

Accension of glace inflammable, 40
Accension of spirit of turpentine, 51
Accension of phosphuretted hydrogen gas, 85
Accension, spontaneous, remarks on, 288
Acid of borax, use of, in fire-works, 227
Aigrette, pots of, 363
why so named, ibid
Air works, 347
Alcohol, 168
the flame of, how coloured, 20, 269
its compound with water, &c. 169
its use in fire-works, 168
its proof, or strength, how ascertained, 170
used in the preparation of fulminating mercury, ibid
burns without smoke, ibid
Alexander the Great, surprised with the effects of naphtha, 32, 153
Albertus Magnus, published an account of the ordeal by fire, 38
on the Greek fire, 98
Amadou; see Pyrotechnical sponge.
Amber, 156
used in odoriferous fire, 157
found in the United States, ibid
black; see Jet.
Ambergris, ibid
American Turtle, what, 515
Ammonia, muriate of, 184
Analysis of gunpowder, in what it consists, 140
Ancients, fire-works of the, 261
as exhibited in theatres, ibid
made chiefly in wooden tubes, 262
illuminated on birth days, 428
Anelzin, Constantine, supposed to have invented gunpowder, 99
Animal poisons, for what used, 568
Animalcula, 34
Anglesea, Island of, furnishes sulphur from copper pyrites, 80
Antimony, 188
Antioch, had some public lamps, note. 428
Anna Commena, her formula for Greek fire, 98
Aphlogistic lamp, 170
with camphor, 171
Aquatic fire-works, 21, 442
Aquafortis, 49
Archbishop of Magdeburg had nitre districts, 52
Arrow, poisoned, 567
Archbishop of Triers, granted privileges for searching for nitre, 53
Artifice of destruction, 267
Artificial nitre beds, 69
Artificial flower pot, 10
Artillery, how fired by sulphuric acid, 75
match, 471
rod, 474
Arsenic, sulphurets of, 187
Arrows, used to attract lightning, 31
Asbestus, or Amianthus, wicks of, 26
Ashes, wood, 192
Asphaltum, 155
used as a cement, ibid
Aurum Musivum, 200
Auger rammer, what, 238
size of, for boring rockets, ibid
Auget in mining, what, 551
Automatons of fire, 419
Aurora, composition for, 272
Azote, iodide of, a fulminating compound, 177
in nitre beds, furnished by animal matter, 70
quantity of, in nitric acid, 122
disengaged from gunpowder, ibid
quantity of, disengaged from powder, 123
exists in miasmata, 60
carburet of, in miasmata, 61
different combinations of, ib.
Bacon, Roger, 98
received his knowledge of gunpowder, ib.
his work, containing the composition of powder, ib.
his opinion of the manner the Midianites were defeated, ib.
knew gunpowder before Schwartz, 99
Balls, incendiary, 92
smoke, 449
stink, ibid
poisoned, ibid
inflammable, 577
red-hot, 449
Balloon wheels, 394
Balloons of grenades, bombs and stone, 559
Coehorn, 351
Republican, 352
of serpents, 353
of crackers and marrons, 352
compound, ibid
eight-inch, &c. 353
ten-inch, &c. 354
observations on, 355
Table respecting, 356
Mortars for the charge of, ibid
fuses of, 354
composition for the, 358
cases for, 245
Barbadoes tar, 155
Barras, 148
Bar-Cochebra, the rabbi, his deceptions on the Jews, 31
Barrow's account of Asiatic fire-works, 255
the nitre caves of Africa, 58
Battle of the kegs, 523
Batteries of Roman candles, 406
Mosaic candles, ibid
Bavins, for fire-ships, 509
composition for, ibid
Beckman, his remarks concerning jugglers, 27
Bengal lights, 377
Benzoin, 161
Benzoic acid, ibid
Benzoin, why used in fire-works, 162
flowers of, ibid
Berard, his improvement in refining nitre, 67
Berthollet, proposed chlorate of potassa for gunpowder, 76
his fulminating silver, 174
Bergamot, the essence of, used in odoriferous flambeaux, 288
Bigot, his observations on rockets, 540
Bistre, how prepared from wood-soot, 146
Bitumen, elastic, 155
solid, ibid
Black, ivory, 90
Black lead, 209
Black amber, 157
Blue vitriol, 222
Blue stars, 18
Boat, plunging, 514
Bodington, invented a machine to prove powder, 139
Bologna phial, 214
Bones, charring of, 94
Bone and ivory, 220
Borello, his process for regeneration, 34
Bottle, phosphoric fire, 85
Bombs, howitzes and grenades, 487
tables respecting, 489
incendiary, of Ruggeri, 537
composition of, 556
where said to have been invented, 504
succouring, an account of Bell's, 544
Brass, 197
Brand, fire, 574
Brick, economical, 577
Brilliant stars, 18
fire, 271
Brins, pots de, 364
Brimstone, 78
roll, 80
how obtained, ib.
how to determine its purity, 83
flowers of, 82
Browning of gun barrels, 204
Browne, Dr. on nitre caves, 54, 55, 58
Bronze, 198
Brongniart's directions for refining saltpetre, 62
Brugnatelli's fulminating silver, 174
Bullock's blood, paste made with, 253
Burgundy pitch, 147
Burning barrel, 503
composition for the, 504
Byzantium, illumination of, 24
Cabinet de composition, 235
Cadet, his mode of discharging guns, 477
Caduceus rocket, 341
Cagliostro, the imposter, 33
his pretensions to the miraculous, ib.
his phial, ib.
Cardan's account of his phial, ib.
CÆsalpinus, his comment on Aristotle, 34
Callinicus, the inventor of the Greek fire, 544, 548
Calamine stone, 195
Calcareous caverns mostly contain nitre, 54
Caligula, caused Rome to be illuminated, 24, 428
Camphor, 157
used in candle-making, 159
obtained from the Laurus Camphora, 158
crude, how refined, ibid
properties of, 158
use of, in fire-works, 160
the flame produced by, ibid
Candles, Roman, 380
cases for, and effect of, ibid
manner of charging the, ibid
manner of firing, ibid
Mosaic, 381
duration of, 439
light of, ibid
Ure's experiments on, ibid
Cannon, history of, 456
how originally made, 457
different kinds of, 459
opinions respecting, 458
Carbon, gaseous oxide of, 89
different combinations of, ib.
quantity in different coals, how ascertained, 151
Carbonic acid, 88
Carbonic oxide gas, 89
Carburetted hydrogen gas, ib.
Cartwright's fire-works, 20
Caromel, 165
Carbonate of Ammonia, 185
zinc, impure, 195
potassa, 189
Castera's Plunging boat, some account of, 514
Caprices, 400
cracking, 407
Cascades of fire, 404
Carney, M. his process for gunpowder, 110
Carcass rocket, 530
Carcasses, 492
how made, 493
table of the dimensions of, 494
uses of, 492
composition of, 494
a general rule for their preparation, 495
composition for covering, 496
how discharged from mortars, 497
inextinguishable, 493
Cartridges, 462
musket, 464
cannon, 467
Eau de cuite, 64
Eau forte, ib.
Eau faible, ib.
Europeans, ancient, their poisoned arrows, 568
Elastic bitumen, 155
aeriform fluids, 6
Electron, 156
Electricity, effects of, on inflammable bodies, 276
Ellibichus, (note.), 428
Empedocles knew the effect of burning glasses, 562
Endless screw, 418
Eprouvette, 138
of Hutton, ibid
improved, ibid
of Darcy, 76
of Regnier, 77
of Ramsden, 139
Dr. Hutton's opinion of the, 138
Eruption, volcanic, 263
substances which produce, ibid
Essence of spruce, 147
Ether, phosphorized, 85
Essential oils, 163
Etoupille of the French, 295
how prepared, 297
Ewel, his patent for making gunpowder, 118
Examination, chemical, of nitre, 72
Exhibition of fire-works, 453
Experiments, sundry, with detonating substances, 273
Extemporaneous fire, 578
various kinds of, ibid
by chemical action, ibid
Hanzelet's composition for, 579
remarks on, ibid
Fascines, 501
how made, ibid
to what use applied, ibid
various kinds of, 501
Feast of the lanterns in China, 25
Feast of the lamps, 427
Feast of the dedication of the Temple, ibid
Festum encÆniorum of the Jews, 24
Fevers, malignant, supposed causes of, 60
Fight, with small ships, how represented, 451
Fire, feats performed with, 26
works of, general basis of, 19
works, to show in sparks, &c. 20
for rooms, of what made, 21
