I. | General view of the Interior of Siena Cathedral, showing the Pavement | 1 |
II. | The Entire Pavement Key Plan to the same, page 15. | 14 |
III. | Hermes Trismegistus, designed by Giovanni di Maestro Stefano | 21 |
IV. | The Badges of Siena and the Confederate Cities, 1373. (Author unknown) | 24 |
V. | An Allegory of Fortune, designed by Pinturicchio | 27 |
VI. | The Wheel of Fortune, 1372. (Author unknown) | 30 |
VII. | The Samian Sibyl, designed by Matteo di Giovanni Bartoli | 45 |
VIII. | The Hellespontine Sibyl, designed by Neroccio di Landi | 48 |
IX. | The Expulsion of Herod, designed by Benvenuto di Giovanni del Guasta (the entire panel) | 55 |
X. | The chief portion of the same panel, (in large size to show details) | 56 |
XI. | Detail of the Frieze of Lions, designed by Bastiano di Francesco | 58 |
XII. | The Massacre of the Innocents, designed by Matteo di Giovanni Bartoli (the entire panel) | 61 |
XIII. | The chief portion of the same panel, (in large size to show details) | 62 |
XIV. | The Relief of Bethulia, designed by Urbano da Cortona(?), or Matteo di Giovanni Bartoli(?), executed by Antonio Federighi | 64 |
XV. | Detail from the same panel | 66 |
XVI. | Another detail from the same panel | 68 |
XVII. | The Story of Absalom, by Pietro del Minella | 79 |
XVIII. | The Seven Ages of Man, designed by Antonio Federighi | 85 |
XIX. | Elijah’s Compact with Ahab, designed by Domenico Beccafumi | 99 |
XX. | Samson and the Philistines, designed by Paolo di Martino | 111 |
XXI. | The Emperor Sigismund, designed by Domenico di Bartoli d’Asciano | 113 |
XXII. | A Candlestick, designed by Antonio Federighi | 119 |
XXIII. | Detail from the Story of Jephthah, designed by Bastiano di Francesco | 129 |
XXIV. | Drawings of details. The lily designed by Antonio Federighi(?); border A designed by Domenico Beccafumi | 137 |
XXV. | The Story of Moses and the Tables of the Law, designed by Domenico Beccafumi | 139 |
XXVI. | Elijah caught up to Heaven (from the drawing by Prof. Alessandro Franchi) | 154 |