
In presenting this work to the public as a system of Pyrotechny, which, we have reason to believe, is the only full and connected system that has appeared, we may be permitted to remark, that, in our arrangement of the subject, we have appropriated separate heads for each article.

This plan, of the subject being considered in chapters and sections, and forming with the divisions of the work, a connected system of arrangement, enables the reader to have a full view of the whole, and, at the same time, all the facts in detail belonging to the chapter, or section under consideration. By referring to the Table of Contents, this plan will be seen without further comment. The arrangement of the different articles in this manner, necessarily comprehends in the onset all the substances, which are employed in various preparations. In considering this part of our subject, we have given the chemical characters, or peculiar properties of each substance respectively; by which a rationale of pyrotechnical effects may be the better understood, and, consequently, the action of bodies on each other better illustrated.

In this part we also comprehend the General Theory of Fire-works, which it may be proper to remark, we have drawn from the known effects of chemical action; so far, at least, as the laws, of affinity, which govern such action, are applicable to the subject. The importance of this inquiry, although having no relation to the mere manipulations of the artificer, can not be doubted; since a knowledge of chemistry has already improved the preparation of gunpowder, and its effects are now known to be owing to the formation of sundry elastic aeriform fluids. On this head, that of the application of chemistry to Pyrotechny, we claim so much originality, as, so far as we know, to have been the first, who applied the principles of chemistry.

It is not to be expected in every instance, that a rationale of the decomposition as it occurs, or the order in which it takes place, can be given with certainty; because, where a variety of substances enter into the same preparation, which is frequently the case, the affinities become complicated, and the laws of action for that reason indeterminate, and frequently anomalous. But, on the contrary, in a variety of primary operating causes, by which effects analogous in their nature result, decomposition of course being the same, the causes are well understood, and the effects are thereby known, and duly appreciated.

This, for instance, is the case with a mixture of nitrate of potassa, charcoal, and sulphur, in the proportion necessary to form gunpowder; for, it is known, that the explosive effects of powder are owing to the sudden production of a number of gases, which suffer dilatation by the immense quantity of caloric liberated at the moment of combustion. Although the production of caloric by the inflammation of gunpowder is a case, which cannot be explained by the present received theory of combustion, as we have noticed in that article; yet we know that it is a fact, and that caloric is generated by the decomposition of the powder.

If we consider the primary cause of this decomposition, we naturally inquire into the products of the combustion, and endeavour to account for the production of the elastic aeriform fluids. We know that carbon has the property of decomposing nitric acid, and also nitrate of potassa; for, when it is brought in contact in the state of ignition with nitre, a deflagration will ensue, and carbonic acid be formed. The quantity of this acid is in the direct ratio to the quantity of oxygen required to saturate a given quantity of carbon; and therefore, by employing certain proportions of nitre and charcoal, the latter will decompose the former, and by abstracting its oxygen, on the same principle form carbonic acid, while the azote, the other constituent of nitric acid, will be set at liberty. Nor is this all, if we consider the action of sulphur. The sulphur must unite with one portion of the oxygen to produce sulphurous acid gas, and also with the potassa of the nitre, and form a sulphuret, a compound necessary to be formed, before we can explain the production of sulphuretted hydrogen gas, which results from the decomposition of water contained in the nitre. There also results, as a product, sulphate of potassa. In considering these products at large, it would be necessary to go into detail; and, as we have descanted largely on its combustion in gunpowder, we accordingly refer the reader to the article on Gunpowder. It will be sufficient, however, to remark, that the agent, and consequently the cause, which produces the decomposition of nitrate of potassa, is carbon or charcoal. This, by uniting with the greater part of the oxygen of the nitre, produces, in a determinate proportion, carbonic acid gas. This gas, therefore, in conjunction with other gases, formed at the same time, all of which being expanded, causes what is denominated the explosive effect of gunpowder.

We have then a primary cause of the decomposition, and most of the effective force of gunpowder is owing to the carbonic acid; and it is found, that gunpowder made without sulphur is equally powerful as that with, since it adds nothing to its power.

Causes, therefore, chemically speaking, operate alike under similar circumstances. The materials made use of being equally pure, and used in the same proportion, the effect must necessarily be the same.

It is not only in the instance we have mentioned, but in every other, in which chemical action ensues, that this doctrine is tenable. We might, indeed, notice a number of cases of a similar kind; as, for instance, in the combustion of many incendiary preparations, as fire-stone, fire-rain, composition for carcasses, light-balls, and a variety of fire-works of the same kind. If we mix pitch, tar, tallow, &c. with nitrate of potassa, and burn the mixture, we have the combined action of two elementary substances, which enter into the composition of these bodies, namely, carbon and hydrogen. The products would be carbonic acid gas, and water; because the oxygen of the nitre would unite with the hydrogen, as well as the carbon. If we employ sulphur at the same time, another product would be sulphurous acid gas, and probably sulphuric acid; and if gunpowder be used, as in the fire-stone composition, then, besides these products, we would have those of the gunpowder.

As this subject, however interesting to the theoretical pyrotechnist, cannot be understood without a knowledge of chemistry, it is obvious, that that science is a powerful aid to pyrotechny. It is unnecessary to dwell on this head. We may add, nevertheless that, in order to understand the effect of all mixtures, or compositions made use of, it is necessary to consider the nature of the substances employed, and the manner in which chemical action takes place, and consequently the products, which determine in fact the characteristic property of each species of fire-work, and the phenomena on which it is predicated. All products of combustion depend on the substances thus decomposed, and by knowing the effects, we may readily refer them to their proper causes.