substances used in, 48
rain, incendiary, 560
composition of, 560, 561
observations on, ibid
gave rise to the fire-stone, 562
Greek, 544
of what composed, 545
flasks, 575
stone, what, 205
produced by percussion, 273
works in general, 255
invention of Europe, ibid
at Pekin, ibid
known in China from time immemorial, ibid
Chinese not surpassed by any nation, ibid
Barrow's account of the, ibid
arrangement of, 256
a system of, what, ibid
of inflammable air, 383
Frazier's opinion respecting, 257
ordeal by, 37
works at Versailles and Paris, 257
of the ancients, 261
theatrical, 262
rain for theatres, 264
composition of, 264, 309, 310, 311
in Chinese fire, 265
spur, 267
composition of, 268
works, portable, 271
scented, 283
tables, 271
pots, 365
for ramparts, 575
charge for, 366
brand, 574
pumps, 322
composition for, ibid
cases for, how made, ibid
how charged, ibid
jets, 367
extemporaneous, how made, 578
spouts, 367
compositions for, ibid
blue, for parasols and cascades, 369
radiant, ibid
green, ibid
Aurora, ibid
Italian rose, ibid
everlasting, what, 154
jets, different appearances of, 370
how used, ibid
Chinese, 371
red, 372
cast iron, used in the, 371
iron sand in the, ibid
applications of the, 375
has little force, ibid
on wheels, its effect, ibid
for calibers under 10/12ths of an inch, 376
for other calibers, ibid
for Palm trees and cascades, ibid
white, ibid
for gerbes, ibid
works for exhibition, the arrangement of, 387
how arranged, 453
incendiary, 490
general account of the, ibid
number of the, ibid
slow, for wheels, 389
dead, for wheels, ibid
wands, 400
cascades of, 404
galleries of, 406
globes, 420
crayons, 286
globe, aquatic, 445
representation of figures in, 423
ship, in miniature, 451
for service, 507
preparation of a, ibid
uses of a, ibid
stores required for a, 510
fire-barrels for a, ibid
composition for, ibid
stone, 491
its use, ibid
of what composed, ibid
cautions to be used in making, ibid
on what its goodness depends, ibid
how made more inflammable, ibid
composition of, 492
origin of, 491
composition, used for carcasses; see carcasses.
balls, 492
Fire balls, composition of, 494
table on the dimensions of, ibid
how they differ from carcasses, 492
composition for covering of, 496
how discharged, 497
a new mode for making, ibid
to be thrown by hand, kind for, ibid
composition for hand, 498
works, with hydrogen gas, 383
Dillon's exhibition of inflammable air, ibid
Cartwright's do. do., ibid
flame of hydrogen gas in, how charged, ibid
of inflammable air, how executed, ibid
their character, ibid
imitative, 440
how made, ibid
Red, for theatres, 270
Fixed air, 87
suns, 397, 398
cases, 19
Flame, the rapidity of the communication of, 431
of felt, colours of, 435
Reaumur and Schatt's remarks on, ibid
of felt, experiment to produce the, ibid
coloured, theory of, 436
very remarkable effects of, on living persons, ibid
how prepared to produce singular appearances, ibid
Flame, changed of different colours, 2, 432
deception by breathing, 30
the, in fire-works, how shown, 264
how extinguished, and made to reappear at the same time, 275
Flambeaux, odoriferous, 288
its use in war, 501
how made, 502
composition for, ibid
Flower pot, artificial, of fire, 10
Flowers of sulphur, 82
Flower pots, pyramid of, 402
Flux, black, 50
white, ib.
Flyers, Chinese, 303
Fetid carbonate of lime, 155
fire, remarks on, 290
Forsyth, the Rev. Mr. his composition for gunpowder, 23, 75
his invention of a gun-lock, 22
Foudres, what, 265
Fougasses, 554
Fougette, 529
improvement on the, 530
Fountains, Chinese, 405
Frankincense, 148
used in odoriferous fire, ibid
Frazier, his opinion on fire-works, 257
Fruiloni wheel, 394
Fuel, economical, 577
Fulminating powder, 50
of Higgins, ib.
mercury, 171
of Bayen, 173
silver, 173, 274
balls, ibid, ibid
bombs, 173, 275
silver, of Berthollet, 174
of Chenevix, ibid
of Silliman, 175
gold, ibid
platinum, 176
powder, from indigo, 177
compound, called iodide of azote, ibid
oil, 179
silver, entertaining experiments with, 273
Fusion, powder of, 50
Fuses, 481
for shells, howitzes, and grenades, ibid
how made, ibid
how charged, 482
sundry compositions for, 484
with dead light, 485
composition for the, 486
dimensions of, 487
Gallipot, 147
Galbanum, 221
Galleries of fire, 406
Galvanism, detonations produced by, 276
Games at Rome, illuminated at night, 24
Garniture, in fire-works, what, 298
Gases produced in fire-works, 6
character of the, ib.
Gas lights, 89
Gases, what, produced by gunpowder, 121
number of, evolved from gunpowder, 122
carbonic acid, &c. quantity from gunpowder, 123
General theory of Pyrotechny, 1
Gerbes, 19
account of, 348
composition for, 349
Gibbs, colonel, his experiments on gunpowder with lime, 556
Girandoles, 407
modification of, ibid
chests of, for rockets, 338
Girdle, detonating, 274
Glazing of powder, what, 111
plumbago used for the, ibid
Glass, 210
different kinds of, ibid
acted upon by fluoric acid, 214
annealing of, ibid
uses of, in fire-works, 210
Globes, with their decorations, 419
leaping, 420
composition for, 421
bursting, 420
Globe of compression, 553
Glue, 214
its use in pyrotechny, ibid
Gold rain, 310
fulminating, 175
Gracchus, Marcus, 98
GrÆcus, Marcus, ib.
said to have invented gunpowder, ib.
Grape shot, how made, 470
Granulation of powder, 111
Grecian illumination, 24
Green match, 324
fire of the Palm tree, 77
Gregory, his summary of Robins's experiments, 125
Greek-fire, 544
invented by Callinicus, ibid
used by Callinicus with success, ibid
how defined, ibid
used at different periods, 545
how made use of, ibid
thrown by spouting engines, ibid
Beckman's remarks on the, ibid
peculiar properties of the, 546
modern imitations of the, ibid
La Brocquiere on the, ibid
Ruggeri's remarks on the, 547
said to have given rise to gunpowder, 98
recipes for the making of, known to Bacon, ib.
a manuscript containing the, and gunpowder, ib.
various kinds of, 546
the original, not known, ibid
the author of Œuvre Militaire on, ibid
recommends a substitute for the, ibid
superseded by gunpowder, 547
Grenades, fuses for, 481
how charged, 484
Gums, used in fire-works, 21
contain carbon, 89
Gum arabic, 219
Tragacanth, ibid
Gun, repeating, 460
Guns discharged by percussion, 75
Guns, see cannon.
Gunpowder, history of, 97
invented in India, 97, 458
invention, how brought to Europe, 97
the Arabians obtained a knowledge of, from the Indians, ib.
the use of, forbidden in the sacred books of the Indians, ib.
employed in 690 at the battle of Mecca, ib.
the Greek fire said to have given rise to, rocket, 530
rope, 558
composition for, ibid
arrows, 566
Incombustible, wheels, &c. how made, 240
Indigo, a fulminating powder from, 177
Indian white fire, 580
composition of the, ibid
matches for the, ibid
Ingenhouz, Dr. his remarks concerning gunpowder, 120
Inflammable powder of M. Gengembrie and BottÉe, 50
Infernal machine, 512
Inflammable ball, 577
air, 20
works, 383
pistol, 384
lamp, ibid
dart, 574
Iodide of azote, a fulminating substance, 177
Iron cylinders and cases, why preferred for charring wood, 91
use of, in fire-works, 201
cast, or crude, an ingredient of Chinese fire, ibid
pig, or crude iron, 206
properties of, 201
the effect of, in brilliant and Chinese fire, ibid
sand of the Chinese, powdered cast iron, ibid
chambers of, for fire-ships, 509
their use, ibid
some preparations of, 201
theory of the effect of, in fire-works, 202
filings, how preserved, 239
in brilliant fire, 4
Irrorateur, 288
