paper, of a cylindrical shape, and filled with a composition of certain inflammable substances, being pierced in the diameter of its length. It is furnished with a stick, serving as a counter-weight, or balance, to guide it vertically in its ascension. It carries generally different garnishes, or furniture; as stars, serpents, fire-rains, marrons, meteors &c. which are thrown off, and produce an elegant appearance, when it terminates its flight.
Rockets have been applied to several uses. Thus, the war-rocket, as an incendiary, improved by Congreve, and the signal rocket, are some of its applications. These, however, are modified for the purpose, and will be spoken of hereafter. The Indian rockets, called Fougette (Baguette À feu of the French) will also be noticed.
Although as a fire-work for exhibition, the rocket may be considered the most grand, and, especially when furnished with various decorations, the most brilliant, yet its utility for Military and Naval purposes is acknowledged by all.
When treating of sundry preliminary operations in the second part of this work, we had occasion to introduce the subject of rockets, as respects the formation of their cases, the manner of charging and driving them, with the tools required, and the boring of rockets, when they have been driven solid. These subjects may be found in sections iv, v, and viii. We purpose, however, to make such observations as may, with the remarks heretofore offered, furnish the reader with a general knowledge of the making, decorating, and discharging of rockets. On the theory of the ascension of rockets, motion of fire-wheels, &c. and observations on the rocket principle, consult the chapter in the first part of the work, concerning the theory of particular fire-works. For the manner of uniting sheets of paper of several thicknesses, for cases, see Pasteboard.
Sec. I. Of the Caliber and Proportion of Rockets.
Sky-rockets are generally made of seven calibers, from
The following tables are necessary in the formation of rockets. The first shows the size of the caliber of the mould, for rockets of a pound weight, and below; and the second points out the size required for the caliber of moulds, from one pound to fifty pounds. A lb. rocket, it must be observed, is that which is just capable of admitting a leaden bullet of a pound weight, and so of the rest.
Weight of Rockets in ounces. | Diameters in lines. |
16 | 19½ |
12 | 17 |
8 | 15 |
7 | 14¾ |
6 | 14¼ |
5 | 13 |
4 | 12? |
3 | 11½ |
2 | 91/6 |
1 | 6½ |
Here, it is evident, that the mould of a rocket of twelve ounces in weight, ought to be seventeen lines (12 lines to the inch) in diameter; and one of five ounces, will require a mould of thirteen lines in diameter. Hence, we derive an easy method of finding the size, when the weights are given: and, if the diameter of the rocket be given, it will be equally easy to find the weight of the ball, corresponding to the weight of that caliber.
TABLE II. Size of the caliber of moulds, of from one to fifty pound ball.
Pounds | Caliber | Pounds | Caliber | Pounds | Caliber | Pounds | Caliber |
1 | 100 | 14 | 241 | 27 | 300 | 40 | 341 |
2 | 126 | 15 | 247 | 28 | 304 | 41 | 344 |
3 | 144 | 16 | 252 | 29 | 307 | 42 | 347 |
4 | 158 | 17 | 257 | 30 | 310 | 43 | 350 |
5 | 171 | 18 | 262 | 31 | 314 | 44 | 353 |
6 | 181 | 19 | 267 | 32 | 317 | 45 | 355 |
7 | 191 | 20 | 271 | 33 | 320 | 46 | 358 |
8 | 200 | 21 | 275 | 34 | 323 | 47 | 361 |
9 | 208 | 22 | 280 | 35 | 326 | 48 | 363 |
10 | 215 | 23 | 284 | 36 | 330 | 49 | 366 |
11 | 222 | 24 | 288 | 37 | 333 | 50 | 368 |
12 | 228 | 25 | 292 | 38 | 336 | ||
13 | 235 | 26 | 296 | 39 | 339 |
By this second table, if the weight of the ball be given, the size of the mould may be found: suppose it be eighteen pounds; opposite to it is the number 262. Then we say, by the rule of proportion, (as 191/2, see Table 1, is supposed to be divided into a hundred parts) 100 : 191/2 : : 262 to the fourth term sought, viz. 51.09; which gives for the required caliber 52 lines nearly, or four inches and four lines. But if the caliber be given in lines, the weight of the ball may be found: suppose the given caliber be 36 lines, then as 191/2 : 100 : : 36 : 184. The nearest number in the table to this is 181, which shows that the weight of the ball will be rather more than 6 lbs; or, in other words, that a rocket, the diameter or caliber of which is thirty-six lines, is a rocket of a 6 lb. ball. See Congreve Rocket.
As to moulds to prevent the rockets from splitting in the act of charging them, Morel observes, that he has never used them. He remarks, that a case which will not resist the force of the charge, cannot resist the violence of the fire.
On the subject of compositions, he observes, that he has only employed one formula, and, of course, but one standard proportion for all sized calibers; and is of opinion, that it is useless to employ an inferior composition, or one with which we are unacquainted, when we have a formula, on which we may rely. This opinion, however, does not agree with that of others.
Certain rockets, it is to be remarked, show tails of fire in
It is found by experiment, that even a little more or a little less powder, gives to or takes from, the composition its effective power; and, therefore, that the rockets, in their flight, ascend to a greater or less height.
Some writers have asserted, that powder ought not to enter into the composition of rockets; but in lieu thereof, only its component parts. Where, we may inquire, is the difference? The reason, however, assigned, is, that rockets made with gunpowder and the other substances, will not keep any time, owing to the powder becoming damp, and the composition spoiled. But rockets which have been made in France and carried to the East Indies, and brought back, were found, on trial, not to have lost any of their effect.
Different opinions have also been entertained, respecting the composition for the charging of rockets. Some, it appears, would employ a composition for each rocket, according to its caliber, pre-supposing, that the inflamed matter acquired force by the increase of its volume; without considering, that a large rocket has more weight than a small one, and requires more power to raise it. Experience has demonstrated, that a composition which will completely raise a rocket of three-quarters of an inch, will raise, under the same circumstances, a rocket of three inches; and, on the contrary, that the last will ascend more slowly, in consequence of having to encounter a greater resistance in the air, owing to its size.
Sec. II. Of the Composition of Sky-rockets, and Observations on its Preparation, and on other Subjects respecting Rockets.
The formulÆ we here give, which we notice separately from the others, are on the authority of Morel, who, by experience, has found them to excel all others. Nevertheless, we purpose to enumerate other formulÆ for the information of the reader.
Composition of Sky-Rockets, according to Morel.
For Summer. | Another. | ||||||
1. | Saltpetre, | 17 | oz. | 2. | Saltpetre, | 16 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 3½ | — | Sulphur, | 4 | — | ||
Meal-powder, | 1½ | — | Charcoal, | 7½ | — | ||
Charcoal of oak, | 8 | — | |||||
For Winter. | Another. | ||||||
3. | Saltpetre, | 17 | oz. | 4. | Saltpetre, | 44 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 3 | — | Sulphur, | 4 | — | ||
Meal-powder, | 4 | — | Charcoal, | 16 | — | ||
Charcoal of oak, | 8 | — | |||||
Another. | Another. | ||||||
5. | Saltpetre, | 16 | oz. | 6. | Sulphur, | 3 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 2oz. | 3 drachms. | Saltpetre, | 20 | — | ||
Charcoal, | 6 | oz. | Charcoal, | 8½ | — |
Chinese Composition for rockets of honour.
Saltpetre, | 5 | ounces. |
Sulphur, | 1¼ | —— |
Charcoal, | 2½ | —— |
Meal powder, | 1 | —— |
Pulverized cast iron, | 2½ | —— |
Two compositions for rockets of any caliber are given by Bigot; (p. 122); viz.
Rockets of Honour. | ||
Meal powder, | 2 | parts. |
Saltpetre, | 10 | —— |
Sulphur, | 2½ | —— |
Charcoal, | 5 | —— |
Cast iron, pulverized, | 5 | —— |
Particular Composition. | ||
Saltpetre, | 16 | parts. |
Sulphur, | 4 | —— |
Charcoal, | 9 | —— |
Antimony, | 2 | —— |
In the old authors on fire-works, there are a variety of formulÆ for sky-rockets, which will be found in the following table:
Kinds of Rockets. | Meal powder | Saltpetre | Charcoal | Steel | Sulphur | REMARKS. | |||||||
lb. | oz. | lb. | oz. | lb. | oz. | lb. | oz. | lb. | oz. | ||||
Rockets, | 4 oz. | 1 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Do. | 8 oz. | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 1½ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | ||
Do. | do. | 1 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4½ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Do. | 1 lb. | 2 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1½ | 0 | 4 | ||
Do. in general, | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |||
Do. | do. | 0 | 2 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 8 | ||
Do. large fly, | 1 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |||
Do. of a middling size | 3 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | |||
Do. | do. | 1 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | ||
Do. water, | 6 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | Theproportionof | ||
charcoal is certainly too great. | |||||||||||||
Do. | do. | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4½ | ||
Do. | do. | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | ||
Do. | do. | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 8 | ||
Do. | do. | 4 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | ||
Do. | do. | 0 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8½ | ||
Do. | do. | 1 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 8½ | 0 | 0½ | 1 | 0 | Sea-coal, | 1 oz. |
saw-dust, | ¾ oz. | ||||||||||||
coarse char. | ¼ oz. | ||||||||||||
Do. | do. | 1 | 12 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 8 | Sawdust, | 2 oz. |
Do. | do.sinking | 0 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
charge, |
The charcoal ought not to be pulverized very fine. It should be passed through a coarse wire sieve, and the impalpable powder then separated, by submitting the sifted charcoal to the same operation in a finer sieve. The fine charcoal may be used for small fire-works.
The instructions, heretofore given, for the mixture of compositions must be attended to; as, for instance, when we have weighed the powder, nitre, and sulphur, the whole are to be incorporated in a mortar, and then passed three times through a large sieve. Afterwards add the charcoal, which is mixed thoroughly with the hand. (See the
In charging cases of half an inch caliber, fifteen blows with the mallet must be given; for three-quarters of an inch, twenty blows; for one inch, twenty-five blows; for one and a
The garnishing, or furniture, should not exceed, in any case, one-third the weight of the rocket. The head is made of pasteboard, first moistened, and then rolled round a conical former. It must enter the mould, and, when inserted, ought to be pasted round the juncture with paper. (See sec. iii, and iv.)
With respect to rocket sticks, as they are used for counter-weights, Morel remarks, that, for rockets up to an inch and a quarter, they may be formed of the branches of light wood, as hazle, elder, &c. and for rockets above that caliber, heavy wood, but perfectly straight and without knots, may be used. As a general rule, the sticks are made ten or twelve times the length of the rocket, and in thickness about one-third of the exterior diameter of the case. In the large end of the stick, there is a gutter or groove, formed to receive the rocket. When branches are used, they must also lie straight, and cut flat at the large end, about half their thickness, so that they may be joined to the rockets with a pack-thread, or fine iron wire. If the stick is too weighty, it may be shaved off the whole length. Rockets, we may remark, that are not well balanced by the stick, will not ascend regularly. If the stick be too light, they will rise in a zigzag direction; but, if too heavy, their accelerated force will be diminished, their motion slow, and, when they arrive at a certain height, they will fall in a semicircular position. (See section v, of this chapter, on the Dimensions and Poise of rocket sticks.)
We may further remark, that all rockets are formed and proportioned by the diameter of their orifice. When the height is six and two-thirds diameter, the foot should be one diameter and two-thirds. The choak of the mould, if used, is one diameter and one-third in height, which must be made out of the same piece as the foot, and fit tight in the mould. There must be an iron pin to keep the foot fast. The nipple is half a diameter high, and two-thirds thick, and made of the same metal as the piercer. The height of the piercer is three and a half diameters, and at the bottom one-third of a
The diameter of the nipple should always be equal to that of the former. With regard to the thickness of moulds, it is immaterial, provided they are substantial and strong. Solid driving is more expeditious than charging over a piercer; but great labour and attention is required in boring them, an account of which, with the apparatus required, may be seen in Part second.
The following table of the dimensions of rocket-moulds, if the rockets are rammed solid, may be useful.
Weight of rockets. | Length of their moulds without their feet. | Internal diameter of the moulds. | Height of the nipples. | |
lbs. | oz. | Inches. | Inches. | Inches. |
6 | 0 | 34.7 | 3.5 | 1.5 |
4 | 0 | 38.6 | 2.9 | 1.4 |
2 | 0 | 13.35 | 2.1 | 1.0 |
1 | 0 | 12.25 | 1.7 | 0.85 |
0 | 8 | 10.125 | 1.333 &c. | 0.6 |
0 | 4 | 7.75 | 1.125 | 0.5 |
0 | 2 | 6.2 | 0.9 | 0.45 |
0 | 1 | 4.9 | 0.7 | 0.35 |
0 | 0½ | 3.9 | 0.55 | 0.25 |
6 | drachms. | 3.5 | 0.5 | 0.225 |
4 | drachms. | 2.1 | 0.3 | 0.2 |
Sec. III. Of the Heading of Rockets.
The heads for sky-rockets must always bear a given proportion to the rockets.
A pointed cap, adapted to the summit, will make a rocket ascend to a greater height, as it serves to facilitate its passage through the air. To these rockets may be added several other things; as a petard, which is a box of tin plate, filled with fine gunpowder, placed on the summit. The petard is put on the composition, at the end, when it has been filled, and the remaining paper of the cartridge is folded down over it, to keep it firm. The petard produces its effect, when the rocket is in the air, and the composition is consumed. We have already remarked, that the upper parts of rockets, that is to say, their heads, are generally furnished with some composition, which takes fire, when it has reached its greatest height, emits a considerable blaze, or produces a loud report and whizzing noise. Of this kind are saucissons, marrons, stars, showers of fire, &c. The heads of sky-rockets, are, therefore, furnished with a variety of compositions.
When a rocket is five diameters, and one-sixth in length, the case being cut to this length, after it is filled, the head should be two diameters high, and one diameter 1/6th, and 1/2 in breadth. The perpendicular height of the cone, or cap of the head, must be in diameter, one, and one-third. There is a circular collar, to which the head is fixed, turned out of any light wood; its exterior diameter must be equal to the interior diameter of the head. One-sixth is sufficient for its thickness, and round the outside must be a groove. The interior diameter of the collar should not be quite so wide as the exterior diameter of the rocket. When it is to be glued on the rocket, two or three rounds of paper are to be cut off, which will make a shoulder for it to rest upon. Two or three rounds of paper well pasted, will be sufficient for the head. Put the collar on the mandril, or former, which must fit the inside of the cone when formed; then, with a pinching cord, pinch the bottom of the head into the groove, and tie it with small twine. To make the caps, cut the paper in round pieces, equal in diameter to twice the length of the cone, which is to be made. These pieces, being cut into halves, will make two caps each. Paste over the caps a thin white paper, which must be a little longer than the cone, so as to project about half an inch below the bottom: this projection of paper being matched and pasted, serves to fasten the cap to the head, A conical former is used to shape the head.
Sec. IV. Of the Decorations for Rockets, and the Manner of filling their Heads.
Having, in the preceding section, shown the mode of forming heads, or conical caps, for rockets, we may now remark, that the furniture or decorations for rockets consist of stars of different kinds, such as tailed, brilliant, white, blue, yellow, &c. or gold and silver rain; or serpents, crackers, fire-scrolls, or shining marrons, or small rockets; the kind of the decoration depending entirely upon taste and fancy.
In loading the heads of rockets, a ladleful of powder must be put into each head, along with the decorations. This is absolutely necessary in order to burst the head and disperse the stars, &c.
Various experiments have been instituted, to make rockets, by employing sundry compositions for charging the cases, along with the rocket composition, to produce, like the heads of rockets, when they burst, different appearances. M. Morel informs us, that he made several experiments with that view, but did not succeed. He ascribes the failure to several causes; and, in substance, concludes, that such figures have a greater weight than rockets are able to carry; that their irregular forms and movements produce, in the ascension, a contrariety of effects, which impedes their flight; and that, if they were to succeed, the rapidity, with which the fuse passes through the air, would prevent any thing being distinguished. As such exhibitions are shown with effect, by the bursting of the head of the rocket, after it has ceased to burn; we are of opinion, that the only mode, which can be adopted, with success, is the one already described. For after the rocket has ceased, or finished, the last portion of fire is communicated to the head, containing the decorations, which is blown off, and its contents are inflamed and dispersed. It is true, however, that, in some compositions, stars, previously made, and therefore not mixed with the composition, are put in the cases along with the charge: We have an instance of this in the fire-pump, Roman candle, &c. The cases for these are filled in the following order: first with gunpowder to a certain extent, then a star, then composition; then powder again, then another star, and so on alternately, until the charge is completed; but, in this instance, the star, as well as the gunpowder, is distinct from the composition, which forms the fire-pump. For, while the composition performs one part, the gunpowder acts another, by throwing the stars out, which, by their combustion, give the appearance
Although we have made some observations on the size, as well as the use of rocket-sticks, in a general way; yet the subject being very important, as rockets, however well made, cannot take a vertical direction without them, we subjoin the following table, which exhibits, at one view, the length, &c. of the stick, compared with the weight of the rocket, and the poise it must necessarily have from the point of the cone. The centre of gravity is a necessary consideration.
Weight of the rocket. | Length of the stick. | Thickness at top. | Breadth at top. | Square at bottom. | Poise from the point of the cone. | |||
lbs. | oz. | Ft. | In. | Inches. | Inches. | Inches. | Ft. | In. |
6 | 0 | 14 | 0 | 1.5 | 1.85 | 0.75 | 4 | 1.5 |
4 | 0 | 12 | 10 | 1.25 | 1.40 | 0.625 | 3 | 9. |
2 | 0 | 9 | 4 | 1.125 | 1. | 0.525 | 2 | 9. |
1 | 0 | 8 | 2 | 0.725 | 0.80 | 0.375 | 2 | 1. |
0 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 0.5 | 0.70 | 0.25 | 1 | 10.5 |
0 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 0.3750 | 0.55 | 0.35 | 1 | 8.5 |
0 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 0.3 | 0.45 | 0.15 | 1 | 3. |
3 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 0.25 | 0.35 | 0.10 | 11 | 0. |
0 | 0½ | 2 | 4 | 0.125 | 0.20 | 0.16 | 8 | 0. |
0 | 0¼ | 1 | 10½ | 0.1 | 0.15 | 0.5 | 5 | 0.5 |
** Transcriber Note: the last three rows of this table have many typos. The rows were probably intended to be as follows: | ||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 0.25 | 0.35 | 0.10 | 1 | 1. |
0 | 0½ | 2 | 4 | 0.125 | 0.20 | 0.16 | 0 | 8. |
0 | 0¼ | 1 | 10½ | 0.1 | 0.15 | 0.5 | 0 | 5.5 |
** end of Transcribers Note **
The last column expresses the distance from the top of the cone, where the stick, when tied on, should balance the rocket, so as to stand in equilibrium on the edge of a knife.
Having given the method of preparing sticks, nothing
It is the stick which gives a proper counterpoise, without which the rockets would not ascend; and, unless they were of a proper length and weight, instead of taking a vertical or perpendicular direction, they would describe a parabola, or take an oblique course, and fall to the ground.
A rocket stick may be made for any sized rocket, although not expressed in the table, by assuming the data there given, taking care to find the centre of gravity. For the sticks for war-rockets, see Congreve Rocket.
Sec. VI. Of the Mode of Discharging Rockets.
Having completely prepared the rockets with all their appendages, we consider in the next place the manner of discharging them; in performing which some care is to be observed. The old and heretofore common manner, of setting them off by hanging them on nails and hooks, has many objections. The best mode is to have a ring made of strong iron wire, large enough for the stick to go in, as far as the mouth of the rockets. Then let this ring be supported by a small iron, at some distance from the post or stand, to which it is fixed; and have another ring fixed in the same manner, to receive and guide the small end of the stick. Rockets, thus suspended, will have nothing to obstruct their flight. The upright, to which the rings are fixed by the small iron, must be exactly vertical.
Two, three, or more sky-rockets may be fixed on one stick, and fired together. Their appearance, in this case, is very striking. Their tails will seem but as one of immense size, and the discharge from so many heads, at the same time, will resemble more the effect of an air balloon. Rockets, for this purpose, must be made alike in every particular. If the rockets are half-pounders, whose sticks are six and a half feet long, then two, or three, or six of these are to be fixed to one stick, the length of which must be nine feet and three-quarters. Cut the top of it into as many sides as there are rockets, and let the length of each side be equal to the length of one of the rockets without its head; and in each of
When several rockets are placed upon one stick, there will be some danger of their flying up without the stick. Cases, when tied on all sides of the stick, cannot be secured to it by rope passing over notches as before mentioned. Instead of which, drive a small nail in each side of the stick, between the necks of the cases; and let the cord, which goes round their necks, be brought close under the nails. A quick match, without a pipe, is to be fixed to the mouth of one rocket, and carried to another. This match will communicate fire at one and the same time.
There is a mode of discharging sky-rockets without sticks, which consists in using balls of lead tied to a wire two or three feet long, and fixing the other end of the wire to the neck of the rocket. These balls answer the purpose of sticks, when made of a proper weight, which is about 2/3ds the weight of the rocket. They will balance the rocket at the usual point. To fire rockets, thus equipped, a different mode must be adopted. They are hung, one at a time, between the tops of wires placed for that purpose, letting their heads rest on the wire, and the balls hang down between them. The wires are about three feet long, and inserted in a circle, in a block of wood, which must lie level, and the wires perfectly vertical. The diameter of the circle is two and a half inches; it is divided into three equal parts, and at each one is a rod or wire.
We may introduce here a description of the stands for sky-rockets, and the girandole chests for the flights of rockets. The first is formed of two rails of wood, of any length, supported at each end by a perpendicular leg, so that the rails lie horizontal; and let the distance from one to the other be almost equal to the length of the sticks of the rockets, intended to be fired. Then in the front of the top rail, drive square hooks at eight inches distance, with their points turning sidewise; so that, when the rockets are hung on them, the points will be below the sticks, and keep them from falling or being blown off by the wind. At the front of the rail at the bottom must be staples, driven perpendicularly under the
The girandole chest is composed of four sides of equal dimensions; but may be made of any size, according to the number of rockets to be fired. Its height must be in proportion to the rockets, and higher than the rockets with their sticks. When the sides are joined, fix in the top, as far down the chest as the length of one of the rockets with its cap on. On this top, make as many square or round holes, to receive the rocket-sticks, as the number of rockets to be fired; but let the distance between them be sufficient to prevent their touching each other. From one hole to another cut a groove of a sufficient size for a quick match to lie in. The top being thus fixed, put in the bottom, at about 11/2 feet distance from the feet of the chest. In this bottom, make as many holes as at the top, and all to correspond, but not so large as those in the top.
To prepare the chest, a quick match is laid in all the grooves, from hole to hole. Then take the sky-rockets, and prime them with meal-powder, or priming paste, as before-mentioned, and put a bit of match up the cavity of each, which should project out. Put the sticks of the rockets through the holes in the top and bottom of the chest, so that their mouths may rest on the quick match in the grooves. The rockets will then be fired at once. There should be a door in the side of the chest, and also a cover, to secure the rockets until they are required.
The fountain of rockets, an exhibition which frequently accompanies a display of works, is nothing more than a number of rockets discharged at the same time.
There are some improvements on the girandole chest, and on the different modes of discharging a series of rockets.
We may mention one contrivance for this purpose, as described by Morel. It is an oblong box furnished with a double lid, which, when shut, resembles the roof of a house. This box is sixty inches in length, ten inches in breadth, and nine inches in height. It rests upon a frame, and has a bottom in which are one-hundred holes, to receive the same number of rocket-sticks, the rockets resting on the bottom of the box. The lid serves to prevent the access of moisture, and to secure the rockets. No part of the rocket is seen in the box. They are set off by first strewing meal-powder on the bottom, which is then in contact with their
The girandole may be considered an assemblage of a large number of rockets of various calibers, arranged in gradation; the largest, occupying the first range, &c. The girandole constitutes, as a fire-work, in the language of Morel, the feux de gouvernement.
Similar to this is a contrivance for the same purpose, but not so extensive, and rather differently formed. It consists of a case, in which there are holes to receive the sticks and support the rockets. The case is supported by legs; two of which, working upon a joint, may be extended, and thus the rockets be made to move in any angular direction. The inclination given is hardly ever more than 55 degrees. The legs are pointed, so as to retain their position. If the rockets are to ascend vertically, the two legs, which move in a joint, are closed. They are stuck in the ground at the same place.
For the mode of discharging the Congreve Rocket, see the article on Congreve Rockets.
Sec. VII. Of the Appendages, and Combinations of Rockets.
We purpose to notice, in this section, some of the modes of arranging, combining, and also of varying the effects of rockets.
When a sky-rocket is fixed with its stick on the top of another, a fresh tail of fire will be observable, when the second rocket takes fire, which will mount to a great height. The preparation of these rockets consists in filling a two pounder only half a diameter above the piercer, (which must be observed in this instance,) and its head with not more than ten or twelve stars; adapting a stick as usual, which must be made a little thicker than customary. This stick must be cut in half the way flat, and in each half a groove, so that, when joined together, they will receive, and be large enough to hold the stick of a half pound rocket. The heading is then performed as before described. The stick of this small rocket is to be fixed in the hollow of the large one, so far that the mouth of the rocket may rest on the head of the two pounder; and, from the head of the two pounder, a leader is to be carried into the mouth of the small rocket.