With respect to caloric, it may not be improper to offer some remarks.[1] The hypothetical element of phlogiston having given way to the antiphlogistic theory at present received, our ideas respecting caloric are predicated on facts. Caloric is a term, which expresses heat, or matter of heat. In pyrotechny, we have merely to consider it in a free, or uncombined state; but as the subject is interesting, we purpose to notice it very briefly under the following heads: viz. its nature; the manner it is set in motion; its tendency to a state of rest; the changes it produces on bodies; and the instruments for measuring its intensity.

As to the nature of caloric, different opinions are entertained. We know the effect of heat: if we touch a substance of a higher temperature than our bodies, we call it hot, and vice versa. The one is evidently the accession, and the other the abstraction, of caloric. The latter is merely relative as respects ourselves; for the effect depends on our feelings, and the sensation of hot or cold is therefore governed by them.[2] Caloric, however, is considered to be a substance, composed of inconceivably small particles; but count Rumford and sir H. Davy are of a contrary opinion, namely, that it depends upon a peculiar motion and not on a subtle fluid.

As the effect of caloric, according to their view, depends on motion, the agencies by which this is effected are of the first importance. That it exists in all bodies in a state of rest, and in a greater or smaller quantity, and consequently in a relative proportion, is well known, and on this, the capacities of bodies for caloric is founded. The capacities of bodies for heat are changed by various means, and caloric is put in motion; and, according to its quantity, the bodies may be either cold or hot. When the surrounding bodies become heated, they receive this caloric thus set free, and, in this view, the absolute quantity of their heat is increased. This state of rest, to which caloric is subject, may be destroyed either by an increase or a diminution of the capacity of a body. If caloric be put in motion by causes of any kind, which influence the capacities of different bodies, a theory maintained by Davy, then as the capacity for heat is changed so is free heat produced. Diminish the capacity of a body, its excess will of course be given out, and distribute itself among the surrounding bodies, which become heated; but increase the capacity, and a different effect ensues. The body absorbs caloric, by which its capacity is increased, and cold is produced. Caloric, whether considered a substance, or an attribute, possesses, nevertheless, this property, that when it is given out, as in the mixture of sulphuric acid and water, which occupies a less space than both in a separate state, the sensation of heat follows; and when it is absorbed, as in the various freezing mixtures, or in a mixture of snow and common salt, the sensation of cold is excited. The causes, however, which set caloric in motion, or that produce heat, are such as combustion, condensation, friction, chemical mixture, and the like. It is remarkable, that these effects are invariably the same, and are affected by corresponding affinities. When a piece of iron is struck with a hammer, the percussion produces a condensation of the iron, its specific gravity is increased, and the iron finally becomes ignited. The condensation of air, in the condensing syringe, will set fire to tinder. The flint and steel produce a condensation; for the metal, although small, is sent off in scintillations in the state of ignition. That caloric is contained in bodies in the state of absolute rest, and is evolved by condensation, there is no doubt. Gunpowder, by percussion, in contact with pulverized glass, is inflamed; and it appears very probable, that it also contains caloric in a state of rest. The experiments of Lavoisier and Laplace, on the quantity of caloric actually absorbed in nitric acid, and in a latent state, (noticed in the article on gunpowder), are satisfactory. If caloric is not in that state in nitre, how are we to explain the sudden transmission or evolution of caloric in fired gunpowder, where no external agent in any manner can influence the formation, or disengagement of caloric? Friction or attrition produces heat; and the distributable excess of caloric, as it is called, although not satisfactorily accounted for, may arise from a condensation; which, however, is denied.

The Esquimaux Indians kindle a fire, very expeditiously, in the following manner: They prepare two pieces of dry wood, and making a small hole in each, fit into them a little cylindrical piece of wood, round which a thong is put. Then, by pulling the ends of this thong, they whirl the cylindrical piece about with such velocity, that the motion sets the wood on fire, when lighting a little dry moss, which serves for tinder, they make as large a fire as they please; but as the little timber they have is drift wood, this fails them in the winter, and they are then obliged to make use of their lamps for the supply of their family occasions. Ellis's Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage.

Friction is, therefore, one means of producing distributable heat, which is also exemplified very frequently in the axis of a carriage wheel; of mill work; in the rubbing of wood, when turned on its axis in a lathe, by which turners ornament their work with black rings; rubbing a cord very swiftly backwards and forwards against a post or tree, or letting it run over a boat, &c. as in the whale fishery; the motion of two iron plates against each other, pressing them at the same time, &c. The great object in the construction of machines is to avoid, or lessen the degree of friction. See Hatchette, Vince, and Gregory. Count Rumford (Nicholson's Journal, 4th edit. ii, 106), and professor Pictet (Essai sur le Feu, chap. ix.) have made some valuable experiments on heat evolved by friction.

The sun is one great source of caloric. In whatever mode it produces it, whether by giving it out from its own substance, by the action of light on the air that surrounds the globe; by the concentration of calorific rays by means of the atmosphere, acting as a lens; or by putting caloric in the distributable state, always pre-existing in some other, as in a state of rest, are questions, which, in our present state of knowledge, we are unable to solve. We know the fact, and that the caloric is of the same nature as that obtained by combustion.[3]

Combustion is a process by which caloric is put in a distributable state. The opinion of Stahl and others, that all combustible bodies contained a certain principle called phlogiston, to which they owed their combustibility, and that combustion was nothing more than a separation of this principle, gave rise to the phlogistic or Stahlian theory, which was afterwards modified by Dr. Priestley. But his theory is equally untenable. Kirwan's opinion was no less vague, although he substituted hydrogen for phlogiston.