Isinglass, used in composition, 19
its properties, 214
Italian roses, 313
composition for, ibid
Japanese cement, 252
Jerome, his remarks on the lights of Antioch, (note.) 428
Jessamine fire, composition of, 271
Jet, 156
fire, 367
Jews, festival of, had illuminations at the, 24
Joblonski, his account of the horse condemned at Lisbon, (note.) 28
Julius Camillus, his homunculi, 34
KarabÉ, 156
Kircher, his mirror, 562
Kurtz, his patent for preparing charcoal, 93
Laboratory, in Pyrotechny, 228
Laboratory tools, ibid
Lampblack, in spur fire, 10
action of, in spur fire, ib.
accension of, by nitric acid, 51
how made, 89, 144
origin of the name of, 144
houses, ibid
properties of, 145
purity of, how discovered, ibid
artificial tannin from, ibid
quality of, how improved, ibid
durable ink, prepared with, ibid
used in printers' ink, ibid
a constituent part of Close's ink, ibid
Lampadaria, what, 428
LamptericÆ, ibid
Lamp, inflammable air, 430
Lamps, kinds of, 429
various patent, (note.) 430
custom of the Turks with, 24
Pococke's account of, in a synagogue, ib.
Persian ceremony with, 25
Lances of illumination, 314
sundry compositions for, ibid
Lance À feu, composition of, ibid
stink fire, ibid
slow white flame, 315
composition of, ibid
for petards, 318
how made, ibid
of service, ibid
composition for the, ibid
Lanterns, feast of the, in China, 25
Lapis Calaminaris, 195
Lardons, same nature as serpents, 298
Lead, recommended for the preservation of powder, 140
experiments with, for this purpose, ibid
cartridges formed of sheet, ibid
black, 209
used for the glazing of powder, 111
Leaders, 294, 295
threading and joining of, 294
for small cases, how used, ibid
Lee, Sergeant, his account of Bushnel's turtle, 518
his adventure with a submarine vessel, ibid
his adventure with a balloon-ship, (note.) 521
Libanus speaks of his native city, on account of the lamps, (note.) 428
Lights, pocket, how made, 22, 75
various kinds of, 315
composition for, ibid
common, composition for, ibid
red, composition for, 316
sundry compositions of, for different calibers, ibid
brilliant, &c. composition for, ibid
for all calibers, ibid
another, ibid
large Jessamine, 317
small Jessamine, ibid
tabular view of compositions for, ibid
Bengal, 377
composition of the, 378
observations on the, ibid
Lightning, the Ancients knew how to attract the, 31
how represented, 267
Lime, promotes the formation of nitre, 53
the carbonate of, the same effect, ib.
Lime, 194
its use in fire-works, 195
Line rockets, 345
Linseed oil, 218
Lixivium for slow match, how made, 293
Longchamp, his improvement in refining saltpetre, 67
Lycopodium used in priming powder, 76
imitating lightning, 267
Machines, infernal, 512
Magazine, 235
principles of forming a bomb proof, ibid
lightning rod for a, 236
access of moisture in a, how prevented, ibid
Magic lantern, 44
phantasmagoria with the, ib.
Magi, character of the Ancient Egyptian, 27
Mallets, 231
Maltha, 155
Mandrils, 230
Marble, bituminous, 155
Marks, gunpowder, 143
Mariotte, his theory of the flight of rockets, 14
Marrons, 318
made to imitate the explosion of mines, 264
how made, 318
how fired, 319
batteries of, how formed, ibid
for service, ibid
cubical, ibid
figure of the paper, before forming, 320
shining, 320
for what designed, ibid
Murdering, 557
Mastich, 163
from the Pistacia lentiscus, ibid
used in the scented paste, 164
Matches, in artillery, 471
Match, 292
quick, ibid
slow, 293
lixivium for slow, ibid
principles with respect to the combustion of, 296
proportion of substances for forming, 297
slow (military), 471
how prepared, ibid
rope for, 472
lixivium for, ibid
nitre, why used, ibid
how polished, ibid
another process for preparing, ibid
how made at Gibraltar, ibid
made of sugar of lead, ibid
quick, process of M. Bigot for, 477
different compositions for, 478
of worsted, ibid
how made with expedition, ibid
rod, artillery, of M. Cadet, 474
experiments with, ibid
incendiary, 492
how prepared, ibid
phosphoric, 85
wood, 571
paper, 294
for cyphers, blue and green, 324
purple, or violet, 325
Meal-powder, 234
Mealing table, how made, 83
Mealing of brimstone, ib.
Medici, house of, bribed to abolish the Academy del Cimento, 28
Mercury, fulminating, 171
Mercury, corrosive muriate of, 186
Metals, used in fire-works, 4
Metallic preparations, some detonate, 23
Metallic copper, how obtained by precipitation, 222
used in fire-works, 223
Meteors, imitation of natural, 325
Meteorolites, 62
Meteoric phenomenon, ib.
Mexia, Peter, his remarks on gunpowder, 98
Miasmata, of what composed, 60
produce fevers, ib.
produce yellow fever, 60
how destroyed, (note.) 61
kind of, supposed to produce yellow fever, ib.
Military Pyrotechny, what, 456
Milk of sulphur, 83
Mine pots, 299
composition of, ibid
Mines, and mining, 550
Minerva of Sais, festival of, (note.) 428
Mineral tar, 154
Miracles, 29
Mirrors, powerful effects of, 562
Archimedes employed, with success, 563
Mix, lieut. his unsuccessful attempt with a torpedo, 522
Mixtures, how made for fire-works, 253
Morey, his experiment with nitre and oil, 51
with tar, 433
with rosin and boiling water, 432
Mortars and pestles, 233
paper, 350
to throw aigrettes, 350, 363
Moore, his remarks on rockets, 15
Moon and stars, 421
Mosaic candles, 381
theory and effect of, 17
gold, 200
tourbillons, 358
composition of, 360
simples, 381
how used, ibid
moulded stars, 382
composition of, ibid
Moses, how he differed from the Magi, 30
rod of, miracles wrought with the, 29
Mother water of nitre, 57
Moulds, for common port-fires, 247
Muriated gunpowder, what, 76
Muriate of Ammonia, 184
Mushet, his remarks on iron, 210
Mutations, a regulated piece of nine, 408
Myrrh, 164
used in odoriferous fire, 165
Naphtha, 153
the substance, which burnt Creusa, ibid
Alexander the great, surprised at the effects of, ibid
used by the Ancients in exhibitions, 154
Hanway's account of, ibid
Pinkerton's observations on, ibid
grounds, singular properties of, ibid
used in the Greek fire, 154
Neptune, how represented in fire, 450
Nitre, 48
fixed by charcoal, 49
used in the formation of gunpowder, 50
its quality, how judged of, by fire-workers, 51
how procured in the East, 52
districts, what, ib.
how procured at Lima, ib.
regale, in Germany, what, ib.
how obtained in Germany, ib.
from old walls, buildings, &c. 53
formed with animal and vegetable matter, ib.
collected in the East Indies, ib.
quantity used in China for fire-works, ib.
bed of, at Apulia, near Naples, ib.
how obtained in Switzerland, ib.
springs, in Hungary, ib.
convocation at Paris, of young men, to receive instruction for forming, ib.
Caves of the United States, 54
obtained from the soil of tobacco-houses, ib.
beds, artificial, ib.
how extracted from the nitrous earth of nitre caves, 54, 55
crude, what, 54
earth, what, ib.
found in caves in a state of purity, ib.
caves of Tennessee, Virginia, and Maryland, ib.
cave, a, how discovered, 55
in the grease, what, 56
theory of the process of extracting, 57
crystallization of, ib.
rough, ib.
rock ore of, how treated, ib.
caves, observations on, 59
Brongniart's direction for refining, 62
process for extracting, in France, 63
old process for refining, 66
Chaptal's observations, &c. on, 67
conditions necessary to form, 70
how extracted from damaged gunpowder, 72
how to ascertain its purity, ib.
how reduced expeditiously to powder, 73
cubic, 74
caves of Africa, a bituminous substance found there, 58
native, in the nitre caves of the United States, 56