When sky-rockets are fixed one on the top of another, they are called towering rockets, on account of the great
The caduceus rockets are formed of two rockets. When attached, one on each side at the top of the stick, they form a right angle, their mouths being equidistant from the stick. The sticks, for this purpose, must have all their sides alike, which should be equal to the breadth of a stick, proper for a sky-rocket of the same weight as those intended to be used, and to taper downwards as usual. They must be long enough to balance them, and one length of a rocket from the cross-stick. The cross-stick is that to which the cases are tied, and serves to preserve them steady in that position. Each rocket, when tied on, should form either an angle of 45, or 60 degrees with the large stick, or both together an angle of 90 or 120 degrees. The last, however, is considered a preferable angle. When tying on the rockets, attention ought to be paid to place their heads on the opposite sides of the cross-stick, and their ends on the opposite sides of the long stick. Quick-match is then to be carried from the mouth of one into that of the other. When these rockets are to be fired, suspend them between two hooks or nails, and apply fire to the leader in the middle, and both will take fire at the same time.
The particular effect of this rocket is, that, in rising, it forms two spiral lines, or double worms, in consequence of their oblique position; and the counterpoise in the middle
Honorary rockets are nothing more than sky-rockets, except that they carry neither head nor report. They are closed at top, to which is attached a cone. On the case, close to the top of the stick, a two-ounce case is tied. This last is filled with a strong charge, and is usually about five or six inches in length, and pinched close at both ends. At the opposite sides, at each end, a hole must be bored, in the same manner as in tourbillons; and from each hole, a leader must be carried into the top of the rocket. When the rocket is fired, and has arrived at its proper height, it will communicate fire to the case at the top, which will cause the rocket and stick to descend very fast to the ground, and, in its descent, will represent a worm of fire.
There are several modes of placing the small case, so as to produce the best effect. One is by letting the stick rise a little above the top of the rocket, and tying the case to it, so as to rest on the rocket. These rockets are not furnished with cones. Another method is also recommended; namely, in the top of the rocket, fix a piece of wood, in which drive a small iron spindle; then make a hole in the middle of the small case, through which put the spindle, and fix, on the top of it, a nut, to keep the case from falling off. The case, by this means, will turn very fast, without the rocket. This method, however, is not preferred.
One-pound rockets are considered the best size for this purpose.
Chained rockets, as they are sometimes called, are another modification of the manner of fixing rockets; for the intention is to make several sky-rockets rise in the same direction, and equally distant from each other. This effect is produced in the following manner: Take six, or any number of sky-rockets, of any size; then cut some strong pack-thread into pieces of three or four yards long, and tie each end of these pieces to a rocket in this way;—after tying one end of the pack-thread round the body of one rocket, and the other end to another, take a second piece of pack-thread, and make one end of it fast to one of the rockets already tied, and the other
In the mouth of each rocket, a leader is to be fixed of the same length, and when fixed, they may be hung almost close. Tie the ends of the leaders together, and prime them: When this is fixed, all the rockets will mount at the same time, and separate as far as the strings will admit. They will preserve the same order and distance, if they are rammed alike, and equally well made.
The manner of dividing the tail of a sky-rocket, so as to form an arch when ascending, is thus performed. Having some rockets made, and headed according to fancy, and tied on their sticks, get some sheet tin, and cut it into round pieces of about three or four inches in diameter. Then, on the stick of each rocket, under the mouth of the case, fix one of these pieces of tin, sixteen inches from the head of the rocket, and support it by a wooden bracket as strong as possible. The use of this is, that, when the rocket is ascending, the fire will play with great force on the tin, which will divide the tail in such a manner, as to form an arch. If there is a short piece of port-fire, of a strong charge, tied to the end of the stick, it will add greatly to the appearance; but this must be lighted before fire is put to the rocket.
Sec. VIII. Of Swarmers, or Small Rockets.
Although swarmers are nothing more than rockets of a smaller size, as from two ounces downwards, and are charged with the usual rocket composition, which we have described; yet it may be necessary to make some remarks respecting them.
Swarmers are sometimes fired in flights, or in a volley, and in large aquatic fire-works. They are bored in the same manner as large rockets, or pierced in the act of charging them. This is the case with those of one and two ounces. All rockets, however, under one ounce, are not bored, but must be filled to the usual height with composition. The number of strokes for ramming these small swarmers is not material, provided they are rammed true and moderately hard. The necks of unbored rockets must be in the same proportion as in common cases. The composition, with which small swarmers are charged, generally consists of
Meal-powder, | 4 | oz. |
Charcoal, or steel-dust, | ¼ | oz. |
As to the swarmers which are pierced, or bored, viz. those of one and two ounces; they are made, we observed, in the same manner as large rockets, with the exception, that, when headed, their heads must be put on without a collar. The number of strokes for driving one-ounce cases must be eight, and for two-ounce, twelve.
Sec. IX. Of Scrolls for Sky-Rockets, and of Strung, Tailed, Drove, and Rolling Stars.
We have given, in a preceding chapter, the composition of various stars, which are used for the decoration of sky-rockets, and other species of fire-works. We shall, therefore, confine ourselves to their application, and the different modes of preparing them for this purpose.
Scrolls are used as furniture, or decorations for sky-rockets, and are so named from the spiral form they assume, when fired very quick in the air. We may put into the head of a rocket, as many of the cases as it will contain. Cases for scrolls should be four or five inches in length, and their interior diameter, three-eighths of an inch. One end of these cases must be pinched quite close before it is filled; and, when filled, the other end must also be closed. Then, in the opposite sides, make a small hole at each end, in the same manner as in tourbillons, and prime them with priming paste, or meal-powder and brandy.
Strung Stars, so named from having a cotton quick match run through them, are formed by taking some thin paper, and cutting it into pieces of about one and a half inches square, and laying on each piece, as much dry star composition as the paper, when folded, will easily contain. The paper, with its contents, is then twisted up as hard as possible. When done, rub some paste between the hands, and roll the stars between them, and afterwards dry them. They are then covered with tow, and primed with a paste composed of meal powder, and brandy, in which they may be rolled in the same manner as described when treating of stars. They are then dried and strung on cotton quickmatch, by piercing a hole through them, taking care to put but ten or twelve on each match, and placing them at the distance of three or four inches apart.
Tailed stars are those which produce a great many sparks, representing a tail like that of a comet. Of these, there are
When tailed stars are to be driven, the composition must be moistened with spirit of wine, or if it cannot be had, with fourth proof brandy, without the gum, or gelatin, and not made so wet as for rolling. One or two-ounce cases, rolled dry, are best for this purpose; and when they are filled, unroll the cases within three or four rounds of the charge, and all that is unrolled must be cut off. Then paste down the loose edge; and in two or three days afterwards, cut them in pieces of five or six-eighths of an inch in length; then melt some wax, and dip one end of each piece into it, so as to cover the composition. The other end must be covered with priming paste.
Drove stars are so designated, because the composition is always drove, and used in cases. They are seldom put in rockets, but are chiefly used for air-balloons. They are put in cases, to prevent the composition from being broken, by the force of the blowing powder in the shell. See Air-Balloons.
With respect to rolling stars, we gave, in our chapter on star compositions, not only the proportion of their constituent parts, but ample instructions for preparing them for use. They are usually about the size of a musket ball; but sometimes they are made an inch in diameter. When very small, they are called sparks. See Stars.
Sec. X. Of Line-Rockets and their Decorations.
Line-rockets are the same as the courantines of the French, or rockets that fly along a rope. If a rocket be attached to an empty case, and a rope passed through the latter, and stretched horizontally; and if the rocket be then set on fire, it will run along the rope, without stopping till the matter it contains is exhausted.
Line-rockets do not differ materially from sky-rockets, as they are made and driven like them; but they are without heads, and the cases are cut close to the clay. They are sometimes made with six or seven changes. Four or five, however, are the most common. We must first have a piece of light wood, turned round, about two and a half inches in diameter, with a hole through the middle, lengthwise,
Having rubbed the mouths of the rockets with wet meal powder, lay them in the grooves, head to tail, and tie them fast. From the tail of the first rocket, carry a leader to the mouth of the second, and from the second to the third, and so on to as many as there are on the swivel, making every leader very secure; but in fixing these pipes, care must be taken, that the quick match does not enter the calibers of the rockets. The rockets being fixed on the swivel and ready to be fired, have a line, 100 yards long, stretched, and fixed up tight, at any height from the ground, but placed perfectly horizontal. This length of line will answer for half-pound rockets, but, if larger, the line must be longer. One end of the line, before it is put up, is to be put through the swivel; and when the line-rocket is fired, let the mouth of that rocket, which is set off first, face that end of the line where the operator stands, and the effect will follow in succession, viz: the first rocket will carry the rest to the other end of the line, the second will bring them back, and they will continue running out and in, according to the number of rockets. At each end of the line, there must be a piece of wood for the rocket to strike against, to prevent injury to the line. Let the line be well soaped, and the hole in the swivel very smooth.
In order to vary the appearance, different decorations may be used with the line-rockets; of these, flying dragons, Mercuries, &c. are the most conspicuous. Another motion may be given to them, that of revolving, in the following manner: Have a flat swivel, made very exact, and tie on it two rockets obliquely, one on each side; which will make it turn the whole length of the line, and form a circle of fire. The charge for these rockets, should be a little weaker than that usually employed.
It is apparent, that a variety of figures may be put in motion, and consequently new appearances formed, by different contrivances. To represent, for instance, two fighting dragons, we must have two swivels, made square; and on each swivel, tie three rockets together, on the under side. Then having two flying dragons, made of tin, fix one of them on the top of each swivel, so as to stand upright, and in the mouth of each dragon, put a case of common fire; and another at the end of the tail. Two or three port-fires may also be put on the sides of their bodies to illuminate them
Sec. XI. Of Signal Sky-Rockets.
Signal rockets seldom exceed a pound in weight. Those which are employed in the land and sea service, are sometimes capped, or headed, and contain stars, serpents, &c. Two sorts of signals are used when artificial works are to be exhibited; namely, one with serpents, and the other without. Rockets which are to be bounced, must have their cases made one and a half or two diameters longer than the common proportion, and, after they are filled, a small quantity of clay is put in. Then bounce and pinch them in the usual manner, and fix on each a cap. Signal sky-rockets, without bouncers, are only sky-rockets closed and capped. These are very light, and, therefore, do not require such heavy sticks as those with loaded heads. Signal rockets, with reports, are fired in small flights; and are often, as well as those without reports, used for signals of the commencement of an exhibition of fire-works.
Signal rockets may be seen at a great distance, and observed instantly, when neither flags nor telegraphs could be observed without glasses; and may be so formed, as even to communicate particular orders or intelligence, by varying their decorations, their mode of ascension, as in the caduceus rocket, and by several other means.
Before we notice the various kinds of wheel-works, and their appendages, we purpose to consider the formation of gerbes, air-balloons, mortars, bombs, tourbillons, aigrettes, and some other works.
Sec. I. Of the Composition and Mode of forming large and small Gerbes.
In preparing cases for gerbes, it is necessary that they should be made strong; as they would be liable to burst, on account of the strength of the composition, which comes out with great velocity. They should be of the same thickness at top and bottom, and the paper well pasted. Their necks should be long, in which case, the iron would have more time to be heated, by meeting with more resistance in its disengagement, than if the neck was shorter; for then it would be burnt too wide before the charge was consumed. Long necks will throw the stars to a greater height, which will not fall before they are spent. They should rise and spread in such a manner as to resemble a wheat-sheaf.
Gerbes are generally made about six diameters long, from the bottom to the top of the neck. Their caliber must be one-fifth narrower at top than at bottom. Their neck is one-sixth diameter, and three-fourths long. There is a wooden foot or stand, on which the gerbe rests. This may be made with a choak or cylinder, four or five inches long, to fit the inside of the case, or with a hole in it to put in the gerbe: both these methods will answer the same end. In the charging of gerbes, there will be no need of a mould, the cases being sufficiently strong to support themselves. Before this operation is commenced, we must be provided with a piece of wood made to fit in the neck. If this precaution is not used, the composition will fall into the neck, and occasion a vacancy in the case, which will inevitably burst it, the moment the fire reaches the air. A weak composition should be put in at first, to the quantity of one or two ladles full. After the case is filled, take out the piece of wood, and fill the neck with slow charge.
Small gerbes, or white fountains, as they are sometimes called, are usually made of four, eight, or sixteen ounce cases, of any length, taking care to paste, and otherwise make them very strong. Before they are filled, however, drive in clay one diameter of their orifice high. When filled, bore a hole through the centre of the clay to the composition. The ordinary proportion will answer for the vent, which must be primed with a slow charge. Large gerbes are made by their diameters, and their cases at bottom one-fourth thick. The interior diameter of a gerbe is found, by supposing the exterior diameter of the case, when made, to be five
Gerbes produce a brilliant fire, and appear remarkably beautiful, when a number of them are fixed in front of a building.
The composition of gerbes is similar to that of the Chinese fire. It is to the cast-iron, which enters into it, that its beautiful effects are to be ascribed. In fact, the composition of Chinese fire differs considerably, as we shall notice, when we treat of it, according to the purpose for which it is employed. It is adapted, for instance, in various proportions of its constituent parts, to calibers of different diameters, cascades, representation of palm trees, as well as for large and small gerbes. The old formula for gerbes is the following.
Composition for Gerbes.
Meal-powder, | 6 | lbs. | ||
Beat cast-iron, | 2 | lbs. | 1½ | oz. |
The present formula, as we remarked when speaking of compositions for calibers from three-quarters of an inch to an inch, is saltpetre 1 oz, sulphur 1 oz, meal-powder 8 oz, charcoal 1 oz, and pulverized cast-iron 8 oz.
The vivid and rapid combustion which ensues, when this composition is inflamed, cannot be accounted for in any other way, than that the nitre is acted upon by the sulphur, the charcoal, and the iron; that the gunpowder, during its combustion, raises the temperature to the degree necessary for the decomposition of the nitre by the substances mentioned; that sulphurous and probably sulphuric acid, as well as carbonic acid, are generated, by the union of the sulphur and carbon with a part of the oxygen of the nitre; that the iron undergoes a combustion, both in contact with the nitre and with atmospheric air; and, lastly, that the effect, which characterizes this composition, and other similar compositions, into which cast-iron enters, as in the celebrated Chinese fire, is to be attributed to the iron; and the appearance which iron assumes, when in a state of combustion, is owing to no other cause than its rapid combination with oxygen, by which the metal is oxidized. (See
It may not be improper, in this place, to give the manner
Mortars are made of stout paper; or several sheets are pasted together, and made into pasteboard, in the manner before described. (See Pasteboard.) The preparations are various according to the size required. For a coehorn mortar, which is 4 inches and 2/5ths in diameter, roll the pasteboard on the former, on which it is made, 1/6th of its diameter thick, and, when dry, cut one end smooth and even; then nail and glue it on the upper part of the foot. Afterwards cut off the pasteboard at the top, allowing for the length of the mortar, two and a half diameters from the mouth of the powder chamber.
The mortar is then bound round with a strong cord, wetted with glue. The bottom of the foot, it being turned out of elm, is one diameter and two thirds broad, and one diameter high, and the part which goes into the mortar is two-thirds of its diameter in height. The copper chamber for the powder, which is separate from this, is made in a conical form, and is one-third of the diameter wide, and one and a half of its own diameter long. In the centre of the bottom of this chamber, make a small hole, a short distance down the foot; this hole must be met by another of the same size, made in the side of the foot. If these holes are made true, and a copper pipe fitted into both, the mortar, when loaded, will prime itself; for the powder will naturally fall to the bottom of the first hole. By putting a piece of quick match to the side, it will be prepared for firing.
When mortars of a larger size than ten inches in diameter are required, it is better to have them made of brass. See further observations on this subject in section seventh of this chapter, in the article on fire-pots.
Shells are filled with a variety of pyro-preparations, as stars, rains, serpents, &c. These are put in first, and then the blowing powder, as it is called; but the shells must not be quite filled. They must be introduced into the shells through the fuse hole. Some substances, however, as marrons, being too large to go through the fuse hole, must be put in before the shell is closed. When the shells are loaded, glue and drive in the fuses very tight. With respect to the diameter of the fuse hole; for a coehorn balloon, let the diameter be seven-eighths of an inch; for a balloon, five and a
In the following view of the different balloons, we have given the number and quantity of each article for the different shells, designating their kind and character:
Coehorn balloon Illuminated.
Meal-powder, | 1½ | oz. |
Grain, do. | ½ | — |
Powder for the mortar, | 2 | — |
Length of the fuse composition, three-quarters of an inch: 1 oz. drove or rolled stars, as many as will nearly fill the shell.
Coehorn balloon of Serpents.
Meal-powder, | 1½ | oz. |
Grain, do. | ½ | — |
Powder for the mortar, | 2¼ | — |
Length of the fuse composition 13/16ths of an inch: half-ounce cases, driven three diameters, and bounced three diameters, and half-ounce cases, driven two diameters and bounced four diameters, of each, an equal quantity; and as many of them as will fit in easily, placed head to tail.
Coehorn balloons of Crackers and Reports.
Meal-powder, | 1¼ | oz. |
Grain, do. | ¾ | do. |
Powder for the mortar, | 2 | do. |
Length of the fuse composition 3/4 of an inch; reports 4, and crackers of six bounces, as many as will fill the shell.
Compound Coehorn Balloons.
oz. | dr. | |
Meal-powder, | 1 | 4 |
Corn, do. | 0 | 12 |
Powder for the mortar, | 2 | 4 |
Length of the fuse composition 13/16ths of an inch: 1/2 oz. cases driven 31/2 diameters, and bounced 2, 16; 1/2 ounce cases driven 4 diameters and not bounced, 10; rolled stars, as many as will complete the balloon.
Balloons illuminated (Republican).
oz. | dr. | |
Meal-powder, | 1 | 8 |
Grain, do. | 0 | 12 |
Powder for the mortar, | 3 | 0 |
Length of the fuse composition 15/16ths of an inch; 2 oz. strung stars, 34; rolled stars, as many as the shell will contain, allowing for the length of the fuse.
Balloon for Serpents, (Republican).
oz. | dr. | |
Meal-powder, | 1 | |
Grain, do. | 1 | 8 |
Powder for the mortar, | 3 | 8 |
Length of the fuse composition, 1 inch; 1 oz. cases driven 31/2 and 4 diameters, and bounced 2, of each an equal quantity, sufficient to load the shell.
Balloons with crackers and Marrons. (Rep.)
oz. | dr. | |
Meal-powder, | 1 | 8 |
Corn powder, | 1 | 4 |
Powder for the mortar, | 3 |
Length of the fuse composition 14/16ths of an inch; reports 12; to be completed with crackers of 8 bounces.
Compound balloons (Republican).
oz. | dr. | |
Meal-powder, | 1 | 5 |
1 | 6 | |
Powder for the mortar, | 3 | 12 |
Length of the fuse composition, one-inch; 1/2 ounce cases driven and bounced 2 diameters, 8; 2 oz. cases filled 3/8ths of an inch with star-composition, and bounced 2 diameters, 8; silver rain falls, ten; 2 oz. tailed stars, 16; rolled brilliant stars, 30. If this should not be sufficient to load the shell, it may be completed with gold rain falls.
Eight-inch balloons Illuminated.
oz. | dr. | |
Meal-powder, | 2 | 8 |
Grain powder, | 1 | 4 |
Powder for the mortar, | 9 |
Length of the fuse composition, one inch and 1/8th; 2 oz. drove stars, 48; 2 oz. cases, driven with star composition, 3/8ths of an inch, and bounced 3 diameters, 12; and the balloon completed with 2 oz. drove brilliant stars.
Eight-inch Balloons of Serpents.
oz. | dr. | |
Meal-powder, | 2 | 0 |
Corn powder, | 2 | 0 |
Powder for the mortar, | 9 | 8 |
Length of the fuse composition, 1 inch and 3/16ths; 2 oz. cases driven one and a half diameters, and bounced 2, and one-ounce cases driven 2 diameters, and bounced 21/2; of each an equal quantity, sufficient for the shell.
We may remark, that the star composition, driven in bounced cases, must be managed in the following manner: First, the cases must be pinched close at one end, then the corn-powder put in for a report, and the case pinched again close to the powder, only leaving a small vent for the star-composition, which is driven at top, to communicate to the powder at the bounce end.
Compound eight-inch Balloon.
oz. | dr. | |
Meal-powder, | 2 | 8 |
Corn powder, | 1 | 12 |
Powder for the mortar, | 9 | 4 |
Length of the fuse composition, 1/8th of an inch; 4 oz. cases, driven with star composition, 3/8th of an inch, and bounced 3 diameters, 16; 2 oz. tailed stars, 16; 2 oz. drove brilliant stars, 12; silver rain falls, 20; 1 oz. drove blue stars 20; and 1 oz. cases driven and bounced, two diameters, as many as will fill the shell.
Another of eight-inches.
oz. | dr. | |
Meal-powder, | 2 | 8 |
Corn, do. | 1 | 12 |
Powder for the mortar, | 9 | 4 |
Length of the fuse composition, 1 inch and 1/8th; crackers of six reports, 10; gold rains, 14; 2 oz. cases driven with star composition, 3/16ths of an inch, and bounced 2 diameters, 16; 2 oz. tailed stars, 16; 2 oz. drove brilliant stars, 12; silver rains, 10; 1 oz. drove blue stars, 20; and 1 ounce cases, driven with brilliant charge, 2 diameters, and bounced 3, as many as the shell will hold.
A compound ten-inch Balloon.
oz. | dr. | |
Meal-powder, | 3 | 4 |
Corn powder, | 2 | 8 |
Powder for the mortar, | 12 | 8 |
Length of the fuse composition 15/16ths of an inch; 1 oz. cases driven and bounced 3 diameters, 16; crackers of eight reports, 12; 4 oz. cases, driven 1/2 an inch with star composition, and bounced 2 diameters, 14; 2 oz. cases driven with brilliant fire 1 and 1/4th diameters, and bounced 2 diameters, 16; 2 oz. drove brilliant stars, 30; 2 oz. drove blue stars, 3; gold rains, 20; silver rains 20. After all these are put in, fill the remainder of the case with tailed and rolled stars.
Ten inch balloons of three charges.
oz. | dr. | |
Meal-powder, | 3 | 0 |
Corn-powder, | 3 | 2 |
Powder for the mortar, | 13 | 0 |
Length of the fuse composition, 1 inch: the shell must be loaded with 2 oz. cases, driven with star composition 1/4th of an inch, and on that one diameter of gold-fire, then bounced
Balloons, the bombs of some, may be formed of different sizes, and made proportionably strong.
Bombs may be formed of wood by turning it round, and hollow, of a sufficient thickness, and in two parts, which fit each other like a common snuff box. The inferior or lower part must be made thicker than the upper, as it rests upon the powder; and for the same reason, that iron bombs are cast thicker at their bottom. One-twelfth of the diameter is considered a sufficient thickness for the under part, and one-fifteenth for the upper part, which is pierced with a hole to receive the fuse. This hole is called the eye of the bomb.
When balloons, or bombs, are to be charged, the decorations may be varied in the same manner as for sky-rockets. Stars, golden rain, and meteors, are considered the best, as they produce the most brilliant effect.
After the addition of the furniture or decorations, we finish the charge by putting in coarse grain powder, which is introduced through the eye. The fuse is then driven in. It is glued, in order to secure it. The bomb is now covered with three or four turns of canvass, and over this some paper, to secure it. In this state, it ought not to be more than 1/11th of an inch smaller than the caliber of the mortar. This leaves what is denominated the windage.
When the bombs are well dried, the fuse is primed with a double match, and priming paste. A cup, made with two turns of paper, is then attached to the fuse, which receives the double match.
The bomb, thus prepared, is then placed in a cone made of pasteboard, which contains the powder of the charge, or that required for its ascension, and is put into the mortar. One of the matches above described, communicates the fire to the fuse, and the other at the same time to the powder in the cone. The match, it is to be observed, comes out of the mouth of the mortar, and serves to fire it. This mode of discharging the mortar, differs from the one we have previously given.
The following table exhibits the calibers for bombs, the length of the fuse for each caliber, and the weight of the powder required for the charge.
Caliber for bombs. | Length of the fuse. | Weight of the charge. | |||
Bombsof | 4 in. diam. | 1¼ | inches. | 2oz. | cannonpowder. |
---- | 6 do. — | 1? | do. | 5 oz. | do. —— do. |
---- | 9 do. — | 2 | do. | 6 oz. | do. —— do. |
---- | 12 do. — | 2 | do. | 9 oz. | do. —— do. |
Having made some remarks respecting bombs, we will now offer a few observations concerning mortars; and although we have, on a former occasion, mentioned something respecting them, yet we deem a few remarks on this head not improper at this time.
Mortars, from five to six inches bore, are usually made of pasteboard and canvass. The canvass is first soaked in a gelato-amylaceous paste, or paste composed of half glue and half flour; and, when put on, is covered with sheets of pasteboard, which are glued or pasted. For various kinds of paste, see Pasteboard.