The Lavoiserian, or antiphlogistic theory overturned the Stahlian. According to this theory, a combustible in burning unites with oxygen, and heat and light are given out by the gas, and not from the combustible. According to a modified theory of the above, by Dr. Thomson, caloric is evolved by the gas, and light from the burning body. Without noticing the instances, in which this theory, as a general one, is insufficient to explain the cause of combustion, or of the production of heat and light, we will merely remark, that bodies which support combustion are called supporters, as oxygen gas, chlorine gas, &c. and those, that undergo this change, are named combustible bodies.

The products of combustion may be fixed or gaseous, and either alkalies, oxides, or acids; or, when chlorine is the supporter, chlorides, &c. A few examples will be sufficient. By the combustion of metals, iron for instance, we obtain a fixed product, and in the present case an oxide of iron; by the combustion of antimony and arsenic, the antimonic and arsenic acids; by the combustion of charcoal, we have carbonic acid gas, a gaseous product; by the combustion of potassium or sodium, we obtain a fixed alkali, depending however on the quantity of oxygen; by the combustion of sulphur, phosphorus, &c. acids; and when metals are burnt in chlorine gas, chlorides are produced.

It is evident from facts, that, whatever theory may be assumed, combustion occasions the production of free caloric, or changes the condition of caloric, from quiescent to distributable heat. The conclusions drawn by Mr. Davy and others, appear to have been predicated on the absorption of the base, and development of caloric, as in oxygen gas, and the peculiar alteration in bodies implying a decrease in their capacity; and hence, as regards the products of combustion, they must necessarily possess a less capacity for heat than the mean capacity of their constituents.

Whether we regard heat as latent, in the acceptation of the term, as applied or used by Dr. Black, or quiescent, or in a state of rest, it is certainly evident, that combustion is a chemical change, and by it caloric passes from a combined to an uncombined state, and is thus made sensible, free, or thermometrical heat. Combustion may, as it certainly does, put quiescent heat in a distributable state; but this quiescent heat is the same in the present case, of which there can be no doubt, as latent caloric. The thermometer will only indicate as much caloric in the air as is in a distributable, or free state; but, if the same air be employed to supply, or support combustion, the heat, rendered appreciable by the senses and the thermometer, will be in the ratio of the decomposition of the oxygen gas of the atmosphere, and, of course, to the development of free caloric.

Chemical combination, such as occurs by the mixture of fluids, as alcohol and water, sulphuric acid and water, some of the gases, as muriatic acid gas with water, &c. evolves heat, and sometimes sufficient to boil water. In cases of spontaneous combustion, it would seem, that quiescent heat passes to the state of distributable heat; for if nitric acid, for instance, contains so large a quantity of quiescent heat, or fixed heat, as the experiments of Mr. Lavoisier make it appear, we may readily explain why spontaneous combustion ensues, when that acid is brought in contact with spirits of turpentine; because the chemical action of the acid on the carbon and hydrogen of the turpentine, which takes place, produces at the same time a corresponding change in the caloric itself, from a quiescent to a distributable state. If the same data be admissible with regard to the combination of the nitric acid with potassa, which we may judge to be the case by the experiments of Lavoisier and Laplace, (quoted in our article on Gunpowder), then, indeed, its mechanical union with charcoal, and sulphur, although in a common temperature no combustion ensues, will, at the temperature required to inflame the mixture, (about 700 degrees according to some), produce a decomposition altogether chemical; and while new products are formed, the caloric, necessary also for their generation, passes from a quiescent to a distributable state; and a portion of it goes into a new state of combination, also quiescent. We mean that portion which is necessary for the constitution of gaseous fluids. This fact is remarkable. By referring to the original state or condition of the caloric, if we admit that state in the present instance, (which appears the only mode of accounting for the emanation of free caloric by the combustion of gunpowder), it is easily perceived, that chemical changes, besides the usual supporters of combustion being concerned, as in ordinary cases of combustion, must produce a similar change in the state of combined or quiescent heat.

Predicating this opinion on the results of the experiments of MM. Lavoisier and Laplace, and seeing that gunpowder inflames per se, or without the aid of a gaseous supporter, we have no hesitation in risking it, in the present state of our knowledge concerning heat as our present belief and conviction. Although there is no satisfactory theory offered to explain all the instances of spontaneous combustion, yet it seems reasonable to conclude, that in many cases at least, that effect may take place by some chemical action, which, like the instances already quoted, may change quiescent into distributable heat. We have stated (See Gunpowder) some instances of spontaneous combustion, which have taken place merely in consequence of the charcoal. Some have attributed the effect to pyrophorus, and others to the presence of hydrogen in the coal, which, by absorbing and combining with oxygen and forming water, sets the caloric of the oxygen gas at liberty, and thus produces combustion. However this may be, there are other instances, that of cotton and oil, some kinds of wood, wood-ashes and oils, &c. which have produced spontaneous combustion.

We will only add, however, that until we can give a better theory, the effect in these instances may be attributed to chemical action, and with it, the change of caloric in the manner already mentioned. Chemical action in such cases appears necessary, although mechanical means, as percussion will produce heat.

Quiescent heat is also put in motion by electricity; but in what manner it acts, so as to produce that effect, is unknown. It is a powerful agent in nature, and calculated for important ends, of which we are ignorant. It is unnecessary to notice opinions concerning it. All electrics will yield it, such as glass, rosin, &c. and it may be collected in the usual manner by the prime conductor and Leyden jar. Galvanism, called also Galvanic electricity, produced by an arrangement of zinc, and copper plates in a pile, or trough, and placed in contact with some oxygenizing fluid, has the same effect of causing quiescent heat to become distributable, and is undoubtedly the result of chemical action. The peculiar character of this fluid, the nature of the two opposite poles, &c. have been, and continue to be, a subject of interest to the philosopher. The deflagrator of professor Hare of Philadelphia is an apparatus well calculated for many interesting experiments on galvanism. To that gentleman, we are also indebted for the compound blowpipe, which produces a very intense heat by the combustion of hydrogen in contact with oxygen gas. Notwithstanding professor Clark of England has laid claim to the apparatus, and the use of hydrogen gas in this way, the merit of the discovery is due to our learned and ingenious countryman.