native, of Africa, 58
in the sandstone strata of Africa, ib.
caves of Africa, contain animal excrement, ib.
in the cave at Nicajack in Georgia, ib.
quantity obtained at Nicajack, 59
supposed origin of, at Nicajack, ib.
in the cave at Corydon, Indiana, ib.
caves of East Tennessee, Kain's remarks on, ib.
of the Cumberland mountains, ib.
causes which are supposed to form, ib.
used in the manufacture of candles, 186
Nitrification, what, 70
Nitrous efflorescence, the ancient scrophula contra lapides, 53
Nitrate of potassa, nitre, or saltpetre, 48
of soda, used in fire-works, 247
length of, ibid
origin of the term, ibid
how made, by the Strasburg formula, ibid
Strasburg, composition of, 248
how generally made, 479
instructions of M. Bigot respecting, ibid
composition of, various, ibid
usual length of, 480
wet and dry, ibid
dry, according to the English method, ibid
other compositions for, ibid
composition for, according to Ruggeri, ibid
Potash, 191
Potassium, ibid
Pots des Brins, 364
serpents for, 299
how made, 364
de chasse, 360
fire, remarks on, 365
for ramparts, 575
composition for, 366
of ordnance, 422
how made, ibid
how fixed, ibid
how discharged, 423
flower, pyramid of, 402
Powder-triers, 138
proof, 136
bags, 503
how made, ibid
barrel, ibid
of fusion, what, 50
fulminating, ib.
inflammable, of Pauly, 577
of what composed, 578
Priests of antiquity, acting as jugglers, 32
Prince Rupert's drops, 214
Priming powder, of chlorate of potassa, 75
tubes, or fuses, 475
formerly made of tin, ibid
composed of two parts, ibid
reeds, or quills used for, ibid
how filled, 476
compositions, sundry for, ibid
pewter used for, 475
Prognosticator, a preparation of camphor for a, 159
Proust, his remarks on the charcoal for powder, 110
Prussic acid, 89
Puddling, what, 207
Puffs, 262
composition for, 263
Pulverization of substances, 253
Purple match, 325
Putrefaction of animal and vegetable substances, 70
forms saltpetre, 71
Pyrotechny, 1
general theory of, ib.
of the Chinese, 53
Pyrotechnical sponge, 570
mixtures, 1
Pyroacetic acid, 91
how purified for use, 93, 95
Pyric piece, 412
Pyrophorus, 180
of Wurzer, 86
how prepared, ib.
Pyrophore of defence, 581
Quick match, 20
how generally made, ib.
military, 477
different kinds of, see match.
Quicklime, 194
its use in making slow match, 472
Radiation of heat, its effects, 565
Rammers, 231
Rampart fire-pots, 575
Realgar, 187
Reagents, chemical, to discover foreign salts in nitre, 72
Recoil of a gun, similar to the recoil of a rocket, 11
Reeds, for fire-ships, 510
Red-fire for theatres, 270
Resins, 148
Thenard's opinion of, ibid
Repeating gun, 460
Reports, single, 301
cases for, ibid
Rain, silver, composition for, 272
fire, 18
filamentous, 309
how formed, ibid
cases for, with what charged, ibid
in sparks, what, ibid
composition for, 310
gold, composition for, ibid
remarks on the, 319
fire, in general, sundry compositions for, 311
falls, and stars, double and single, ibid
observations on the cases for, ibid
and hail, how imitated, (note.) 266
Rays, composition for, 272
Rice glue, 252
Richardson, his tricks with fire, 36
Ring, a, how suspended by a thread reduced to ashes, 41
Robins, his conclusions applicable to rockets, 16
his experiments on gunpowder, 125
Rochos, on the ashes of toads, 34
Rock saltpetre ore, what, 55
Rockets, gunpowder, &c. causes the ascension of, 11
motion of, how balanced, 12
gases produced by the combustion of the composition for the, ib.
principle of the, gives motion to fire-wheels, 11
a missile weapon, ib.
used at the seige of Seringapatam, ib.
principle, what, 12
employed for explosion and conflagration, 11
theory of the ascension of the, 12
stick, its use, ib.
stars, 18
water, ib.
charcoal of hard wood for, when used, 94
remarks on charging of the, 231
charging of the, rammers required for, ibid
signal, tools required for forming the, 232
table, 272
driving of a, 236
driven solid, or hollow, 236
ladle for charging, 237
blows required for charging of the, ibid
for each ladleful of composition, ibid
how bored, and machine for boring, 238
taps for, what, ibid
bored with a brace and screw bit, 239
cases, how made, 243
cases, Morel's rule for making, 244
length of the, how regulated, 245
and their appendages, 326
flying, ibid
uses of, ibid
caliber and preparation of, ibid
tables, concerning the, 327, 328
different opinions respecting, 327
moulds for, remarks on the, 328
composition for, remarks on the, ibid
charcoal used in the composition for, of what kind, 329
compositions for, opinions respecting the, ibid
compositions for, ibid
according to Morel, 330
to Bigot, ibid
tabular view of the, 331
of honour, Chinese composition for, 330
observations on charging of, 331
furniture of, its weight, 332
heads for, how made, ibid
sticks for, ibid
how measured, ibid
piercer, what, 333
rammers, for charging of, ibid
formers for the cases of, ibid
moulds for, table exhibiting the dimensions of, ibid
on the heading of, 334
heads of, why used, ibid
experiments respecting, 335
manner of decorating them, ibid
decorations used for, ibid
sticks, their dimensions and poise, 336
their use, ibid
table respecting, ibid
how discharged, 337
different modes of discharging, ibid
fired without sticks, in what manner, 338
Girandole chest for discharging, ibid
how made, 339
fountain of, what, ibid
how discharged at the same time, ibid
Morel's contrivance for discharging, ibid
angle of inclination given to, if required, 340
combinations of, with appendages, ibid
fixed on the top of each other, ibid
towering, 16, 340
Caduceus, 16, 341
Honorary, 342
Chained, ibid
tails of, how made to form an arch, 343
small, or swarmers, ibid
composition for, ibid
scrolls for, 344
cases for, ibid
line, with decorations, 345
signal, 347
water, 443
discharging of, in water, 448
under water, 449
war, 11, 526
Congreve, has iron cases ibid
Signal, trimming of, ibid
composition for the trimming of, 527
quicklime used in the composition of, (note.) 526
the hollow in, increases the surface that takes fire, 527
sticks of, when large, are bored and filled with powder, 528
Robins's experiments with, ibid
height of ascension of, ibid
Indian, 529
Congreve, how it differs from the common, 530
contains the propelling power, ibid
carries ball, shells, case shot, &c. ibid
distance of its flight, ibid
carcass, ibid
how armed, 533
used at Boulogne and Copenhagen, 531
advantages it is said to possess, ibid
range of the largest kind of, 532
kinds used for different services, 533
table concerning the range, &c. of the, ibid
how discharged, 535
estimate of the cost of the, 536
French account of the, ibid
described by Ruggeri, ibid
Congreve said not to be the inventor of the, ibid
invented by a naval officer, ibid
Ruggeri's publication concerning the, ib.
analysis of the, by Gay-Lussac, 531
objections to the, 537
difference between the incendiary and common, 538
murdering, how formed, ibid
how discharged, ibid
light ball, 539
carcass, the floating, ibid
observations on the, 540
Bigot's remarks concerning the, ibid
Bigot's tables of the different kinds of, 542, 543
the succoring, 544
Rolling board, 233
Rolled stars, 304
Rome, the forum at, lighted, 428
without public lights, ibid
Roman candles, 380
Roses, Italian, 313
composition for, ibid
Rose-piece and sun, 399
Rosin, 146
how prepared, 147
Ruggeri, his opinion of chlorate of potassa for rockets, 77
Rumford, count, his improvement in fuel, 577