When the case, or mortar is to be formed, cylinders of wood as formers are employed. They are of different diameters, according to the size of the mortars, that are to be made. For four-inch mortars, inch formers; for six-inch, one and a half inch formers, &c. After they are rolled and pasted on the former, they are dried on it. As to their strength, this depends on the thickness of the case. A mortar of four inches in interior diameter, ought to be six inches in exterior diameter, and those of six in interior, should be nine, exterior. The cases being formed, we next have turned as many cylinders of walnut, as cases or pots. These cylinders are short. In each is formed a conical chamber, in the shape of the letter V, which is afterwards lined with tin or brass, to prevent the action of the powder. They are then glued and put into the end of each pot, about the length of an inch, and further secured by nails.
The chamber is designed to receive the powder, and its conical form enables it to act with all its force immediately on the bomb. A flat bottom would not have this advantage, as the powder in that case would have more room, and consequently its force be divided. They are sometimes, however, made flat.
The charge for these mortars, as a general rule, is 1/30th part of the weight of the bomb.
When mortars are to be larger than the sizes we have mentioned, it is necessary to have them of metal, and for this purpose copper is generally employed. Its thickness should
In experiments and exhibitions, the powder, we may observe, must be of the same strength.
We find then, that mortars, for the discharge of bombs, or balloons, are differently made from those which are used for throwing iron-shells. In fire-works, the design of mortars is to project the balloon in a vertical direction, which, being furnished with a fuse as in ordinary shells, receives the fire from the gun-powder; and at a given time, according to the length of the fuse, the fire is communicated to the balloon, which bursts and scatters its contents in the atmosphere. The furniture for balloons being various, and in a larger quantity than could be contained in the heads of rockets, (except the Congreve,) the appearance is more grand and impressive. It is obvious, that, when they burst, fire is communicated to the whole at the same time; and the quantity of powder is usually sufficient, not only to burst the shell, but also to throw the contents to some distance. The height, to which balloons ascend, depends, of course, on the quantity of gunpowder put in the mortar. The quantity is generally regulated.
We find, also, that two modes are used for discharging the mortars. The one consists in having a communication from without to the bottom of the cone, which contains the powder, and applying the match to this vent, on the same principle as that for firing a cannon, or common mortar. The other, by firing a quick-match in the conical cavity, and putting in the charge with the balloon; letting the match, however, be of a sufficient length to come out of the mouth of the mortar, and fall over its side. This match, when fired, will communicate fire to the powder in the cone, and produce the same effect. Metallic cylinders, and especially copper, however small, are certainly preferable to those made in the usual manner.
Sec. IV. Of making Balloon Fuses.
Wood, particularly beech, is generally employed for forming fuses, which is turned of the shape required. If made with pasted paper, they will answer for the purpose of fire-works. The diameter of the former for fuses for coehorn balloons must be half an inch; for a republican fuse, five-eighths
Fuses of wood are longer than those of paper, and not bored through, but left solid about 1/2 an inch at bottom; so that, when used, this end is cut off. They are sawed, however, at a proper length, measuring the charge from the cup at top. On the subject of Fuses, see the last part of the work.
Fuses for bombs, Morel remarks, are formed of five thicknesses of paper, or of pasteboard, made of that thickness; and the former, on which the fuse case is rolled, should be one-third diameter. The composition is put in with a spoon, and each charge is driven with twenty strokes of a moderate size mallet.
Composition for the fuses of bombs or balloons.
1. | Meal powder, | 12oz. | |
Sulphur, | 4 — | ||
Charcoal, | 6 — | ||
2. | Saltpetre, | 1lb. | 10 — |
Sulphur, | 8 — | ||
Meal powder, | 1 lb. | 6 — | |
3. | Saltpetre, | 1 lb. | 8 — |
Sulphur, | 8 — | ||
Meal powder, | 1 lb. | 8 — |
Sec. V. Of the Mosaic and Common Tourbillon.
The tourbillon de feu of the French, or whirlwind of fire,
There are two kinds of tourbillons, which we will describe, namely, the mosaic and the common. The mosaic produces a tail of some length, and after whirling round, finishes with a report. This effect is owing to its particular structure and formation, as it differs from the common tourbillon. In preparing the cases for mosaic tourbillons, pasteboard, formed of five sheets of paper, is used. They are made seven inches in length upon a roller or former 5/12ths of an inch in diameter. Their thickness, when rolled, is 1/8th of an inch. They are choaked in the usual manner, and the excess of the string is cut off. After having put a quarter of an inch of earth into a case, and beating it with ten or twelve blows with the mallet, we mark the height of the earth on the outside of the case. We then load it to the height of 7/12ths with the composition heretofore mentioned. Another quarter of a spoonful of earth is then put in. We then choak, and bind the case in this place. Two fingers of grain powder are now added; we again choak, and bind it above this. We put in the same composition, after the last operation, to the height of 7/12ths of an inch. The choaking, it is to be observed, must not wholly close the case; so that the composition can set fire to the powder.
We now introduce a spoonful of earth, and choak and bind as before. It is then finished by charging it with 7/12ths of an inch of composition. The remainder of the case is cut, and the composition primed.
Cases, thus prepared, are afterwards treated in the following manner: We pierce three holes in the sides of each, one a little above the last choak, another through, or into the case, to penetrate the last charge, and the third through the first charge. These holes have a communication with each other by means of quickmatch; so that, when the match is set on fire, the two extremes are inflamed at the same time, and being opposed to each other, give a rotary motion to the tourbillon, which, when the powder inflames, terminates by an explosion. The holes ought to be covered with three or four turns of pasted paper. It is then ready to be put into
The pots de chasse (mortars somewhat similar to those described) should be made of pasteboard, prepared with eight thicknesses of paper, and moulded upon a roller of 11/12ths of an inch in diameter. They are mounted in the same manner as fire-pots, and are also primed in the same way.
Into each pot there is put four drachms of broken grain powder, and a slip of pasteboard, pierced with five or six holes, which is introduced by means of a stick. A little meal-powder is then put into the pot, and afterwards the tourbillon, the primed end of which must be above the chasse. It is then closed with paper, made into a wad or ball, and the pot is secured with a slip of pasteboard, pasted on it.
Composition of Mosaic Tourbillons.
1. | Meal powder, | 16 | oz. |
Charcoal, | 3or4 | dr. | |
2. | Meal powder, | 16 | parts. |
Charcoal, | 3? | —— |
Common tourbillons differ in many respects from the mosaic, although their motion is the same. There are two methods of forming them as well as their appendages, both of which we purpose to describe. The first is the following: Having filled some cases within about 11/2 diameters, drive in a handful of clay, prepared, of course, in the manner described in the first part of the work; then pinch their ends close, and drive them down with a mallet. Then find the centre of gravity of each case; where you nail and tie a stick, which should be 1/2 an inch broad at the middle, and run a little narrower to the ends; these sticks must have their ends turned upwards, so that the cases may turn horizontally on their centres. At the opposite sides of the cases, at each end, bore a hole close to the clay, with a gimblet the size of the neck of a common case of the same nature. From these holes, draw a line round the case, and, at the under part of the case, bore a hole with the same gimblet, within half a diameter of each line, towards the centre; then from one hole to the other, draw a right line. This line divide into three equal parts, and bore a hole near to each of the ends; then from these holes to the other two, lead a quick-match, over which paste a thin paper.
It is to be observed, that there is a stick about the length
Reports, or detonating cases, may be fixed to tourbillons, if so required. In this case, we make a small hole in the centre of the case at top, and in the middle of the report make another. Then place them together, and tie on the report, and, with a single paper, secure it from fire. By this method, small cases of stars, rains, &c. may be fixed on tourbillons, being careful, nevertheless, that they are not overloaded.
One-eighth will be a sufficient thickness for the sticks, and their length equal to that of the cases.
The other mode of forming common tourbillons, is the following: They are made with cases of an inch, which are choaked and bound in the usual manner. In filling, we make two wads of paper of the same size, and put one of them into the case, and ram it with fifteen or twenty blows. We then mark upon the case, the height of this wad, which is afterwards driven with the composition, given at the end of this section. To each charge, thirty strokes of a moderate size mallet, will be required; and each charge should not be more in height in the case than nine exterior diameters. We mark, on the outside of the case, the height of this charge, and put in a wad of the same kind and size as the former one. We drive this in the same manner as the first, and then choak and bind the case. After cutting off the excess of the ligature, with which we bound the case, we again introduce the rammer, and give it eighteen blows with the mallet, in order to flatten the choak.
We afterwards divide the case parallel to each end, into four equal parts, and mark the height of the wads. That of the middle, which becomes in fact the bottom of the case, (from the manner it is fixed for ascension), we divide into five equal parts from one point to the other, and pierce a hole in each division to the composition. We then make, on a level with the wads, upon the lateral lines, two similar
The four holes beneath, serve to raise it in the air, and the two lateral apertures give it a revolving motion.
When tourbillons are to be set off, they must be balanced either by a cross stick, as in the first instance, or some other contrivance. The effect is the same as before described.
Composition for Tourbillons, or Table FusÉes, of different Calibers.
Substances. | Calibers of ?d of an inch. | Of ?ds of an inch with Chinese fire. | Of 5/6ths of an inch with Chinese fire. |
Saltpetre, | 8 oz. | 16 oz. | 16 oz. |
Sulphur, | 4 oz. | 8 oz. | 8 oz. |
Meal-powder, | 16 oz. | 18 oz. | 16 oz. |
Charcoal, | 1 oz. | ||
Pulverized cast iron, | 10 oz. | 12 oz. |
Another composition for a caliber of half an inch, of common fire.
Saltpetre, | 16 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 4 | — |
Meal-powder, | 7 | — |
Charcoal, | 4 | — |
The following formulÆ are sometimes used;
For four-ounce tourbillons.
Meal-powder, | 2 lbs. | 4 oz. |
Charcoal, | — | 4½— |
For eight-ounce tourbillons.
Meal powder, | 2 | lbs. |
Charcoal, | 4¾ | oz. |
For large tourbillons.
Meal-powder, | 2 | lbs. |
Saltpetre, | 1 | do. |
Sulphur, | 8 | oz. |
Beat-iron, | 8 | oz. |
As a general rule, we may remark, that the larger tourbillons are made, employing, if necessary, different coloured fires, the weaker must be the charge; and, on the contrary, the smaller, the stronger their charge.
Pots of aigrette, when inflamed, exhibit the appearance of an aigrette, or cluster of rays, such as are produced by diamonds, when they are arranged in a particular way. The aigrette takes its name from a bird, whose feathers serve to make up an ornament for the head. It was given in diamonds, as a particular mark of distinction, by the Grand Signior, to Lord Nelson, after the battle of the Nile. There are aigrettes made of glass.
For the purpose of throwing aigrettes, the mortars are generally made of pasteboard, of the same thickness as balloon mortars, and two and a half diameters long in the inside from the top of the foot. The latter must be made of elm without a chamber, but flat at top, in the same proportion as those for balloon mortars. These mortars must be bound round with a cord as before mentioned. Sometimes eight or nine of these mortars, of about three or four inches in diameter, are bound altogether, so as to appear as one; but when they are prepared for this purpose, the bottom of the foot must be of the same diameter as the mortars, and only one-half a diameter high. Having bound the mortars together, fix them on a heavy solid block of wood. To load them, place over the inside bottom of each, a piece of paper, and spread on it one and a half ounces of meal and grain powder mixed; then tie the serpents up in parcels with quickmatch, and put them in with their mouths downwards. Care must be taken, that the parcels do not fit too tight in the mortars, and that all the serpents have been well primed, or wetted with the paste of meal powder and spirit of wine.
On the top of the serpents, in each mortar, lay some paper or tow; then carry a leader from one mortar to the other, and from all the outside mortars to that in the middle. These leaders are to be put between the cases and the sides of the mortar, down to the powder at bottom. In the centre of the middle mortar, fix a fire pump, or brilliant fountain, and sufficiently long to project out of the mouth of the mortar. Then secure the mortars, by pasting paper over their tops.
The nest of serpents (as mortars thus prepared are called) is fired by lighting the fire-pump, which, when consumed, will communicate to all the mortars at once by means of the leaders.
Single mortars are called pots des aigrettes. If the mortars, when loaded, are sent to any distance, or liable to be much moved, the firing powder should be secured from getting amongst the serpents, which would endanger the mortars, as well as injure their performance. To prevent this accident, the mortars are to be loaded in the following manner; First, put in the firing powder, and spread it equally; then cut a round piece of blue touch paper, equal to the exterior diameter of the mortar, and draw a circle on it equal to its interior diameter, and notch it as far as that circle: then paste that part, which is notched, and put it in the mortar close to the powder, and stick the pasted edge to the mortar. This will secure the powder at the bottom, so that it may be moved and carried without receiving any damage.
For mortars of six, eight, or ten inches diameter, the serpents should be made in one and two-ounce cases, six or seven inches long, and fired by a leader, brought out of the mouth of the mortar, and turned down the outside; its end being covered with paper, to prevent the sparks of the other works from setting it on fire. For a six-inch mortar, let the quantity of powder for firing be two ounces; for an eight-inch, two ounces and three-quarters; and for a ten-inch, three ounces and three-quarters. Care must be taken in these, as well as small mortars, not to put the serpents in tight, for fear of bursting the mortars. These mortars may be loaded with stars, crackers, &c.
Sec. VII. Of Making, Loading, and Firing Pots des Brins.
These are formed of pasteboard, and must be rolled pretty thick. They are usually made three or four inches in diameter, and four diameters long; and pinched at one end like common cases. A number of these are placed on a
Fire pots, called also pots of ordnance, in pyrotechny, are nothing more than vessels used in, as well as for, the exhibition of artificial fire-works. They are generally formed of thick pasteboard, made by pasting together six or eight sheets of paper, of two inches interior diameter, three inches exterior diameter, and fifteen inches long. They are always placed upon a solid block or plank, and preserved in a firm position. There is a stopper or plug made of wood, which goes one inch into each case or pot, and is there glued and secured by nails. This plug is turned with a screw, which enters the plank, and preserves the pot in a steady position. The plank, on which the pots rest, is usually three inches wide, an inch and a half thick, and sufficiently long to receive twelve pots, placed at the distance of half an inch apart. Before the pots are fixed on, a hole is made through each plug in its centre, to receive a quick match, which passes through to the composition. A groove is also made in the plank, in its length, one-third of an inch square; and in such a manner, that the holes, which communicate to the interior of the pots through the plugs, must come in the middle of the groove. When the quick-match is put through the plugs, to communicate with the interior of the pots, we must leave about two inches on the outside. At each hole, also, we put some priming paste, and then permit it to dry.
If it is required to discharge them all at once, this may be done by making a communication through the groove, by
Pots are charged in the following manner: We first make the sacs of powder. For this purpose, we have as many squares of paper as there are pots, which are made into cylinders on the same roller that formed the pots. Into each is put about an ounce of the charge-composition, hereafter mentioned, with two pieces of match, sufficiently long to come out an inch. They are then closed and tied, and the excess is cut off. One of these sacs is put into each pot, having previously pierced it with several small holes, and sprinkled it with meal powder. After this, the garnishing, furniture, or decoration is added, always observing to put the primed part downwards. A wad of paper is then put over the whole, and the mouth is closed with pasted paper.
Composition of the charge for fire pots.
Gunpowder, in broken grains, | 16 | oz. |
Charcoal, | 3 | — |
Fire pots are discharged in the way we have described, which is considered the best and most certain; or they may be fired by communicating the fire with a match, passing out of the mouth, and hanging over the sides. Another mode may be used, similar to that for discharging balloons or bombs, but on a scale proportionate thereto. Pots may be discharged in any direction; hence two pieces, or sets, may be fired adversely, like rockets from the regulated rocket case. Their effect depends, as we have frequently observed, on their furniture or decorations.
The strength of fire pots is also to be considered. If they are made three inches in interior diameter, it is prudent to cover them with stout canvass, or small cord, wrapped round and covered with a coat of glue, in the same manner as for tourbillons.
Fire pots are calculated to throw serpents, &c. in the air. Mortars, it will be recollected, are designed to discharge shells or balloons, which are thrown to a considerable height, by the powder placed in the conical cavity; whereas fire pots, although their contents are thrown out by blowing powder,
Sec. I. Of Fire-Jets, or Fire-Spouts.
Fire-jets are produced by certain compositions, which are employed in cases, and are charged solid. They are formed and used according to taste or fancy.
The jets are made with a caliber of from one-third of an inch, to one inch and one-third, in interior diameter. They are seven or eight exterior diameters in length, and are charged in the usual manner with the composition, hereafter mentioned, driving each charge with twenty blows with a small mallet. The first charge must be the common fire composition.
Some of the compositions in the following table have already been mentioned, when treating of certain fire-works; but we deem it of importance to notice them in a connected manner, so that we may have the formulÆ in one view.
Fire-jets, it must be remembered, are calculated as well for turning, as for fixed pieces.
Common Fire for calibers of one-third of an inch. | ||
Meal-powder, | 16oz. | |
Charcoal, | 3 — | |
Common Fire for calibers of five-twelfths to half an inch. | ||
Meal-powder, | 16 oz. | |
Charcoal, | 3 — | 4dr. |
Common fire for calibers above half an inch. | ||
Meal-powder, | 16 oz. | |
Charcoal, | 4 — | |
Meal-powder, | 16 oz. | |
Filings of iron, | 4 — | |
Another, more beautiful. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 oz. | |
Filings of steel, | 4 — | |
Another, more brilliant, for any caliber. | ||
Meal powder, | 18 oz. | |
Saltpetre, | 2 — | |
Filings of steel, | 5 — | |
Another, very brilliant, for two-thirds of an inch caliber, and above. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 oz. | |
Saltpetre, | 1 — | |
Sulphur, | 1 — | |
Filings of steel, | 7 — | |
Brilliant fire, more clear, for any caliber. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 oz. | |
Filings of needles, or of needle steel, | 3 — | |
Silver-rain for calibers above two-thirds of an inch. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 oz. | |
Saltpetre, | 1 — | |
Sulphur, | 1 — | |
Filings of steel, fine, | 4 — | 4 dr. |
Grand jessamine, for any caliber. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 oz. | |
Saltpetre | 1 — | |
Sulphur, | 1 — | |
Filings of spring steel, | 6 — | |
Small jessamine, idem. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 oz. | |
Saltpetre, | 1 — | |
Sulphur, | 1 — | |
Filings of steel, the best, | 5 — | |
White fire, idem. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 oz. | |
Saltpetre, | 8 — | |
Sulphur, | 2 — | |
White fire, idem. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 oz. | |
Sulphur, | 3 — | |
Meal powder, | 8 oz. | |
Saltpetre, | 4 — | |
Sulphur, | 6 — | |
Zinc, | 6 — | |
Another blue fire, for calibers of half an inch, and upwards. | ||
Saltpetre, | 8 oz. | |
Meal powder, | 4 — | |
Sulphur, | 4 — | |
Zinc, | 17 — |
The cases charged with this composition are only employed for furnishing the centre of some pieces, the movement of which depends on other cases; for these, having no force, would not move the piece.
Blue Fire, for any caliber. | ||
Meal powder, | 16oz. | |
Saltpetre, | 2 — | |
Sulphur, | 8 — | |
Radiant Fire, idem. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 oz. | |
Filings of pins, (d'epingles) | 3 — | |
Green Fire, idem. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 oz. | |
Filings of copper, | 3 — | 2dr. |
Aurora Fire, idem. | ||
Meal powder, | 16 oz. | |
Gold powder, (Poudre d'or) | 3 — | |
For Italian roses or fixed stars. | ||
Meal powder, | 2 oz. | |
Saltpetre, | 4 — | |
Sulphur, | 1 — | |
Another, for the same. | ||
Meal-powder, | 12 oz. | |
Saltpetre, | 16 — | |
Sulphur, | 10 — | |
Antimony, | 1 — |
The jets of fire, which are various according to the composition employed, may appear under several forms, sometimes in one and sometimes in another; and hence they may put on an asteroid appearance, or that of a fountain, or water spout, or the form of rain. The effect, however, is very elegant; and, in conjunction with other species of fire-works, cannot fail to change the general appearance, by modifying the whole, or rendering it more various.
These compositions are generally used in the manner before mentioned, in cases of different sizes; but they may, under particular circumstances, be employed otherwise. In fact, the forms which may be given to the flame of gunpowder, or the substances which compose it, either by increasing or retarding its combustion, or changing the appearance of the flame, and giving it the form of jets, stars, rain, &c. are so numerous, that it furnishes alone an important branch of Pyrotechny. These effects will be detailed, when we treat of the formation of compound works.
Sec. II. Of Priming and Whitening Cases, and Remarks concerning Spunk and Touch Paper.
When the cases are charged, we pierce them with a small awl, or make a hole with a gimblet in the end, if it should be stopped with clay, or probe them with a drill, as fire-workers call it, in the hole which had been filled, in which we put some more of the composition. This precaution is considered necessary, in order that the earth should not cover internally the hole of the piercer. A piece of match is then introduced, which extends on the outside, and is secured there with a plug of wood.
Brown paper, made either of linen or cotton, but not of woollen cloth, when soaked in a concentrated solution of saltpetre, is, we have said, rendered very combustible, and will convey fire for small works with much facility. It is this paper, called touch, or more properly match, paper, that is used for capping, &c. Paper of this kind may sometimes be used, as for crackers, serpents, &c. Cotton quick-match, however, is used more generally; and, for large works, when employed as a leader, it is usually confined in a proper tube, the better to preserve it entire, and to keep it dry. Spunk, made by soaking certain species of fungus in a solution of saltpetre, takes fire very readily by the least spark, and, therefore, is used for collecting and preserving the fire from flint and steel. This spunk, when well made, and particular
To whiten cases is an operation, which merely consists in covering them with paper, and is performed in the following manner. We procure as many half-sheets of paper as we have cases, and put them on a table one upon another. We paste the paper, and roll each case in one of these sheets, which is named the covering. The paper is cut in such a manner, that it passes over the end of each case an inch and a half. There is no particular use in this covering, the case being made sufficiently strong without it; it makes, however, a handsome finish. In the Chinese fire-works, their cases are covered with different coloured papers, and frequently ornamented with gilding. In all that I have seen, with some of which I have made experiments, the match of communication is nothing more than twisted match-paper. The figures are made of paper, painted, and ornamented in the same way; some resembling animals, &c. but on a small scale. The leaders are fixed in the usual manner, and the works are fired in the same way. Tourbillons, serpents, and crackers are chiefly the kind which we have seen.
The composition for producing this fire, as it is peculiar, and therefore distinct from all others, was invented by the Chinese, and hence bears that name. The substance, which produces the peculiar effect is cast or crude iron. See Iron.
It was the brilliant light, produced when iron filings are thrown into the fire, that gave rise to an improvement in the fire of rockets, rendering it much more beautiful, than when gunpowder, or the substances of which it is composed, are alone employed. The Chinese have long been in possession of a method of rendering fire brilliant, and variegated in its colours. Cast-iron, reduced to a powder more or less fine, is called iron-sand, because it answers to the name given to it by the Chinese. They use old iron pots, which they pulverize, till the grains are not larger than radish seed; and these they separate into sizes or numbers, for particular purposes.
It should be observed, that rockets, into the composition of which, iron-filings and iron-sand enter, cannot be long
It may be proper to introduce here two tables, which exhibit the proportions of the different ingredients for rockets of this kind from 12 to 33 lbs.
For Red Chinese Fire.
Calibers. | Saltpetre. | Sulphur. | Charcoal. | Pulv. cast iron. No. 1. | |
lbs. | lbs. | oz. | oz. | oz. | dr. |
12 to 15 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 7 | 0 |
18 — 21 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 8 |
24 — 36 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 0 |
For White Chinese Fire.
Calibers. | Saltpetre. | Meal-powder. | Charcoal. | Pulv. cast iron. No. 2. | ||
lbs. | lbs. | oz. | oz. | dr. | oz. | dr. |
12 to 15 | 1 | 12 | 7 | 8 | 11 | 0 |
18 — 21 | 1 | 11 | 8 | 0 | 11 | 8 |
24 — 36 | 1 | 11 | 8 | 8 | 12 | 0 |
These substances are incorporated together in the manner already stated.
The cast-iron, we observed, is reduced to a fine powder, or rather sand, as the French fire-workers call it, and is then passed through a sieve. For the method of reducing it to powder, consult the article on Iron. That the brilliancy of the fire is owing to the iron in its crude state, without being converted into soft or malleable iron, a process which carries off a large quantity of carbon, oxygen, &c. and increases its specific gravity,—is very evident from the effect produced. Wrought iron will occasion scintillations, somewhat of the same appearance, and steel, also, in greater abundance; and hence both are employed in sundry compositions. But the particular character, beauty, and brilliancy of Chinese fire must be attributed, first to the iron, and secondly to its peculiar state of combination with carbon and oxygen; for, we have said, that malleable iron, (which is deprived in a great measure of these substances in the operation required for its preparation), produces an effect far inferior to cast iron. This difference then can only arise from the quality, character, composition, or properties of these two kinds of iron. Steel, on the contrary, having a more vivid effect than
Hence we account for the difference in the appearance of the flame, and consequently the effect, in the different mixtures of crude iron, malleable iron, and steel. We have already remarked, in treating of iron, and in explaining the action of bodies in the process of combustion, in the section on the theory of fire-works, that the effect of some substances was to produce sparks, stars, &c. In the present instance, namely, the effect of the composition of the Chinese fire by combustion, the iron is first ignited by the powerful heat created by the combustion of the powder, nitre, charcoal, and sulphur, and in this state, is thrown out with violence, and is itself consumed. The combustion of iron is nothing more than its oxidizement, during which a brilliant fire, which characterizes so pre-eminently the Chinese fire, is produced. This oxidizement of the metal, in proportion as it is more rapid, necessarily gives rise to the phenomena of combustion, which, in this, and the generality of instances, presupposes a combination with oxygen. The fire is, therefore, more brilliant, as the combustion is more rapid, and the metal may be oxidized in a greater or lesser degree, but not to a maximum. From the effect taking place in the air, as it does not ensue, or is not seen, in the case, it follows, that the iron receives for the support of its combustion the oxygen of the air.