Since heat is put in motion as a consequence of the increased capacity of a body, and, by combining with a substance whose capacity has been increased, becomes by degrees quiescent, according to the respective capacities of bodies; cold is an effect, which is occasioned by this change from a free to a combined or quiescent state. The absorption of heat, necessary for the generation of cold, if so we may consider it, takes place in every instance, where that effect is observed. The heat of surrounding bodies, in a distributable state, is now no longer characterised as such; and the consequence is, therefore, that that particular sensation, or effect follows.

Cold may be produced by saline mixtures, the salts for which having their full quantum of the water of crystallization; and by the evaporation of fluids, as water, alcohol and ether. In the one case, that of the freezing mixtures, we have seen, that the effect is produced by the absorption of heat; and with regard to the cold produced by fluids, even in vacuo, (where the effect is more instantaneous), the cause is attributable to evaporation; for the fluid changes from a liquid to an aeriform state, and during this transition robs the body, with which it was in contact, of a part of its caloric, and thereby reduces its temperature. Artificial ice is made on this principle.

The next subject with regard to heat, is the different modes in which it tends to a state of rest. There are some facts in relation to this subject worthy of notice; and particularly, that, in the tendency of caloric to become quiescent, after having been put in motion, bodies often increase in temperature. This tendency to a state of rest is effected either by the conducting power of bodies, or radiation. Heat radiates in all directions, and in quantities, according to the experiments of Leslie, more or less variable, which depend on the nature of the radiating surface. Hence that power, which bodies possess, called the radiating power, varies in different substances. Thus, the radiating power of lampblack is 100, while gold, silver, copper, and tin plate are 12, from which it appears that the metals distribute less heat by radiation. That caloric obeys the same laws as light, is obvious from Pictet's experiments with concave mirrors, where the calorific rays move in the same order, the angle of incidence being equal to the angle of reflection. It is also refracted; hence the concentration of the solar rays in a focus by the burning glass. Various experiments have been made with mirrors, and concave reflectors. The effect of the former in destroying the fleet before Syracuse, an experiment made by Archimedes, is a fact well authenticated in history. Concave reflectors have inflamed gunpowder. This subject, however, is noticed at large, when speaking of mirrors as an incendiary in war.

That bodies conduct heat, and with different degrees of power, so that some are called good and others bad conductors, is well known. This property depends on the quantity of caloric, which a body receives, before it changes its state. Metals are considered good conductors, and glass, charcoal, feathers, &c. bad conductors. Hence bad conductors, as wool, &c. preserve the temperature of the body, or keep it warm in winter; and snow, for the same reason, prevents the action of intense cold on the ground. Liquids also conduct heat. Whether we consider caloric in this case carried, or transported, as it is more properly defined, the fact may be shown by several experiments. Ebullition, or boiling, is a phenomenon, which depends on the increment of temperature; for as water, for instance, receives caloric, until the thermometer indicates 212 degrees, the boiling point, mere evaporation ensues; but that temperature, under the usual pressure of the atmosphere, causes the formation of bubbles at the bottom of the vessel, as that part receives the degree of heat necessary for ebullition before any other; and these bubbles, as they form, rise in succession, and pass off in the state of steam, while the circumjacent fluid takes its place, and the process continues till all is boiled away. Water, when it passes off in the state of steam, which requires a degree of heat equal to 212 degrees of Fahrenheit, receives also 1000 degrees of non-distributable caloric, or latent heat; and however singular the fact may appear, the wise Author of Nature, it seems, has reserved a store of caloric, in this form, ready to be put in requisition, when necessity demands it, in a distributable shape.

Caloric, when in a state of rest, exists in different proportions, and although the actual temperature may be the same, yet the quantity of caloric in a quiescent state may be variable. There are several experiments, which are adduced to illustrate this fact. It results from experiment, that bodies receive heat according to their several capacities for it; hence, when any number of bodies are differently heated, the caloric, which becomes latent, does not distribute itself in equal quantities, but in various proportions, according, as we remarked, to their several capacities. Caloric, therefore, in a state of rest, is in relative quantities; and as the capacity of bodies for heat is variable, and relative as to each other, the term specific caloric has been applied. From these conclusions, we may readily perceive what is implied by an equality of temperature. That it merely depends on the state of rest, which caloric necessarily comes to, and which is relative as respects the capacity of bodies, and nothing more, is a deduction very plain and obvious. Heat, in a state of motion, may be said to be progressing to a quiescent state; and equalization of temperature, although differently understood, may be considered an equalization of fixed caloric, according to the relative capacity of bodies, without regarding the equalization, which takes place of uncombined caloric, as is manifested by thermometrical instruments. In a word, by considering caloric in this view, that of tending to a state of rest, and uniting with bodies according to their respective capacities, we may account for many phenomena; as, for instance, the quantity of caloric which enters into ice, and becomes latent, during liquefaction. The quantity of caloric, in this respect, may be learnt by adding a pound of ice at 32 degrees to a pound of water at 172 degrees. The temperature will be much below 102 degrees, the arithmetical mean, viz. 32 degrees. It is evident that the excess of caloric has disappeared; and by deducting 32 degrees from 172 degrees, 140 degrees remain, which is the quantity of caloric that enters into a pound of ice during liquefaction, or the quantity required to raise a pound of water from 32 degrees to 172 degrees. This change of capacity appears to be absolutely essential to the well being of the universe, as affording a constant modification of the action of heat and cold, the effects of which would otherwise be inordinate. If this did not take place, the whole of a mass of water, which was exposed to a temperature above the boiling point, would be instantly dissipated in vapour with explosion. The polar ice, would all instantly dissolve, whenever the temperature of the circumambient air was above 32 degrees, if it were not that each particle absorbs a quantity of caloric in its solution, and thereby generates a degree of cold which arrests and regulates the progress of the thaw; and the converse of this takes place in congelation, which is in its turn moderated by the heat developed in consequence of the diminution of capacity, which takes place in the water during its transition to a solid state. The reason why boiling water in the open air never reaches a higher temperature than 212 degrees is evident, if we consider, that the capacity of those portions of liquid, which are successively resolved into a vapour, becomes thereby sufficiently augmented to enable them to absorb the superabundant caloric as fast as it is communicated.