Sacks, for mealing gunpowder, 234
of powder, for pots des brins, 366
Sage, on the spontaneous combustion of charcoal, 107
his remarks concerning gunpowder, 108
Sal Alembroth, 187
ammoniac, use of, in fire-works, 184
in candle making, 191
ammoniac, 184
Sal Prunelle, 49, 167
Saltpetre, the basis of fire-works. See Nitre, 3
affords oxygen, ib.
decomposed by charcoal, ib.
remarks concerning, 49
converted into sal prunelle, 167
refining of, 65
old process for refining of, 66
reagents used to determine the purity of, 72
Dupont's refined, character of, 73
how obtained in fine powder, ib.
preparation of, for fire-works, ib.
the oldest certain account of, 98
Caves. See Nitre.
proportion of acid in, 122
used in candle-making, 186
Saracen fire, 549
Saucissons, 321
how made, ibid
flying, ibid
how used, 322
in mining, what, 551
Scudder, his plan for blowing up the Ramilies, 524
Scrolls for rockets, 344
Scented vase, 288
Scented fire-works, 21, 283
vase of the Athenians, 21
fire of the Moldiva Islands, 285
Schwartz, said to be the inventor of gunpowder, 99
Schistus, bituminous, 155
Schoepfer revived magic, 33
and Cagliostro, tricks of, ib.
Sea lights, 525
composition for, ibid
Sea fights, how represented, 451
Sieves, 234
Seneca oil, 155
Serpents, nest of, 364
how formed, 298
how driven, ibid
composition of, 299
for pots de brins, ibid
for pots of aigrettes, &c. ibid
why so called, ibid
stars, 301
their intention, ibid
cases for, ibid
compositions for, ibid
of two kinds, ibid
how moulded, 302
how primed, ibid
theory of their effect, ibid
whirling, ibid
principle of the, ibid
how charged, ibid
Ship, fire, 507
preparation of a, 507
Shells, paper, how made, 245
fuses for, 48