We have said, that the substances which compose cast-iron, are iron, carbon, and oxygen, in a peculiar state of combination. We may also conclude, therefore, that, as carbon, by combustion in oxygen gas, or in atmospheric air, which contains about twenty-two per cent. produces carbonic acid, the carbon of the iron during its combustion, is changed, by its union with oxygen, into this acid. The products, then, are oxide of iron, and carbonic acid, the latter existing in the gaseous state. With respect to the other products of combustion, arising from the gunpowder, saltpetre, sulphur, and charcoal, we have before noticed them. See
We may remark, at the same time, that the intense heat, produced as well by the combustion of the gunpowder, as by the combustion of charcoal and sulphur, in contact with the nitrate of potassa, brings the metal almost to a state of fusion; which, being thrown off in this state, and considerably divided, is acted upon by the oxygen on all sides, causing the effect to be uniform and general.
The quantity of iron, it will be seen, which enters into the
There is a particular manner required for preparing the composition of Chinese fire. All the substances must be passed three times through a sieve, except the sulphur, and the pulverized cast-iron. These are mixed by themselves, and afterwards with the other substances. They are turned over frequently with the hand. Cases are filled with it in the same manner as other compositions.
In order to make the mixture of the sulphur with the iron more intimate, the latter may be wetted occasionally with spirit of wine, which should contain no water, as water would tend to rust the metal, and injure its effect. The sulphur would then mix with more freedom, and the composition be more perfect. The spirit of wine, acting merely as a vehicle, afterwards evaporates; and, as it has no chemical action on either the sulphur or the metal, they would remain unaltered.
By proceeding in this manner; namely, first mixing the other substances by themselves, and afterwards the iron and sulphur, and then the whole, we form an intimate mixture throughout.
The composition, prepared in this way, makes the fire more brilliant; giving it a greater lustre than by proceeding in a contrary manner.
We are informed, that spontaneous combustion has frequently taken place, by suffering the iron and alcohol, or spirit of wine, to remain in contact; and, although this appears an anomaly, which we will not attempt to explain, yet that it is a fact, and that it has occurred at Paris, we have the authority of M. Morel.
When the cast-iron is reduced to powder, or sand, it is divided into several sorts, which are proportioned to the caliber employed. These sorts are marked or numbered, and are used as follows: For calibers under 7/12ths of an inch in
In charging with the composition, care must be taken to turn it over repeatedly at every other ladle full; because the iron, which is the heaviest substance, is liable to fall to the bottom. If the composition be not equally diffused, the fire would be irregular, and go out by puffs. This is a defect which ought to be guarded against.
The mixture of the composition for Jessamine is made in the same manner.
Chinese fire, in cases, is commonly employed in garnishing, as it is called, the circumference of a decoration, or in forming pyramids, galleries, yew trees, cascades, palm trees, or in short, in producing a variety of figures, according to taste and fancy. They are often employed in turning pieces for their last fire, in consequence of the brilliancy of their effect.
We are told, that nothing is more elegant than Chinese fire; and that it forms, in its descent, flowers of variegated beauty, which, being scattered about by the rotation of the piece, resemble the hydraulic girandole in the rays of the sun.
Chinese fire, however, has little force; and hence, when it is used, it is accompanied with other fire, as two or more jets of white fire. The latter is only employed, when the Chinese fire is to be exhibited on wheels, or turning pieces. When it is on fixed pieces, there is no occasion for them. Cases of Chinese fire, when burnt alone, will not turn a wheel.
As the effect of Chinese fire on wheels depends greatly on the motion of the wheel, its velocity should therefore be accelerated; which, although the duration of its effect would be shorter and more brilliant, may be produced by employing several cases of white fire, and communicating their fire one to the other by leaders in the usual manner.
There is no doubt, that the accelerated motion of the wheel causes the composition to burn more rapidly, in the same way as a bellows excites the heat of a blast-furnace; and, therefore, the increased brilliancy of the fire may be attributed to the greater rapidity of the combustion, which necessarily produces, in a shorter time, the oxidizement of the iron, and, at the same time, the combustion of the other substances.
With respect to the comparative force of compositions, or that power by which cases, as rockets, &c. ascend, or which gives motion to vertical and horizontal wheels, we may observe generally, that these effects depend on the compositions employed; and that the recoil, in such instances, is
Composition of Chinese Fire for calibers under ten-twelfths of an inch.
Meal-powder, | 16oz. |
Saltpetre, | 16 — |
Sulphur, | 4 — |
Charcoal, | 4 — |
Pulverized cast iron, | 14 — |
Another of the same. | |
Meal-powder, | 16 oz. |
Sulphur, | 3 — |
Charcoal, | 3 — |
Pulverized cast iron, | 7 — |
Another, for Palm-trees and Cascades. | |
Saltpetre, | 12 oz. |
Meal-powder, | 16 — |
Sulphur, | 8 — |
Charcoal, | 4 — |
Pulverized cast iron, | 10 — |
Another, white, for calibers of eight and ten-twelfths of an inch. | |
Saltpetre, | 16 oz. |
Sulphur, | 8 — |
Meal-powder, | 16 — |
Pulverized cast iron, | 12 — |
Another, for Gerbes of ten, and eleven-twelfths and one inch caliber. | |
Saltpetre, | 1 oz. |
Sulphur, | 1 — |
Meal-powder, | 8 — |
1 — | |
Pulverized cast iron, | 8 — |
It may be proper to remark, that the above formulÆ are all approved; as they have been used in France, and are given on the authority of Morel and Bigot. We are informed, indeed, that these proportions produce the most perfect fire, which surpasses the fire of the Chinese. From the many experiments made in France, instituted with the view of determining the best proportions, and leading, in fact, to the improvement of the original composition, we do not hesitate to give them the preference over all others.
In the composition of wheel-cases, Chinese fire is sometimes used, and then only for decoration; but in nearly all the compositions employed, in wheel-works, for standing or fixed cases, sun-cases, &c. steel-dust forms a constituent part. The proportion it bears to other substances is various: viz. to meal-powder, as one to five, one to ten, &c. In one of the formulÆ for brilliant fire, the proportion is still greater, and in another less; but by mixing seven and a half ounces of steel-dust with meal-powder, saltpetre, and sulphur in the proportion of eleven pounds, one pound two ounces, and four ounces respectively, a composition is formed, calculated to produce a brilliant fire. But as this subject will be considered, when we treat of wheel-works, standing pieces, &c. and the different compositions appertaining thereto, we would only observe, that Chinese fire should always be preferred, where the object is decidedly appearance, with brilliancy and splendour.
Sec. IV. Of Bengal Lights.
We have had occasion to mention heretofore, that metallic as well as the crude, or sulphuret of, antimony, entered as a component part into some compositions, in order to vary the effect and appearance of the flame. That this is the effect, in the composition, which constitutes the Bengal lights, is a fact well known, and to which its particular character is owing.
Bengal lights, in consequence of the whiteness and brilliancy of their flame, are considered as highly important in fire-works. The composition was a long time kept secret, and artists were at a loss to compound it, for those who possessed the secret, it appears, would not divulge it. Simple as it is, it was not known, until many experiments were made,
Composition of Bengal Lights.
Saltpetre, | 3 | lbs. | |
Sulphur, | 13 | oz. | 4dr. |
Antimony, | 7 | oz. | 4 dr. |
They are pulverized and mixed in the usual manner, and passed three times through a hair sieve. Any quantity may be made at one time. The composition is usually put in earthen vessels, without decorations. They may be of different sizes, and, in fact, as broad as they are high, sufficiently large, however, to contain the composition. A small quantity of dry meal-powder is scattered over its surface, and a sheet of paper is tied on to secure it. It is primed with port fire match.
The effect of this mixture is evidently that of the combustion of the sulphuret of antimony, as well as of the sulphur. The nitre furnishes the oxygen to both, and, as the combustion is rapid, the metal is oxidized, probably forming the antimonic acid, as the antimony may be oxidized to the maximum. There is another view, in which this combustion may be considered. According to the present theory of the formation of sulphuric acid, by the combustion of sulphur, and nitre in leaden chambers, it appears, that sulphurous acid is first produced, and nitric oxide gas, (deutoxide of azote), is also formed; and that the latter by uniting with the oxygen of the air is changed into nitrous acid, which is then acted upon by the sulphurous acid, and is decomposed. Part of its oxygen combines with the sulphurous acid, changing it into the sulphuric, and deutoxide of azote is reproduced. In all probability, then, in the combustion of the composition of Bengal lights, the nitric oxide itself may affect the combustion of the antimony, which, as it would be enveloped in nitrous acid vapour, arising from the union of nitrous gas and oxygen, may present, in a measure, one of those cases of combustion, in which nitric oxide acts as a supporter, affording on that account a particular phenomenon. Reasoning a posteriori, this may be affected again by the formation of sulphuric acid; for a part of the sulphurous acid may be changed into sulphuric, not by its immediate union with the oxygen of the nitre, according to the old theory, but by the decomposition of the vapour of nitrous acid. This conclusion, however, is sufficient, that the nitre is decomposed, and dur
It will be seen, by examining the formulÆ for the composition of the white and blue-lances, that they both contain antimony, but in different proportions: thus, in the white lance, the proportion of antimony is as one to eight of sulphur, as one to sixteen of saltpetre, and as one to four of meal-powder; and in the blue-lance, as it is composed only of saltpetre and antimony, the proportion of the latter to the former is as eight to sixteen. In the composition of Italian roses, or fixed stars, the proportion of antimony is still smaller, and is as one to ten of sulphur, one to sixteen of saltpetre, and one to twelve of meal-powder. Now, by comparing these proportions with those which constitute the Bengal light composition, they will be found to differ from those compositions, into which the same substances enter; for, in the Bengal lights, the proportion of the antimony to the sulphur is as five to nine, and to the saltpetre, as five to thirty-two, or thereabout.
The inference we draw, therefore, is, that the white lance composition differs from the blue, in containing meal-powder and sulphur, and the latter from the former, in containing no sulphur, but eight times as much antimony; that the white-lance composition varies from the Bengal light, by containing one-half less of saltpetre, one-fifth less of antimony, and one-ninth less of sulphur; and that the Bengal composition differs from the blue lance composition, in having double the quantity of saltpetre, nine parts of sulphur, (the blue-light having none,) and nearly one-third less of antimony. If we attend to these proportions of the antimony, with the other ingredients, in the respective preparations, we will find, that the difference, in the proportions of the antimony, produces, with the presence or absence of the meal-powder and sulphur, and the difference also in the quantity of the latter, the phenomena or effects which characterise them. It is thus, therefore, with this, as with other preparations; only vary the proportions, and institute new equivalents, as it were, in any particular preparation, and adopt some and reject other substances, and the effects are varied agreeably thereto; and, if improvements are to be made in any composition, they can only be effected by experiment, and the investigation of the effects of new proportions, a compari
Roman candles are formed on a roller seven-twelfths of an inch in diameter, and are generally fifteen inches in length. They are choaked at one end, and tied in the usual manner. According to the nature of the charge, which we shall mention, their effect is to throw out brilliant stars, to the height of one hundred and more feet, and when arranged with marrons, they finish with a report.
After the cases are formed, and ready to be filled, the operation is performed with expedition, by tying a number of them together, and charging them in that manner. The cases are charged with the rocket composition, heretofore described, in the following way: A ladleful of composition is put in, and rammed, using seven or eight blows with the mallet; a small spoonful of powder is then added, and afterwards a moulded star. This star should fit the caliber of the case. More of the composition is then added, then meal-powder, and afterwards a star, and these are repeated in the same order, till the case is completely charged. Care must be taken in observing this order, otherwise the effect would be destroyed. In striking with the mallet, attention must also be paid, that the blows are not too violent, or the star might be destroyed. When the cases, or candles, are charged, we untie them, and roll some coarse paper round each end of them, at the extremity, and round the choak.
We may remark, that in the charging of Roman candles, as their effect depends greatly on the appearance of the stars, which issue out in succession, too much care cannot be used in preserving the star composition entire. To do this, much art is required in putting in, and ramming, the rocket composition, so as not to injure or break it. The quantity of gunpowder to each star must be small, otherwise it might burst the case. Roman candles may be fired singly or several at a time, according to the effect required. To fire one in a chandelier, for instance, it is only necessary to prime it with priming paste; but, if we wish to form batteries in an artificial fire-work, in order to produce a variety, or to mount them on fixed or moveable pieces, we may, if necessary, terminate their effect with marrons, which may be effected by uniting them in such a way as to make the fire of the one,
The mosaic candles, as well as mosaic simples, are formed in cases of the same thickness as sky-rockets, from which they differ in the introduction of stars along with the composition. We may remark, also, that they are rolled without pasting; and although Morel recommends choaking the cases, yet a writer of more recent date, M. Bigot, whose practical knowledge must be great, recommends plugging them on the stick or roller. This is done by merely turning the end down about half an inch, and then beating it. Before the composition is added, he advises, also, the introduction of two or three fingers' thickness of clay, which is rammed very solid. This answers for a base, and supersedes the necessity of choaking. If, as we before remarked, it is necessary to communicate fire from this end to a marron or any other case, the clay must be bored to the composition, and quickmatch inserted; or, instead of this, the case itself, above the clay, may be perforated, and a communication in this way made.
Besides the ordinary Roman candles, intended expressly for exhibition, there is another preparation, which goes under the name of the incendiary Roman candle, used for the purposes of war. This preparation is composed of three parts of sulphur, four parts of saltpetre, one part of antimony, and half a part of meal-powder; but this, together with the incendiary stars, we purpose to consider when we treat of Military Fire-works.
Sec. VI. Of Mosaic Simples.
Mosaic simples are in reality nothing more than a variety of the Roman candle, being formed in the same manner, and of the same composition, except that the moulded stars are different, and produce another effect. The mosaic simples produce merely a tail, or spout of fire; whereas the Roman candle throws out a brilliant star. They may be used with marrons in the same manner as the Roman candle. The
Sometimes pyramids forty or fifty feet high are furnished on each side, with cases of mosaic simples, with a star at the summit, and white and coloured lances differently dispersed.
The curtain of fire, produced by so many cases, the height to which it rises, the appearance of the star with the variegated and diversified effect of the coloured lances, all contribute to the splendour of this arrangement.
Composition of the Mosaic Moulded Stars.
Saltpetre, | 4 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 4 | dr. |
Meal-powder, | 16 | oz. |
Charcoal, | 3 | — |
Or in proportional parts: saltpetre, four parts; sulphur, half a part; meal-powder, sixteen parts; and charcoal, three parts.
These substances, being finely pulverized, and intimately mixed in the usual manner, are combined with gum-water, &c. as directed for preparing stars, and cut into lozenges, which are then rolled in priming powder, and dried in the shade.
Sec. VII. Of Mosaic Tourbillons.
We may merely remark, as we have mentioned tourbillons heretofore, that the cases for the mosaic tourbillons, by which name they are designated, are seven inches in length, five-twelfths of an inch in interior diameter, and nine-twelfths in exterior diameter; and that the composition with which they are charged, is composed of sixteen parts of meal-powder, and three and a half parts of pulverized charcoal. See Tourbillon.
M. Diller, some years since, exhibited at the pantheon of Paris, artificial fire produced by the combustion of hydrogen gas. From the short account we have of this exhibition in the Dictionnaire de l'Industrie, vol. iii, p. 39, it seems, that he employed three different airs, or gases, and produced three different flames: viz. white, blue, and green, which were made by the mixture of the three gases; and that he represented very perfectly, suns, stars, triangles, the cross of Malta, and sundry figures of animals in motion.
We may remark, that, if hydrogen gas be pure, the flame is of a yellowish-white; but this, however, is seldom the case, as the gas is always more or less impure, and, according to the substances it may hold in solution, so is the flame tinged. It is most usually reddish, because the gas holds in solution a little charcoal. In Cartwright's fire, ether is always mixed with the whole, or a part of the gas, which is brought to the state of vapour by the application of a gentle heat, or even by immersing the bladder of gas, which contains the liquid ether, in hot water.
When combined with arsenic, in the form of arsenuretted hydrogen gas, hydrogen burns with a blue flame; combined with phosphorus it takes fire spontaneously, producing a white flame with a beautiful corona, caused by the formation of water; and when combined with sulphur, forming sulphuretted hydrogen or hepatic gas, it burns with a bluish-red flame, and a quantity of sulphur is deposited. Various mixtures of hydrogen with other gases, in due proportions, will produce different coloured flames; so that, by paying attention to this circumstance, the same variety of appearances may be produced, as in Diller's exhibition.
Bladders, (or sacks made of oiled silk, which are preferable), when filled with gas, and connected with tubes, revolving jets, &c. bent in different directions, and formed into various figures, and pierced with holes of different sizes, will, when pressure is applied, allow the gas to pass through the different tubes, jets, &c. which, when inflamed, will represent the sun and stars. If to this be added, triangular tubes, tubes in the form of the cross of Malta, or any other figure, they being pierced in their sides with a great number of holes not larger than the point of a pin; it is obvious, that fixed pieces may be represented, as well as revolving ones. In this manner, Diller must have made his exhibition.
Hydrogen gas is usually made, by pouring on zinc, or iron
The inflammable air pistol is nothing more than a hollow metallic cylinder, or an instrument in the shape of two cones joined base to base, and furnished with a touch-hole, and handle. This pistol is filled with a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases, or in lieu of the latter, atmospheric air; a plug or stopper is put in the caliber, and, when the touch-hole is brought in contact with a lighted taper, an explosion will take place, and the plug be sent out with much force. The same effect may be shown by passing the electric spark over the touch-hole, and hence, on an insulated stool, a person, charged with electricity, may set it off by the finger or nose. This pistol is usually called the Voltaic pistol, from Volta, who is said to have invented it.
M. Biot (TraitÉ de Physique Experimentale, &c. tome ii, p. 435) describes the Voltaic pistol as a metallic vessel of a spheroid shape, furnished with an aperture and pipe, and with a conductor for the electric fluid, which passes through the middle of the vessel. This conductor is insulated, as it goes through a glass tube, and extends to within an eighth of an inch of the middle; and directly opposite to this conductor is a metallic wire, having, like the first conductor, a small metallic ball on its end. This conductor is placed a short distance from the first; so that, when the electric fluid is conducted, it passes from one ball to the other within the pistol, and hence inflames the hydrogen gas. With respect to the form of the pistol, it is of no moment whether it be cylindrical, conical, or globular, as the effect is the same, provided that it contain a sufficient quantity of gas, and the spark is conveyed through the gas, or the gas is inflamed by a vent. The air pistol described by Brande (Brande's Chemistry) is cylindrical, or rather in the shape of a cannon, and, where the touch-hole should be, there is an insulated conductor, which conveys the spark to the interior.
The Voltaic lamp is also a contrivance by which hydrogen gas is inflamed by the electric spark, which sets fire to a taper. The original lamp has been greatly improved, and simplified. The eudiometer of Volta is another contrivance by which hydrogen gas is burnt, in a strong tube, by the electric spark.
The detonation of inflammable air may be shown over a
Light carburetted hydrogen gas, or fire-damp of miners, is that gas, which so often formerly produced many dreadful accidents by its explosion. The invention, by Sir H. Davy, of the safety-lamp prevents this effect.
The principle of this most valuable discovery, appears to be altogether in the fine metallic gauze case, which surrounds the flame of the lamp; so that, as it is found by numerous and repeated experiments, the inflammable air, if present, cannot take fire outside of the gauze; in other words, the flame, in the interior of the case, is prevented from setting fire to the exterior atmosphere, however explosive it may be.
Hydrogen gas, in combination with carbon, is not only generated in mines and coal pits, (in the latter of which, it is the most abundant), but is frequently found on the surface of springs in the form of bubbles, usually however combined with sulphur; and in many places on the surface of the earth. It may be inflamed by a candle. The burning springs consist of this gas which is set on fire, and the combustion is kept up by a constant supply of gas from the same source. In the East, this gas is very often conveyed under ground through hollow reeds, and is constantly kept burning. At other times, it is conveyed to the sacred temples, as with the Zoroasters, and burnt as holy fire; and in some countries, it is so abundant, that the natives employ it as fuel for boiling their pots. It is found in different parts of the United States. A striking incident, showing its effects, occurred lately near Cincinnati, in the state of Ohio. It appears, that, in making an excavation, and boring for salt water, the workmen penetrated their augur into a cavity, which contained an abundance of gas, and which, with the water, made its way to the excavation. Not suspecting that the gas was inflammable, or being unacquainted with it, and apprehending no danger,
The gas was afterwards inflamed by applying a taper, as it rose in bubbles from the surface of the water.
The philosophical candle is nothing more than hydrogen gas set on fire as it proceeds from a capillary tube, being formed in a bottle to which the tube is attached. The most brilliant flame, however, is produced by hydroguret of carbon, or olefiant gas.
Inflammable air is often generated in the stomachs of dead persons, for, on applying a lighted candle, the vapour has been known to take fire. Dr. Swediaur relates some instances of the same kind, but in living persons, in which the urine of the by standers was made use of. According to several authorities, combustion has been known to take place spontaneously in living persons. Lair, however, is of opinion, that, in these cases, it must have occurred by some slight external cause, such as the fire of a candle, taper, or pipe. There can be no question as to the developement of hydrogen gas.
Morse, (Universal Geography, article Persia, p. 588), after mentioning the Persian guebres, the disciples and successors of the ancient magi, and followers of Zoroaster, speaks of a combustible ground about ten miles distant from Baku, a city in the north of Persia, as the place for their devotion. This ground contains several old temples, and is remarkable for the quantity of inflammable air it emits, which is employed to produce the sacred flame of universal fire. If the ground be penetrated with a stick, there will issue out such a prodigious quantity of inflammable air, as, when lighted, will burn for a considerable time. This gas, we remarked, is employed there for lighting, cooking, and other purposes. The naphtha districts, in Persia, furnish this gas in abundance. See Naphtha.
A Sandusky (Ohio) paper states, that, about one mile and a quarter from Milan, is a place just in the edge of the water of Huron river, where there is a current of inflammable gas, that burns with a clear bright blaze, and is in sufficient quantity to light ten houses.
Having already treated of the formation of various kinds of fire-works, we come now to consider their arrangement in fixed and moveable pieces.
It is obvious, that the order of arrangement, the manner of disposing the work, or establishing pieces for exhibition, may be greatly varied according to taste and fancy. The great variety of fixed and moveable pieces, consisting of suns, moons, stars, &c. which may be either made permanent, or to revolve on, or round a centre; or of wheels, double, single, or treble, either moving round other wheels, or by themselves in a vertical or horizontal order, together with the arrangement of fire-pots, and coloured lights, the management of rockets, the formation of aerial stars, serpents, tourbillons, &c. and the imitation of cascades, girandoles, and water-falls, all depend on the taste and fancy of the artist.
It is our intention, therefore, in the different sections of this chapter, to give the order and arrangement of pieces, as adopted in Europe, and particularly in France; so that the manner of fixing any one piece, or combination of pieces, to produce effects of different kinds, may be seen at one view. The moveable pieces are generally made of wheel-work, the wheel always turning upon an axle, which may pass entirely through and be kept on by a nut or pin. They should revolve without much friction, and, for this reason, the spindle should be of metal, and oiled or greased. Black lead, along with tallow, will diminish the friction very considerably. As to the formation of the wheel, whether it be solid, or formed of spokes and a band or hoop, or made with several concentric bands, placed at given distances apart, &c. the observations on this head will be found under the respective articles, and, generally, on all other pieces for exhibition.
We purpose, in a subsequent chapter, to notice particularly the works, made in and on water, usually denominated aquatic fire-works; as their arrangement, in many respects, differs from those on the land. Aquatic works furnish a variety, both in character and effect, and, therefore, are calculated to produce, in conjunction with land works, a brilliant spectacle. Of this, we have an instance, mentioned in the
Sec. I. Of the Composition of Wheel-Cases, standing and fixed.
It may not be improper, before noticing the arrangement of wheel-cases, to give in this place the compositions, which are used for charging them, reserving, however, the notice of some preparations, when we treat of such works, in which they are particularly employed.
Wheel-cases from two ounces to four pounds.