The most obvious effect of caloric on bodies, is the change, which they undergo when exposed to its action.

That it acts constantly in opposition to the attraction of cohesion or of aggregation, by which bodies pass from a solid to a fluid, and from a fluid to an aeriform state, and produces also different changes in bodies,—are facts that come under our daily observation.

It occasions changes in the bulk of bodies; hence solids, liquids, and gases are expanded. The expansion, and subsequent contraction of atmospheric air, give rise to various winds, which are currents of air rushing from one point of the compass to another to maintain an equilibrium. The theory of the winds is predicated on this fact, although some have asserted, that they depend greatly on the diurnal motion of the earth. The air thermometer of Sanctorius, and the differential thermometer of Leslie, are founded on this principle, of the expansion of air. Fluids expand until they arrive at the boiling point, as is the case with water, alcohol, &c. The expansion of mercury, in a glass tube, furnished with a graduated scale, forms the mercurial thermometer, by the rise and fall of which, the different variations of temperature are marked.

Notwithstanding caloric has the property of expanding bodies, there are some exceptions to this law, which may be proper to notice. Water, for instance, at the temperature below 40° contracts at every increment of temperature until it reaches 40°, which is its maximum of density. Above 40° it expands, until it arrives at the boiling point. Alumina, or pure argillaceous earth, also contracts by heat; hence it is used in the pyrometer of Wedgwood, to measure by its contraction intense degrees of heat. Various saline substances, in the act of crystallization, also expand. Several of the metals, when previously melted, on cooling exhibit the same character; and water, in the act of freezing, exerts a powerful force by its expansion, competent to the bursting of shells, and the splitting of rocks.

The changes in bodies, produced by caloric, we have already noticed. We will only add, that fluids require different temperatures, called the boiling point, to make them boil, under the same atmospheric pressure. Water boils at 212°. Many observations have been made with respect to water, both in the state of ice, and the state of vapour. Besides the accession of 212 degrees of caloric, appreciable by the thermometer, in water in the state of steam, there is also an accession of non-distributable caloric, called latent heat, which is calculated at 1000°. In consequence of this circumstance, steam has been judiciously applied to various useful purposes, and particularly in a certain manner for the drying of gunpowder.

That chemical changes are produced by the agency of caloric, is a fact well known. It is supposed to occasion decompositions, according to the laws of affinity, by changing previous affinities, and causing new affinities to take place. Hence the operations by fire, whether the substances themselves are exposed in a dry state to the action of heat, or otherwise, produce new results, or compounds, which could not be made without it. This truth has long been obvious. In consequence of a knowledge of this fact, Dr. Black (Lectures vol. i, p. 12,) defined "chemistry to be the study of the effects of heat and mixture, with the view of discovering their general and subordinate laws, and of improving the useful arts."

Caloric as a powerful auxiliary, performing as it does an innumerable multitude of changes and effects, an agent by which the operations of the universe are maintained in order and harmony for universal good, exerts the same effect in the furnace of the chemist, as in the great laboratory of nature; and regulates, and determines all the consequences, which follow a succession of fixed, and appointed changes.[4]

We have thus, in this brief and hasty outline of the nature, principal effects, and properties of caloric, detailed the leading facts on this subject; from which it will be seen, that caloric, so far as respects its generation by the combustion of different pyro-mixtures, and effects, generally, should form a part of Pyrotechny, and claim the attention of those, who are connected with the preparation of Fire-Works.

Respiration is also a process which puts quiescent heat in motion.[5]

In the second part of the work, we embrace the furniture of a laboratory, for the use of fire-workers, consisting of various tools and utensils.

Under this head, we also embrace sundry manipulations, such as the preparation of substances for use, the manner of forming mixtures, and various anterior operations. The formation of pasteboard for cases, the mode of forming as well as charging cases, different modes of charging rockets, the dimensions of rammers, mallets &c. This preliminary ought to be well understood; as the successful practice of the art depends greatly on these operations. We may observe, however, that we have had occasion to repeat some of these manipulations in certain instances, to make them more intelligible; or rather to present, more in connection with the subject, a detail of minutiÆ.

In the different compositions, the reader will bear in mind, that the copious collection of formulÆ, both old and new, embraces all the facts, with which we are acquainted, concerning pyrotechnical preparations.

In most instances, where the importance of the subject required it, we designated, or set apart from the rest, formulÆ, which have been approved, and particularly in France.