Sun cases, 19
Suns, &c. exhibition of, by the Chinese, 256
Suns, fixed, 397
with transparent faces, 398
with variations, 396
compositions for the charges, ibid
with rose piece, 399
Swarmers, 343
composition for, ibid
Swedish melting house, feats performed at the, 36
Sword blades, how ornamented, 205
Table, mealing, 234
fire, 271
works exhibited on, ibid
Table rocket, 272
Table-star, the illuminated, 273
Tape, detonating, 274
Tar, how obtained, 147
Barbadoes, 155
Morey's experiments with, 148
Tarred links, 500
how made, ibid
Tests, their use in discovering the presence of substances, 72
Thenard's formula for priming powder, 76
Thenard, respecting nitrous lixivium, 63
Theophilus, bishop, respecting the statues at Alexandria, (note.) 28
Thick stuff, of nitre boilers, 57
Thouvenal's opinion respecting nitre beds, 70
Thundering barrel, 504
Thunder bolts, in fire-works, 265
composition for, 266
various ways of imitating, (note.) ibid
accompanying the phantasmagoria, how imitated, (note.) ib.
Thus, 148
used in odoriferous fire, ibid
copallinum, 164
Tin, sheet, 206
plate, ibid
Tinder, 570
Tools and utensils, 228
Tophania, the female poisoner, 48
Torpedo, Fulton's, 521
principle of, ibid
precautions against, 522
fulminating silver used in the small, 173
used against the Plantagenet, 522
Touch paper, 21, 292, 294, 370
Tourbillons, theory of, 16
cases for, 245
how charged, ibid
common, 358
mosaic, ibid
character of, 359
mosaic, composition of, 360
table, 361
appendages to, ibid
directions for firing, ibid
common, another mode of making, ibid
composition of, for different calibers, 362
for half inch caliber, ibid
of various sizes, ibid
general rule respecting, 363
Torches, odoriferous, 289
compositions for, ibid
used in war, 501
how made, 502
Tourteaux, 500
for what used, ibid
goudronnÉ of the French, ibid
how made, ibid
composition for, according to Bigot, ibid
according to the Strasburg formula, 501
Tow and hemp, 222
Towering rocket, 340
theory of the, 16
Transparencies, 425
Tubes, cannon, how inflamed by sulphuric acid, 22
Tunestrick, his wonderful performance, 34
his miraculous liquor, 35
Turpentine, 146
for what purpose used in fire-works, ibid
spirit of, how inflamed by nitric acid, 51
decomposes the nitrates, 146
a component part of the ancient Greek fire, ibid
obtained from different species of the Pinus, ibid
common, from the Pinus Sylvestris, ibid
composed of resin and volatile oil, 147
Spirit of, how obtained, ibid
Essential oil of, ibid
Venice, from the Pinus laryx, 147
made artificially, ibid
from the Pinus Maritima, ib.
spirits of, Morey's experiments with, 148
Turtle, the American, 515
invented by Bushnel, 516
intended to destroy shipping, ibid
outline of its construction, ibid
experiments with, 517
sergeant Lee's adventure with the, ibid
Turf, used in the place of spunk, 572
inflammability of, 152, 571
of morasses, some account of, ibid
Tacitus' account of, taking fire, ibid
Gmelin's observations on, ibid
Vapour of water accelerates combustion, 432
preparation of, to form blue flame, ibid
Varnish, 164
Variegated stars, 18
Vase, the scented, 288
composition for the, ibid
Vegetable poisons, their use in poisoning of arrows, 568
Venice turpentine, 147
Versailles, fire-works at, in 1739, 257
Vinegar from wood, character of the, 93
quantity of the, ib.
apparatus for obtaining the, 95
Violet match, 325
Vitriol, blue, its use in fire-works, 222
Volcano of Lemery, 323
how made, ibid
theory of, ibid
exhibition of a, in China, 256
Volute, grand, 417
Wand, Mercury's, 401
fire, 400
War-rockets, 526
of the Asiatics, 262, 529
Water-squibs, 448
fire-fountain, ibid
balloons, odoriferous, 446
compositions for, ibid
mines, 444
fire-works, 442
rockets, 18, 443
of ammonia, 185
casks, the use of charring, 87
how preserved at sea, ib.
Water, its presence in fire-works injurious, 8
weak, what, 64
strong, in nitre making, ib.
Waterloo crackers, how made, 273
Watson, the Bishop of Llandaff, his mode of examining gunpowder, 141
Waved fire, 418
Wax, artificial, for candles, 51
Wheels, 19
Wheel cases, manner of loading, 237
Wheels, how made incombustible, 240
Wheel cases, standing and fixed, composition for, 388
Wheels, slow fire for, 389
dead fire for, ibid
single, vertical, &c. 391
plural, 393
illuminated spiral, ibid
balloon, 394
fruiloni, ibid
pin, 395
composition for, ibid
horizontal, how changed to vertical, with a sun in front, 399
cone, double illuminated, 416
vertical, on a horizontal table, ib.
decoration of, 418
single, double, and triple table, 425
for water, horizontal, 444
White fire, composition for, 272, 580
flame lances, 315
composition of the, ib.
iron of the French, what, 206
pitch, 147
Stars, 18
Whitening of cases, 370
Whirling serpents, 338
Wicks, lamp, of amianthus, 26
Kircher's, ib.
Wild fire, 492
Will-with-the-Wisp, 85
Wings, 406
Women, Roman, their custom with fire, 37
Wood, charred, 90
carbonization of, how performed, ib.
improved process for the, 91
kinds of, for making charcoal for gunpowder, 94
light, for gunpowder, ib.
heavy, or hard, when used, ib.
raspings of, used in fire-works, 163, 216
distillation of, 217
bronzing of, 242
ashes of, used in fire-works, 192
tubes of, used by the ancients in fire-works, 262
how preserved from the weather, 265
how made incombustible, 241
colouring of, how performed, ibid
Woolf, Arthur, his steam apparatus, 119
Wootz, 209
Worcester, the Marquis of, his destructive machines, 525
Works, detonating, 273
Workshop for artificers, 235
Wrought iron, 206
Xenophon, his account of ancient jugglers, 23
Yew tree, illuminated, 402
Yellow fever, supposed cause of, 61
Zoroaster, the followers of, in Persia, 386
sacred fire of the, ibid
Zinc, 196