1. | Meal-powder, | 2 | lbs. | ||
Saltpetre, | 4 | oz. | |||
Iron-filings, | 7 | — | |||
2. | Meal-powder, | 2 | lbs. | ||
Saltpetre, | 12 | oz. | |||
Sulphur, | 4 | — | |||
Steel-dust, | 3 | — | |||
3. | Meal-powder, | 4 | lbs. | ||
Saltpetre, | 1 | — | |||
Sulphur, | 8 | oz. | |||
Charcoal, | 4½ | — | |||
4. | Meal-powder, | 8 | oz. | ||
Saltpetre, | 4 | — | |||
Sawdust, | 1½ | — | |||
Sea-coal, | ¾ | — | |||
5. | Meal powder, | 1 | lb. | 4 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 4 | — | 10 | dr. | |
Saltpetre, | 8 | — | |||
Glass-dust, | 2½ | — | |||
6. | Meal-powder, | 12 | oz. | ||
Charcoal, | 1 | — | |||
Sawdust, | ½ | — | |||
7. | Saltpetre, | 1 | lb. | 9 | oz. |
Sulphur, | 4 | — | |||
Charcoal, | 4½ | — | |||
8. | 2 | lbs. | |||
Saltpetre, | 1 | — | |||
Sulphur, | ½ | — | |||
Sea-coal, | 2 | oz. | |||
9. | Saltpetre, | 2 | lbs. | ||
Sulphur, | 1 | — | |||
Meal-powder, | 4 | — | |||
Glass-dust, | 4 | oz. | |||
10. | Meal-powder, | 1 | lb. | ||
Saltpetre, | 2 | oz. | |||
Steel-dust, | 3½ | — | |||
11. | Meal-powder, | 2 | lbs. | ||
Steel-dust | 2½ | oz. | |||
Beat iron, | 2½ | — | |||
12. | Saltpetre, | 2 | lbs. | 13 | oz. |
Sulphur | 8 | — | |||
Charcoal, | 4 | — |
Slow fire for wheels. | |||||
1. | Saltpetre, | 4 | oz. | ||
Sulphur, | 2 | — | |||
Meal-powder, | 1½ | — | |||
2. | Saltpetre, | 4 | oz. | ||
Sulphur, | 1 | — | |||
Antimony, | 1 | — | 6 | dr. | |
3. | Saltpetre | 4½ | oz. | ||
Sulphur, | 1 | — | |||
Meal-powder, | 1½ | — | |||
Dead fire for wheels. | |||||
1. | Saltpetre, | 1¼ | oz. | ||
Sulphur, | ¼ | — | |||
Lapis calaminaris, (prepared calamine,) | ¼ | — | |||
Antimony, | 2 | dr. |
Standing, or fixed cases. | |||||
1. | Meal-powder, | 4 | lbs. | ||
2 | lbs. | ||||
Sulphur and charcoal, (together,) | 1 | — | |||
2. | Meal-powder, | 2 | lbs. | ||
Saltpetre, | 1 | — | |||
Steel-dust, | 8 | oz. | |||
3. | Meal-powder, | 1 | lb. | 4 | oz. |
Charcoal, | 4 | oz. | |||
4. | Meal-powder, | 1 | lb. | ||
Steel-dust, | 4 | oz. | |||
5. | Meal-powder, | 2½ | lbs. | ||
Sulphur, | 4 | oz. | |||
Seacoal, | 6 | — | |||
6. | Meal-powder, | 3 | lbs. | ||
Charcoal, | 5 | oz. | |||
Sawdust, | 1½ | — |
Sun cases. | |||||
1. | Meal-powder, | 8½ | lbs. | ||
Saltpetre, | 1 | — | 2 | oz. | |
Steel-dust, | 2 | — | 10 | — | |
Sulphur, | 4 | — | |||
2. | Meal-powder, | 3 | lbs. | ||
Saltpetre, | 6 | oz. | |||
Steel-dust, | 7½ | — | |||
Crowns or globes. | |||||
1. | Saltpetre, | 6 | oz. | ||
Sulphur, | 2 | lbs. | |||
Antimony, | 4 | oz. | |||
Camphor, | 2 | — |
This view of the compositions used in fixed and turning pieces, exhibits the various compounds which have been employed, and, therefore, may be relied upon. Notwithstanding they are considered the standard formulÆ; yet we must observe, that in some, particularly in the turning sun, with variations, changes are required, in order to produce a variety
Sec. II. Of Single, Vertical, Horizontal, Spiral, and other wheels.
Of the different kinds of vertical wheels, we may mention, that some have their fells of a circular form, others, in the form of a hexagon, octagon, or of a figure of a greater number of sides, according to the length of the cases designed for the wheels. The spokes being fixed in the nave, nail slips of tin, with their edges turned up, so as to form grooves for the cases to lie in, from the end of one spoke to another. Then tie the cases in the grooves head to tail, in the same manner as those on the horizontal water-wheel; so that the cases successively taking fire from one to another, will keep the wheel in an equal rotation. Two of these wheels are very often fired together, one on each side of a building, and both lighted at the same time, and all the cases filled alike to make them keep time together. This may be accomplished in the following manner. In all the cases of both wheels, except the first, and on each wheel, drive two or three ladles full of slow fire, in any part of the cases, but be careful to ram the same quantity in each case; and in the end of one of the cases on each wheel, one ladle full of dead-fire composition, which must be very lightly driven. Many charges of fire may be made by the same method.
The hole in the nave of the wheel may be lined with brass, and made to turn on a smooth iron spindle. On the end of this spindle, let there be a nut to screw off and on. When we have placed the wheel on the spindle, screw on the nut, which will keep the wheel from flying off. Let the mouth of the first case be a little raised.
Vertical wheels are made from ten inches, to three feet in diameter, and the size of the cases must vary accordingly. Four-ounce cases will be sufficient for wheels of fourteen or sixteen inches in diameter, which is the proportion generally used. The best wood for wheels of all kinds, is the light and dry beech.
Horizontal wheels are more perfect, when their fells are made circular. In the middle of the top of the nave must be a pintle, turned out of the same piece as the nave, two inches long, and equal in diameter to the bore of one of the cases of the wheel. There must be a hole bored up the centre of the nave, within half an inch of the top of the pintle. Nail at the end of each spoke, of which there should be six or eight, a piece of wood with a groove, cut in it to receive the case. Fix these pieces in such a manner, that half the cases may incline upwards, and half downwards, and that, when they are tied on, their heads and tails, or extremities, may come very near together. From the tail of one case to the mouth of the other, carry a leader, which is necessary to be secured with pasted paper. Besides these pipes, a little meal-powder must be placed in the inside of the pasted paper, to blow off the pipe, that there may be no obstruction to the fire from the cases. By means of these pipes, the cases will successively take fire, burning one upwards, and the other downwards. On the pintle, fix a case of the same sort as those on the wheel. This case must be fired by a leader from the mouth of the last case on the wheel, which case must play downwards. Instead of a common case in the middle, we may put a case of Chinese fire, sufficiently long to burn a given time, or as long as two or three cases on the wheel.
Horizontal wheels are often fired two at a time, and made to keep time, like vertical wheels, only they are prepared without any slow or dead-fire. Ten or twelve inches will be sufficient for the diameter of wheels with six spokes.
With respect to spiral wheels, we may remark, that they are only double horizontal wheels, made in the following manner: The nave must be thicker than that of the single sort; and, instead of the pintle at top, a hole is usually made for the case to be fixed in. There are two sets of spokes, one set put near the top of the nave, and the other, near the bottom. At the end of each spoke, cut a groove, in which the cases are to be tied, there being no fell. The spokes should not be more than three and a half inches long from the nave, so that the wheel may not be more than eight or nine inches in diameter. The cases are placed in such a manner, that those at top play down, and those at the bottom play up; but let the third or fourth case burn horizontally. The case in the middle may begin with any of the others. Six spokes will be sufficient for each set; so that the wheel may consist of twelve cases, besides that on the top; the cases six inches each.
Plural wheels are different from the former. They are made to turn horizontally, and consist of three sets of spokes, placed six at top, six at bottom, and four in the middle, which must be a little shorter than the rest. Let the diameter of the wheel be ten inches. The cases must be tied on the ends of the spokes, in grooves, cut on purpose, or in pieces of wood, nailed on the ends of the spokes, with grooves cut in them as usual. In clothing these wheels, make the upper set of cases play obliquely downwards, the bottom set obliquely upwards, and the middle set, horizontally. In placing the leaders, we must so arrange them, as that the case may turn thus: namely, first up, then down, then horizontally, and so on with the rest. But another change may be made, by driving in the end of the eighth case two or three ladles full of slow fire, to burn till the wheel has stopt its course. Then let the other cases be fixed the contrary way, which will make the wheel run back again. For the case at top, we may put a small gerbe, and the cases on the spokes may be short, and filled with the strong brilliant charge.
For forming the illuminated spiral wheel, we must proceed thus: First have a circular horizontal wheel, made two feet in diameter, with a hole quite through the nave; then take three thin pieces of light board, three feet long each, and three-fourths of an inch broad. One end of each of these pieces, nail to the fell of the wheel, at an equal distance from one another; and the other end, nail to a block with a hole in its bottom, which must be perpendicular to that in the block of the wheel, but not so large. Plane a hoop down very thin and flat, and nail one end of it to the end of the wheel, and wind it round three sticks in a spiral line, from the wheel to the block at top. On the top of this block, fix a case of Chinese fire. On the wheel may be placed any number of cases, which must incline downwards, and burn two at a time. If the wheel should consist of ten cases, we may let the illuminations and Chinese fire begin with the second cases. The spindle for this wheel must be a little longer than the cone, and made very smooth at top, on which the upper block is to turn, and the whole weight of the wheel to rest.
For making the double spiral wheel, the block, or nave, must be as long as the height of the worms, or spiral lines; but must be very thin, and as light as possible. In this block fix several spokes, which must diminish in length from the wheel to the top, so as not to exceed the surface of a cone of the same height. To the ends of these spokes nail the worms, which must cross each other, several times. These
Balloon wheels turn horizontally. They are usually made two feet in diameter without any spokes, and very strong, with any number of sides. On the top of the wheel, range and fix in pots of three inches in diameter, and seven inches high each, as many as there are cases on the wheel. Near the bottom of each pot, make a small vent; and into each of these vents, carry a leader from the tail of each case. Some of the pots may be charged with stars and some with serpents, crackers, &c. As the wheels turn, the pots will be fired in succession, and throw into the air a great variety of fires.
Fruiloni wheels are made with a nave, nine inches long, and three inches in diameter. Near the bottom of this nave, fix eight spokes with a hole in the end of each, sufficiently large to receive a two or four-ounce case. Each of these spokes may be fourteen inches long from the block. Near the top of this block, fix three more of the same spokes, exactly over the others, but not so long by two inches. As this wheel is to run horizontally, all the cases in the spokes, must play obliquely upwards, and all those in the spokes at bottom, obliquely downwards. This being accomplished, have a small horizontal wheel, made with eight spokes, each five inches long from the block. On the top of this wheel, place a case of brilliant fire. All the cases on this wheel must play in an oblique direction downwards, and burn two at a time; and those on the large wheel, four at a time; i. e. two of those on the top set of spokes, and two of those in the bottom set of spokes.
The four first cases on the large wheel, and the two first on the small, must be fired at the same time, and the brilliant fire at the top, at the beginning of the last cases. The cases of the wheels may be filled with a gray charge. When these wheels are completed, we must have a strong iron spindle, four feet six inches long; and fixed perpendicularly on the top of a stand. On this, we put the large wheel, whose nave must have a hole quite through from the bottom to the top. This hole must be large enough to turn easy round the bottom of the spindle, at which place there must be a shoulder, to keep the wheel from touching the stand. At the top of the spindle, put the small wheel, and join it to a large one with a leader, in order that they may be fired both together.
Pin wheels, as they are called, are formed by rolling some paper into pipes of about fourteen inches in length. The paper should be thin, and rolled of three thicknesses. When they are thoroughly dried, procure a tin tube, twelve inches long, to fit easy into the pipes. At one end of this tube, fix a small conical cup, which cone is called a funnel; then bend one end of one of the pipes, and put the funnel in at the other, as far as it will reach, and fill the cup with composition. Draw out the funnel gently, shaking it up and down, and it will fill the pipe, as it comes out. Having filled some pipes, procure some small blocks, about one inch in diameter and half an inch thick. Round one of these blocks, wind and paste a pipe, and to the end of this pipe, join another, which must be done by twisting the end of one pipe to a point, and putting it into the end of the other with a little paste. In this manner, join four or five pipes, winding them one upon another, so as to form a spiral line. Having wound on the pipes, paste two strips of paper across them to hold them together. The pipes must also be pasted together.
The other method of making these wheels is described thus: wind on the pipes without paste, and stick them together with sealing wax at every half turn; so that, when they are fired, the end will fall loose, every time the fire passes the wax, by which means the circle of fire will be considerably increased.
The formers for these pipes are made from 11/2 to 4/16ths of an inch in diameter. They may be fired on a large pin, and held in the hand with safety.
Composition for Pin-Wheels.
Meal-powder, | 8 | oz. |
Saltpetre, | 2 | — |
Sulphur, | 1 | — |
Steel-filings, or the powder of cast-iron, | ¼ | — |
The ingredients are to be well mixed, and dry. The mixture need not be very fine, or it will adhere to the funnel.
From what has been said in the preceding section, it is obvious, that revolving or turning suns may be formed, or any piece put in motion, in the manner already described.
The cases may be charged with one, or with different compositions, given in the following table. They are attached in such a way, that the head of the first is nearly in contact with the ray of the second, and that to the third, &c. When the first case is finishing, it must, therefore, communicate fire to the second, that to the third, and so on in succession. These cases must be attached firmly by wire; and leaders are used to communicate the fire, as in other works. The end must be enclosed in the neck of the first case, and the other end in that of the second, &c. They are secured in their respective positions, by tying them securely to the cases.
With respect to the composition employed, it may be varied according to pleasure. In most instances, however, the ordinary sun-composition is used; but, in other instances, this is varied according to circumstances. Morel has adopted the following composition for a sun of six cases, the cases being eight-twelfths of an inch in diameter. These cases are mounted on the arms of the sun in the same manner as before described.
Composition for a sun with variations, the cases of which are eight-twelfths of an inch in caliber.
No. 1, first change, | |||
Saltpetre, | 16 | oz. | |
Sulphur, | 6 | — | |
Meal-powder, | 3 | — | |
No. 2, second change, | |||
Composition No. 1, | 2 | oz. | |
Meal-powder, | 2 | — | |
No. 3, third change, | |||
Composition No. 2, | 1 | oz. | |
Meal-powder, | 1 | — | |
Composition No. 3, | 1 | oz. | |
Meal-powder, | 1 | — | |
No. 5, fifth change, | |||
Composition No. 4, | 1 | oz. | |
Meal-powder, | 1 | — | |
No. 6, sixth change, | |||
Meal-powder alone, for two changes. |
It appears evident, that the changes thus produced are owing to the diminution of the quantity of saltpetre and sulphur, or, in other words, to the increase of the quantity of powder; and that the fourth change must contain but a small quantity of each, whilst the sixth or last change contains none, except that which is in the composition of the powder. The effect, therefore, must be proportionate; for, it must be apparent, that this diminution of nitre and sulphur, and the increase of powder, must render each charge more explosive, or, in other words, the combustion more instantaneous, and that this effect characterizes each of the changes in succession, is a result which necessarily follows.
The instructions given by Morel for employing these changes, in the charging of cases, are thus: We take the above composition for the third case of the sun. The first case is of common fire; the second of silver rain; the third of two charges of common fire, and afterwards a charge of No. 1, the second two charges of No. 2, the third three charges of No. 3, the fourth four charges of No. 4, the fifth four charges of No. 5, and two charges of No. 6. The fourth case is composed of brilliant fire; the fifth the same as the third, and the sixth of large or grand jessamine.
We may merely remark, that the sun must be supported very firmly, and that it ceases to revolve at the fourth, fifth, and sixth numbers.
Sec. IV. Of Fixed Suns.
Fixed suns are so called, because they remain stationary, and exhibit the appearance of a sun with innumerable rays. A fixed sun is formed by putting eight or more strips of board across each other, so that each arm may proceed from a common centre, in which a sun is painted on silk. To the extremities of these arms are attached, to each one in succes
Fixed suns are usually employed as a decoration for other works. They are sometimes sixty feet in diameter, and variously decorated. They are commonly, however, ten feet. The fire extends a considerable distance, sometimes, it is said, to the distance of thirty feet; but this must depend on the size of the cases.
Sec. V. Of Fixed Suns with Transparent Faces.
Fixed suns may be made with transparent faces in the following manner: Two rows of cases must be fixed in radii from the face of the sun, the sun being in the centre; and these cases, being placed alternately one above the other, and preserving the same distance all round, present what is called a double glory, and make the rays strong and full. The frame or sun-wheel is made thus: Have a circular flat nave, made very strong, 12 inches in diameter, and fix six strong flat spokes, proceeding from the circle that contains the sun's face to the extremity of the wheel, and also two other hoops, placed between it and the sun. To these, and the external wheel, the cases are tied. When the cases are tied on, leaders are attached from the upper to the under cases. The front of these spokes supports a circular fell, five feet in diameter. Within this is another fell, smaller in diameter by the length of one of the sun cases; and within this also is a third fell, whose diameter must be less than the second by the length of one case and one third. The fells are divided into as many equal parts as we employ cases, which may be from twenty-four to forty-four. At each division, fix a flat iron staple. These staples must be made to fix the cases and hold them fast on the wheel. The staples must be so placed, that one row of cases may lie in the middle of the intervals of the other. There is a spindle in the centre of the block of the sun, to which a small hexagonal wheel is put. The cases of this wheel must be filled with the same charge as the cases of the sun. Two cases must burn at a
A sun thus made is called a brilliant sun, as there appears nothing but sparks of brilliant fire, the wood-work being covered with fire from the wheel in the middle. A transparent face is usually made with pasteboard, by cutting out the eyes, nose, and mouth, for the sparks of the wheel to appear through. A face may be painted on oiled paper, or Persian silk, put over a hoop, and supported by three or four pieces of wire at six inches distance from the wheel in the centre. The silk may be painted according to fancy.
As to the size of cases for a sun of five feet in diameter, half-pound cases, filled ten inches with composition, is considered a good proportion.
Sec. VI. Of the Rose-Piece and Sun.
This exhibition may be made in such a manner as to produce a pleasing effect. A rose-piece may be used for a mutation, or change of a regulated piece, or fixed by itself. It makes the best appearance, when made large. If its exterior diameter be six feet, it will be a good size. Let the exterior fell be made of wood, and supported by four wooden spokes. All the other parts, on which the illuminations are fixed, must be made of strong iron-wire. On the exterior fell, place as many half pound cases of brilliant charge, as will be sufficient; but the more, the greater will be the effect, for the nearer the cases are placed, the stronger will be the rays of the sun. The illuminations should be placed within three inches of each other. They must all be fired together, and burn some time before the sun is lighted, which may be done by carrying a leader from the middle of one of the illuminations to the mouth of one of the sun cases.
Sec. VII. Of the Manner of changing a Horizontal to a Vertical Wheel, and representing a Sun in front.
In order to produce this change, the wheel for this purpose should be about three feet in diameter, and its fell circular, on which tie sixteen half-pound cases, filled with brilliant charge. Two of these cases must burn at a time. On each end of the nave is to be a tin barrel of the same construc
Sec. VIII. Of Caprices and Fire-Wands.
Caprices are so called from the particular motion they assume, and are regulated according to the order and manner of their firing.
A perpendicular shaft, or post, is first provided, in which are placed two sets of spokes at some distance from each
The arrangement of this piece, to produce the effect, depends on the construction of the wood work.
The great falling caprice differs from the foregoing in the following particular, that it separates itself in the midst of its fire into three parts. It is formed of three wheels, which appear as one; but at a certain time after the fire is communicated, they separate and occupy certain positions.
Mercury's Wand, as it is called, is formed by placing, across each other, two pieces of wood, and at the extremity of each four lances parallel to each other, and one obliquely. These lances of illumination must be connected by leaders. Circular bands are attached to the extremity of each leg, which terminates in the centre, and the wings or legs move in opposite directions. The double crescents, thus formed, produce, in turning, a variety of figures.
Sec. IX. Of Palm and other Trees.
The representation of trees is considered an elegant fire-work. Palm trees are shown by fixing an upright piece, which serves as a trunk, and attaching to it a number of pieces, resembling in effect the branches of a tree. The extremities or branches are decorated with gerbes, and sometimes with marrons, arranged in such a manner that they may go off together.
For Yew trees, cases of brilliant fire, jessamine, or Chinese are used. In making this representation, the upright piece is usually four feet in length, two inches in breadth, and one inch thick. At the top we fix, on the flat side, a hoop fourteen inches in diameter, and round its edge and front, place illuminations, and in its centre a five-pointed star. At a foot and a half from the edge of the hoop, two cases of brilliant fire are usually placed, one on each side. These cases should be one foot long each. Below these are usually fixed two more cases, at such a distance that their mouths may almost meet those at top. Two other cases are sometimes ad
Fire trees may be formed by placing cases at an angle of 45 degrees, inclining upwards from the trunk, and at certain distances from each other. The two last cases may incline downwards. Cases may also be placed on the trunk itself, so that the whole will resemble a body of fire. Fire trees are commonly made about six feet long and three inches in diameter. The cases are generally fixed to pegs. At the top of the tree, a four-inch mortar is fixed, which is loaded with stars, rains, or crackers. In the middle of this mortar, we may place a case filled with any sort of charge, which must be fired with the other cases. Brilliant fire is generally employed. The fire is communicated, as in other works, by means of leaders, which are fired at the bottom.
There is also another exhibition often made with the so called illuminated yew-tree. The middle piece or stem on which the branches are placed, is generally eight feet six inches high. The branches all incline downward, and shorten as they go up. The number of branches on each side is six, and their length is determined according to judgment. When the branches are fixed, place illuminating port-fires on the top of each, as many as are required. Behind the top of the stem, fasten a gerbe or fountain of Chinese fire, which must be fired at the beginning of the illuminations on the tree.
Fires are often made to intersect each other, which has a good effect. For this purpose a perpendicular post is provided, of any thickness, so that it is sufficiently strong to hold the cases. There are two pieces of wood which go across the post, two feet six inches apart and two feet in length. On the end of each of these pieces there is usually a five-pointed star. Six stars are mostly employed. Pegs are fixed to the post in such a way that two of them incline upwards and two downwards, both forming an angle of ninety degrees, or forty-five degrees with the post. To these pegs are fixed half pound cases of brilliant fire. All the cases and stars must be fired at once. It is obvious that by this arrangement of the cases, the fires must cross, and thus by intersecting each other afford a greater variety.
Sec. X. Of the Pyramid of Flower Pots.
This piece is formed by attaching to a post, ten or twelve feet high, and placed perpendicularly in the ground, four
Sec. XI. Of the Dodecaedron.
The piece, required in forming a twelve sided figure, is prepared in the following manner: A ball must be turned out of solid wood, fourteen inches in diameter, and its surface is to be divided into fourteen equal parts. In each division bore holes of a half inch in diameter, perpendicular to the centre, so that they may all meet in the middle. In the inside of each hole, let there be turned a female screw. To all the holes but one must be made a round spoke, five feet long, with four inches of the screw at one end to fit the holes. In the screw end of all the spokes, bore a hole five inches up, which must be bored slanting so as to come out at one side a little above the screw. From these holes cut a small groove along the spoke, within six inches of the other end, where another hole through to the other side of the spoke is made. To this end fix a spindle, on which put a small wheel of three or four sides, each side six or seven inches long; these sides must have grooves cut in them, large enough to receive a two or four-ounce case. When these wheels are clothed put them on the spindles, and at the end of each spindle attach a nut to keep the wheel from falling off.
The wheels being thus fixed, carry a pipe from the mouth of the first case on each wheel through the hole in the side of the spoke, and from thence along the groove and through the other hole, so as to hang out at the screw end about an inch. The spokes being all prepared in this manner, a post must be provided on which the piece is to be fired, having an
Sec. XII. Of Cascades of Fire.
Cascades of fire may be made of any size, and with cases from a half pound to a pound, or more. Half pound cases are usually the size employed. Cascades may be made either fixed, or turning. The former are an assemblage of pieces of wood, furnished with cases charged with Chinese fire, and placed one above the other. The distance may be more or less; sometimes from eight to fifteen feet. The latter, or turning cascades, are constructed about four feet in diameter. The wheel is made to turn on a pivot, and is put in motion by attaching to it, in the usual manner, cases of white fire. These play horizontally. The cases of Chinese fire, which play downwards, are fixed to the wheel, or to another wheel below this, or above it, according to fancy, and are placed with their mouths downwards. Sometimes in fact they play upwards, and for that purpose are made to incline outwards. In the centre, there is a case or two of brilliant fire.
It is obvious, that this arrangement not only gives a motion to the wheel, and to the cases of Chinese fire, but produces in effect a circular sheet, which falls like a cascade.
By having an upright piece, stuck in the ground, on which are fixed three or more horizontal wheels, or segments of a circle, made permanent, and at about three feet from each other, diminishing, however, as they go up, and also in their diameter, a frame will be formed capable of holding a great number of cases. The first segment may be four feet in diameter. The top pieces may be of any length, so as to hold the cases at a little distance from each other. All the cross pieces are to be fixed horizontally, and supported by brackets. The bottom cross piece, or segment, should be about one foot six inches broad in the middle; the second, one foot; the third, nine inches; and the top piece, four inches. The cases
Sec. XIII. Of Chinese Fountains, and Parasols.
The manner of constructing the wood work of a Chinese fountain is as follows: Procure a perpendicular piece of wood, seven feet long, and two and a half inches square. At sixteen inches from the top, fix on the front a cross piece, one inch thick, and two and a half inches broad; with the broad side up. Below this, fix three more pieces of the same width and thickness, at sixteen inches from each other. Let the bottom rail be five feet long, and the others of such a length as to allow the fire-pumps to stand in the middle of the intervals of each other. The pyramid being thus made, fix in the holes, made in the bottom rail, five fire-pumps, at equal distances: on the second rail, place four pumps; on the third, three; on the fourth, two; and on the top of the post, one. Place them all, however, to incline a little forward, so that when they throw out the stars, they may not strike against the cross rails. The fire-pumps are to be clothed with leaders, in order that they may all be fired together.