This is more particularly the case as it respects the fourth and last part, which appertains exclusively to Military Fire-Works. On this subject, permit me to remark, that fire-works, intended for the purposes of war, should be depended on; and for that reason, in order to produce a certain effect, the materials of which they are composed should be pure, weighed with accuracy in the proportions required, and carefully mixed according to the rules laid down. It is true, however, that while this nicety is required in particular cases, it is unnecessary in the formation of all fire-works. The composition for carcass and light-ball, for tourteaux, links, and fascines, and some others, do not require that precision; whereas the composition for fuses for bombs, howitzes, and grenades should be in every respect accurately made; for on the accuracy of the composition, must depend the time a fuse will burn, which is afterwards regulated by using more or less of the fuse, according to the time it will take for the shell to reach its destination, on which depends the skill of the bombardier. Accuracy, however, in making of preparations should be a general rule.

Viewing Pyrotechny either as a science or an art, there is undoubtedly required in its prosecution much skill and practice. A knowledge of the theory of fire-works may be readily acquired. The mere artificer or fire-worker, by constant habit and experience, may understand it is true how to mix materials, prepare compositions, charge cases, and perform all other mechanical operations; but it is equally certain, that, without a knowledge of chemistry, he cannot understand the theory. We would not say, that the workman should be a chemist, but that he should know enough to determine the purity of the substances he employs, and their respective qualities and effects; for if that principle were admitted, we might go further and say, that every person, who practices a chemical art, as the tanner, gluemaker, brazier, &c. should be a chemist, or that the art could not be conducted without a previous knowledge of chemistry, which we know is contrary to fact. This, however, may be said, that in all arts which are decidedly chemical, as that of dying for instance, chemical knowledge will enable the artist or operator to conduct his processes with better advantage, and correct any old routine, which is too often pursued, because it was handed down from generation to generation. Mr. Seguin in France facilitated the preparation of tanned leather, by adopting a new process altogether chemical. In a word, so far as chemistry is connected with the arts, and by which we explain the operations that take place, it is undoubtedly important; and with regard to Pyrotechny, it appears, in the way we have mentioned, to be indispensable. Chaptal (Elements de Chimie) observes, that the works of artificers frequently miscarry in consequence of their being unacquainted with the art.

In noticing this subject, we may be permitted to digress, while we state, that, being fully convinced of this truth, we have directed our labours in the Chemical Department of the United States' Military Academy to two distinct objects; viz. to theoretical and experimental chemistry, forming the first year's course, and chemistry in its application to the arts, manufactures, and domestic economy, constituting, along with mineralogy, the course of the second year. In addition to the usual applications, Pyrotechny, in the manner we have stated, and especially that branch which treats of military fire-works, has claimed our attention; and we have reason to believe, that this addition, to the usual course of chemical instruction, has considerably advanced the utility, especially to gentlemen designed for the army, of the application of chemistry.

The system of instruction adopted throughout the academy, in the different departments, (the plan of which may be seen in the new Army Regulations, article Military Academy), which, we have no hesitation in believing, is the most complete of any in the United States, and by far the most extensive,[6] is so regulated, that each section of a class regularly recite, and are interrogated on each subject of instruction, so that, while an emulation to excel is thus excited, the comparative merit or standing of the cadets is thereby determined. Adopting the same system in the Chemical department, that of interrogation on the subject of the preceding lecture, has many peculiar advantages; so that, while the mind and memory of the pupil are thus exercised, a comparative estimate of the progress of each one is obtained during each week, by which we are enabled, as in other departments, to present a Weekly Class Report of their progress.

While we are indebted to the talents and industry of the professors and teachers of the Academy, for the flourishing condition it is now in, and the progress of the cadets in every branch there taught; it is but justice to remark, that for the present organization of the academy, as relates to the studies, which is obviously preferable to the old system, and also for the improvements in instruction, we are indebted to the present superintendent, Col. S. Thayer, of the U. S. corps of engineers.

Considering pyrotechny, abstract from the questions usually given, and forming a distinct branch, it may be proper to remark, that the interrogatories on this head have been minutely and satisfactorily answered. The following outline will exhibit the order in which such questions were put, observing, however, that they are merely in connection with this subject:

What is saltpetre? What is nitric acid? What is potash? What are the sources of saltpetre, and how is it obtained? How is it formed in nitre beds, extracted, and refined? What circumstances are necessary to produce nitre, and how does animal matter act in its production? What is the difference between the old and new process for refining saltpetre? What reagents are used to discover the presence of foreign substances in nitre? What are nitre caves? Where do they exist? What are the nitre caves of the Western country, and how is nitre extracted from the earth? What proportion of nitre does the saltpetre earth of the nitre caves afford? What is the theory of the process for extracting saltpetre from nitrous earth, or nitrate of lime? What is sulphur? How is it obtained, and how is it purified for the manufacture of gunpowder? Of what use is sulphur in the composition of gunpowder? Does it add to the effective force of gunpowder? What is charcoal? What is the best mode of carbonizing wood for the purpose of gunpowder? What woods are preferred for this purpose? In the charring of wood, what part is converted into coal, and what gas and acid are disengaged? What is the use of charcoal in gunpowder? What is gunpowder? What are considered the best proportions for forming it, and what constitutes the difference between powder for war, for gunning, and for mining? How does the combustion of gunpowder take place? Can you explain why combustion takes place without the presence of a gaseous supporter of combustion, as gunpowder will inflame in vacuo? What are the products of the combustion of gunpowder? What gases are generated? To what is the force of fired gunpowder owing? What are the experiments of Mr. Robins on the force of gunpowder? How would you separate the component parts of gunpowder, so as to determine their proportions? What are gunpowder proofs? What is understood by the comparative force of gunpowder? What are eprouvettes? &c. In noticing in the same manner the preparations used for fire-works, and for war, as the rocket for instance, the following questions were propounded; viz. What is a rocket? How is it formed? Is the case always made of paper? What is the war rocket? What is the composition for rockets, and how does it act? What particular care is required in charging a rocket? What is the cause of the ascension of rockets? What is the use of the conical cavity, made in a rocket at the time it is charged, or bored out after it is charged? How do cases charged with composition impart motion to wheels, and other pieces of fire-work? What is understood by the rocket principle? What is the rocket stick, and its use? Is the centre of gravity fixed, or is it shifting in the flight of rockets? How are rockets discharged? What is the head of a rocket? What is usually put in the head? Are all rockets furnished with a head? What is understood by the furniture of a rocket? How are the serpents, stars, fire-rain, &c. forming the furniture of a rocket, discharged into the air, when the rocket has terminated its flight, or arrived at its maximum of ascension? What forms the difference between a balloon, in fire-works, and a rocket? As the balloon contains also furniture, and is projected vertically from a mortar, how is fire communicated to it, so as to burst it in the air? Is the fuse used, in this case the same as that for bombs, howitzes, and grenades? What is the Asiatic rocket? The fougette of the French? In what seige were they employed with success by the native troops of India? What was the nature of their war-rocket? What is the murdering rocket of the French? Is the conical head hollow, or solid, blunt or pointed? Why is it called the murdering rocket? What is the Congreve rocket? Is Congreve the inventor, or improver of this rocket? What are Congreve rockets loaded or armed with? In what part is the load placed? Is the case made of paper or sheet iron? What are the sizes of Congreve rockets?