Various rammers and rockets

View Larger Image Here.


Fig. 1.—A. is the entering rammer or driver. It is bored in such a manner, that the whole of the broach, or piercer above the nipple, n, may be admitted. The cavity of the bore is cylindrical, and equal in diameter to that of the foot of the broach. This driver serves to fix the rocket case, over the broach, in the mould G, and to form the cup, o, fig. 10, for receiving the priming.

B. is the driver of the first charge. It is bored in such a manner, as to admit the broach to within two-fifths of the interior diameter of the case, from its base. Its bore is cylindrical, and has the diameter of the broach, at the height of two-fifths the interior diameter of the case.

C. is the driver of the second charge, and admits the broach two-thirds of its length; the diameter of its bore being the same as that of the broach, at one-third of its height.

D. is the driver of the third charge, and admits one-third of the broach; the diameter of the bore being that of the broach, at two-thirds of its height.

E. is the last driver, and is solid; the charge being above the summit of the broach. See page 231.

Fig. 1. and Fig. 6.

Fig. 1. (cont.) and Fig. 6.—The broach or piercer I, fig. 1, (a section of which is represented in fig. 6), is a truncated cone, having a hemispherical summit. The cone is the part from a to b, fig. 6. The diameter of the base of the cone at b, ought to be two-fifths of the interior diameter of the case, and the diameter at the summit, one-fifth, which is also the diameter of the small hemisphere at the top. The height from b to a, ought to be seven times the interior diameter of the case, or 17.5 times the diameter of the base b. The part n, fig. 1, and from b to c, fig. 6, is rounded. Its diameter ought to be that of the interior of the case, and its height, seven-tenths of that diameter. This is called the nipple, and is the part, which gives shape to the cup o, fig. 10. The part m, fig. 1, and from c to d, fig. 6, is cylindrical, and may be made of any height or diameter, provided the latter is not less than that of the cone. It is generally one-twentieth more than the exterior diameter. This part ought to penetrate into the bottom of the charging mould, G, fig. 1, and fit closely, so as to be firm. The part from d to e, fig. 6, is the blade or tongue of the broach. It is rectangular, and enters into the block H, fig. 1, where it is firmly fixed. The size of this part is arbitrary, as well as that of the block H, fig. 1.

Fig. 2.—The Rocket finished.

Fig. 3.—Conical Mandril or Former, for the head of the Rocket.

Figs. 4 & 5.—Head of the Rocket and Pot de fusÉe.

Figs. 7 & 8.—Mealing table and Mullar.

Fig. 9.—The Rocket case choaked, and prepared for charging.

Fig. 10.—Section of the Rocket, after charging.

Fig. 11.—The Rocket with its stick. For want of room, the stick is represented in two pieces.


For consistency and clarity, a space (when absent) has been placed between the number and the unit of weight lb. and lbs. giving for example '21 lbs.' in place of '21lbs.'

Fractions, usually in the form '14 3-4' in the original text, have been converted to the form '143/4' in this etext.

Also, in a few larger tables with italic styling on some text, this italic styling has been removed, for consistency with the .txt version. In a few cases a word has been abbreviated to conserve table space: cal. = caliber; diam. = diameter.

Some instances of Tome in French citations have been changed to Tome (no italic), for consistency.

Some accents and spelling in French citations have been corrected.

For consistency, instances of 'fireworks' and 'fire works' have been changed to the predominant form 'fire-works'.

Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.

Except for those changes noted above and below, misspelling in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example: meal-powder, meal powder; quick-match, quick match, quickmatch; siege, seige; musket, musquet; hazle; dodecaedron; deposite; inclose.