Cases for Fire-pumps are made in the same manner as those for tourbillons. See
The effect of these cases depends entirely on the star-composition. Stars, previously moulded, are introduced into them along with meal-powder.
Parasols are also formed with Chinese fire. A horizontal wheel is provided, and its circumference is clothed with eight or ten cases of that fire. These cases may be five-sixths of an inch in diameter, and, when inflamed, should throw their fire horizontally. The fire, in this instance, is made to resemble a sheaf; but the ordinary composition is generally used. The cases, however, should play horizontally. To make the wheel turn on its pivot, two cases of white fire are attached to it. The parasol, produced by the fire, is from twenty-five to thirty feet in diameter. It is formed in consequence of the fire coming in contact, and producing a concave sheet in its fall, resembling a parasol when extended.
Sec. XIV. Of Wings or Cross Fire.
Nearly similar to one of the pieces described, that of the representation of a tree, is the cross-fire, or wings, a name given to it, because it resembles the sails, or wings of a windmill.
In forming this piece, two sticks, eight feet in length, are provided, and through the centre of each, a square hole is made, to receive a piece of iron of the same size, through which is a hole to admit a pivot.
When these sticks are put together, there must be a sufficient distance between them to prevent their rubbing each other. Five cases, charged with the composition of brilliant fire, are fixed to each extremity, proceeding towards the centre, at a short distance apart, and making in all twenty cases. Four of these cases are placed at each end, nearly horizontally, resembling the rounds of a ladder, the sticks being nearly vertical; and the one nearest the centre is placed almost vertically, or rather obliquely. The cases, being connected with leaders, when fired, turn with the sticks in an opposite direction to each other.
When three wheels are each furnished with two rounds of white and coloured fire, and are so arranged, that the periphery of each should pass over in succession at the distance of ninety degrees of the perimeter, this piece is then called by the whimsical name of the love-knot.
Sec. XV. Of Galleries of Fire, and Batteries of Roman and Mosaic Candles.
Galleries of fire are formed by attaching, to long strips of
To form batteries with marrons, in connection with Roman candles, they are tied at two feet distance from each other, on long sticks, leaders being attached. These batteries, like the fire gallery, usually accompany other fire-works.
We may here remark, that thunder is imitated by marrons, which are fixed in the same way two feet apart. To produce the effect, and increase the report, it is necessary to use them of different sizes, from a quarter of an inch to three inches caliber. They should be preceded by flashes of lightning, which is imitated either with powdered rosin, or lycopodium, in the manner described in our chapter on Theatrical Fire-Works.
Sec. XVI. Of Girandoles, and their Modifications.
Girandoles, for the purpose here noticed, are nothing more than wheels which turn on a pivot. They are made of light wood, with a rim similar to that of a sieve, and are clothed with cases. Two cases are fired at a time, which burn in an opposite direction.
Girandoles may be made to imitate a parasol, by placing, horizontally, cases charged with the blue-fire composition, or with that of the Chinese fire. Cascades may be formed, by arranging them vertically, horizontally, and some at an angle of ten or fifteen degrees from the horizon. The bunch of flowers is represented by using, at the same time, cases of 10/12ths, 11/12ths, and one inch, charged with Chinese composition, as given in the table for calibers of that diameter. See Chinese Fire. Crackers are formed by attaching Roman candles and Mosaic simples, and the sheaf is shown by fixing in the centre some empty cases, on which are strung small rockets, which are fired by the last case.
There are different modes of varying the effect of the girandole. They may imitate the fire-rain, by employing cases charged with that composition, which is given in the chapter on Theatrical Fire-Works.
Sec. XVII. Of Cracking Caprices.
For this piece, a circular table is formed about twenty inches in diameter, and one inch and a quarter thick. There is a hole made in the centre, which is furnished with a pivot.
Twelve inches from the circumference, and at equal distances, eight holes are to be bored, to receive the same number of pots, of two inches caliber; and, in the immediate vicinity of the centre hole, which receives the pivot, four more are made, for four other pots.
Eight arms, three inches long, project from the table at equal distances, on which is fastened a hoop one inch in width. The fire-pots are now put in the different apertures, which are made sometimes to screw in; and the frame, of which we have spoken, is furnished with cases of brilliant fire.
It is necessary that this piece should go off at three fires; but the order of firing may be varied according to circumstances.
Sec. XVIII. Of the Projected Regulated Piece of Nine Mutations.
A regulated piece, if well executed, is considered as curious in its effect as any other in pyrotechny. It consists of fixed and moveable pieces on one spindle, representing various figures, which take fire successively one upon another, without any assistance after lighting the first mutation.
I. Names of the mutations, with the colour of fire, and size of the case, belonging to each.
First Mutation.—This is a hexagon vertical wheel, illuminated in front with small port-fires, tied on the spokes. This wheel must be clothed with two-ounce cases, filled with black charge. The length of these cases is determined by the size of the wheel, but each must burn singly.
Second Mutation.—This is a fixed piece, called a golden glory, by reason of the cases being filled with spur fire. The cases must stand perpendicular to the block, on which they are fixed, so that, when burning, they may represent a glory of fire. This mutation is generally composed of five, or seven two-ounce cases.
Third Mutation.—This is moveable, and is only an octagon vertical wheel, clothed with four-ounce cases, filled with brilliant charge. Two of these cases must burn at a time. In this wheel, we may make changes of fire.
Fourth Mutation.—This is a fixed sun of brilliant fire, consisting of twelve four-ounce cases. The necks of these cases must be a little larger than those of four-ounce wheel cases. In this mutation, may be made a change of fire, by filling the cases half with brilliant charge, and half with gray.
Fifth Mutation.—This is a fixed piece called the porcupine quills. This piece consists of twelve spokes, standing perpendicular to the block in which they are fixed. On each of these spokes, near the end, must be placed a four-ounce case of brilliant fire. All these cases must incline either to the right or left, so that they may all play one way.
Sixth Mutation.—This is a standing piece called the cross fire. This mutation consists of eight spokes fixed in a block. Near the end of each of the spokes, must be tied two four-ounce cases of white charge, one across the other; so that the fires from the cases on one spoke may intersect the fire from the cases on the other.
Seventh Mutation.—This is a fixed wheel with two circular fells, on which are placed sixteen eight-ounce cases of brilliant fire, in the form of a star. This piece is called a fixed star of wild fire.
Eighth Mutation.—This is a beautiful piece, called a brilliant star piece. It consists of six spokes, which are strengthened by two fells of a hexagon form, at some distance from each other. At the end of each spoke, in the front, is fixed a brilliant star of five points; and on each side of every star is placed a four-ounce case of black or gray charge. These cases must be placed with their mouths sidewise, so that their fires may cross each other.
Ninth Mutation.—This is a wheel piece. It is composed of six long spokes, with a hexagon vertical wheel at the end of each. These wheels run on spindles in front of the spokes. All the wheels are lighted together. Two-ounce cases will be sufficient for these wheels, and may be filled with any coloured charge.
II. With respect to the proportion of these mutations, with the method of conveying the fire from one to the other, and the distance they stand from each other on the spindle, the following general remarks will be sufficient.
The first mutation must be a hexagon vertical wheel fourteen inches in diameter. On one side of the block, whose diameter is two and one-fourth inches, is fixed a tin barrel. This barrel must be a little less in diameter than the nave. Let the length of the barrel, and block be six inches. Having fixed the cases on the wheel, carry a leader, from the tail of the last case, into the tin barrel, through a hole, made on purpose, two inches from the block. At the end of this leader, let there be about one inch, or two, of loose match; but be careful to secure the hole, in which the pipe is put, to
The second mutation is thus made. Have a nave, turned two and a half inches in diameter, and three long; then let half an inch of that end, which faces the first wheel, be turned, so as to fit easy into the tin barrel of the first mutation, which must turn round it without touching. On the other end of the block, fix a tin barrel No. 2. This barrel must be six inches long, and only half an inch of it to fit on the block. Round the nave, fix five spokes, one inch and a half long each. The diameter of the spokes must be equal to a two-ounce former. On these spokes, put five seven-inch two-ounce cases of spur-fire, and carry leaders from the mouth of one to the other, that they may all light together. Then, from the mouth of one of these cases, carry a leader through a hole bored slantwise in the nave, from between the spokes to the front of the block, near the spindle hole. The end of this leader must project out of the hole into the barrel of the first mutation; so that, when the pipe, which comes from the end of the last case on the first wheel, flashes, it may take fire and light the second mutation. To communicate the fire to the third mutation, bore a hole near the bottom of one of the five cases to the composition; and from thence carry a leader into a hole, made in the middle of the barrel. This hole must be covered with pasted paper.
The third mutation may be either an octagon or hexagon wheel, twenty inches in diameter. Let the nave be three and a quarter inches in diameter, and three and a half in length. One and a half inches of the front of the nave must be made to fit in the barrel No. 2. On the other end of the block, fix a tin barrel No. 3. This barrel must be six and a half inches in length, one inch of which must fit over the block. The cases of this wheel must burn two at a time, and, from the mouths of the two first cases, carry a leader through holes in the nave, into the barrel of the second mutation, after the usual manner. But besides these leaders, let a pipe go across the wheel from one of the first cases to the other. Then, from the tail of one of the last cases, carry a pipe into a hole in the middle of the barrel No. 3: at the end of this pipe, let there be some loose quick match.
Fourth and Fifth Mutations.—Their naves are made of one piece, which, from the barrel of the fourth, to the commencement of the sixth, is fourteen inches. The block of the fourth is four inches in diameter, having ten or twelve short spokes, on which are fixed eleven inch eight-ounce cases.
Sixth and Seventh Mutations.—The blocks of these two mutations are turned out of one piece of wood, whose length from the barrel of the fifth wheel, to the block of the eighth wheel, is fifteen inches. The block of the sixth wheel is five inches in diameter, having eight spokes, each two feet four inches long. At the end of each spoke, tie two four-ounce cases, as in No. 6. All these cases must be fired at the same time, by a pipe brought from the end of one of the cases on the fifth mutation. Let the distance between the spokes of the sixth, and those in the fifth mutation, be seven inches. The nave of the seventh mutation must be five and a half inches in diameter, and furnished with eight spokes. On the front of them, two circular fells, one of four feet eight inches in diameter, and the other, three feet eleven inches, are to be fixed. On these fells, tie sixteen eight-ounce cases, or pound cases, as in No. 7, and carry leaders from one to the other, so that they may be fired at the same time. This mutation must be fired by a leader, brought from the tail of one of the cases on the sixth mutation.
Eighth and Ninth Mutations.—The blocks of these may be turned out of one piece, whose length from the barrel of the seventh mutation to the block of the ninth, must be twelve inches. The block of the eighth, six inches in diameter, must contain six spokes, each three feet in length, and strengthened by an hexagon fell, within three or four inches of the ends of the spokes. Close to the end of each spoke, in the front, fix a five-pointed brilliant star, and seven inches below each star, attach two ten-inch eight-ounce cases, so that the upper ends of the cases may rest on the fells, and their ends on the spokes. Each of these cases must be placed parallel to the opposite fell.
Ninth Mutation.—The block of the ninth mutation is seven inches in diameter, and holds six spokes, six feet long
Having thus given a brief description of this complicated work, the performance of which depends so much on the accuracy of its parts, we will now add a few remarks respecting the formation of spindles.
For the larger pieces, the spindles should be made very strong and exact. The instructions on this head are, that for a piece of nine mutations, let the spindle be, at the large end, one inch in diameter, and continue that thickness as far as the seventh mutation, and from thence to the fifth, let its diameter be three-quarters of an inch. The other proportions, then, are, from the fourth to the second, half an inch; and from the second to the end, three-eighths of an inch. At the small end must be a nut, to keep on the first wheel, and at the thick end, a large nut; so that the screw part of the spindle being put through a post, and a nut screwed on tight, the spindle will be held fast and steady. The wheels, however, ought to run easy and without sticking. The fixed pieces are made on different blocks, and the leaders must be joined, after they are fixed on the spindle. The best method of preventing the fixed mutations from moving on the spindle, is to bore a hole a little larger than the diameter of the spindle; and, at each end of the block, over the hole, fasten a piece of brass, with a square hole in it to fit the spindle.
Similar to this piece of nine mutations is the PiÈce Pyrique of the French, which consists of a great variety of fixed and moving pieces, that are fired alternately, but in regular succession. This piece we purpose to describe in the following section.
Sec. XIX. Of the Pyric or Fire-Piece.
This, we have remarked, is a combination of pieces, calculated, like the one we have described, to produce a variety of fires, variously arranged and distributed.
The pyric piece commonly commences with a turning sun. This sun consists of three cases, fixed to three arms proceed
Sec. XX. Of Sundry Illuminated Figures.
There are various illuminated pieces, some of which we purpose to notice in this section.
The illuminated pyramid, with Archimedean screws, a globe, and vertical sun, may be exhibited in the following manner: Let a pyramid be made twenty-one feet in height, and the height of the pedestal six feet, and breadth nine feet, having a space between the rails of six inches. They must be made as thin as possible, and in all put port-fires at intervals of four inches. The Archimedean screws are placed on the pedestal. They are nothing more than double spiral
Transparent stars with illuminated rays are formed, by making a strong circular block or body for the star, two feet in diameter, and attaching to it illuminated rays. In the centre of the front of the body, fix a spindle, on which put a double triangular wheel, six inches in diameter, clothed with two-ounce cases of brilliant charge. The cases on this wheel must burn only one at a time.
Round the edge of the body, nail a hoop made of thin wood or tin, which must project in front six or seven inches. In this hoop, cut three or four holes to let out the smoke from the wheel. The star may be cut out of strong pasteboard or tin in the following manner: Cut a round piece of pasteboard, two feet in diameter, on which draw a star, and cut it out. Over the vacancy, paste Persian silk, and paint the letters yellow; and also four of the rays yellow, and four red. This transparent star is to be fixed to the wooden hoop by a screw, to take off and on. The illuminated rays are made of thin wood, with tin sockets, fixed on their sides, within four inches of each other. In these rockets, put the illuminating port-fires, or lances; and behind the point of each ray, attach a half pound case of gray, black, or Chinese fire. The illuminated rays are to be lighted at the same time as the triangular wheel, or after it is burnt out. This may be done by a tin barrel, in the manner described in the regulated piece. Into this barrel, carry a leader from the illuminated rays, through the back of the star, which must be met by another leader, brought from the tail of the last case on the wheel.
The regulated illuminated spiral piece, with a projected star wheel, also illuminated, is made by procuring a block, eight inches in diameter, and putting in six iron spokes, which serve for spindles for the spiral wheels. These wheels are made one and a half feet in diameter, and three feet in height. The spindles must be of sufficient length to keep the wheels four or five inches from one another. At the end of each spindle, put a screw nut. On these spindles, the wheels, that hang downwards, are to run. On the spindles, which stand upwards, must be a shoulder, for the blocks
In order to make a figure-piece, with five-pointed stars, illuminated, all that is necessary is to have a vertical wheel about one foot in diameter, and furnished with six four-ounce cases of different coloured charge, which must burn double. On the frame of the figure piece, fix five-pointed brilliant or blue stars, rammed four inches with composition. Let the space between each star be eight inches, and, at each point, fix a gerbe or case of Chinese fire. The gerbe, stars, and wheel are to be lighted at the same time.
The illuminated star wheel may be formed by procuring a fell about four feet in diameter, and placing, within this fell, three circles of iron wire, one smaller than the other, so that the diameter of the least may be about ten inches. Place the port, or other fires on these fells, with their mouths inclining outwards, and the port-fires on the points of the star, with their mouths projecting in front. The exterior fell must be clothed with four-ounce cases of gray charge. They must burn four at a time and be lighted at the same time with the illuminations.
The illuminated regulating piece as it is called, consists of flat wooden spokes, each five feet long, and at the end of each, a vertical wheel, ten inches diameter, and clothed with six four-ounce cases of brilliant fire. These cases burn one at a time. On two of the spokes of each wheel, two port-fires are attached, which must be lighted with the first case of the wheel. On each spoke, behind the wheels, place six cases of the same size with those on the wheels. These cases must be tied across the spokes with their mouths in one direction, and be made to take fire in succession.
The diameter of the large wheel must be two and a half feet, and its fell made of wood, which is to be fixed to the large spokes. Twenty-four cases of the same kind are fixed on this wheel, and burn four at a time. On the circles of iron-wire, already mentioned, illuminating port-fires are attached.
The illuminated double cone-wheel is nothing more than a double cone, formed of a number of hoops, and supported by three or four pieces of wood, in the manner of the spiral wheels. The wheel to which the cones are attached, base to base, is two feet six inches in diameter, and the height of each cone is three feet six inches. Port-fires, or lances, are tied to each of the hoops, in a horizontal direction, with their mouths outwards. The cases are eight-ounce, and play horizontally, two at a time. The spindle for this piece must rise three feet above the point of the cone at top; so that its length will be ten feet four inches from the top of the post, in which it is fixed, allowing four inches for the thickness of the block of the wheel. The whole weight of the wheel and cones must be made to bear on a shoulder in the spindle, on which the block of the wheel is to turn. On the top of the spindle, fix a sun, composed of sixteen four-ounce cases of brilliant fire. These cases must be stuck into a block, six inches in diameter. In the front of this sun, put a circular vertical wheel, sixteen inches in diameter. On the front of this wheel, form a spiral with wire, to which attach illuminations in the usual manner. This wheel is to be fired, when the cones are burnt out, which may be done as before described. The sun must not be fired, until the vertical wheel is burnt out. Three vertical wheels illuminated, which turn on their own naves upon a horizontal table, is a piece readily formed. It consists in having a table, three feet in diameter fixed horizontally on the top of a post, with three wheels that turn round on it. There are three spokes, joined to a triangular flat piece of wood, in the middle of which, a hole is made to fit easily over a spindle placed in the centre of the table. There are three pieces of wood four or five inches long, and two inches square, fixed on the under sides of the spokes. In these pieces, holes are made lengthwise, to receive the thin parts of the blocks of the wheels, which, when in, are prevented from coming out by a small iron pin that runs through the end of each. The three vertical octagon wheels, each eighteen inches in diameter, have blocks sufficiently long, for three or four inches to rest on the table. Round these a number of sharp points of wire are driven, (which must not project out of the blocks more
The vertical scroll wheel is formed by taking a block of a moderate size, and fixing in it four flat spokes, and, on them, a flat circular fell of wood. Round the front of this fell, port-fires are placed; and on the front of the spokes a scroll is formed either with a hoop or strong iron-wire. On this scroll, tie cases of brilliant fire in proportion to the wheel, head to tail. When the first case near the fell is lighted, the fire is communicated in succession. The grand volute, with a projected wheel in front, is made in the following manner: Two hoops are formed of strong iron wire, one of six feet in diameter, and the other of four feet two inches. These hoops must be joined to scrolls, formed according to fancy, of the same kind of wire. On these, tie, with iron wire, as many illuminating port-fires, as they will carry, at two inches distance. Prepare then a circular wheel of four spokes, three feet six inches in diameter, and, on its fell, tie as many four-ounce cases, head to tail, as will complete the circle, only allowing a sufficient distance between the cases, that the fire may pass free. On each spoke, fix a four-ounce case, about three inches from the fell of the wheel. These cases are to burn one at a time, and the first of them to begin with those on the fell, of which four are to burn at a time. On the front of the wheel, form a spiral line with strong wire, on which tie port-fires, with their mouths to face the same way as the cases on the wheel. All these port-fires must be fired with the second cases on the wheel.
The spokes of the wheel must be formed of wood, and made to screw into a block in the centre, and each spoke should be four feet six inches in length. In the top of each,
Sec. XXI. Of the Spiral or Endless Screw, and Waved Fire.
This piece is formed in the same manner as the single and double cones; and, in fact, is the same as the Archimedean screw, which we have already described. The serpentine form which characterizes the spiral piece, is given to it by the particular arrangement of the lances of illumination. The cone receives its motion from the cases of white-fire; the fire of which is communicated by leaders to the cases of port-fire, or lances of illumination. They must burn the same length of time.
The waved fire is produced by having two wheels of a similar size, turning in a contrary direction on the same axis, and furnished with cases, which are inclined about 45 degrees from the level of the table. These wheels carry four cases each, and burn at the same time. They have been made to carry forty-eight cases, and furnished, at their centres, with lances, bent in a particular manner, so as to represent the motion of serpents.
Sec. XXII. Of the Decoration of Wheels.
Wheels, we have seen, may be made of different dimensions, according to the purpose to which they are applied. The most common are three or four feet in diameter, with a nave of hard wood, and spokes of light wood. They are sometimes surmounted with a fell, and frequently by seve
Wheels, in general, are furnished with cases, and various decorations. Some have two, three, four, and more fires; but, if they are finished too much, the weight they thus acquire would retard the velocity of the wheel. Their centres may be finished in several ways; as, for instance, by attaching, to the inner fells or circles, cases filled with white lance-composition, placed at the distance of two inches from each other, or alternately, white, blue, and yellow, or Chinese gerbes, or cases of blue fire. We may also attach small turning suns, the axes of which being placed upon the spokes. They may also be made to resemble a mirror, by furnishing all the spokes with white lances; and for the last fire, we may attach four cases to the centre, or in its vicinity, placed in such a manner, that their fire may issue from the interior of the wheel. To this, we may add, two other cases, which may cross the former. Leaders are fixed, and they are lighted at the same time.
Automatons with all their joints, or articulations, have been added to exhibitions of this kind, and with particular effect. They are clothed with cases after the usual manner.
Sec. XXIII. Of Globes, with their Various Decorations.
The first we purpose to treat of are the illuminated globes with horizontal wheels.
The hoops for these globes may be made of wood, tin, or iron wire, about two feet in diameter. For a single globe, take two hoops and tie them together, one within the other, at right angles; then have a horizontal wheel made, whose diameter must be a little wider than the globe, and its nave six inches long; on the top of which, the globe is fixed so as to stand three or four inches from the wheel. On this wheel may be put any number of cases, filled with any of the ordinary charges, as the white fire composition. Two of these cases must burn at a time. They may be placed horizontally, or inclining downwards. When the wheel is clothed, fix on the hoops as many illuminations as will stand, within two and a half inches of each other, which are fastened on the hoops with small iron wire. Attach the pipes of communication, and arrange them so as to carry the fire to all at the same time, with the exception of one or two, which are to receive their fire for the last. The spindle, on which the globe is to turn, must go through the block of the wheel up to the inside
We may remark, that, while the cases of white fire composition give to the piece a rotary motion, those of the lance or illuminating port-fire produce the effect, which characterizes in particular this fire-work.
With respect to fire globes, there are two kinds; namely, one with projected cases, and the other with concealed cases. If we have a globe made of wood, of any diameter, and divide its surface into twenty-four equal parts, and bore a perpendicular hole in each of these divisions to the centre, we may then represent this piece in the following manner: In every hole, except one, put a case filled with brilliant or any other charge, and let the mouths of the cases be even with the surface of the globe. Then cut in the globe a groove from the mouth of one case to that of another for leaders, which must be carried from case to case, so that they may all be fired together. The globe is then covered with a single paper and painted.
Fire globes with projected cases are made in the following way: Prepare a globe with fourteen holes, and fix in every hole except one, a case, and let each case project from the globe two-thirds of its length. Then clothe all the cases with leaders. It must be supported by a spindle made to fit the hole in which there is no case.
The bursting-globe is nothing more than a globe prepared in a particular way. It turns on a pivot, and is made by uniting four segments. These segments or parts are fixed to hinges, which open on the inside, and, when brought together, are kept in their place by a match which goes round the globe. The globe, it is to be observed, is furnished in the inside with several steel springs, which, unless the globe itself were tied, would force it open. When the match is burnt, this effect follows and the globe separates into four parts. It is furnished with lances and cases in the same manner as those already described. The last effect is that we have noticed.
Globes, which leap or roll on the ground, may be formed by procuring a wooden globe, furnished with a cylinder; and, having loaded it with the composition hereafter mentioned, introduce into it four or more petards loaded with
Grained powder, | 1 | lb. |
Saltpetre, | 32 | — |
Sulphur, | 8 | — |
Scraped ivory, | 1 | oz. |
Sawdust, (boiled in saltpetre and dried,) | 8 | lbs. |
Sec. XXIV. Of the Representation of the Moon and Stars.
The moon and stars are represented in the following manner: Make a wheel eighteen inches in diameter, by fixing eight or more spokes in the nave; and then adapt a fell to it. To the fell fasten eight cases of the black or gray composition, and let the fire communicate from one to the other. These cases give motion to the wheel. Furnish the spokes of this wheel with cases charged with the white lance composition. Make now a crescent of iron and attach it to the spokes, or a little before the spokes of the wheel. In order to fix stars to this piece, eight strips of wood, seven feet in length, are made to cross each other at equal distances, and nailed to each other in the middle; so that when this frame is put behind and secured to the moon-piece, its arms will extend some distance beyond the perimeter of the wheel. These projections are furnished with five-pointed stars, eight inches apart, and there is usually in all thirty-two. They are made to communicate with each other by means of the cotton match, as before described. The light of the lances renders the moon very apparent, and the fixed stars resemble those in the firmament. The representation of the moon and seven stars may be performed by procuring a smooth, circular board, six feet in diameter. Out of the middle of it cut a circular piece twelve or fourteen inches in diameter, and cover the hole formed with Persian silk, on which is to be painted a moon's face. Also cut out of the board stars of four or five inches in diameter. These stars are cut out with five points and covered with oiled silk. On the front of the
A large fixed star may be made thus. To each extremity of the pieces of wood, arranged so as to cross each other, attach two cases of the black charge. Their fire must communicate. Near these cases, on each arm, place a turning sun of three cases. These five suns are fixed at the same time, and when they cease, the cases commence. These cases form the star.
