I. General view of the Interior of Siena Cathedral, showing the Pavement 1
II. The Entire Pavement
Key Plan to the same, page 15.
III. Hermes Trismegistus, designed by Giovanni di Maestro Stefano 21
IV. The Badges of Siena and the Confederate Cities, 1373. (Author unknown) 24
V. An Allegory of Fortune, designed by Pinturicchio 27
VI. The Wheel of Fortune, 1372. (Author unknown) 30
VII. The Samian Sibyl, designed by Matteo di Giovanni Bartoli 45
VIII. The Hellespontine Sibyl, designed by Neroccio di Landi 48
IX. The Expulsion of Herod, designed by Benvenuto di Giovanni del Guasta (the entire panel) 55
X. The chief portion of the same panel, (in large size to show details) 56
XI. Detail of the Frieze of Lions, designed by Bastiano di Francesco 58
XII. The Massacre of the Innocents, designed by Matteo di Giovanni Bartoli (the entire panel) 61
XIII. The chief portion of the same panel, (in large size to show details) 62
XIV. The Relief of Bethulia, designed by Urbano da Cortona(?), or Matteo di Giovanni Bartoli(?), executed by Antonio Federighi 64
XV. Detail from the same panel 66
XVI. Another detail from the same panel 68
XVII. The Story of Absalom, by Pietro del Minella 79
XVIII. The Seven Ages of Man, designed by Antonio Federighi 85
XIX. Elijah’s Compact with Ahab, designed by Domenico Beccafumi 99
XX. Samson and the Philistines, designed by Paolo di Martino 111
XXI. The Emperor Sigismund, designed by Domenico di Bartoli d’Asciano 113
XXII. A Candlestick, designed by Antonio Federighi 119
XXIII. Detail from the Story of Jephthah, designed by Bastiano di Francesco 129
XXIV. Drawings of details. The lily designed by Antonio Federighi(?); border A designed by Domenico Beccafumi 137
XXV. The Story of Moses and the Tables of the Law, designed by Domenico Beccafumi 139
XXVI. Elijah caught up to Heaven (from the drawing by Prof. Alessandro Franchi) 154


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