Pg xiv. 'Meutrieres' replaced by 'MeurtriÈres'.
Pg xiv. 'Siemienowick' replaced by 'Siemienowicz'.
Pg xviii. 'accesssion' replaced by 'accession'.
Pg xxv. 'alchohol' replaced by 'alcohol'.
Pg xxxi. The references to 40° have been retained (should be 4°).
Pg xxxv. 'indispensible' replaced by 'indispensable'.
Pg xl. 'knowlege' replaced by 'knowledge'.
Pg xliv. 'Siemienowick' replaced by 'Siemienowicz'.
Pg 19. 'pluverized' replaced by 'pulverized'.
Pg 19. 'foretel' replaced by 'foretell'.
Pg 22. 'Belhelaive' replaced by 'Belhelvie'.
Pg 24. 'Heroditus' replaced by 'Herodotus'.
Pg 26 Footnote [8]. 'Pontoppidon' replaced by 'Pontoppidan'.
Pg 26 Footnote [8]. 'seive' replaced by 'sieve'.
Pg 31. 'Heroditus' replaced by 'Herodotus'.
Pg 34. 'Tunesteick' replaced by 'Tunestrick'.
Pg 44. 'skreen' replaced by 'screen'.
Pg 53. 'Bradenburgh' replaced by 'Brandenburgh'.
Pg 67. 'Rifault' replaced by 'Riffault'.
Pg 68. 'indispensible' replaced by 'indispensable'.
Pg 74. 'exhilirating' replaced by 'exhilarating'.
Pg 100. 'salpetre' replaced by 'saltpetre'. (twice)
Pg 100. 'decribed' replaced by 'described'.
Pg 107. 'occured' replaced by 'occurred'.
Pg 107 Footnote [17]. 'occurence' replaced by 'occurrence'.
Pg 134. 'combustbile' replaced by 'combustible'.
Pg 138. 'one-hundreth' replaced by 'one-hundredth'.
Pg 140. 'eprovette' replaced by 'eprouvette'.
Pg 140. 'pulverized quick-lime' replaced by 'pulverized quicklime'.
Pg 142. 'processess' replaced by 'processes'.
Pg 148. 'frankincese' replaced by 'frankincense'.
Pg 158. 'by some. It is' replaced by 'by some it is'.
Pg 159. 'guages' replaced by 'gauges'.
Pg 163. 'tranverse' replaced by 'transverse'.
Pg 172. 'which see.' replaced by 'which see below.'.
Pg 188. 'XXXVI' replaced by 'Sect. XXXVI'.
Pg 192. 'westtern' replaced by 'western'.
Pg 193. 'nesessary' replaced by 'necessary'.
Pg 197. 'absord' replaced by 'absorb'.
Pg 203. 'harpsicord' replaced by 'harpsichord'.
Pg 206. 'metalic' replaced by 'metallic'.
Pg 221. 'Siemenowitz' replaced by 'Siemienowicz'.
Pg 232. 'Britanica' replaced by 'Britannica'.
Pg 234. 'paste-board' replaced by 'pasteboard'.
Pg 235. 'whe r ' replaced by 'where'.
Pg 236. 'Peirre' replaced by 'Pierre'.
Pg 237. 'bass' replaced by 'brass'.
Pg 241. 'repecting' replaced by 'respecting'.
Pg 244. 'Britanica' replaced by 'Britannica'.
Pg 245. 'cases is' replaced by 'case is'.
Pg 251. 'abbe Raynal' replaced by 'AbbÉ Raynal'.
Pg 256. 'Eygpt' replaced by 'Egypt'.
Pg 257. 'groupes' replaced by 'groups'.
Pg 258. 'Tuilleries' replaced by 'Tuileries'.
Pg 259. 'Tuilleries' replaced by 'Tuileries'.
Pg 262. 'Brittish' replaced by 'British'.
Pg 271. 'pastebord' replaced by 'pasteboard'.
Pg 274. 'parts length' replaced by 'parts in length'.
Pg 276. 'breakes' replaced by 'breaks'.
Pg 277. 'Volcono' replaced by 'Volcano'.
Pg 278. 'sucession' replaced by 'succession'.
Pg 284. 'esssential' replaced by 'essential'.
Pg 287. 'ingedients' replaced by 'ingredients'.
Pg 287. 'will to exhale' replaced by 'will exhale'.
Pg 314. 'artficial' replaced by 'artificial'.
Pg 324. 'phosporus' replaced by 'phosphorus'.
Pg 325. 'pealed' replaced by 'peeled'.
Pg 328. In the table '286' replaced by '280' and '338' by '330'.
Pg 328. ': 160 :' replaced by ': 100 :'.
Pg 331. 'section iv' replaced by 'section iii'.
Pg 332. 'counter-ter weights' replaced by 'counter-weights'.
Pg 343. 'desscribed' replaced by 'described'.
Pg 345. 'unrol' replaced by 'unroll'.
Pg 345. 'couratines' replaced by 'courantines'.
Pg 351. 'fiit' replaced by 'fit'.
Pg 359. 'thicknes' replaced by 'thickness'.
Pg 362. 'case whirl' replaced by 'case whirls'.
Pg 382. 'pyrimids' replaced by 'pyramids'.
Pg 383. 'air' replaced by 'airs'.
Pg 384. 'Votaic' replaced by 'Voltaic'.
Pg 406. 'Sec. XIV.' replaced by 'Sec. XV.'.
Pg 413. 'Archimedian' replaced by 'Archimedean'. (twice)
Pg 414. 'star weeel' replaced by 'star wheel'.
Pg 418. 'Archimedian' replaced by 'Archimedean'.
Pg 431. 'Alchohol' replaced by 'Alcohol'.
Pg 440 Footnote [28]. 'meditate' replaced by 'mediate'.
Pg 440 Footnote [28]. 'Guillume' replaced by 'Guillaume'.
Pg 443. 'ladle-full' replaced by 'ladleful'.
Pg 453. 'sauccissons' replaced by 'saucissons'.
Pg 454. 'sauccissons' replaced by 'saucissons'.
Pg 454. 'squills' replaced by 'quills'.
Pg 455. 'mosique' replaced by 'mosaique'.
Pg 460. 'richochet' replaced by 'ricochet'.
Pg 475. 'parallelopepids' replaced by 'parallelepipeds'.
Pg 476. In the table, 'comsition' replaced by 'composition'.
Pg 488. 'Shrapnell' replaced by 'Shrapnel'. (twice)
Pg 491. 'Siemienowich' replaced by 'Siemienowicz'.
Pg 514. 'Dictionaire' replaced by 'Dictionnaire'.
Pg 517. 'passsing' replaced by 'passing'.
Pg 519. 'He how' replaced by 'He now'.
Pg 526. 'two-third' replaced by 'two-thirds'.
Pg 533. Duplicate phrase 'Elevation for extreme range' removed from the table.
Pg 535. 'their being' replaced by 'there being'.
Pg 535. 'richochet' replaced by 'ricochet'.
Pg 542. 'the' removed from header 'Base of the conical head' in the table.
Pg 560. 'Siemienowick' replaced by 'Siemienowicz'. (twice)
Pg 570 Footnote [43]. 'fennell' replaced by 'fennel'.
Pg 580. 'seive' replaced by 'sieve'.
Pg 581. 'pullies' replaced by 'pulleys'.
Pg 585. 'de Gouvernment' replaced by 'de Gouvernement'.
Pg 590. 'Bertholet' replaced by 'Berthollet'.
Pg 590. 'Cagliostra' replaced by 'Cagliostro'.
Pg 590. [Callinicus:] '673' replaced by '544, 548'.
Pg 593. 'Copal' entry moved to correct alphabetic order.
Pg 596. 'Groecus, Marcus' replaced by 'GrÆcus, Marcus'.
Pg 598. Section for 'J' moved after section for 'I'.
Pg 598. [Inflammable:] 'Gingembrie' replaced by 'Gengembrie'.
Pg 598. 'Jassamine' replaced by 'Jessamine'.
Pg 599. 'Lampadacea' replaced by 'Lampadaria'.
Pg 599. 'Longschamp' replaced by 'Longchamp'.
Pg 602. [Pliny:] 'Porcena' replaced by 'Porsena'.
Pg 604. 'Rochus' replaced by 'Rochos'.
Pg 606. 'Seneka' replaced by 'Seneca'.
Pg 609. [Watson:] 'Landaff' replaced by 'Llandaff'.
Pg 609. 'Will-with-the-whisp' replaced by 'Will-with-the-Wisp'.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of A System of Pyrotechny, by James Cutbush


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