What are the ranges of Congreve rockets? What angle of elevation produces the best range? How are Congreve rockets discharged in the field, and what number of men are usually employed for that service? Are the Congreve rockets considered to be a powerful offensive weapon; and, if so, in what particular? What is a carcass rocket? As an incendiary, is the carcass rocket equal to the usual carcass thrown from mortars? What is the carcass composition made of? What is the Congreve rocket light ball? In large rockets, are their sticks solid, or bored and filled with gunpowder? Why is that expedient used? &c.

It is obvious, that the student, after obtaining a knowledge of each subject by the preceding lecture, accompanied with demonstrations, is enabled to detail minutely all the facts in relation to it.

Pyrotechny, as known at present, is confined to a few books, and scattered in a desultory manner, without any regular or connected system. In fact the works which treat on this subject are in French, or translations from the French on particular subjects, but generally very imperfect. As applied to the uses of war, we may indeed say, that the small treatise of Bigot, (TraitÉ d'Artifice de Guerre), and Ruggeri (Pyrotechnie Militaire) are the only works. We have, therefore, consulted these authors, as will be seen in the pages of the work.

Roger Bacon, in his Opus Majus, has given some account of the Greek fire, and of a composition, which seems to have had the effect of our modern gunpowder.

Malthus (TraitÉ de l'Artillerie) contains some formulÆ for Military Fire-Works. Anzelet and Vanorchis, in their several works, have given some receipts for incendiary preparations. Henzion (Recreations MathÉmatiques) and Joachim Butelius have also something on the subject.

The celebrated Polander, Casimir Siemienowicz, has nothing of any moment, if we except the incendiary fire-rain, an account of which may be seen in the fourth part of our work. His book is considered, however, the best of the whole of them. Belidor, Theodore Duturbrie, &c. have mentioned some preparations; but their works are chiefly confined to artillery.

The improvement of Pyrotechny is ascribed to the Germans and Italians, and the French acknowledge, that they are indebted for a knowledge of it to the Italians. Be this as it may, it is certain, that it was known in China from time immemorial. Their acquaintance with gunpowder, before it was known in Europe, is a fact which appears to be generally admitted. For an account of the Chinese fire-works, and the origin of gunpowder in Europe, consult these articles respectively.

Whatever merit we may claim in this work, as the public will be able to judge impartially, it will be seen, by referring to the different chapters and sections, that we have endeavoured to form a system, by presenting a connected view of the whole subject.

Having noticed under separate heads, the particular use and application of each composition, we have added a chapter on the arrangement of fire-works for exhibition, together with the order to be observed. We may remark here, that we have enlarged in this part more perhaps than its merit or importance deserves; but, on reflection, we thought it better to embrace the whole subject, in order to form a more complete system in all its parts.

After going through the fire-works for exhibition, and noticing the different formulÆ, and preparations, for arrangement, with the theory of effects, we consider, in the next place, a subject of more importance, that of Military Pyrotechny. We have adopted this arrangement, more on account of obtaining a better acquaintance with ordinary fire-works, before the reader is prepared for military works, which he will understand with more facility; for all the preliminary operations precede the practical part.

On this head, it will be sufficient to add, to what we have already stated, that we have given in each article, generally speaking, a variety of formulÆ, with ample instructions for the preparation of each composition. The table of contents will exhibit the order in which they are treated.

In noticing the substances used in fire-works, in the first part, it will be perceived, that we have noticed some of them more extensively according to their importance; as for instance, saltpetre. Besides the different modes of obtaining saltpetre in Europe and elsewhere, and the means employed for refining it, we mention the saltpetre caves of the western country, which furnish an abundance of this article, and which contain an almost inexhaustible supply.

The extraction of saltpetre from the earth, (principally nitrate of lime), by using a lixivium of wood-ashes; the formation of rough, and subsequently of refined nitre; the various methods of refining saltpetre, and particularly that adopted in France; with sundry facts respecting the origin of nitre, and on the formation of artificial nitre beds; all claim our particular notice.

The extraction of sulphur from its combinations, and the means used for purifying it for the purpose of gunpowder, are also considered in the same manner.