The representation of flaming stars, with brilliant wheels, is made in the following manner. After procuring a circular piece of wood, about one inch thick, and two feet in diameter, fix round it eight points, each two feet and a half long, four of which must be straight and four waved, or flaming. These points being joined on very strong, and even with the surface of the wood, nail tin or pasteboard on their edges, from the wood to the end of each, where they must be joined. This tin is to project in front eight inches, and be joined where they meet at the block. Round the front of the wood, fix four pieces of thick iron wire, eight inches long each, equally distant from each other. Cut a piece of pasteboard round, two feet in diameter, and draw on it a star; then cut out this star, and on the back of it, place oiled paper. Paint half red and half yellow, lengthwise. The body of the star must be left open in which must be seen a brilliant wheel. This wheel is formed by having a block turned nine inches long, and fixing in it six spokes. At the end of each spoke, put a two-ounce case of brilliant fire. The length of these cases is made in proportion to the wheel, and the diameter of the wheel, when the cases are on, must be less than the diameter of the body of the small star. The cases on the spokes in front must have their mouths inclined outwards, and those on the inside spokes, placed so as to form a vertical circle of fire.
Carry the first leader, from the tail of one of the cases in front, to the mouth of one of the inside cases, and from the tail of that to another in front, and in the same order to all of them. Put on a spindle in the centre of the star. This spindle must be furnished with a shoulder at bottom, to keep the
With respect to the formation of stars for regulated pieces, we may remark, that they are made of different sizes according to the work for which they are intended. They are prepared with cases from one ounce to one pound; but, in general, with four-ounce cases, four or five inches long. The cases should be rolled with paste, and twice as thick of paper as a rocket of the same caliber. Having rolled a case, let one end of it be pinched quite close; then drive in half a diameter of clay, and, when dry, fill it with composition to two or three inches of the length of the case. At the top of the charge, drive some clay; as the ends of these cases, being seldom pinched, would be likely to take fire. Divide the case, when filled, at the pinched end close to the clay, into five equal parts; then bore five holes with a gimblet, about the size of the neck of a common four-ounce case, into the composition. From one hole to another, carry a quick match, and secure it with paper, in the same manner as the ends of wheel cases; so that the hollow part, which projects from the end of the case, may serve to receive a leader from any other work, to give fire to the points of the stars. These stars may be made with any number of points.
Sec. XXV. Of the Representation of Sundry Figures in Fire.
Animals and various figures may be represented in fire by the following method: Take sulphur, reduced to a very fine powder, and, having formed it into a paste with starch, cover the figure of the thing to be represented, with this mixture, having first coated it with clay to prevent it from being burnt. After the figure is covered with paste, it must be sprinkled, while moist, with gunpowder; and, when the whole is perfectly dry, arrange about it several small matches, that the fire may be speedily communicated to it on all sides. In this way, all sorts of garlands, festoons, and other ornaments may be imitated by fire of different colours.
A shower of fire may be connected with this representation, by using cases of one-third of an inch in diameter, charg
Besides the common mode of forming sparks, as they differ from stars only in their size and duration, (being formed into small balls about the size of peas), they may be made by the following method: Take sawdust of fir, poplar, &c. and boil it in water, in which saltpetre has been dissolved. When the water has boiled some time, it is to be poured off, that the sawdust may remain in the vessel. When nearly dry, spread it out on a table, and sprinkle it with sulphur, sifted through a very fine sieve, to which may be added a little meal-powder.
If it be required to accompany the exhibition with bearded rockets, (fusÉes chevelues of the French), so called from the circumstance, that, when they fall, they make small undulations in the air like frizzled hair, we may form them in the following manner: Fill the barrels of some goose-quills with the composition of sky-rockets, and place upon the mouth of each a little moist gunpowder, both to keep in the composition, and to serve as a match. If a flying-rocket be then loaded with these quills, they will produce, at the end, a beautiful shower of fire.
Sec. XXVI. Of the Representation of Flat Stars, with a large Body of Fire.
A star of five points, about two feet from point to point, is to be made, and, in its centre, is placed a turning sun, composed of three cases, and altogether not more than six or eight inches in diameter. To this star five branches are fixed, each of which is three feet in length; and, to the extremity of each, are attached seven cases, with their mouths outwards, and inclining about thirty-five degrees. One case is then attached lengthwise, and forms the very extremity of each projection. On each leg or branch, nearer, however,
Sec. XXVII. Of the Single, Double, and Triple Table Wheel.
We have spoken of an arrangement of fire-works, which moves a wheel on a circular board. That contrivance is similar to the one we now purpose to describe.
The table-wheel is a kind of girandole, which turns circularly on a round table, by having its axis connected with a perpendicular pin, fixed in the table; so that its motion is vertical, while it moves in a circular position round the table.
The table, as well as the wheel, may be of any size, according to fancy. Eight or nine cases are usually attached to the fell of the wheel, and in the direction of the fell. These cases turn it with great velocity. The centre of the wheel may be decorated with lances, or illuminating port-fires. When double or treble wheels are to be arranged on the same table, this is done by having the iron so lengthened, as to extend over the table, and receive another wheel of the same size; and by using a contrivance of iron, having three projections, at equal distances apart, and turning in the same manner on a pivot, or pin, fixed in the centre of the table, three wheels may be put in motion at the same time. When two wheels are employed, we may decorate one with blue lances, and the other with yellow. When three wheels form the same piece, it is usual to illuminate them, severally, with white, blue, and yellow lances. The wheels of coloured fire augment the beauty of the exhibition. In the centre of the table, may be placed a pyramid, decorated in the usual manner. Spiral wheels, globes, &c. may be attached, if so required.
Cut-work, as it is called, is often employed in decorations. Various figures, letters, garlands, &c. may be represented. This may also be accomplished in tambour-work. Several methods have been used to produce the same effect. Cut-work, made in pasteboard, and the pasteboard blackened and suspended in a frame, will, by the aid of lights placed
In the place of cut-work, painted transparencies, made with fine colours, and on Florence Taffeta, are usually employed. Transparent paintings however, are not preferred by some, as the effect, it is said, is not so perfect as when cut-work is employed. Morel gives a preference to the latter.
Transparencies may be formed with silk, or fine linen, and even with paper, if previously prepared, by means of the spirit of turpentine. The colours are painted in turpentine, and transparent varnish is then applied.
Transparent screens may be prepared, by spreading white wax, dissolved in spirits of turpentine, over thin muslin. A screen, thus prepared, will roll up without injury. A clearer screen may be produced, by having the muslin stretched upon a rectangular frame, and prepared with turpentine instead of wax.
In the Œuvres de Diderot, t. xv, p. 349, are observations respecting transparencies, and the manner of preparing them. The process described is nothing more than we have noticed. It consists in using the oil of turpentine, and sometimes a solution of wax in turpentine. The colours are prepared mostly with turpentine. Canada balsam, thinned by the addition of the spirit, is also employed. Moveable transparencies were exhibited with great effect in Paris. Transparent figures were made to move continually in every direction, which had a singular appearance. Artificial fire-works were very accurately imitated, by producing a variety of movements with different pieces of transparencies, variously coloured. The sun, moon, and stars, revolving wheels, &c. composed a part of this exhibition.
With respect to decorations in white and coloured lances, we may observe, that artificial fire-works are usually terminated by some decoration, which corresponds with the subject. For this purpose, triumphal arches, fronts of palaces, colonades, rocks, &c. are formed, and represented in wood-work. These are usually clothed, and painted in water-colours. From the rocks, water is made to issue, forming
The furniture, or decorations, may be various, either with white or coloured lances of illumination, hung four inches apart, and attached to different parts of the figure, or building. If it is in front of a temple, the columns are ornamented with emblems, &c. the fire-work being thus arranged: viz. blue lances are attached to the columns, white lances to their entablature, and to the emblems, yellow lights. This however, depends on taste.
Decorations are also made with matches; but this mode is not preferred, because so much smoke is thereby produced.
Figures, cut in paper, are illuminated in the manner before described. But for this purpose, muslin is first stretched on a frame, and its sides are covered with two or three thicknesses of paper, which are pasted on. It is then blackened. After tracing the design, or the subject of the illumination, and cutting it out with exactness, the frame is put in a case, sufficiently deep to contain a number of lights.
Illuminations, as an expression, of public feeling for some event or memorable occasion, are by no means a recent thing. Various modes have been adopted to render such exhibitions more elegant, as well as more expressive. Hence, with the usual display of lights, arranged according to taste and fancy, transparencies, decorations, such as we have described, &c. have been more or less customary.
We mentioned, in the first part of our work, something in relation to the antiquity of illuminations; but, as this subject may be interesting, we deem the following brief remarks not irrelevant.
Beckman assures us, (History of Inventions), that the origin of illuminations is very ancient. The feasts, or holy-days were celebrated in the days of antiquity, in various ways, among which, that with lamps was very common in Egypt. It was called the feast of the lamps, (FÊte des Lampes), and the inhabitants of some cities in Egypt were obliged to illuminate, with a great number of lamps, placed before their houses. Herodotus (lib. ii, chap. 62), remarks, that, at a particular festival of the Egyptians, lamps were placed before all the houses throughout the country, and kept burning the whole night. During the festum encÆniorum, the Feast of the Dedication of the Temple, which, according to common opinion, was celebrated in December, and continued eight days, a number of lamps were lighted before each of their
For illuminations at the present day, tallow is chiefly used. It is clarified, for the making of candles, by means of alum. M. Olaine in 1710 presented to the academy of sciences an apparatus for the manufacture of candles. The bougie economique of the French is described in the Journal de Paris for 1782. The outline of the process for preparing them is as follows: Take eight parts of suet, and melt it with one quart of water; and after straining it, and returning it to the same boiler, add the same quantity of water, in which was dissolved half an ounce of saltpetre, as much sal ammoniac, and one ounce of alum. The boiling is continued to evaporate the water. The wick is made of cotton or flax, and rolled in a solution of camphor in petroleum, and afterwards covered in the usual manner with the above composition.
In using tallow generally, quicklime is recommended to be added to it in fusion. When the quicklime subsides, it is poured off. Another mode recommended is to melt the tallow with vinegar, and to add to it a decoction of rosemary, sage, laurel, and a small quantity of turmeric; the whole being boiled until the water is evaporated. This communicates, it is said, an agreeable odour, and a yellow colour. Different modes of preparing tallow for candles have been used. See sal ammoniac. With respect to ancient lamps, some account of them has been published in the Antiquities, by Montfaucon and by Passeri; and the Journal des Savants 1682 and 1685 mentions the two lamps of Boyle and Sturmius, and some account of the celebrated lamp of Callimacus in the temple of Minerva. On the formation of lamps, and the purification of oil, sundry patents have been granted both in France and England. The argand lamp for burning its own smoke, which it effects by a glass cylinder placed over the flame, is one of the best improvements of the kind. The principle of these lamps is the same, although variously modified in shape and structure. For chemical purposes, an iron cylinder is substituted for glass. A lamp, for the burning of tar and turpentine, with steam, has lately been invented by Mr. Morey, (see Silliman's Journal Vol. II.) Mr. E. Clarke obtained a patent for a lamp calculated to burn tallow; the principle of which is, that by the heat of the flame, the caloric is conducted to the tallow by means of a piece of iron, which is heated by it, and the tallow melts as it is wanted. This lamp may be economically used, when common lamp oil is scarce and high in price. A lamp is described in the Repository of Arts, to burn tallow.
As a wick, besides cotton, several substances have been
Lamps have been furnished with fixed and moveable mirrors, to throw the light forward by reflection. The reverberatory lamps, revolving lights for light houses, &c. are of this kind. Many patents have been obtained for such contrivances, which we have not room to notice.
The inflammable air lamp for the table, described in the Dictionnaire de l'Industrie, is nothing more than a spirit of wine lamp, and used in lieu of hot bricks, or vessels filled with boiling water for the warming of dishes, &c. In 1780, M. Ehrman, in his Description et usage de quelques lampes À air inflammable, describes a chafing dish with inflammable air, invented by Nevet, which operates by the combustion of hydrogen gas.
Fixed illuminations are more brilliant and more magnificent; as the lights are more numerous, as well as more diversified. Wax, spermaceti, or tallow candles, or oil burnt in tin lamps, or in glass cups suspended by wire, are all used for the purpose. If the wick be dipped in spirit of turpentine, it will take fire instantaneously. It is unnecessary to make any remarks as to the arrangement of lights.
Large dishes containing melted tallow, and a wick proportionally thick and suspended by means of a simple contrivance
The coloured glasses which are sold in Paris for the purpose, are formed with facets on the outside, which not only produce the appearance of coloured flame, but also, according to the number of facets, the refraction and reflection of the light. Arches, pyramids, obelisks, &c. are lighted up in this manner.
The Pont Neuf, and the Seine in 1739, were illuminated at the time of the splendid exhibition of fire-works. It is unnecessary, however, to particularize on this head. We all remember the splendid illuminations in all our cities during the late war, which were indeed a true expression of our national and individual feeling. Illuminations, in this country, before that time were very rare; none we think since the peace of 1783, and the union under the federal compact.
Phosphuret of lime, of the size of peas, thrown into water, will afford, at short intervals, a brilliant flame of fire; for the phosphuretted hydrogen gas thus produced has the property of inflaming spontaneously in atmospheric air. Alcohol, containing sundry salts in solution, will give a flame of various colours, according to the salt it holds in solution. See Alcohol.
Illuminated works are much admired by the Italians, and particularly the Illuminated chandelier, which is considered a great addition to a collection of works. An illuminated chandelier is formed of thin wood with arms extending on each side. Holes are bored in the front of the branches and in the body, and also in the eagle (if it be added,) at top, and distant from each other about three inches. In these holes, we put illuminations, filled with white, blue and brilliant charge. Having fixed in the port-fires, they must be clothed with leaders, so that the chandelier and eagle may light together.
We may also observe, that, for the speedy lighting of a number of lamps, at one and the same time, quick-match enclosed in paper tubes has been used. This quick-match is
We have some experiments and observations on coloured flame, by Mr. Morey, in his essay on heat and light, in the second volume of Silliman's Journal of Science and Arts, p. 120. The experiments are curious, and worthy of remark. If water, he observes, be put into one cylinder, and made to boil, and the steam be led to the bottom of another included cylinder, containing spirits of turpentine, the steam, when let out under a moderate pressure, carries off with it a sufficient quantity of the spirit to burn with a pleasant white flame, free from smoke; but if the pressure be increased, the flame will become in part or wholly blue. "Here," he adds, "as in many other experiments, I have noticed, that different coloured flames may be produced from the same materials—are the products of combustion different?" He further observes, that "if the steam of water, containing a small proportion of the vapour of rosin, be driven against iron, at or below a red heat, it burns with a pleasant blue flame, which will be extended some way back into the column of the vapour, intermixed with innumerable sparks of very white flame, evidently particles of the rosin. If the vapours, when the proportion of the rosin is very small, are made to pass between two plates of iron, at or near a red heat, they can be inflamed on the opposite sides of the plates, and will then, sometimes, burn with an entirely blue flame, although the vapour can not be inflamed, without the intervention of the plates." He states other experiments, made with tallow and steam, producing a blue flame. The blue colour seems to be owing to the pressure made use of; for, in his second communication, (page 122, of the same volume), he mentions white flame being produced by the vapour of water; and when it is in a sufficient quantity, there is no smoke. If too great, combustion ceases. Speaking of the colour of the flame, produced by mixed vapours, (of the combustible and water), such as blue, blue and white, white and intense white, he adds, that they may be imitated, at pleasure, with
"Every effect may be produced in consuming the smoke, and giving an intense white flame, by using a certain proportion of water, intimately blended or mixed with these vapours, that can be from an access of oxygen furnished, by creating a very strong current of air, with a high flue." The description of Morey's lamp stove, may be seen in the same work. The steam, he observes, may be furnished by a small tin boiler, and directed to or near the bottom of the tar. An intense white flame free from smoke, may be thus produced from tar, rosin, rough turpentine or the spirit, alcohol, oil, fat, tallow, mineral coal, pitch pine wood, and the knots, birch bark, and pumpkin, sun-flower, flax, and other seeds. With regard to pine wood, he adds, it is the easiest managed, evaporates at a lower temperature, consumes a greater proportion of water in its combustion, contains the water within itself, and gives a brighter light than common candles or lamps, and without smoke. The more volatile parts are evaporated at a temperature below that of boiling water, and burn well with three parts of the vapour of water; the flame then, however, is nearly blue. Observations on the application of this mode of producing light and heat, may be seen in Silliman, p. 131, &c. It appears, that Gay-Lussac (Annales de Chimie, for June, 1819,) has commented on Mr. Morey's plan.
Professor Hare (Silliman's Journal, vol. 2d, p. 172) also observes, that the flame of hydrogen gas is rendered lumi
Count Rumford has shown, that the quantity of light, emitted by a given portion of inflammable matter in combustion, is proportional, in some high ratio, to the elevation of temperature; and that a lamp, having many wicks near each other, so as mutually to increase their heat, burns with infinitely more brilliancy than the Argand lamps in common use. To measure the proportional intensities of two or more lights; place them a few inches asunder, and at the distance of a few feet or yards from a screen of white paper, or a white wall. On holding a small card near the wall two shadows will be projected on it, the darker one by the interception of the brighter light, and the lighter shadow, by the interception of the duller light. Bring the faint
The author of the Dictionnaire de l'Industrie, vol. iii, p. 365, in treating on the subject of illumination, mentions different modes of illuminating, both with and without transparencies. We know that various mixtures will produce different coloured flame. Thus, arsenic will burn with a beautiful white flame in oxygen gas; iron and steel will burn also, affording a brilliant light; phosphorus and charcoal with a white, and sulphur with a beautiful blue flame; zinc with a green colour, &c.
Again, we know that a mixture of nitrate of strontia and charcoal will burn with a rose coloured flame; one part of boracic acid, and three of charcoal, with a green flame; one of nitrate of barytes, and four of charcoal, with a yellow flame; and equal parts of nitrate of lime and charcoal powder, with an orange flame. We also know, that cotton dipt in oil of turpentine, or ardent spirit, rosin, camphor, &c. will burn extremely vivid and beautiful.
The author, whom we have just quoted, gives some remarks on the various coloured flames, that may interest the reader.
Felt (Feutre, Fr.) he remarks, if put in the fire, will give most beautiful colours, a golden yellow and a brilliant blue. And this, he adds, may be proved by throwing pieces of old hats into the fire; for these colours depend on the substances used in dying the hat. He further remarks, that green oak wood gives a yellow flame, and alcohol with sedative salt, (boracic acid), a blue, and that, by uniting the flame of both, the product, as to colour, will be a green.
The flame of alcohol is changed of various colours, according to the salt it holds in solution. Of this circumstance, Schatt was apprised, when he gave some formula many years ago, on the manner of forming coloured flame. Reaumur remarked also, the different colours which some metals assume, when submitted to the action of heat, which is known now to be the effect of oxidizement.
As respects the phenomena with felt, we are told, that, if we throw into the fire the cuttings of hats, we will
There can be no doubt, that the art of colouring flame was known for a long time. We are told, that the philosopher Anaxilaus even pretended, that, by putting ink with the oil of a lamp, or the liquor of the cuttle fish, the faces of the bystanders will appear black by the light of this lamp! Sulphur has the effect of rendering the visage pale and cadaverous. Other persons, as Simon Sethe, advanced an opinion, that, if we moisten the wick of a lamp with ink, or in a mixture of the rust of copper, and having lighted the wick, and placed other lights around it, the faces will appear, some black, and some of a brass colour. Others, such as Cardan, say, that, by making a mixture of wine and salt, and then reducing it two-thirds by evaporation, the flame, which the wine will then give, will make the living put on a cadaverous appearance, if they remain in one posture. Malina also observes, that, by burning a piece of woollen cloth well soaked in a solution of salt in vinegar, the visage will appear frightful by the light of the flame. But the process of J. B. Porta is not less worthy of note. If good old wine, he observes, be put into a bowl with a handful of salt, and set on live coals, but not in the flame, and as soon as it begins to boil, is set on fire, (the other lights in the room being extinguished), the figure of each person will appear so hideous, as to produce a mutual dread. The author of the Dictionnaire de l'Industrie, iii, p. 433, observes, that he has repeated this ex
A cadaverous appearance is said to be given, by mixing common salt with alcohol, in which some saffron had been infused. When set on fire, and the other lights extinguished, the effect, we are told, is very striking.
The so called miraculous luminaries, are nothing else than solar phosphori, which are very numerous. Their effect is to emit light in the dark, but not heat. Almost every thing in nature possesses this property in a greater or less degree, which depends on the absorption and subsequent transmission of light. The eyes of various animals have this property; cats and owls in particular. Snow possesses it in a considerable degree. Putrid animal matter, fish, for example, rotten wood, &c. partake also of this property.
It may not be improper to notice, in a general way, some of the substances, which are denominated solar phosphori. The Bolognian phosphorus is the calcined baroselenite, (sulphate of barytes), which, when exposed a few minutes to the light, shines when taken into the dark like burning coals. In water it emits the same light. This property, as is the case with all other solar phosphori, it loses gradually; but by heating it again, imbibes light. Canton's phosphorus is calcined oyster shells. It is used in the same manner. Baldwin's phosphorus is fused nitrate of lime. Various saline and other bodies, as diamonds and precious gems, possess the same property. Expressed oils and animal fats, when heated to 450°, become phosphorescent.
Hanzelet (TraitÉ des Feux d'Artifice) remarks, that a stone may be made to give light by water, if prepared in the following manner. Take quicklime, tutty, and saltpetre, of each one part; reduce them to powder, and expose them to the action of heat. On the addition of water, light is said to be given out.
When quicklime is mixed with essential oil, and brought in contact with water, spontaneous combustion is said to take place.
Fluor or Derbyshire spar, (fluate of lime), when pulverized and heated to 212° Fahr., and then removed to the dark, is very luminous. If writing be made on a copper or iron plate, with thin mucilage or white of egg, and powdered fluor spar, sprinkled on it; when the plate is removed to a gentle coal fire, the delineated objects will become luminous, and opaque again when the plate becomes cold. The lapis lazuli has the same effect.
The phosphoric substances, which become luminous by attrition or percussion, are numerous. Homberg's phosphorus, which is nothing more than calcined muriate of lime, is of this character. When struck it emits light. Without either light or fire, a number of bodies will give out light. Flints, and other siliceous stones, struck against one another, appear luminous in the dark. Various other minerals have the same property. Wedgwood (Phil. Trans. 179,) Coates (Nich. Jour. 1799,) Westrumb (Crell's Chem. Annals, 1784,) have written on this subject; to which enumeration we may add the interesting remarks of Dr. Hulme, (Phil. Trans. 1800,) and the observations of Cabarris, in his Memoir, read before the National Institute.
It may be sufficient to remark, that the shell-fish called pholas; the meduca phosphorea, and other molluscsÆ; several insects of the species fulgora, or lantern-fly; the lampyris, or glowworm; the scolopendra electrica; the cancer fulgens; the medullary substance of the human brain, &c. are all phosphorescent.
M. Dessaignes (Bulletin de la SociÉtÉ Philomatique, Octobre, 1810) made a number of experiments on solid, liquid, and aeriform bodies, relative to the disengagement of light by compression. Among other conclusions, he adds, that water is the cause of the spontaneous phosphorescence of bodies, such as quicklime, Canton's phosphorus, dry muriate of lime, &c. all which, when brought in contact with water, emit light, which he attributes to the consolidation of that fluid. The absorption of moisture, and its subsequent consolidation, may, in some instances, give rise to luminous appearances.
The lapis solaris, Bolognian stone, or the present sulphate of barytes, was discovered in 1602, by Casciorolus, a shoemaker of Bologna. He came to Scipio Begatello, who at that time was particularly known by his attachment to the art of gold-making, and showed him this stone, under the mystical name of lapis solaris, on account of its attracting the golden light of the sun, and its boasted fitness for converting the semi-metals into gold, the sol of the alchemists!
Dr. Brewster (Edinburgh Philosophical Journal) made a number of experiments on the colour and intensity of light, evolved by different minerals, by which it appears, that the yellow sulphate of barytes gives a pale light, while fluate of lime, a blue and green light. Cellini (Treatise on Jewelry, published near the beginning of the 16th century) was the first who observed the phosphorescence of minerals; it does not appear that he knew of the Bolognian stone. Grimshire
The cawk of the miners, as it is also a sulphate of barytes, phosphoresces when previously exposed to heat.
There are two water fountains, both set in motion by the action of heat on confined air, which, as it expands, forces the water from an under vessel in jets. The first is called the illuminated fountain, and plays when the candles are lighted, stopping when they are extinguished. The other is a fountain, which acts on the same principle, but by the heat of the sun. The effect of the first is more or less considerable according to the pressure of the air upon the water, and consequently, to the degree of rarefaction which the air undergoes.
The chemical illumination of some writers, by using oil of vitriol, iron filings, and water, and inflaming the vapour as it proceeds from a bottle, is nothing else than the inflammation of hydrogen gas. The "white vapours," which they describe, is the gas in question.
Having noticed the use of candles and lamps for illumination, we purpose, in concluding this article, to give the result of some experiments on the relative intensities of light, and duration of different candles, made by Dr. Ure, which we extract from his Dictionary of Chemistry.
Number in a pound. | Duration of a candle. | Weight in grains. | Consump. per hour: grains. | Proportion of light. | Economy of light. | Candles equalone argand. | |
10 mould | 5h. | 9m. | 682 | 132 | 12¼ | 68 | 5.7 |
10dipped | 4 | 36 | 672 | 150 | 13 | 65½ | 5.25 |
8 mould | 6 | 31 | 856 | 132 | 10½ | 59½ | 6.6 |
6 do. | 7 | 2½ | 1160 | 163 | 14? | 66 | 5.0 |
4 do. | 9 | 36 | 1787 | 186 | 20¼ | 80 | 3.5 |
Argand | |||||||
OilFlame | 512 | 69.4 | 100 |
The doctor remarks, that 1/8th of a gallon of good seal-oil, weighs 6010 gr. or 13 and 1/10th oz. avoirdupois, and lasts, in a bright argand lamp, 11 hours 44 minutes. The weight of oil it consumes per hour, is equal to four times the weight of tallow in candles, 8 to the pound, and three and
Sec. XXIX. Of Imitative Fire-Works.
Imitative fire-works are nearly of the same character as the transparencies and illuminations mentioned in the last section; but, as this subject may be interesting to some of our readers, we thought proper for that reason to appropriate a section to its consideration.
Imitative fire-works are formed in the following manner: Take a paper that is blacked on both sides, or instead of black, let it be coloured on each side with a deep blue, which will be still better for such as are to be seen through transparent papers. It must be of a proper size for the figure intended to be exhibited. In this paper, cut with a pen-knife several spaces, and with a piercer make a great number of holes, rather long than round, and at no regular distance from each other.
To represent revolving pyramids and globes, the paper must be cut through with a pen-knife, and the space cut out between each spiral should be three or four times as wide as the spirals themselves. They must be so cut, that the pyramid or globe may appear to turn on its axis. The columns that are represented in pieces of architecture, or in jets of fire, must be cut in the same manner as if they are to be represented as turning on their axis.
In like manner may be exhibited a great variety of ornaments, cyphers, and medallions, which, when properly coloured, cannot fail of producing a most pleasing effect. There should not be a very great diversity of colours, as that would not produce the most agreeable appearance.
When these pieces are drawn upon a large scale, the architecture or ornaments may be shaded; and to represent different shades, pieces of coloured paper must be pasted
Now, the wheel being placed directly behind the sun, for example, and very near to it, is to be turned regularly round and strongly illuminated by candles placed behind it. The lines that form the spiral will then appear through the spaces cut from the sun, to proceed from its centre to its circumference; and will resemble sparks of fire that incessantly succeed each other. The same effect will be produced by the star, or by any other figure, where the fire is not to appear as proceeding from the circumference to the centre.
These two pieces, as well as those that follow, may be of any size, provided we observe the proportion between the parts of the figure and the spiral, which must be wider in large figures than in small. If the sun, for example, have from six to twelve inches diameter, the width of the strokes that form the spiral need not be more than one-twentieth part of an inch, and the spaces between them that form the transparent parts, about two-tenths of an inch. If the sun be two feet in diameter, the strokes should be one-eighth of an inch, and the space between, one quarter of an inch; and if the figure be six feet in diameter, the strokes should be one-fourth of an inch, and the spaces, five-twelfths of an inch. These pieces have a pleasing effect, when represented of a small size; but the deception is more striking when they are of larger dimensions.
It will be proper to place these pieces, when of a small size, in a box quite close on every side, that none of the light may be diffused in the chamber; for which purpose it will be convenient to have a tin door behind the box, to which the candlesticks may be soldered, and the candles more easily lighted.
The several figures cut out should be placed in frames, that they may be put alternately in a groove in the forepart
The wheel must be carefully concealed from the eye of the spectator. Where there is an opportunity of representing these artificial fires by a hole in the partition, they will doubtless have a much more striking effect, as the spectator cannot then conjecture by what means they are produced.
It is easy to conceive, that, by extending this method, wheels may be constructed with three or four spirals, to which may be given different directions. It is manifest, also, that, on the same principle, a great variety of transparent figures may be contrived, which may be all placed before the same spiral lines.
In representing cascades of fire, it is necessary to observe, that, in cutting out the cascades, care must be taken to preserve a natural inequality in the parts cut out; for if to save time, all the holes are made with the same pointed tool, the uniformity of the parts will produce a disagreeable effect.
To produce the apparent motion of these cascades, instead of drawing a spiral, a slip of strong paper is to be provided, in which there must be made a great number of holes near each other, and made with pointed tools of different dimensions.
At each end of the paper, a part, of the same size with the cascade, must be left uncut; and towards those parts the holes must be made a greater distance from each other.
When the cascade that is cut out is placed before the scroll of paper just mentioned, and it is entirely wound upon the roller, the part of the paper that is then between, being quite opaque, no part of the cascade will be visible; but, as the wheel is turned gently and regularly round, the transparent part of the paper will give to the cascade the appearance of fire that descends in the same direction; and the illusion will be so strong, as to appear as a real cascade of fire.
Fire-works, which are exhibited on water, have a very pleasing effect. Water rockets, in particular, are much admired.
Sec. I. Of Water Rockets.
Water rockets are generally small, from four ounces to two pounds. When large, they are difficult to be kept above water without a cork float. When this is used, it is tied to the neck of the case. They will not dive as well with as without floats.
The cases for water rockets are made in the same proportion as for sky-rockets, but the paper is thicker. For those which are driven solid, put in at first a ladle full of slow-fire, and then two of the proper charge, and on that, one or two ladles of sinking charge; then the proper charge, then the sinking charge again; and so on till the case is filled within three diameters. Then drive on the composition one ladleful of clay, through which make a small hole to the charge. Fill the case within half a diameter with corn powder, on which turn down two or three rounds of the case in the inside; then pinch and tie the end very tight. Having thus filled the rockets, dip their ends in melted rosin or sealing wax, or secure them with grease. When they are fired, six or eight may be thrown in at once; but if they are all to swim or sink at the same time, they must all have an equal quantity of composition and be fired together.
In the rockets which burn in the water, there must be a considerable variation in the construction of the mould, and also in the materials of which they are composed. The composition should consist of three materials mixed together, viz. three ounces of meal-powder, one pound of saltpetre, and eight ounces of sulphur. If the rocket is to appear on the water with a beautiful tail, the composition must consist of eight ounces of gunpowder, one pound of saltpetre, eight ounces of sulphur, and two ounces of charcoal. When the composition has been prepared according to these proportions, and the rocket been filled, apply a saucisson to the end of it, and having covered the rocket with wax, pitch, &c. as before mentioned, attach it to a small rod of white willow, about two feet in length, that the rocket may conveniently float. Cork may be used, as we observed, for the same purpose. A certain quantity of meal-powder, without any mixture, put at certain distances, must be used, if it is required that these rockets should plunge down and again rise up.
Sec. II. Of Pipes of Communication.
The pipes of communication which are used under water, must be made of thick paper, and when dry covered with
Sec. III. Of Horizontal Wheels for Water.
An octagon wheel is to be provided, made of flat boards eighteen inches in diameter, so that the length of each size will be near seven inches. In all the sides, cut a groove for the cases to lie in. Procure a wooden bowl without a handle, and on the top nail the wheel; then take four eight-ounce cases, filled with a proper charge, each about six inches in length. When the wheel is to be clothed with these cases, get some whitish-brown paper, and cut it into slips of four or five inches broad, and seven or eight long. These slips being pasted all over on one side, take one of the cases, and roll one of the slips of paper about one and a half inches on its end, so that there will remain about two and a half inches of the paper hollow from the end of the case. This case is to be tied on one of the sides of the wheel, near the corners of which holes must be bored, through which the pack thread is put to tie the cases. Having tied on the first case at the neck and end, put a little meal-powder in the hollow paper; then paste a slip of paper on the end of another case, the head of which put into the hollow paper of the first, allowing a sufficient distance from the tail of one to the head of the other for the pasted paper to bend without tearing. The second case is to be tied on in the same manner as the first, and so on with the rest except the last, which must be closed at the end; unless it is to communicate to any thing on the top of the wheel, such as fire-pumps, or brilliant fires, fixed in holes cut in the wheel, provided they be not too heavy for the bowl.
Before the cases are tied on, the upper part of all their ends except the last should be cut shelving, that the fire from one may play over the other, without being obstructed by the case. Wheel cases have no clay driven in their ends, nor are they pinched, but always left open; only the last, or those which are not to lead fire, which must be well secured.
Sec. IV. Of Water Mines.
A bowl and wheel, as above described, are necessary for
Sec. V. Of Fire Globes for the Water.
Bowls for water globes must be very large, and the wheels on them of a decagon form. On each side of the wheels, nail a piece of wood four inches long; and on the outside of each, cut a groove, wide enough to receive about one-fourth of the thickness of a four-ounce case. These pieces of wood must be nailed in the middle of each face of the wheel, and fixed in an oblique direction; so that the fire from the cases may incline upwards. The wheel being thus prepared, tie in each groove a four-ounce case, filled with a gray charge. Then carry a leader from the tail of one case to the mouth of another.
Globes for these cases are made of two tin hoops, with thin edges outwards, fixed one within the other, at right angles. The diameter of these hoops must be somewhat less than that of the wheel. Having made a globe, drive in the centre of the wheel, an iron spindle, which must stand perpendicular, and be in length four or six inches more than the diameter of the globe.
The spindle serves as an axis, on which the globe is fixed, which, when done, must stand four or six inches from the wheel. Round, on one side of each hoop, must be soldered small bits of tin, two and a half inches distant from each other. These pieces must be two inches in length each, and only fastened at one end, the other ends being left loose, on which to turn round the small port-fires, to hold them on: These port-fires must be made of such a length, as will last out the cases on the wheel. There need not be any port-fires at the bottom of the globe, within four inches of the spindle; for, if there were, they would have no effect, but only burn the wheel. All the port-fire must be placed perpendicular from the centre of the globe, with their mouths outwards; and must all be clothed with leaders, so as all to take fire with the second
Sec. VI. Of Odoriferous Water Balloons.
Odoriferous works are generally fixed in rooms, and, when speaking of scented fire, we noticed such compositions as would communicate an agreeable odour to the air. Water balloons are made in the same manner as air balloons, but very thin of paper, and in diameter 13/4 inches, with a vent, 1/2 an inch in diameter. The shells being made, and quite dry, are filled with odoriferous composition, which must be rammed in tight. These balloons are fired at the vent, and put into a bowl of water.
Water rockets may also be made of any of the following compositions, with a little alteration to make them weaker or stronger.
1. | Saltpetre, | 2 | oz. | |
Sulphur, | — | |||
Camphor, | ½ | — | ||
Yellow Amber, | ½ | — | ||
Charcoal dust, | ¾ | — | ||
Flowers of benzoin, | ¼ | — | ||
2. | Saltpetre, | 2 | oz. | |
Sulphur, | ½ | — | ||
Antimony, | ½ | — | ||
Amber, | ½ | — | ||
Cedar-raspings, | ¼ | — | ||
Oil of roses, | 10 | drops. | ||
Oil of bergamot, | 40 | drops. | ||
3. | Saltpetre, | 12 | oz. | |
Meal-powder, | 3 | — | ||
Frankincense, | 1 | — | ||
Myrrh, | ½ | — | ||
Camphor, | ½ | — | ||
Charcoal, | 3 | — | ||
Oil of Spike, | a small | quantity. | ||
4. | 4 | oz. | ||
Sulphur, | 1 | — | ||
Sawdust of Juniper, | ½ | — | ||
Sawdust of Cypress, | 1 | — | ||
Camphor, | ¼ | — | ||
Myrrh, | ¼ | — | ||
Dried rosemary, | ¼ | — | ||
Cortex elaterii, | ½ | — |
Sec. VII. Of Water Balloons.
Having made some thin paper shells, fill some with the composition for water balloons, and some after this manner: Having made the vent of the shells pretty large, fill them almost full with water-rockets, marrons, squibs, &c. Then put in some blowing powder, sufficient to burst the shells, and afterwards fix in the vent a water-rocket, long enough to reach the bottom of the shell, and its neck to project a little out of the vent. This rocket must be opened at the end, to fire the powder in the shell, which will burst the shell, and disperse the small rockets, &c. in the water. When the large rocket is well secured in the vent of the shell, take a cork float with a hole in its middle, which fits over the head of the rocket, and fasten it to the shell. This float must be large enough to keep the balloon above water.
Composition for Water-Balloons.
1. | Saltpetre, | 4 | lbs. |
Sulphur, | 2 | — | |
Meal-powder, | 2 | — | |
Antimony, | 4 | oz. | |
Sawdust, | 4 | — | |
Glass-dust, | 1¼ | — | |
2. | Saltpetre, | 9 | lbs. |
Sulphur, | 3 | — | |
Meal-powder, | 6 | — | |
Rosin, | 12 | oz. | |
Antimony, | 8 | — | |
The following composition is given for Water-Globes. | |||
Grain, or Corn-powder, | 1 | lb. | |
Saltpetre, | 32 | — | |
Sulphur, | 8 | — | |
Scraped ivory, | 1 | oz. | |
Sawdust (previously soaked in saltpetre and dried) | 8 | lbs. |
Sec. VIII. Of Water Squibs.
These are generally made of one-ounce serpent cases, seven or eight inches long filled two-thirds with charge, and the remainder bounced. The common method of firing them is this: Take a water-wheel, with a tin mortar in its centre, which load with squibs after the usual method; but the powder in the mortar must be no more than will throw the squibs out easily into the water. The cases may be placed on the wheel, either obliquely or horizontally, and on the top of the wheel, round the mortar, fix two cases of brilliant fire perpendicularly to the wheel. These cases must be fired at the beginning of the last case of the wheel, and the mortar at the conclusion of the same.
Sec. IX. Of the Water Fire-Fountain.
A float made of wood, three feet in diameter is to be provided. In the middle, a perpendicular post, four feet high and two inches wide must be inserted. Three circular wheels, made of thin wood, but without spokes, are fixed round this post. The largest of these wheels must be placed within two or three inches of the float, and must be nearly of the same diameter. The second must be 2 feet 2 inches in diameter, and fixed at the distance of two feet from the first. The third wheel must be 1 foot 4 inches in diameter, and fixed within six inches of the top of the post.
The wheels being arranged, take 18 four or eight-ounce cases of brilliant fire, and place them round the first wheel, with their mouths outwards, and inclining downwards. On the second wheel, place thirteen cases of the same, and in the same manner as those on the first. On the third, place eight more of these cases, in the same manner as before, and on the top of the post, fix a gerbe. Then clothe all the cases with leaders, so that they and the gerbe may take fire at the same time. The float should be tried first in the water, to see if the fountain stands upright.
Sec. X. Of Swans and Ducks, to discharge Rockets in Water.
This experiment may be made, by forming swans, or ducks of paper, leaving a cavity within. They are to be filled with small water-rockets, with some blowing powder to throw them out. Having made and painted some swans,
Sec. XI. Of Discharging Rockets under Water.
Stands must be made as usual, only the rails must be placed flat instead of edgewise, and have holes in them for the rocket sticks to go through; for if they were hung upon hooks, the motion of the water would throw them off. The stands being made, if the pond is deep enough, sink them at the sides so deep, that, when the rockets are in, their heads may just appear above the surface of the water. To the mouth of each rocket fix a leader, which must be put through the hole with the stick. Then a little above the water must be a board, supported by the stand, and placed along one side of the rockets; and the ends of the leaders are to be turned up through holes made in this board, exactly opposite the rockets. By this means, they may be fired singly, or at once. Rockets may be fired by this method in the middle of a pond, by a Neptune, a swan, or a water-wheel.
A rocket, which is fired in the water, and, after burning there half the time of its duration, mounts into the air with great velocity, may be thus constructed. Take a sky-rocket, furnished with a rod, and, by means of a little glue, attach
Sec. XII. Of the Representation of Neptune in his Chariot.
This representation is performed by procuring a figure made of wood, or wicker wood, of the proper size, and supporting it on a float, on which must be two horses' heads and necks, so as to appear swimming. For the wheels of the chariot, there must be two vertical wheels of black fire, and, on Neptune's head, a horizontal wheel of brilliant fire, with all its cases to play upwards. When this wheel is made, cover it with paper, or pasteboard, cut and painted like Neptune's coronet; then let the trident be made without prongs; but, instead of them, fix three cases of a very weak gray charge, and on each horse's head, put an eight ounce case of brilliant fire, and on the mouth of each, fix a short case of the same diameter, filled with the white flame composition, sufficient to last out all the cases on the wheels. These short cases must be open at bottom, that they may light the brilliant fires. For the horses' eyes, put small port-fires, and, in each nostril, put a small case, filled half with gray charge, and the rest with port-fire composition.
If Neptune is to give fire to any building on the water; at his first setting out, the wheels of the chariot and that on his head, with the white flames on the horses' heads, and the port-fires in their eyes and nostrils, must be all lighted at once. Then, from the bottom of the white flames, carry a leader to the trident. As the figure is to advance by the help of a block and cord, it must be so managed as to prevent its turning about, till the brilliant fires on the horses and the trident begin. For it is by the fire from the horses (which plays almost upright,) that the building, or work is lighted,
Sec. XIII. Of the Representation of a Sea-Fight with Small Ships, and the Preparation of a Fire-Ship.
Having procured a number of small ships of two or three feet in length, prepare a number of small reports, which are to serve for guns. Of these, range as many as you please on each side of the upper decks. Then, at the head and stern of each ship, fix a two-ounce case, eight inches long, filled with slow port-fire composition; but take care to place it in such a manner, that the fire may fall in the water, and not burn the rigging. In these cases, bore holes, at unequal distances from one another; but make as many in each case as half the number of reports; so that one case may fire the guns on one side, and the other, those on the opposite. The method of firing the guns is by carrying a leader from the holes in the cases to the reports on the decks. These leaders must be made small, and care must also be taken in calculating the burning of the slow-fire in the regulating cases, that more than two guns be fired at a time. To give a broadside, let the leader be carried to a cracker, placed on the outside of the ship; which cracker must be tied loose, or the reports will be too slow. In all the ships, put artificial guns at the port-holes.
Having filled, and bored holes in, two port-fires for regulating the guns in one ship, make all the rest exactly the same. Then, when the engagement has commenced, light one ship first, and set it a sailing; and so on with the rest, sending them out singly, which will make them fire regularly, at different times, without confusion; for the time between the firing of each gun will be equal to that of lighting the slow-fires.
The fire-ship may be of any size. To prepare a ship for this purpose, make a port-fire, equal in size to those in the other ships, and place it at the stern. In any port, place a large port-fire, filled with very strong composition, and painted in imitation of a gun, and let them all be fired at once by a leader from the slow fire, within two or three di
Having prepared all the ships for fighting, we shall next proceed with the management of them when on the water.
At one end of the pond, under the surface of the water, fix two running blocks, at the distance the ships are to fight apart, and at the other end of the pond, opposite to each of these blocks, under water, fix a double block. On the land, by each of the double blocks, place two small windlasses. Round one of them, turn one end of a small cord, the other end of which is to be put through one of the blocks. Then carry it through the single one at the opposite end of the pond, and bring it back through the double block again, and round the other windlass. To this cord, near the double block, tie as many small strings, as half the number of ships, at the distance required. These strings, however, should not be more than two feet each. Make fast the loose end of each to a ship, just under the bowsprit, but if tied to the keel, or too near the water, it will overset the ship. Half the ships being thus prepared, near the other double block, fix two more windlasses, to which fasten a cord, and to it, tie the other half of the ships as above. When the ships are fired, turn that windlass which draws them out, and so on with the rest, till they are all out in the middle of the pond. Then by turning the other windlass, they will be drawn back again; by which method, they may be made to change sides, and tack about backwards and forwards at pleasure.
For the fire-ship, fix the blocks and windlass between the others; so that, when she sails out, she will be between the other ships. She must not advance, however, till the guns at her ports take fire.
In the exhibition of water fire-works, it is obvious, from the observations we have made, and the different pieces prepared for that purpose, that such exhibitions may be varied, and even new pieces got up.
Jones (Fire-works, 8vo. 1776) observes, among other remarks, that nothing adds more to the appearance of fire-works, than placing them properly; though the management of them chiefly depends on the judgment of the maker. When water-works are to be exhibited, divide them into several sets, and fire one set after every fifth or sixth change of land and air works. Observe this rule in firing a double set of works; always to begin with sky-rockets; then two moveable pieces; then two fixed pieces, and so on; ending with a large flight of rockets, or a marron battery. If a single collection, fire a fixed piece after every wheel or two, and occasionally some air and water works.
The rules, adopted in the arrangement of fire-works for exhibition, are the following: If they are a double set, place one wheel of a sort on each side of the building; and, next to each of them, towards the centre, place a fixed piece; then wheels and so on, leaving a sufficient distance between them, for the fire to play from one, without burning the other. Having fixed some of the works in front, place the rest behind them, in the centre of the intervals. The largest piece, which is generally a regulated or transparent piece, must be placed in the centre of the building; and behind it a sun, which must always stand above all the other works. A little before the building, or stands, place the large gerbes; and, at the back of the works, fix your marron batteries, pots des aigrettes, pots des bins, pots des saucissons, air balloons, and flights of rockets. The rocket-stands may be fixed behind, or any where else, so as not to be in the way of the works.
Single collections are fired on stands, which stands are made in the same manner as theodolite stands; only the top part must be long or short, according to circumstances. These stands may be fixed up without much trouble. The following is the order of firing works, viz:
1. | Two signal | |||||||
2. | Sky | |||||||
3. | Two honorary | Rockets. | ||||||
4. | Fourcaduceus | |||||||
Vertical | ||||||||
6. | Two | Spiral | Wheels, illuminated. | |||||
7. | Transparent stars. | |||||||
8. | A line of rockets of five changes. | |||||||
9. | Four tourbillons. | |||||||
10. | Horizontal wheels. | |||||||
11. | Air-balloons, illuminated. | |||||||
12. | Two | Chinese fountains. | ||||||
13. | Regulating pieces, of four mutations each. | |||||||
14. | Pots des aigrettes. | |||||||
15. | Three large gerbes. | |||||||
16. | A flight of rockets. | |||||||
17. | Two | Balloon wheels. | ||||||
18. | Cascades of brilliant fire. | |||||||
19. | Twelve sky-rockets. | |||||||
20. | Two | Illuminated yew trees. | ||||||
21. | Air balloons of serpents, and two compound. | |||||||
22. | Four tourbillons. | |||||||
23. | Two | Fruiloni wheels. | ||||||
24. | Illuminated globes with horizontal wheels. | |||||||
25. | One pot des saucissons. | |||||||
26. | Two plural wheels. | |||||||
27. | Marron battery. | |||||||
28. | Two chandeliers, illuminated. | |||||||
29. | Range of Pots des brins. | |||||||
30. | Twelve sky-rockets. | |||||||
31. | Two yew-trees of fire. | |||||||
32. | Nests of serpents. | |||||||
33. | Two double cones, illuminated. | |||||||
34. | Regulating piece of seven mutations, viz. | |||||||
1. Vertical wheel, illuminated. | ||||||||
2. Golden glory. | ||||||||
3. Octagon vertical wheel. | ||||||||
4. Porcupine's quills. | ||||||||
5. Cross fires. | ||||||||
6. Star piece with brilliant rays. | ||||||||
7. Six vertical wheels. | ||||||||
35. | Brilliant sun. | |||||||
36. | Large flight of rockets. |
According to the arrangement, and execution of fire-works for exhibition, as given by Morel (TraitÉ Practique des Feux d'Artifice, p. 131,) the following order is observed:
1. A salvo of artillery.
2. Six dozen rockets of honour, discharged two at a time from each side of the decoration.
4. Two batteries of ordnance, (fire-pots.)
5. Four regulated cases, each consisting of two dozen rockets of an inch caliber, forming the mosaique at the elevation of five hundred feet.
6. Eight turning suns, with the caliber of five-sixths of an inch.
7. Four caprices (detonating.)
8. Two balloons of golden rain, and two in stars.
9. The pyric piece, complete.
10. Twelve tourbillons, or table rockets.
11. Four girandoles; two mosaic, and two of Roman candles.
12. A large sphere.
13. Six balloons; three in golden rain, and three in stars.
14. Twenty-four honorary rockets, fired four at a time.
15. A large illuminating cut-work, with a device, accompanied with two Chinese parasols, and two wheels of coloured fire.
16. Four falling caprices.
17. Twelve balloons of stars, preceded by six dozen honorary rockets, fired twelve at a time.
18. The undulating fire, accompanied with eight wings, four on each side.
19. A battery of two hundred mosaics, and as many Roman candles, with marrons and fire-pots.
20. Illumination of the decoration, with four mosaic tourbillons, followed by two cases, containing two hundred rockets each; and a salvo of artillery, which announces the departure of the girande, composed of a thousand rockets, in golden rain.