The subject of charcoal, an essential constituent of gunpowder, claims, in like manner, particular attention. The various modes of charring, the woods employed, the quantity of coal obtained, the formation of pyroacetic acid in the process of carbonization, and many facts of the same kind are considered. These subjects, viz. nitre, charcoal, and sulphur, are highly important to the manufacturer of gunpowder.

A knowledge of the various processes for refining saltpetre; the best and most approved modes of carbonizing wood; the purification and quality of sulphur; the different processes for making gunpowder, with the proportion of the ingredients used in France and elsewhere; the granulation, glazing, and drying of powder, the use of the steam apparatus, and the different modes of proving it, and of examining it chemically; and the means of ascertaining the purity of nitre in any specimen of gunpowder; are, with others, subjects of particular interest to the gunpowder manufacturer.

With respect to the Theory of the explosion of gunpowder, we have noticed it at some length, and have added the experiments and observations of Mr. Robins, and of other persons, made at different periods.

In the consideration of the gaseous products, and the caloric evolved by the combustion of powder, we have taken a view of the gases produced, the cause of their production, the dilatation which they suffer, and the experiments of Lavoisier and Laplace, with regard to latent heat, and deducing therefrom some views of the probable cause of the production of caloric in fired gunpowder.[7]

Our observations respecting rockets, the theory of their ascension, of the Congreve carcass and Asiatic rockets, and some others, are we apprehend sufficiently extensive. As it regards the different incendiary compositions, and their use in war, the reader will find ample instructions on these heads.

We may also remark, that we have given some of the more common, or general properties of the substances, employed in the composition of fire-works, without going into that detail, which belongs exclusively to works that treat of Chemistry. It was neither our design, nor have we given, for the reasons thus stated, all the chemical characters or properties of the substances so employed; and, therefore, have confined ourselves, generally speaking, to an enumeration of such properties as are connected with the subject, or are indispensably necessary to be known, before a rationale of the causes and effects can be understood.

It was our intention to accompany the work with plates, exhibiting the arrangement, &c. of fire-works, which, there can be no doubt, would have facilitated in particular the knowledge of forming, and arranging, certain pieces of fire-work; but, on second reflection, as such illustrations were connected more with fancy exhibitions, and have little or no relation to Military Fire-works, the most useful branch of Pyrotechny, we were finally of opinion, that the addition of plates would greatly enhance the price, without advancing or adding to the value of the work.

If, however, a second edition should be required, various figures in illustration of particular subjects may be added, either with a distinct explanatory chapter, or a reference from the articles themselves, with the necessary explanation, to the figures respectively.

It would require at least twenty-five plates to include all the figures we originally intended to have introduced.

Before concluding this introduction, it remains for us to remark, that, in forming this work, we consulted a variety of authors, but with little advantage, except some French works, which we shall notice. Chaptal (Chimie AppliquÉ aux Arts;) Bigot (Artifice de Guerre;) Morel (Feux d'Artifice;) Thenard (TraitÉ de Chimie;) Ruggeri (Pyrotechnie Militaire;) MM. BottÉe and Riffault (TraitÉ de L'Art de FabriquÉ la Poudre À canon;) Peyre (Le Mouvement IgnÉ;) Biot (TraitÉ de Physique, Recherches Experimentales et MathÉmatique, sur les mouvement des Molecules de la Lumiere, &c.;) M. Duloc (Theorie Nouvelle sur le Mechanisme de l'Artillerie;) the Dictionnaire de l'Industrie; the Dictionnaire Encyclopedique des Arts et Metiers Mecaniques, article Art de L'Artificier; Œuvre Militaire; Archives des DÉcouvertes; SystÈme des Connoissances Chimiques par A. F. Fourcroy; Aide-MÉmoire a l'usage des officiers d'Artillerie de France.

We examined various authors in English; and with regard to the origin of inventions, we found the learned, and valuable work of professor Beckman (History of Inventions) very useful, and likewise James's Military Dictionary. To the Encyclopedia Britannica, we are indebted for many interesting facts, and some extracts on fire-works for exhibition.

On the subject of mining, we consulted the Treatise on mines for the use of the Royal Military Academy, by Landmann.

We deem it necessary to observe, that, in collecting our formulÆ for military fire-works, although we have sometimes extracted from the Strasbourg Memoir, the Bombardier and Pocket Gunner, and the Military Dictionary of Duane and James, we have generally followed Bigot; as the formulÆ which he gives for the preparation of Military fire-works have been approved by the French government; and where any thing of importance occurred in Ruggeri, we have, for the same reason, extracted such formulÆ from that author.

As respects the turtle, torpedo, and catamarin, submarine machines, it appears that Bushnel (Trans. Am. Phil. Soc.) claims the originality of the discovery from the date of his invention, although similar contrivances had long ago been suggested. Fulton's improvements, in the torpedo, are deserving of particular attention; but it is plain, that the Catamarin of the English is the same in principle and application as Fulton's torpedo, and that Fulton deserves the merit of it. Congreve, if we believe Ruggeri, was not the inventor of the rocket, which bears his name; for, according to him, it was invented about the year 1798 by a naval officer at Bourdeaux. It is certain, however, it was neither much known, nor used before the attack on Copenhagen.

It is certain that the present incendiary fire-stone was taken from the recipe for fire-rain contained in the military work of Cassimir Siemienowicz, or that the fire-rain gave rise to a similar preparation. The idea of the pyrophore, mentioned in the Archives des DÉcouvertes, must have originated from the use of the powder-barrel, and of similar means of defence. We might enumerate many other inventions, which owe their origin in the same way.





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